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Fantasy The Packs of Moonlight Forest 2.0

Lily looked at him curiously noticing the scent and pays for the blankets, she mentioned to him:"i did, but seems i also found something more....possibly a new ally..."

She mention to him:"so your a loner i assume?"

Lucas glanced up at her and offered her a warm smile "Not really. I mean, yes but... I have a sister and a brother here too. We've been traveling a long time, and this felt like home. But, we don't know much about pack life." he told her, being honest before the sound of the bell for the door of the store rang a little violently. He whipped around at the scent and voice that followed it.

"Lucas!" Sarah practically shouted as she walked into the grocer and multi-purpose store of the town. She stuck her tongue out at the owner who glared her way for yelling before her eyes alighted on her brother. She bounded over and was about to ask when his break was when she too caught the scent. Her eyes fell to the woman standing their and she stood there, studying her, taking in her scent. "Who are you?" she boldly asked, not cowed by her brothers glare, though was thankful for the calm aura he had.


Something wasn't sitting right with Maxwell. Something felt off, he was going through routine of work and yet. It felt like his life was about to change all over again. And he was sure it had to do with his siblings. He would wait to take his break, if they came to him, he would know something was going on.
Nina who was simply walking out in public on the sidewalk. Was wearing her hoodie, like usual. Until she heard Jake's howl in the distance.. he sounded, sad.. Without hesitating she ran as fast-paced as she could and ran past many people until she hoped no one would spot her. She then leapt into the air; transforming into her snow wolf form and took off towards Jake's howl.


"Jake!" Nina called, trying to spot Jake. Until she spotted him standing in a clearing with desperation in his green eyes.

"Nina!" Jake cried; his wolf looked depressed and taken aback.

"What is wrong?" Nina begged.

"M-Mask.. is dead.." Jake murmured, tears pouring out his eyes.
Lucas glanced up at her and offered her a warm smile "Not really. I mean, yes but... I have a sister and a brother here too. We've been traveling a long time, and this felt like home. But, we don't know much about pack life." he told her, being honest before the sound of the bell for the door of the store rang a little violently. He whipped around at the scent and voice that followed it.

"Lucas!" Sarah practically shouted as she walked into the grocer and multi-purpose store of the town. She stuck her tongue out at the owner who glared her way for yelling before her eyes alighted on her brother. She bounded over and was about to ask when his break was when she too caught the scent. Her eyes fell to the woman standing their and she stood there, studying her, taking in her scent. "Who are you?" she boldly asked, not cowed by her brothers glare, though was thankful for the calm aura he had.

Something wasn't sitting right with Maxwell. Something felt off, he was going through routine of work and yet. It felt like his life was about to change all over again. And he was sure it had to do with his siblings. He would wait to take his break, if they came to him, he would know something was going on.
Lily tells him spftly:"well i could tell you about it if you want-"

She look over at the newcomer, 'must be the sister' she thought

"Im lily, i just came to get some blankets......" she awnsered
Lily tells him spftly:"well i could tell you about it if you want-"

She look over at the newcomer, 'must be the sister' she thought

"Im lily, i just came to get some blankets......" she awnsered

Sarah glanced around for a moment before she was very obviously scenting the air, it took her a moment to realize she was scenting an Alpha. When it finally registered, she blushed faintly and looked down, stepping back as she did. "I'm Sarah." she said, focused on the older pair of canvas shoes she wore on her feet. She was a bit torn, between acting her usual reckless self and being respectful. The later was winning. Probably due to her brother's presence.

Lucas let out a heavy sigh and shook his head at his older sister before looking back to the one across the counter, the Alpha. Lily. "You were going to tell me something about packs?" he asked, glancing at his sister. He wondered, since they slept in a pile every night, shared a room and practically everything, if they smelled of each other. "I can take my break. We can talk." he said, reaching under the counter for the his own zippered hoodie. It covered the name tag and shirt he was supposed to wear. "I'm taking my break!" he called over the store to the owner, wherever he was. No one was at the till right then anyways. He put her blankets into one of their large paper bags, and then tucked it under an arm as he walked around the till and gestured for her to lead the way.

