• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy The Packs of Moonlight Forest 2.0



Searching for writing partners
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
1. Each character will have a power like Lily has ice along with their natural wolf abilities.
2. No op or godmoding
3. You must ask the rper themselves if you want to pair your character with theirs.
4. The rp will be in this thread, please keep up with notifications even if it doesnt shown if the name is in bold it means there are new replies.
5. If you get busy thats fine, but dont ghost or disappear for a few days without letting me know.
6. Reason I left the other two packs blank is because I want to see the alpha rpers creativity. What bio do they want the pack to be and the names they come up with.
7. Mates can be found either within the pack or another pack.
8. In the event that the alpha rper drops out or is killed and has no alpha male or cubs, the omega can take their place, if they wish.
9. This is a lycan/werewolf rp. They can shift, use their wolf abilities or powers.
10. If you aren't active after two weeks your character will be put on pause. If you don't contact me explaining why, your character can be kicked from the rp.
11. If in the event that someone left and you havent been able to move because of it then you will need to continue on without them.
12. Hunters and townspeople will be NPCs.
13. Any new wolf joining into a pack, won't be in that pack yet until the pack accepts them. They would have to approach the pack grounds and be interrogated by the pack until proven trustworthy.

- Only rpers who have been accepted may reply, if you want to sign up the link is listed above in Characters.

The pack ranks will be listed in the sign up page

It was a cold morning in eclipsa, a town full of myths and legends as many people here only come to either live a peaceful life in a small town or learn about the myths

The bloodmoon fire also affected the town as the fire department men went to put it out only to find few wolf bodies dead while putting out the fire, they left the bodies alone but put a fire ban sign up near the forest thinking it was someone in the town that caused it....but it wasnt.

The myths about lycans, people who are born part wolf and part human were true but only to its kind as if humans were to find out it could bring war.....some lycan packs were peaceful but there are only a few left as bloodmoon pack reign continued to grow, having outsiders either join or die it would only be a matter of time before bloodmoon picks another pack to fight, as ghostmoon was the first to suffer.

Ghostmoon has only its leader and a guard left after the great plague curse killed some of her pack members then the war and fire killed the rest thankfully she was saved as a pup by her guard but the curse took a great tool on them....they lost everything even prey was hard to find unless they go into other pack territories.
But soulmoon leader helped ghostmoon break the curse and are now allies....

Lily was in the forest in her wolf form walking heading over to the nearby town of eclipsa to get blankets for her and garen to use during the winter as it is currently fall

Once she was near the outskirts she shift to human form wearing a long skirt and a old button up shirt...heading over to the eclipsa general store
VenturingSkullWolf VenturingSkullWolf

Old Rp Link

1.each rper will have a power as well, like lily has ice and her wolf abilities.
2. No op or godmoding
3. You must ask the rper themselves if you want to pair your character with theirs
4. The rp will be in this thread, please keep up with notifications even if it doesnt shown if the name is in bold it means there are new replies.
5. If you get busy thats fine, but dont ghost or disappear for a few days without letting me know
6. Reason i left the other two packs blank is because i want to see the alpha rpers creativity. What bio do they want the pack to be and the names they come up with.
7. Mates can be found either within the pack or another pack.

8. In the event that the alpha rper drops out or is killed and has no alpha male or cubs, the omega if they want can take their place.
9. This is a lycan/werewolf rp. They can shift, use their wolf abilities or powers.
10. if you arent active after two weeks your character will be put on pause
11. If in the event that someone left and you havent been able to move because of it then you will need to continue on without them.
12. hunters and townspeople will be NPCs
13. any new wolf joining into a pack, wont be in that pack yet till they accept him or her. they would have to approach the pack grounds and be interrogated by the pack

-only rpers who have joined in may reply, if you want to sign up the link is listed in other-
The pack ranks will be listed in the sign up page

It was a cold morning in eclipsa, a town full of myths and legends as many people here only come to either live a peaceful life in a small town or learn about the myths

The bloodmoon fire also affected the town as the fire department men went to put it out only to find few wolf bodies dead while putting out the fire, they left the bodies alone but put a fire ban sign up near the forest thinking it was someone in the town that caused it....but it wasnt.

The myths about lycans, people who are born part wolf and part human were true but only to its kind as if humans were to find out it could bring war.....some lycan packs were peaceful but there are only a few left as bloodmoon pack reign continued to grow, having outsiders either join or die it would only be a matter of time before bloodmoon picks another pack to fight, as ghostmoon was the first to suffer.

Ghostmoon has only its leader and a guard left after the great plague curse killed some of her pack members then the war and fire killed the rest thankfully she was saved as a pup by her guard but the curse took a great tool on them....they lost everything even prey was hard to find unless they go into other pack territories.
But soulmoon leader helped ghostmoon break the curse and are now allies....

Lily was in the forest in her wolf form walking heading over to the nearby town of eclipsa to get blankets for her and garen to use during the winter as it is currently fall

Once she was near the outskirts she shift to human form wearing a long skirt and a old button up shirt...heading over to the eclipsa general store
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Quinn glanced around, trying to take in his surrounding, his was behind some building and his sense of smell was overloaded. He groaned, rubbing his temples and hoping the headache would go away. What had happened to him and why couldn't he remember anything? The wound in his shoulder wasn't bleeding for the time being, but it certainly wasn't hurting any less. Glancing to the ground there was a sizable pool of dried blood and that would also explain why he felt kind of lightheaded. He could hear the sounds of movement and followed them, he needed help, and right now any help would do. His green eyes landed on a girl with light brown hair and soft brown eyes, she was pretty. But now wasn't the time to gawk at her pretty features, he needed her help..but would he scare her. He paused standing just at the edge of the shadows before making up his mind, "E-excuse me...miss...." His voice was deep, but also very hoarse sounding.

