[The Seven Deadly Sins] Chapter 2:2 Ruins

Nimbus moves through the castle rapidly, his shadowy form allowing him to avoid near any obstacle as he approached the library. He didn't expect to find much, as it seemed likely that the Vault and the Catacombs would withstand both time and looters best, but being thorough had its own rewards.
"Well, that was a bust. Good luck on your hunt." Said Kyros as Nimbus vanished. "I'm going to check out the next obvious location, the vaults. If any of you happen to find my mirrors before me, or run in to trouble, give me a call and I'll be there as soon as I can." He continued, starting to make his way towards the throne room's exit.
Wren's mind suddenly fills with another vision, a scene from her past-life. She blacks out and stumbles as Wren finds herself in a different body.

You stand stand in the throne room, alone. The two mirrors of Lucifena stand in the respective places on the wall, glowing with an unearthly power. You have little time. You steel yourself and do what needs to be done.

"Pride." you hear yourself speak, "I know you are in there. Come out." the moment those words leave your lips, a figure appears in one of the mirror's reflection. He is clothed in black and gold finery, but his face is covered by a mirror-like mask.

"Young child of man." the image states, "I have been awaiting for you. It is impressive that you have managed to assert my identity."

"Then you knew I would come here? That this would happen?"

"Yes. We both know why you are here. You wish to forge a contract with me, do you not? Since you already know what it entails, state your terms."

"Stop playing games, you already know what I want. Just do it, there's no time left!"

The reflection chuckles, "Very well. Under the terms of the Contract: Allen Lucifena, I proclaim you as the Sinner of Superbia... Your essence and soul now belong to me." the mask shatters upon the figure's face, revealing the very same face as yours. The figure smiles at you, it is strangely warm, considering who it is, "You know what must be done." The golden mirror shines before the essence pools into your chest. You are disoriented for a second and by the time you do so, you find the golden mirror to be lifeless, drained of its power.


The library, as the others predicted, is fairly lifeless. Most if not all of the books have been taken by the various looters and explorers over the ages. Only dust and dirt remain here.

Roll Perception+Investigation please.
Nimbus's shadowy form spread throughout the room, scouring for anything that could be of use. The vermillion stars that filled his anima shifted, forming dozens of eyes, mirroring how his attention was focused. A page with long since faded writing has grasped by a shadowy hand only to crumble away. The shelves were shaken and every nook and cranny was probed with at least part of his shadowy form.

Unfortunately, it looks like Nimbus is able to find anything of value here. Literally everything seems to have been taken by looters or other people.
Nimbus' shadowy form collects itself and speeds through the building, unerringly moving towards the east tower
Wren briefly seems to drift off, lost in her memories before she jerks herself back to the here and now. "They were here, but have been moved. Let us move on quickly." She has many questions for the image in the mirror.
Kyros finally makes his way to where the vaults of the palace are supposed to be. When he gets there, he finds an empty corridor leading to a dead end.

Roll Perception+Investigation


Nimbus arrives at the East tower, where the dungeons are located. He does not find that many things here, for everything seems to have been deserted a long time ago. But then Nimbus notices something from the corner of his eye.

Roll Perception+Awareness
Nimbus manages to spot a group of tiny lights in the distance. It is not a star and it seems to be getting closer gradually. You manage to make out several strange shadows near the lights as well. They're torches! A group of people are approaching the castle!


Kyro's scrutiny reveal that a spell has been cast over the wall. The entrance to the vault is right in front of you, but you are unable to see it!
Smiling evilly, Kyros draws his Daikalve and raises it hight above his head. With a sound like nails on a chalkboard, he brings it down on the spellwall in front of him, shattering it to pieces.


Using Magic Shattering Strike on the spellwall to remove the illusion and let me in.
The illusion shatters under Kyro's attack, revealing an ornate door made from various magical materials. The door alone would fetch a fortune. It's probably one of the only untouched things left in the castle.
"Fantastic." He said with a grin. He would never get through the door itself, as it was made of the magical materials. However, more often than not it was just the door that was unbreakable. The walls of the safe were usually much less durable. Especially when embedded in stone like that.

Drawing back his Daiklave, Kyros got to work carving himself a path through the stone to the riches inside.

Using Infinite Mastery and Golden Destruction Cut to cut a way in. Stunting + Lion's Roar Recovery should allow me to remain mote neutral, if not allow me to regain all motes spent.
Kyros' daiklave bites into the stone before his daiklave something hard and unmoving. It appears that the inner wall of the room is made from other magical materials, making it impossible for Kyros to get in.

Nice try. But I'm not going to let you in that easily!

Nimbus turns and speeds towards the west tower, finding both Viktor and the Captain before speaking. "Viktor. Captain. There is a group approaching the castle. I can go and communicate with them if you wish."
Not knowing about the approaching crowd, Wren and Al continue on their way down into the catacombs, with Wren's Virtuous Guardian of Flame helping to provide some light in the dark tunnels.
Go nuts, and while your at it tell wren to swing by my end of the Castle. I got a safe I want her to take a crack at" He said to Numbis.
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The catacombs are extremely dark and it is extremely dark and stuffy down here. The light of Wren's spell is barely providing you with enough light to see by. The catacombs are bare of any decorations for the most part. However, as you reach the deeper parts of the area, you find yourself standing before a locked door. It is reinforced by Orichalcum.
Wren looks over her shoulder at Al. "Watch your step. There may be wards or traps." Using extreme caution, she approaches the door and begins to examine it from one end to the other, paying close attention to the locking mechanism.

The moment Wren touches the door, she can feel the tiniest bits of her essence being drained into the door. The moment that Wren notices the drain, it stops. The doors glow with the taken essence as it slowly opens.
She stands up and sticks the end of her Glaive forward through the widening gap of the door. "Well. That was a bit easier than I had thought. Perhaps too easy. Still, watch your step."

I am going to go ahead and take on my DBT form, with the Gift Charms in effect of Armor Forming Technique and Halting the Scarlet Flow. Now glowing fairly bright with Peripheral Essence expenditure.

Reposting the Charms already in effect: Graceful Crane Stance 3m, Moonlight Hunt 8m 1wp, and All Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight 6m, all from Personal Essence.

26 / 9 Personal

84 / 70 Peripheral

10 / 9 Willpower
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