Sarah had grasped the back of his hoodie when he moved past her, grasping it tight in her grip to make sure that she wasn't going to be forgotten and left behind. She had been the one doing all the scouting, she had been the one who was trying to the learn all she could and relay it all back to her brothers, to hell with him if he thought she wasn't going to be included.


Maxwell got grumpy when he was told he needed to take his break, but he knew better than to argue if he wanted to keep his job. So he grumbled but made his way outside through the back door, the one the trucks usually came in through when the hunters brought in their kills. He still didn't understand those machines, or how they worked, just that the humans could use them to get around quicker than he could run. He rolled down the sleeves of his forest green button up shirt and scratching his beard, headed around the side of the building to sit in the alley and stare either up at the sky or into the bit of forest he could see. He didn't have enough time for a good run like he wanted.
Sarah glanced around for a moment before she was very obviously scenting the air, it took her a moment to realize she was scenting an Alpha. When it finally registered, she blushed faintly and looked down, stepping back as she did. "I'm Sarah." she said, focused on the older pair of canvas shoes she wore on her feet. She was a bit torn, between acting her usual reckless self and being respectful. The later was winning. Probably due to her brother's presence.

Lucas let out a heavy sigh and shook his head at his older sister before looking back to the one across the counter, the Alpha. Lily. "You were going to tell me something about packs?" he asked, glancing at his sister. He wondered, since they slept in a pile every night, shared a room and practically everything, if they smelled of each other. "I can take my break. We can talk." he said, reaching under the counter for the his own zippered hoodie. It covered the name tag and shirt he was supposed to wear. "I'm taking my break!" he called over the store to the owner, wherever he was. No one was at the till right then anyways. He put her blankets into one of their large paper bags, and then tucked it under an arm as he walked around the till and gestured for her to lead the way.

Sarah had grasped the back of his hoodie when he moved past her, grasping it tight in her grip to make sure that she wasn't going to be forgotten and left behind. She had been the one doing all the scouting, she had been the one who was trying to the learn all she could and relay it all back to her brothers, to hell with him if he thought she wasn't going to be included.


Maxwell got grumpy when he was told he needed to take his break, but he knew better than to argue if he wanted to keep his job. So he grumbled but made his way outside through the back door, the one the trucks usually came in through when the hunters brought in their kills. He still didn't understand those machines, or how they worked, just that the humans could use them to get around quicker than he could run. He rolled down the sleeves of his forest green button up shirt and scratching his beard, headed around the side of the building to sit in the alley and stare either up at the sky or into the bit of forest he could see. He didn't have enough time for a good run like he wanted.
Lily nod heading outside with them, she sit over at a bench with them:"the packs have their own rules, most let in outsiders and or kind but bloodmoon isnt kind and wants to hurt all the packs....
Ghostmoon, my pack is very calm but its only me and my guard as bloodmoon killed everyone else....we recently started to fix up the packground after the curse was lifted so now we can bring outsiders to join us"

She mention to them:"soulmoon is a peaceful pack that mainly tries to avoid getting on bloodmoon bad side though they have helped me to break the curse...i havent met the new alpha yet....there was a pack in the past who had the same name as bloodmoon but were killed off....i only know of these three packs so far....."

She keep an eye out for any humans passing by incase anyone tried to listen in on them
Lily nod heading outside with them, she sit over at a bench with them:"the packs have their own rules, most let in outsiders and or kind but bloodmoon isnt kind and wants to hurt all the packs....
Ghostmoon, my pack is very calm but its only me and my guard as bloodmoon killed everyone else....we recently started to fix up the packground after the curse was lifted so now we can bring outsiders to join us"

She mention to them:"soulmoon is a peaceful pack that mainly tries to avoid getting on bloodmoon bad side though they have helped me to break the curse...i havent met the new alpha yet....there was a pack in the past who had the same name as bloodmoon but were killed off....i only know of these three packs so far....."