Riley sat in her room, her feet pulled to her chest as she stared out a window. She wanted to go for a run, her wolf was urging her too, but she didn't want to leave herself open to the others in the pack. She wanted to hide away... she wished her power of shadow manipulation was stronger. But she couldn't even control it properly, her fear making her unable to focus as the shadows needed her to. It was no wonder that she had become an omega, she wasn't good at hunting and fighting certainly wasn't her strong suit. The only thing she was truly good at was tracking and mending her wounds if she ended up taking a beating.

Terrance sighed as he stuffed more food into the cart, what else had they needed now, someone had mentioned cereal. So he veered to the left taking an isle that would lead him there, "Two bags of cocoa puffs, one bag of frosted mini wheat thins, and..." he turned latching onto the last box of pop tarts. Grinning he headed for the check out wondering if he had missed anything while standing in line and waiting. The cashier glanced at him and then his cart as he stepped up to unload it all. "You feeding different families?" She asked, and he shrugged, "More like one big family that is mine. But if we were to get technical I guess they aren't related to me." The elder woman smiled, "That is very kind of you young man. We need more people like you nowadays..." Terrance smile, "Yes, I would have to agree with you, after all, family is the most important thing even if they aren't related to you by blood."
Lily looked around hearing a voice and then look at the man near her, she catch his scent thinking:'a wolf? I havent noticed his scent before he must be new around here...wait theres blood...'

She look at him:"yes sir? Oh sir wait here...." she heads into the general store getting the blankets she need as well as a first aid kid and walked back over to him

"I need you to sit somewhere and stay still this will sting.." she told him as she set her blankets she bought down

VenturingSkullWolf VenturingSkullWolf
Quinn watched as the girl ran into the general store, he thought maybe she was running to go get help or call the cops. Though it wasn't like he could run anywhere and maybe the cops could help him figure things out. When she rushed back to him she was carrying several blankets and a first aid kit, he was a bit taken aback. He sat down as if on instinct, holding as still as he could even when he felt the first touch of alcohol to his wound. Hissing slightly, he wanted to move away but knew it wouldn't do him any good. "Thanks...um...could you tell me where I am right now?" His wallet didn't have his id...nor did it have his credit card if he had, had one. Someone had made sure to rob him instead of helping him, but had been gracious enough to leave him his wallet.​
Lily put the alcohol on the wound and pull the bullet out before putting a bandage over the wound, she look at him curiously:"your outside the general store....in eclipsa colorado...."

Crystal spoke mentally to her:'this man must have hit his head too hard or something..'
Meanwhile at bloodmoon pack, lilith was in anger And howls for her wolves to meet for a pack meeting

She walk over and sit on her lava and dagger seat await for them to arrive
Quinn nodded, "Okay..." He sighed as she worked on the wound, what exactly had happened to him. There was a deep chuckle, 'We had fun...in a sense.' a voice spoke and he quickly glanced around. "What did you say? Do you have some guy hiding somewhere?" He said with a frown. There was no way this girl had just spoken in a voice that was deeper than his own.

Riley curled into herself when she heard her Alpha howl, her tone alone sounded angered. Gin whimpered inside of Riley but a small growl underlining the whimper. Gin was mad at Riley for not bothering to stand up to anyone. But the thought alone terrified Riley...which made Gin, even more, angered and sad. 'It's your fault for allowing them to trample all over us, I am strong! I could take on several of them and our rank could raise if you would just let me!!!' Riley stood slowly, ignoring Gin's words, "You say that now, but we would probably get kicked out..or worse killed." Gin growled at Riley this time, 'Whatever...' After that Riley lost touch with Gin, she had put a block against her, and Riley's fear shot up. Now she had to face the Alpha by herself, she trudged towards the alpha's room. Entering the room but staying in the back hoping the shadows would hide her away...

Lilith looks at riley as she entered her den, she growl lowly:"my omega you and the guards have failed from stopping a double crossing wolf from betraying us and shall pay that price...."

Lily looked at the man confused and realized slowly:"no sir its only me...hey i think i know what might be happening to you but the only way i can help is if you leave with me and tell me what your remember....but you must also give up your life here in this town"
(I guess I'll just start here..?)

The lone she-wolf wandered along throughout the forest- hoping and knowing that she wouldn't run into any wolves along her way to find food. She then spots a rabbit chasing after it and killing it easily. Her red eyes look around; seeing nor scenting anything that would smell like a wolf. Which she knew the scent well. She began eating the rabbit in silence. She practically looked like a statue; from her somewhat intimidating size. Her scars along her face and flank were killing her; since the fight with a group of savaged dogs. Which she swiftly won and escaped.
Quinn was rather confused and the voice whispered in his mind, 'Go with her, i like her...' He shivered slightly, was he going insane right now... First he couldn't remember who he was or where he was and now a voice in his head was telling him what to do and he even felt the urge to follow it! It was official he had lost his sanity...or maybe he had never had it. Did he break out if a loony bin somehow? 'You're not going insane my friend you are just weak enough now for me to fully make my presence known do you know how long I've been fighting you strong-willed mind, just to share with you our full power?' Quinn's face seemed to turn a tad pale, but it wasn't like he could talk back to the voice in front of this girl. She was offering help and he needed it....badly. "Miss....I don't even know right now if i have any connections to this place...so i dont mind following you if you can help me. I think i just need time to remember a few things." The voice inside his mind seemed to chuckle for a bit and Quinn bit back the urge to tell it to shut up.

Riley flinched but Gin growled in her, was it the heat that was making Gin so riled up. Or was Gin truly tired of following orders and taking beatings. "M-my A-alpha....I didn't take part in any dealing with the wolf you speak of....I didnt even know what was happening until said wolf was gone...." Riley spoke softly, her voice trembling with each word she uttered. She truly had no idea about the wolf who betrayed them. Also it wasn't as if she could have stopped them, they were probably far stronger than her. Gin's growl echoed through Riley making her shiver even more, yes even now Riley was scared of her own wolf. It was one of the reasons she was so weak and couldn't handle her magic properly.

