[The Seven Deadly Sins] Chapter 2:2 Ruins

"I heard nothing. But yes, let us go make sure this fledgling does nothing foolish. You four, stay put," he adds to the Terrestrials he dominated earlier. Viktor flaps his wings, rises above the level of the rooftops and darts, arrow-swift, in the direction of the sunburst.
"Hold on tight." He said, placing his hand on Wren's shoulder. He gave the others a quick wave before vanishing, teleporting the both of them over to the pillar of Solar light. "We'll probably be having a scrap when you get there, so come in fast and hit everything that isn't us as hard as you can."
When Kyros, Wren, and Viktor get to the place where the flare of light was, they find several dragon-blooded officers all around. All of them are dead.

Standing in the center of the carnage is the person that Viktor met earlier, Saron. He holds a sword in hand as his anima blazes around him. The symbol of the Eclipse rests upon his brow and he gazes at you with an even glare. Suddenly, the Solar anima vanishes before the newly Exalted Eclipse collapses backwards, completely drained of energy.
"Color me surprised. I didn't think he would do so well for a newbie." Kyros said, picking up the sword before the newborn Eclipse could accidentally cut himself with it. "Wren, he's yours if you want to keep him, but you'll have to feed and take care your new pet on your own." He continued.
Wren laughs at Kyros. "Thank you, dear. I have so wanted to have my very own Solar to care for. I promise to clean up after him." She approaches the fallen man and kneels down next to him. "Don't worry; we are friends and we're here to help. Are you hurt?" Wren gives the new Solar a once over to see if he's been injured.
Aldiminius walks up, giving an far more proffesional medical check over. "Dont worry Wren- I'm a Doctor."

"Well, that's interesting... I spoke with this man earlier. He was going on about the virtues of generosity; seems there is a bit of steel in his spine after all."
Wren looks up at Viktor. "Something in this man must be of worth. He did Exalt as a Solar, after all. It would be more impressive if he were a Lunar, but you can't be perfect." She grins to show that she's being silly. "Can you stand? This is not the best place to take a rest if you can move."
The Solar is unresponsive but it seems that he is only completely exhausted from the stress of combat. The chaos is slowly coming to an end as the invaders are either eliminated or driven out.

Viktor's trio of demons bring an unconscious Wood Aspect with them, "My liege," one of them says, "We have managed to capture the target alive, just in case you wished to interrogate them yourself."
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"Very good; I believe I asked for his head, but seeing as it is still attached to the rest of him, and the battle is more or less won, I approve. I do forget sometimes how... compassionate you Szmiya can be."

He gestures, and the Dragon-Blood rises into the air in his mental grip, supported by tendrils of force. "Mulamiss, attend me. You two, go and escort my newest servants back here, then help the people of this town expel the remnants of the Hunt; it shall cost us little to help Lady Wren build some good will with her neighbors. And just to be clear: there will be no need for additional prisoners."
The Szmiya nod before quickly going to fetch Viktor's new servants. Mulamiss stands by her liege with sword in hand.

Within around 20 minutes, the sound of battle dies down as you are left in the aftermath of the Hunt. Saron moans as he quickly rubs his eyes, before bolting up, nearly hitting Wren accidentally. "Where are-" he looks around, only to find the aftermath of the fights around him. "Oh..." he mutters. He turns around and is shocked by the sight of the Circle around him. "Wait. What are you doing here?"
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In a soft voice, Wren says, "Easy. Easy. We are friends, and we came here to help protect you from the tender mercies of the Wyld Hunt. I am Wren, a Chosen of Luna, and these people are my comrades and friends. They can be trusted with your safety." As she talks, Wren uses the Charm 'New Friend Aroma' from Personal Essence to help calm Saron's nerves and establish a Positive Intimacy with her in him.
OOC: Mulamiss is the female Szmiya. Sorry, should have made that clear.

"We meet again, Master Saron. As she says, what we are doing here is saving your life, and incidentally, the lives of everyone else in this town. The Wyld Hunt found its inhabitants guilty of the crime of being nearby when a new Celestial Exalt was chosen, and sentenced them to death without trial. Idiots. Said new Celestial would be you, if you have not guessed. I must say, you surprised me; I underestimated you at our first meeting the other day, not a mistake I am in the habit of making."
Saron visibly relaxes around Wren, the New Friend Aroma quickly taking effect to soothe the Celestial's nerves, "So you're like me? That explains a lot, actually." He frowns at Viktor's remark, "Surprised? What do you mean?" Saron asked.

Edited the post.
"You do know what you are, then. Good, that makes things much simpler. As to my surprise..." Viktor pauses, and gazes down at the man appraisingly.

"May I be blunt? Given your perhaps overly-giving stance on theft and generosity, I would not have expected you to have the backbone to be counted among the Chosen. I certainly would not have thought you capable of carnage on this scale," he says with an approving wave at the dead Terrestrials surrounding them. "That idealism can provide a sort of strength of its own is something I seem to need occasional reminders of. Thank you, for providing one, and congratulations on proving me wrong."
Saron blinked, "Wait. That was-" he looked around me, "No. I didn't kill all of them. Around three-fourths of them yes, but I got exhausted halfway through... Someone else killed them. I think that she... she was like me. Golden hair, with a burning symbol upon her forehead... I could have sworn she looked familiar."
Wren takes a moment to look at her fellow Exalts. Who is this other Solar, assuming she is a Solar at all? "Well, we are glad that you survived, no matter who it was that came to your rescue. It would be best for you to come with us, so we can help protect you while you learn how to use your gifts. I am Wren, a Chosen of Luna of the No Moon Caste, and these are my friends and comrades."
Saron looks at Wren, "I would love to but..." he frowns, "If the people who invaded know that I am here, and that you are here, wouldn't they send more people to eliminate a threat? This is only the beginning..."
Aldiminius nods. "Aye, but our friend here- Viktor- he happens to have an Army. Wren plans to take up residence nearby, and where one of us is the rest aren't too far behind. We fully intend to protect this town from the issue of the Wyld Hunt. As for immediate attack- I somewhat doubt they can have reinforcements here, in a single day."
"And even if they do, we can stop it. You are in good company with us."
Saron sagged with relief, "Alright then. As soon as this is over, I will join you. Thank you all for everything that you've done..."

Scene Closed.

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