She keep an eye out for any humans passing by incase anyone tried to listen in on them

"I've edged all the other pack territories... I only actually have a vague idea of how big their lands are." Sarah added, sitting on the edge of the bench to see around Lucas. "I've been trying to learn but, its hard to learn when you can't even see anyone." she said with a soft sigh, looking at her for a moment before looking down. "Its hard to learn what you weren't taught, and what you can't see."

"And because we can't see anyone, its hard to know which packs are safe to ask to join and which ones are trouble." Lucas added, continuing on with his older sisters thought as if it had been his own. "So, she tried to learn what she could while Maxwell and I got jobs. He's around here actually. We can show you where, he... He took charge when our parents went missing." he said, looking from Lily to Sarah and back down again. He swallowed thickly, like something was struggling to go down.

Lucas was trying to keep his words in, the ones that wanted to ask to join her pack. Sarah was also grasping extraordinarily tight to her brothers arm, her own way off keeping the words inside. If the three of them couldn't be part of a pack together, they weren't going to go. And without Maxwell there tow ask with them, they would keep the words inside.


Maxwell needed to find himself a hobby, something he could keep in his pocket and keep his hands busy as he squirmed almost in discomfort from where he was sitting along the wall of the butcher shop. He had his hands in his pockets, his legs were bouncing. He honestly didn't know what to do or how much time had passed, just that he couldn't sit still and he watched time pass quicker for the humans who did things. Smoked or whatever. Growling softly to himself, he got up and paced around the alleyway, feeling caged.
"I've edged all the other pack territories... I only actually have a vague idea of how big their lands are." Sarah added, sitting on the edge of the bench to see around Lucas. "I've been trying to learn but, its hard to learn when you can't even see anyone." she said with a soft sigh, looking at her for a moment before looking down. "Its hard to learn what you weren't taught, and what you can't see."

"And because we can't see anyone, its hard to know which packs are safe to ask to join and which ones are trouble." Lucas added, continuing on with his older sisters thought as if it had been his own. "So, she tried to learn what she could while Maxwell and I got jobs. He's around here actually. We can show you where, he... He took charge when our parents went missing." he said, looking from Lily to Sarah and back down again. He swallowed thickly, like something was struggling to go down.

Lucas was trying to keep his words in, the ones that wanted to ask to join her pack. Sarah was also grasping extraordinarily tight to her brothers arm, her own way off keeping the words inside. If the three of them couldn't be part of a pack together, they weren't going to go. And without Maxwell there tow ask with them, they would keep the words inside.


Maxwell needed to find himself a hobby, something he could keep in his pocket and keep his hands busy as he squirmed almost in discomfort from where he was sitting along the wall of the butcher shop. He had his hands in his pockets, his legs were bouncing. He honestly didn't know what to do or how much time had passed, just that he couldn't sit still and he watched time pass quicker for the humans who did things. Smoked or whatever. Growling softly to himself, he got up and paced around the alleyway, feeling caged.
Lily smile getting an idea and told them:"im sure the other packs are safe to join just not bloodmoon, they are super strict....any wolf who doesnt follow orders is never heard from agian. If you want you could stay in my pack a few days to find out about pack life or i think one of the other packs except bloodmoon will allow you as well as long as you have permission of course....."

She listen to lucas words and nod:"if you want to make a decision together you should get him to come here....its important for you to talk it out"
Wolfy_Mandalorian Wolfy_Mandalorian
Finnegan Moore
Soulmoon Alpha


The trip back to the pack seemed to take longer then he remembered. As they entered the territory line, Finnegan howled his return. A few howled responses were heard in the distance. Breaking through a small tree line came the main pack grounds. Finnegan motioned toward the Alpha den "She will be kept in my den until well enough to travel, I don't know much about her so I would like to keep an eye on her" Finnegan paused to glance at the medic "Please, tend to her as you would one of your own" With that the entered the den, it was spacious with leaves and tall grass laid out to make a comfortable bed. The two males set her down as gently as they could while the she wolf bound off to get herbs and other healing properties. Finnegan looked to the other male and nodded in thanks before he departed as well.