The lone she-wolf had finished the rabbit that she had killed. She would come here in her wolf form; just to find an escape and to be alone. I mean- who wouldn't? She then spotted some water nearby; 'I need to clean these wounds..' she murmured. She walked into the water and the water was indeed cleaning her about 1-2 inch deep wounds all over her black pelt. She let out a somewhat whimper and immediately leapt out. she then couldn't bare the pain no longer; and collapsed to the ground. Some birds flew away overhead from her whine from pain.
Her red eyes were clouded with immediate pain; 'I hope no one sees me like this.. I'd be making a fool of myself..' she muttered. Then her eyes shut from the blood pouring into her eyes. Sheepishly she decided just to lie there, as if she had expected all her troubles to disappear..
Lily notice him shiver and his face turn pale:"lets go then, i'll need to get another alley to help as well..." she take his hand with her cold ice hand and leads him to the forest while carrying the blankets

Crystal mentally spoke to her:'do we need anymore blankets you got like five! They are heavy....'

She sat by a small waterfall near her packgrounds and howl cupping hands around her mouth, she called for any nearby other pack wolves, mainly to see if any were nearby to ask if they had a medic wolf...shes never dealt with someone who was a new shifter but it was mostly the amnesia that caused her to worry a bit

VenturingSkullWolf VenturingSkullWolf (maybe the other alpha?)

Lilith looked at her:"which is why i need you to be in charge of the guards....im sending you to find the ghostmoon wolves but i..."
She whimper and lay down feeling some pain
(Well Venturing made me a new character, so I have to use her instead of my avatar. I'mma continue then.)

Nina had transformed into her were wolf; a snow wolf. She had just began wandering around as usual. Sniffing the ground and tasting the forest's air. Her silver eyes darting every time a bird flew past or a squirrel. Being thrown out of her previous pack, due to her strong passion about that omega's shouldn't be a role. That all wolves should have equal roles, and treated same.

She then lied on the ground in silence. Listening to the birds singing. She twitched her ears, as if she had heard someone or something in distress..? She barely motioned her head, still lying down. Crushing leaves underneath her. She grumbling tiredly.

Becoming curious and then leaning off; shaking leaves from her snow pelt, she echoed, "hello? Anyone need help?" She gulped nervously, since she was not too fond of pack wolves in general. Even though she was one previously.
teluhtubby teluhtubby rp is here)
As it was now morning, the pack of bloodmoon were in their dens either whimpering or in pain,

Lilith lay in her den having slow breathing with daggers near her incase someone tries to make a move on her as the pack was affected by heat
As it was now morning, the pack of bloodmoon were in their dens either whimpering or in pain,

Lilith lay in her den having slow breathing with daggers near her incase someone tries to make a move on her as the pack was affected by heat
(I have nothing to do right now; hope it's okay if I just hop in)

"No! No!" Mask had whimpered on the top of her lungs. waking up from a horrifying nightmare. It was about her pup, Ice; who was murdered by (who she thought was a friend) named Orian had killed. He was a snow wolf; who had killed her right in front of Mask. She was innocent, naive even; vague. Which is why mask found it hard to trust anyone.

"Mask!" came a voice from nearby; it was Jake and Nina. Bounding up towards the night she-wolf.

"You okay?" Jake echoed, his green eyes piercing at her.

Jake and Nina were the only werewolves she trusts right now. Pack wolves on the other hand.. her and Nina thought the roles and/or omegas were a stupid position and should not exist. Jake just thought it was fine and wanted to join a pack himself. Mask wasn't too sure about it but could care less. Nina just said "go with it."

This is Jake's wolf btw:
Xavier Black

The suns rays beat down on the charcoal backside of Xavier as he padded his way along his patrol route. The recent season had started and to admit he was distracted would be an under statement. Holding his head high he followed along the familiar route than would eventually lead him to the Alpha's den, Lilith. Lifting his nose to the sky he took in the scent around him, so many. A low rumble erupted inside of his throat as he could see the Alpha's den a short ways away from him, although there was male headed in that direction. Xavier knew he couldn't interrupt anything but he wasn't going to let it get that far. Snarling loudly he approached the other male, whom was not surprised at all by him. The other male snarled back, almost accepting the challenge. Xavier wasn't in the mood to fight, but he needed to make sure he didn't have any competition when it came to shooting his shot with Lilith. The other male lunged forward first, attempting to reach Xavier's throat he leaped to the side, the other male sliding past him. Xavier let his tail sway calmly, reading the other male's movements he waited. Finally the male was ready to strike again, lunging straight forward once more, Xavier this time leaped towards the other male. Their bodies collided like a crack of thunder. Xavier then began lashing at the other male's shoulder and bit down on his lower throat. Using his body weight he then shoved the other male down into the ground. Xavier held him there for a few moments, his opponent continued to snarl and bare his teeth but he knew that Xavier would not stand down. Finally he ceased his snarls an Xavier released him. The other male snorted an shot a look of daggers in Xavier's direction but turned and started off in a different direction. With a satisfied sigh, Xavier turned on his heels to approach the den, knowing very well not to enter unannounced he sat on his hind and let out a small howl into the den, hoping to get a response from her. Xavier was not going to force anything, he might not be a very nice male but forcing a mate is something he couldn't ever do. Xavier just simply wanted to check in on the Alpha, hopefully soon to be his alpha.