Moving to lay across from the larger she wolf he examined her with icy calm eyes, what was her story? Why had she been attacked? Did she have a home? Was this a Bloodmoon trick? Snapped from his thoughts, the young she wolf was back with a bag of assorted items to tend to the female " I will allow you both privacy, I'll be outside if you need anything" With that he stood to depart back out into the sunlight, laying himself just at the entrance of the den, no one would get to know what was going on just yet.

teluhtubby teluhtubby
Xavier Black
Bloodmoon Guard


When she agreed with him, Xavier was surprised and a bit relieved. Nodding to her he then bound off out of the den and off to the forest to track his prey. It took him a little while to find the right scent and tracks but finally in a small clearing next to a small stream, a buck was leaned over taking a drink. it was a decent size given the area he was hunting in. Crouching low he moved along the tree line, quiet as not to scare it off. Finally when he reached it's side he leaped out of the tree's. The buck jumped up to look in his direction and Xavier had his paws extended outward, his chest colliding with the side of the deer's neck. Both Xavier and the buck stumbled to the ground. Standing quickly, Xavier moved to pin the buck down and clench his large fangs into the neck of the struggling buck, it kicked and snorted in protest, throwing its antlers around at an attempt to escape the jaws of the beast, however to no prevail the buck became weaker and less movement was displayed. Finally after a few moments the buck had lost all movement and its body went limp. No longer needing to hold the buck down, Xavier adjusted himself to stand tall again, releasing his prey to grasp it by the back of the neck he then began dragging it back to the pack.

Reaching the pack took a little while, as he had to travel a small ways to even locate his target. As he entered the pack grounds, a younger male saw Xavier's meal and started toward him, however Xavier was quick to lift his head high and let a loud, bellowing growl escape him. The other male was quick to change his mind and move off, With a satisfied snort Xavier entered the den once more. Dropping the buck at her feet, the antlers clanged against the floor of the den Xavier then took a step back and sat on his hind once more, allowing her to look over the buck.

Xavier Black
Bloodmoon Guard


When she agreed with him, Xavier was surprised and a bit relieved. Nodding to her he then bound off out of the den and off to the forest to track his prey. It took him a little while to find the right scent and tracks but finally in a small clearing next to a small stream, a buck was leaned over taking a drink. it was a decent size given the area he was hunting in. Crouching low he moved along the tree line, quiet as not to scare it off. Finally when he reached it's side he leaped out of the tree's. The buck jumped up to look in his direction and Xavier had his paws extended outward, his chest colliding with the side of the deer's neck. Both Xavier and the buck stumbled to the ground. Standing quickly, Xavier moved to pin the buck down and clench his large fangs into the neck of the struggling buck, it kicked and snorted in protest, throwing its antlers around at an attempt to escape the jaws of the beast, however to no prevail the buck became weaker and less movement was displayed. Finally after a few moments the buck had lost all movement and its body went limp. No longer needing to hold the buck down, Xavier adjusted himself to stand tall again, releasing his prey to grasp it by the back of the neck he then began dragging it back to the pack.

Reaching the pack took a little while, as he had to travel a small ways to even locate his target. As he entered the pack grounds, a younger male saw Xavier's meal and started toward him, however Xavier was quick to lift his head high and let a loud, bellowing growl escape him. The other male was quick to change his mind and move off, With a satisfied snort Xavier entered the den once more. Dropping the buck at her feet, the antlers clanged against the floor of the den Xavier then took a step back and sat on his hind once more, allowing her to look over the buck.

Lilith looked at the buck and smiled at him:"you have done well, this will satisfy us and the remains will go to the pack.....you've earned your place, come here its time if your ready"

She move off her throne and change to human form walking over to the old matress on the ground
Xavier Black
Bloodmoon Guard


The words that slithered from her caused him to shiver, the rose scent seemed to swirl around him. The praise she had given him was enough to satisfy him, pleasing Lilith was somewhat difficult at times. The words "You've earned your place" seemed to dance around him for a few moments as he took in what was actually happening before him, he was going to stand by her until death took them apart. Nodding to her he then morphed to his human form, standing quite tall he reached up with one rough hand to brush his wind blown locks from his face. Fiery eyes watched her as she moved from her wolf to her human, she was spectacular either way. Following her calmly he took his place next to her on the mattress.