Mentioned: @Miasmith17 -Lilith-​
Xavier Black

The suns rays beat down on the charcoal backside of Xavier as he padded his way along his patrol route. The recent season had started and to admit he was distracted would be an under statement. Holding his head high he followed along the familiar route than would eventually lead him to the Alpha's den, Lilith. Lifting his nose to the sky he took in the scent around him, so many. A low rumble erupted inside of his throat as he could see the Alpha's den a short ways away from him, although there was male headed in that direction. Xavier knew he couldn't interrupt anything but he wasn't going to let it get that far. Snarling loudly he approached the other male, whom was not surprised at all by him. The other male snarled back, almost accepting the challenge. Xavier wasn't in the mood to fight, but he needed to make sure he didn't have any competition when it came to shooting his shot with Lilith. The other male lunged forward first, attempting to reach Xavier's throat he leaped to the side, the other male sliding past him. Xavier let his tail sway calmly, reading the other male's movements he waited. Finally the male was ready to strike again, lunging straight forward once more, Xavier this time leaped towards the other male. Their bodies collided like a crack of thunder. Xavier then began lashing at the other male's shoulder and bit down on his lower throat. Using his body weight he then shoved the other male down into the ground. Xavier held him there for a few moments, his opponent continued to snarl and bare his teeth but he knew that Xavier would not stand down. Finally he ceased his snarls an Xavier released him. The other male snorted an shot a look of daggers in Xavier's direction but turned and started off in a different direction. With a satisfied sigh, Xavier turned on his heels to approach the den, knowing very well not to enter unannounced he sat on his hind and let out a small howl into the den, hoping to get a response from her. Xavier was not going to force anything, he might not be a very nice male but forcing a mate is something he couldn't ever do. Xavier just simply wanted to check in on the Alpha, hopefully soon to be his alpha.

Mentioned: @Miasmith17 -Lilith-​
Lilith look over at the entrance of her den, she let out a growl whimper:"come in..who is it?"

She lay there on her throne made of dried lava and daggers not moving much due to her heat, her scent was roses

Boondox Boondox
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((No clue where to come in, so I'll just have them go about life for now.))

Sarah raced through the trees along the edge of the town, hurrying to get back to the motel. She had been skirting most of the packs territories all day and was starving. She had spotted a small deer not far outside of the territories, meaning it was fair game so she gave chase, but she was alone and it wasn't easy to take the beast down by herself. So, it went one of the ways she hadn't wanted it too and she went over that invisible line. She couldn't remember whos line it had been, but she knew if she got caught, she was in trouble and could face death. They hadn't chosen a pack yet, as outsiders, lone wolves, they could easily face death alone. And she was alone. For now. As she entered the town, she leapt and changed back to human seamlessly and kept running.

"Maxie! Lucas!" she hollered, hoping to have one of them open the door for her. With no answer, and seeing the door not move, she thought fast. She ran from door to door and rubbed along the frames, leaving her scent everywhere in case she had been followed before finally digging a key out of her tight fitting jeans pocket and hurrying into room 19 where she was alone. Panting she tossed her key on the table in front of the window and headed straight for the bathroom at the back of their room. Maybe a shower would calm her nerves.


Lucas yawned as he tried not to fall asleep, standing at a till in the only grocery chain in the town. He was rocking on his feet. Only a few of the townsfolk had come in that day and he was so bored that he felt like he was going to fall asleep right where he stood. Then the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end and he twisted his head to look at the door that had been open for a moment as someone came in. He swore he had heard his sister calling his name but he then he wasn't even sure where she was. He let out a sigh and turned back around to the till. He didn't like cashier days, he should have gotten a different job in one of the other places in the town, but he took the first one he saw. The pay was good, and he got to take the expired stuff back to his family, so it wasn't all that bad. Maybe he would see what he could find that was expired for a treat at dinner that night when they had their meal.

His warm brown eyes focused when he saw moment in front of him, and he grinned at the customer with a warm smile, starting to ring up their items while he spoke automatically "Did you find everything okay?" his nose began to tell him there was another wolf nearby. He was trying not to react, he wanted to find and greet them. Ecstatic to be around one that wasn't his brother or sister. He suddenly had this large amount of energy and didn't know what to do with it. He read off the total to the customer, shifting from foot to foot as he waited to be able to ask for a break. He needed to get out and go for a run.


Maxwell was whistling to himself, a skill he had learned from one of the males in his workplace as he used a knife with the same ease he used his claws. Upon arriving in the town they were calling home, he had followed his nose and found a place called a butcher shop. After ducking to get in the door, he was surprised to find that they had meat all over the place, and that they were hiring. He talked them into not only paying him with currency, but in meat so he could feed his family without needing to go out and hunt every night. He didn't want to risk them running a foul with the packs. His ears picked up the sound of Sarah's voice easy and he twisted his head, but he also knew there was no leaving work, so he focused on his task instead and set about making sure he broke down what some human hunter had brought in. He didn't know how they did it, but he was awed by it. A skill learned from watching his father and mother break down their kills for all of them, he converted that into his skill with a knife instead of a claw. It got him job security with his boss.

Max collected most of the meat into his arms, after sheathing his knee in a holster on his apron that was snug on his muscles frame, he headed into the back to the freezer to begin the packing process so it could be picked up. It was just too bad he wasn't allowed part of the hunt brought in, his siblings would have loved the taste of something wild. He always went home smelling of animal blood more than himself, and it took half the trip home to stop smelling it. So he missed it often when the packs entered the town to get supplies and the like. He missed the easier life of living in the woods. He couldn't wait to return to the motel for a shower and sleep.
((No clue where to come in, so I'll just have them go about life for now.))

Sarah raced through the trees along the edge of the town, hurrying to get back to the motel. She had been skirting most of the packs territories all day and was starving. She had spotted a small deer not far outside of the territories, meaning it was fair game so she gave chase, but she was alone and it wasn't easy to take the beast down by herself. So, it went one of the ways she hadn't wanted it too and she went over that invisible line. She couldn't remember whos line it had been, but she knew if she got caught, she was in trouble and could face death. They hadn't chosen a pack yet, as outsiders, lone wolves, they could easily face death alone. And she was alone. For now. As she entered the town, she leapt and changed back to human seamlessly and kept running.