Xavier Black
Bloodmoon Guard


The words that slithered from her caused him to shiver, the rose scent seemed to swirl around him. The praise she had given him was enough to satisfy him, pleasing Lilith was somewhat difficult at times. The words "You've earned your place" seemed to dance around him for a few moments as he took in what was actually happening before him, he was going to stand by her until death took them apart. Nodding to her he then morphed to his human form, standing quite tall he reached up with one rough hand to brush his wind blown locks from his face. Fiery eyes watched her as she moved from her wolf to her human, she was spectacular either way. Following her calmly he took his place next to her on the mattress.

Lilith blush slightly looking at his human form before moving closer, starting to kiss him:"are you ready my mate?"

She kiss him more, hold his hands watching him take off shirt
Xavier Black
Bloodmoon Guard
Soon to be Alpha


Taking in her scent, he allowed a hand wrap around her waist, pulling her closer to him as she pressed her lips to his. Kissing her back he opened his eyes to look at her, her voice sounded like the sweetest of songs "I am ready for you my mate" The words that escaped him almost caught him off guard. Xavier had never had a mate, he had seen she wolves who he thought were radiant but never pursued any until Lilith, she was the one who had completely won him over and his whole time being apart of Bloodmoon he had focused on getting closer to her in ranks, the Guard rank was very helpful to him, as he often had to report back to her with any information. All his effort and planning had paid off, Xavier let his eyes scan over her, her features were like a drug to him, pulling him in with every curve or detail.

Xavier Black
Bloodmoon Guard
Soon to be Alpha


Taking in her scent, he allowed a hand wrap around her waist, pulling her closer to him as she pressed her lips to his. Kissing her back he opened his eyes to look at her, her voice sounded like the sweetest of songs "I am ready for you my mate" The words that escaped him almost caught him off guard. Xavier had never had a mate, he had seen she wolves who he thought were radiant but never pursued any until Lilith, she was the one who had completely won him over and his whole time being apart of Bloodmoon he had focused on getting closer to her in ranks, the Guard rank was very helpful to him, as he often had to report back to her with any information. All his effort and planning had paid off, Xavier let his eyes scan over her, her features were like a drug to him, pulling him in with every curve or detail.

Lilith blush as he put his hands on her wasit and looked at him, hand moves up on his chest:"then lets begin...no one should bother us for awhile....."

To be honest lilith never thought of a mate before but she was tired of her heat and needed to have a offspring and alpha male incase she gets killed

She pull the blanket up on them and fade to black for an hour or more
Xavier Black
Bloodmoon Guard
Soon to be Alpha


Time stood still when he was with Lilith, whom now he would call his mate. Xavier was a force to be reckoned with, cruel and cold although with her he seemed to find a little warmth. The presence of her seemed to bring him ease but Lilith was anything but warm. That was probably what Xavier liked most about her, was that she was just as strong independently as she was with him by her side. Laying with his back flat on the mattress and his eyes to the roof of the den Xavier's breathing slightly heavy as he relaxed for a moment, their scent together was wonderful. he turned his gaze to her, her beautiful figure next to his was even more satisfying as opposed to seeing it from a distance. Xavier would follow her every command but give his insight when it seemed needed. Sitting up for a moment to put an arm behind his head he then extended his other arm out to her, offering her to move closer to him "You know, I have been watching you for quite some time" Xavier's voice was of a deep husky tone, very masculine.