"Maxie! Lucas!" she hollered, hoping to have one of them open the door for her. With no answer, and seeing the door not move, she thought fast. She ran from door to door and rubbed along the frames, leaving her scent everywhere in case she had been followed before finally digging a key out of her tight fitting jeans pocket and hurrying into room 19 where she was alone. Panting she tossed her key on the table in front of the window and headed straight for the bathroom at the back of their room. Maybe a shower would calm her nerves.


Lucas yawned as he tried not to fall asleep, standing at a till in the only grocery chain in the town. He was rocking on his feet. Only a few of the townsfolk had come in that day and he was so bored that he felt like he was going to fall asleep right where he stood. Then the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end and he twisted his head to look at the door that had been open for a moment as someone came in. He swore he had heard his sister calling his name but he then he wasn't even sure where she was. He let out a sigh and turned back around to the till. He didn't like cashier days, he should have gotten a different job in one of the other places in the town, but he took the first one he saw. The pay was good, and he got to take the expired stuff back to his family, so it wasn't all that bad. Maybe he would see what he could find that was expired for a treat at dinner that night when they had their meal.

His warm brown eyes focused when he saw moment in front of him, and he grinned at the customer with a warm smile, starting to ring up their items while he spoke automatically "Did you find everything okay?" his nose began to tell him there was another wolf nearby. He was trying not to react, he wanted to find and greet them. Ecstatic to be around one that wasn't his brother or sister. He suddenly had this large amount of energy and didn't know what to do with it. He read off the total to the customer, shifting from foot to foot as he waited to be able to ask for a break. He needed to get out and go for a run.


Maxwell was whistling to himself, a skill he had learned from one of the males in his workplace as he used a knife with the same ease he used his claws. Upon arriving in the town they were calling home, he had followed his nose and found a place called a butcher shop. After ducking to get in the door, he was surprised to find that they had meat all over the place, and that they were hiring. He talked them into not only paying him with currency, but in meat so he could feed his family without needing to go out and hunt every night. He didn't want to risk them running a foul with the packs. His ears picked up the sound of Sarah's voice easy and he twisted his head, but he also knew there was no leaving work, so he focused on his task instead and set about making sure he broke down what some human hunter had brought in. He didn't know how they did it, but he was awed by it. A skill learned from watching his father and mother break down their kills for all of them, he converted that into his skill with a knife instead of a claw. It got him job security with his boss.

Max collected most of the meat into his arms, after sheathing his knee in a holster on his apron that was snug on his muscles frame, he headed into the back to the freezer to begin the packing process so it could be picked up. It was just too bad he wasn't allowed part of the hunt brought in, his siblings would have loved the taste of something wild. He always went home smelling of animal blood more than himself, and it took half the trip home to stop smelling it. So he missed it often when the packs entered the town to get supplies and the like. He missed the easier life of living in the woods. He couldn't wait to return to the motel for a shower and sleep.
Lily walked through the aisles and eventually found the blankets in the winter clothing, she pick up two of them and heads over to the register waiting behind the man that maxwell was checking out.
she catch a wolf scent very close by her causing her to look around near her then look over at the man and maxwell

Crystal mentally spoke:'a unmarked wolf close by....'
Sarah didn't know why she had saw fit to scout before it was fully dark, now she was going to have to wait for a few days just to be safe because she had accidentally wondered into a packs territory. Her shower was quick, and she got re-dressed before deciding to go and see which one of her brothers she could bother at work. Now with a zippered hoodie over her simple grey v neck top, she stuck her hands in her pockets and walked slowly.


Lily walked through the aisles and eventually found the blankets in the winter clothing, she pick up two of them and heads over to the register waiting behind the man that maxwell was checking out.
she catch a wolf scent very close by her causing her to look around near her then look over at the man and maxwell

Crystal mentally spoke:'a unmarked wolf close by....'

Lucas' tail was practically there and wagging when he realized that the woman behind the current customer was the source of the scent. He took a deep breath to calm himself down, breathing in her scent more deeply when he did. It told him a few things, including that she was an Alpha. He lowered his head when she approached, making himself smaller like he sometimes did with his brother. "Did you find everything okay?" he asked, like he was supposed too as a store employee at the till. He read the total out to her, avoiding eye contact.


Maxwell rolled up his sleeves as he worked in the freezer with the hunters game, wrapping it bit by bit in paper and twine. He was methodical, losing himself to the process. He was the only one who could stay in the freezer at the table without any extra layers. Well, for a time. When he was done, he went back to cutting meats in the front for the odd customer who came in.
Sarah didn't know why she had saw fit to scout before it was fully dark, now she was going to have to wait for a few days just to be safe because she had accidentally wondered into a packs territory. Her shower was quick, and she got re-dressed before deciding to go and see which one of her brothers she could bother at work. Now with a zippered hoodie over her simple grey v neck top, she stuck her hands in her pockets and walked slowly.


Lucas' tail was practically there and wagging when he realized that the woman behind the current customer was the source of the scent. He took a deep breath to calm himself down, breathing in her scent more deeply when he did. It told him a few things, including that she was an Alpha. He lowered his head when she approached, making himself smaller like he sometimes did with his brother. "Did you find everything okay?" he asked, like he was supposed too as a store employee at the till. He read the total out to her, avoiding eye contact.


Maxwell rolled up his sleeves as he worked in the freezer with the hunters game, wrapping it bit by bit in paper and twine. He was methodical, losing himself to the process. He was the only one who could stay in the freezer at the table without any extra layers. Well, for a time. When he was done, he went back to cutting meats in the front for the odd customer who came in.
Lily looked at him curiously noticing the scent and pays for the blankets, she mentioned to him:"i did, but seems i also found something more....possibly a new ally..."

She mention to him:"so your a loner i assume?"
Xavier Black

The sweet scent of roses fluttered to his nose as he stepped forward into her den, Fiery amber eyes gazed along the walls of the den. The roses got more potent as he moved forward. The voice of the Alpha made his ears perk. Upon entering the belly of the den, there she laid. A make shift throne of lava and surrounded by daggers. Xavier let out a small growl erupt in his throat, her scent was blooming fully and he was holding himself back. "My Alpha, It's Xavier" Taking a step forward he then sat on his hind, sitting tall and extending his masculine chest out a bit he raised his chin. Xavier wasn't exactly sure how to bring up the fact that he wanted to be her mate. would he have to fight for her? No, he already did that with another male. But what if she had a different male in mind? All of the thoughts running through his head caused him to pause for a moment before speaking anymore. Xavier had never had a mate before, ever. Clearing his throat he locked eyes on her once more, his fur standing on end "I have come to prove myself worthy to be your mate" Xavier's statement was bold and his tone very husky and rough. Xavier knew he could not show any sign of resistance, he wanted to prove himself but he wasn't going to provoke the angry female.

Nina had left to go visit some family; leaving Jake and Mask by themselves, the two friends acting very awkward around each other.

"So..uhm.. how've you been, Mask?" Jake stammered, at the large female.

"Fine," she grumbled. Mask seemed, much angrier than usual.. her black pelt was fluffed up and her eyes narrowed at nothing. As if she was staring deep into the forest. For she had fearing nothing, except Orian; the snow male wolf who had killed her pup moons ago.

"I should be going now.. bye, Mask," Jake murmured, before bounded away. Mask did not respond; she only twitched her ears and curled her snout.

"Who goes there?" she snarled, intimidatingly.

Then out of the blue a huge snow wolf thrust itself at her, tackling her to the ground. It was Orian. He pushed his fangs deep into her neck, making her howl. Then Mask suddenly thought: I don't care what wolf comes.. I just want help..
Finnegan Moore
Soulmoon Alpha

The day had seemed to drag on around him, Finnegan made his rounds around the pack grounds. Greeting any who came up to him or even gestured a greeting. There was something off in the air. It carried odd smells and even a strange aura to it. The golden and fire mixed fur swayed on his back as he made his way to the edge of his grounds. There was a calming pause in the air before a shrill howl shook the sky. Finnegan's fur stood and he bound across his territory line. Running through the bush, his fiery pelt seemed to whip across the terrain. As he broke through a small tree line he could see a large black wolf being pinned by a white wolf. Finnegan's scent radiated alpha and authority as he let out a low, yet loud toned howl into the air. His icy eyes glazed over the situation before he leaped into action when the white wolf failed to release the other.

Finnegan's body came crashing into the body of the white wolf, the two stumbled and scuffled on the ground as they rolled away from the black wolf. She was rather large, Finnegan being an Alpha was already a larger wolf but this one was taller than him even so. Keeping his attention on the white wolf, Finnegan caught his paws to the ground and was able to stop himself from rolling across the ground anymore. Jumping up on his hind legs he let out a snarl and bared his teeth at the other wolf, lifting his head high he let his deep, southern toned voice ring out into the air "Enough!" When his front paws landed back on the earth, the wind around them began to pick up, circling him and the white wolf he then stared blankly at the other canine, awaiting its next move.

teluhtubby teluhtubby
Xavier Black

The sweet scent of roses fluttered to his nose as he stepped forward into her den, Fiery amber eyes gazed along the walls of the den. The roses got more potent as he moved forward. The voice of the Alpha made his ears perk. Upon entering the belly of the den, there she laid. A make shift throne of lava and surrounded by daggers. Xavier let out a small growl erupt in his throat, her scent was blooming fully and he was holding himself back. "My Alpha, It's Xavier" Taking a step forward he then sat on his hind, sitting tall and extending his masculine chest out a bit he raised his chin. Xavier wasn't exactly sure how to bring up the fact that he wanted to be her mate. would he have to fight for her? No, he already did that with another male. But what if she had a different male in mind? All of the thoughts running through his head caused him to pause for a moment before speaking anymore. Xavier had never had a mate before, ever. Clearing his throat he locked eyes on her once more, his fur standing on end "I have come to prove myself worthy to be your mate" Xavier's statement was bold and his tone very husky and rough. Xavier knew he could not show any sign of resistance, he wanted to prove himself but he wasn't going to provoke the angry female.

Lilith look over at him and mention to him:"ah xaiver, how is the hunt for the traitor?"

She felt bit suprise but gives him a challange to prove himself:"the pack must be able to trust your leadership, but i want you to bring me a pup from soulmoon or one of the newer packs....kill it then bring it to me...."
Finnegan Moore
Soulmoon Alpha

The day had seemed to drag on around him, Finnegan made his rounds around the pack grounds. Greeting any who came up to him or even gestured a greeting. There was something off in the air. It carried odd smells and even a strange aura to it. The golden and fire mixed fur swayed on his back as he made his way to the edge of his grounds. There was a calming pause in the air before a shrill howl shook the sky. Finnegan's fur stood and he bound across his territory line. Running through the bush, his fiery pelt seemed to whip across the terrain. As he broke through a small tree line he could see a large black wolf being pinned by a white wolf. Finnegan's scent radiated alpha and authority as he let out a low, yet loud toned howl into the air. His icy eyes glazed over the situation before he leaped into action when the white wolf failed to release the other.

Finnegan's body came crashing into the body of the white wolf, the two stumbled and scuffled on the ground as they rolled away from the black wolf. She was rather large, Finnegan being an Alpha was already a larger wolf but this one was taller than him even so. Keeping his attention on the white wolf, Finnegan caught his paws to the ground and was able to stop himself from rolling across the ground anymore. Jumping up on his hind legs he let out a snarl and bared his teeth at the other wolf, lifting his head high he let his deep, southern toned voice ring out into the air "Enough!" When his front paws landed back on the earth, the wind around them began to pick up, circling him and the white wolf he then stared blankly at the other canine, awaiting its next move.

teluhtubby teluhtubby
Orian was startled by this wolf's sudden appearance; he just pinned his ears backward. Orian wasn't a very large male; if anything he was young. He bared his fangs back at him, and only wriggled under him. Not knowing how to handle this situation.

Mask who was lying on the ground, blood pouring over her face. As a small scarlett pool formed around her upper neck and head. She was still in shock by this attack from Orian; who was only good at ambushing instead of fighting in general. Being lost in his own fight was a bummer to him. Orian's gold eyes burrowed, disgracingly at him.

"Get off me," Orian snarled; struggling, making his anger obvious.
Finnegan Moore
Soulmoon Alpha

Finnegan wasn't holding him by much, in fact he was merely holding him with his body weight. As the white wolf snarled to get off, Finnegan smirked an raised his brows "If I release you, you leave AT ONCE" The last two words bellowed from deep within his throat, his tone deep and threatening. Finnegan didn't own this territory but his pack territory was not very far from this area. Removing himself from the other wolf he took a few steps back, the gusting wind around them died off and left nothing but a soft breeze. The fire-like mixtured pelt danced in the small breeze and his icy eyes stayed focused on the other male as Finnegan straightened his posture, holding himself tall and proud like the alpha he was "LEAVE" With that he turned to glance at the large heap of black fur on the ground.

Making his way slowly to the other wolf, Finnegan took a breath of the scent, a female? Finnegan then moved closer to her. Closing his eyes for merely a moment, the Icy pools of blue had shifted to a dull grey. Scanning over her body, the heat levels were still good but not as high as they should have been for a wolf her size. Blinking his vision to normal he nudged her with his muzzle, attempting to receive even a single word from her. Finnegan wasn't sure if she even wanted his help but he wasn't going to let her bleed out here. "Miss, Can you stand?" Finnegan's southern tone was now more hushed and laced with compassion.

teluhtubby teluhtubby
Finnegan Moore
Soulmoon Alpha

Finnegan wasn't holding him by much, in fact he was merely holding him with his body weight. As the white wolf snarled to get off, Finnegan smirked an raised his brows "If I release you, you leave AT ONCE" The last two words bellowed from deep within his throat, his tone deep and threatening. Finnegan didn't own this territory but his pack territory was not very far from this area. Removing himself from the other wolf he took a few steps back, the gusting wind around them died off and left nothing but a soft breeze. The fire-like mixtured pelt danced in the small breeze and his icy eyes stayed focused on the other male as Finnegan straightened his posture, holding himself tall and proud like the alpha he was "LEAVE" With that he turned to glance at the large heap of black fur on the ground.

Making his way slowly to the other wolf, Finnegan took a breath of the scent, a female? Finnegan then moved closer to her. Closing his eyes for merely a moment, the Icy pools of blue had shifted to a dull grey. Scanning over her body, the heat levels were still good but not as high as they should have been for a wolf her size. Blinking his vision to normal he nudged her with his muzzle, attempting to receive even a single word from her. Finnegan wasn't sure if she even wanted his help but he wasn't going to let her bleed out here. "Miss, Can you stand?" Finnegan's southern tone was now more hushed and laced with compassion.

teluhtubby teluhtubby
Mask's blue eyes were foggy from pain.. as if she was giving up. But she heard the male wolf's tone made her shiver. Orian who had run off made it obvious, sense his horrid scent was gone.

"I.. I.. do.. not thi.. nk.. so.." she stammered. Mask tried to stand but immediately collapsed onto her flank, right into her own blood beneath herself. And yes, she was awfully large for her size, making her look somewhat of a male wolf, but was indeed female.

She heaved out a sigh. Her breathing was shallow. The blood pool was extending from her black pelt.

How would anyone handle this?

Mask let out a very weak, raspy cough. "Just leave me.. here.. there.. is nothing.. anyone.. can.. do.." she took a small chance to breath between every few words. She wheezed and coughed again; as if she were waiting to die- to give up.
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Xavier Black
Bloodmoon Guard

The Alpha's request was a bit bold in his opinion, they had just set fire to another's pack land and now she wanted to cross territories again? Xavier had to answer her first question though before he could say anything about her request. "The hunt for the traitor is on going, we have a few leads" Keeping it short, he needed to get back to the real reason he was standing in front of her. Dark fur stood on end as he stood up on all fours to face her "I will do as you ask, however I do believe this to be bold of you, after just torching a pack land to now crossing lines to steal a pup" Xavier would not disobey her and he didn't exactly mind her request but he just didn't exactly like the idea of starting more after their pack did just basically get back. With that he awaited her final response before he would set off to steal a pup.

Xavier Black
Bloodmoon Guard

The Alpha's request was a bit bold in his opinion, they had just set fire to another's pack land and now she wanted to cross territories again? Xavier had to answer her first question though before he could say anything about her request. "The hunt for the traitor is on going, we have a few leads" Keeping it short, he needed to get back to the real reason he was standing in front of her. Dark fur stood on end as he stood up on all fours to face her "I will do as you ask, however I do believe this to be bold of you, after just torching a pack land to now crossing lines to steal a pup" Xavier would not disobey her and he didn't exactly mind her request but he just didn't exactly like the idea of starting more after their pack did just basically get back. With that he awaited her final response before he would set off to steal a pup.

Lilith glare over at him:"well i need to drink some blood or eat, we only set fire to soulmoon land because they helped our enemy, we had to kill simone that way....before that the great forest fire and plague on ghostmoon was neccesary to kill my old family pack the fire may have harmed the town and other packs but it was worth it..."
Jake was whistling as he went for a stroll throughout the town. Fixing his brown-black hair by simply motioning his head, and positioning his glasses. He was pretty worried about Mask, she was never honest when things bothered her. She wouldn't even date anyone since her last mate abandoned her. He was still amazed that she trusted himself, Jake. But Nina was a different story, she was her own person; did things in real life; since she was madly young.

Jake put in his ear buds, listening to his music. Anyone would be lucky to successfully date and/or fall in love with Mask. No she wasn't the most attractive wolf. But Jake doesn't know what her human form looks like, nor does Nina. She was pretty much anonymous.

I would be jealous.. Jake thought to himself. Since yes, he did like her. But Mask had no interest in him, at all.
Finnegan Moore
Soulmoon Alpha

The female was having a hard time, Finnegan didn't possess any healing abilities. As the female attempted to stand, she stumbled back down and Finnegan jumped forward to place himself in front of her head, that way she didn't bash it off the hard ground. His orange fur now stained red on one side he slid out from underneath her and let her head rest on the ground. Her words sounded like defeat, and Finnegan would not have it. Howling into the sky, the wind carried it towards his pack as he requested assistance. Finnegan then looked down to her with a concerned expression "No, You will not be abandoned here to die" With that his ears perked as he could hear the padding of paws through the forest. Two wolves emerged from the tree's, one was a larger guard and the other a medic. The medic approached quickly to examine her wounds "I can help her... but not here" The she wolf then took a few steps back. Finnegan turned his gaze to the guard "Help me carry her" Finnegan was not worried about the strength of him and the other male. with the help of the female, the two males were able to get the black female onto their backs. Finnegan nodded an they proceeded to walk towards the pack grounds. Finnegan would not leave her there to die without at least trying to save her first.

teluhtubby teluhtubby
Finnegan Moore
Soulmoon Alpha

The female was having a hard time, Finnegan didn't possess any healing abilities. As the female attempted to stand, she stumbled back down and Finnegan jumped forward to place himself in front of her head, that way she didn't bash it off the hard ground. His orange fur now stained red on one side he slid out from underneath her and let her head rest on the ground. Her words sounded like defeat, and Finnegan would not have it. Howling into the sky, the wind carried it towards his pack as he requested assistance. Finnegan then looked down to her with a concerned expression "No, You will not be abandoned here to die" With that his ears perked as he could hear the padding of paws through the forest. Two wolves emerged from the tree's, one was a larger guard and the other a medic. The medic approached quickly to examine her wounds "I can help her... but not here" The she wolf then took a few steps back. Finnegan turned his gaze to the guard "Help me carry her" Finnegan was not worried about the strength of him and the other male. with the help of the female, the two males were able to get the black female onto their backs. Finnegan nodded an they proceeded to walk towards the pack grounds. Finnegan would not leave her there to die without at least trying to save her first.

teluhtubby teluhtubby
Mask was quite ticked off being assisted by pack wolves, but she needed this. Maybe her ancestors had a plan for her.. but that was for them to know and for her to find out. Being carried by these wolves, impressed her. Since she was an over-sized female. Her blue eyes were cloudy and her breathing still shallow. She was trying her hardest to stay awake.. thinking that if she closed her eyes.. she wouldn't be able to open them again.

She coughed and wheezed many times. She scoffed in disgust; tasting her own blood. She squinted trying to make out anything they went past; but her vision was terrible. To her, a tree didn't even look like a tree. It just looked like a blurred brown figure.
Xavier Black
Bloodmoon Guard

The glare the Alpha was giving him was stern but he would speak up to her "Then let me find you a buck for now, let us rest for a mere moment before we go crossing enemy lines" Xavier stopped to move closer to the Alpha, his fiery eyes gazed at her calmly before he spoke again "I will not disobey you, and will get you that pup but when the time is right" Standing just a mere foot or so away from her, her scent flooded his nostrils. Xavier's tail twitched in excitement but he quickly stopped himself. Xavier smelt of pine needles and fresh dew in the mornings, a very refreshing smell to the right wolf. With that he chuffed an turned to walk toward the entrance of the den, a buck was first on his to do list.

Xavier Black
Bloodmoon Guard

The glare the Alpha was giving him was stern but he would speak up to her "Then let me find you a buck for now, let us rest for a mere moment before we go crossing enemy lines" Xavier stopped to move closer to the Alpha, his fiery eyes gazed at her calmly before he spoke again "I will not disobey you, and will get you that pup but when the time is right" Standing just a mere foot or so away from her, her scent flooded his nostrils. Xavier's tail twitched in excitement but he quickly stopped himself. Xavier smelt of pine needles and fresh dew in the mornings, a very refreshing smell to the right wolf. With that he chuffed an turned to walk toward the entrance of the den, a buck was first on his to do list.

Lilith sigh and admit:"fine then go quickly......"

She lay there on her throne waiting for him to come back with the buck so he can prove himself to her
Jake decided to go back to the forest after going to a small coffee shop to think. Until he finally got up the guts to confess his love for Mask.


Bounding into the forest in his fox form, let him have the element of surprise in his opinion, anyway. His green eyes looked around trying to pick up any trace of her very familiar scent. Then.. he smelt.. blood? He followed the scent to where he was with her before. Turning back into his wolf form (black-gray wolf); he could smell better. Or if anyone was to ambush him; he'd be prepared. Sniffing the ground around a small puddle of blood.. smelt like Mask. His green eyes became very furious and sorrowful. Knowing and/or thinking; Mask was dead.

He then threw his muzzle upwards and howled for Nina.

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