Xavier Black
Bloodmoon Guard
Soon to be Alpha


Time stood still when he was with Lilith, whom now he would call his mate. Xavier was a force to be reckoned with, cruel and cold although with her he seemed to find a little warmth. The presence of her seemed to bring him ease but Lilith was anything but warm. That was probably what Xavier liked most about her, was that she was just as strong independently as she was with him by her side. Laying with his back flat on the mattress and his eyes to the roof of the den Xavier's breathing slightly heavy as he relaxed for a moment, their scent together was wonderful. he turned his gaze to her, her beautiful figure next to his was even more satisfying as opposed to seeing it from a distance. Xavier would follow her every command but give his insight when it seemed needed. Sitting up for a moment to put an arm behind his head he then extended his other arm out to her, offering her to move closer to him "You know, I have been watching you for quite some time" Xavier's voice was of a deep husky tone, very masculine.

Lilith move closer to him, her breath heavy....she blush looking at his figure laying on his arm:"you have? Im glad my leadership has been very evil and demanding.....were you wanting to my mate for a long time?"

Looking up at him with hazel orange eyes
Finnegan Moore
Soulmoon Alpha


The trip back to the pack seemed to take longer then he remembered. As they entered the territory line, Finnegan howled his return. A few howled responses were heard in the distance. Breaking through a small tree line came the main pack grounds. Finnegan motioned toward the Alpha den "She will be kept in my den until well enough to travel, I don't know much about her so I would like to keep an eye on her" Finnegan paused to glance at the medic "Please, tend to her as you would one of your own" With that the entered the den, it was spacious with leaves and tall grass laid out to make a comfortable bed. The two males set her down as gently as they could while the she wolf bound off to get herbs and other healing properties. Finnegan looked to the other male and nodded in thanks before he departed as well.

Moving to lay across from the larger she wolf he examined her with icy calm eyes, what was her story? Why had she been attacked? Did she have a home? Was this a Bloodmoon trick? Snapped from his thoughts, the young she wolf was back with a bag of assorted items to tend to the female " I will allow you both privacy, I'll be outside if you need anything" With that he stood to depart back out into the sunlight, laying himself just at the entrance of the den, no one would get to know what was going on just yet.

teluhtubby teluhtubby
Mask was very grateful for the pack wolves' hospitality; but this wolf is particular was larger than the rest.. Must be the alpha, she thought. Her soft blue eyes glanced up at him, while her head was lying on the ground. She the spat out a few words, "what is your name?" she murmured. Trying her hardest not to stutter.
Xavier Black
Bloodmoon Alpha


Amber eyes fell on her as she spoke to him, Xavier couldn't help but get almost lost in her eyes as she looked up at him. With a small grin he shrugged his shoulders "I have been watching you since you allowed me a spot in your pack.. I always thought you were radiant.. I knew I wanted to be yours, I just was not sure if I was going to be enough for my lady" Raising an eyebrow down at her he chuckled under his breath lightly, this was the calmest he had seen Lilith in quite awhile.. it was refreshing but he did enjoy her demanding side as well. Using his arm underneath her, he pulled her closer before planting a soft kiss to the top of her head.

Finnegan Moore
Soulmoon Alpha


The pack knew something was up, as the Alpha was lying outside his den to watch over them and that was something he very rarely did. After a few moments, Finn stood on his paws to move back into the den. The medic had wrapped the large wolf's neck and gotten the bleeding under control. As he entered, the laid across from her once more, although now she was speaking again. Finnegan's ears perked at her voice, it was softer than he would have thought. Icy calm eyes gazed back at her as he then answered her question "I am Finnegan Moore, Alpha of Soulmoon pack" He paused to give her a grin "Nice to meet you miss?" He drew off the end, hoping she would state her name in return.

teluhtubby teluhtubby
Finnegan Moore
Soulmoon Alpha


The pack knew something was up, as the Alpha was lying outside his den to watch over them and that was something he very rarely did. After a few moments, Finn stood on his paws to move back into the den. The medic had wrapped the large wolf's neck and gotten the bleeding under control. As he entered, the laid across from her once more, although now she was speaking again. Finnegan's ears perked at her voice, it was softer than he would have thought. Icy calm eyes gazed back at her as he then answered her question "I am Finnegan Moore, Alpha of Soulmoon pack" He paused to give her a grin "Nice to meet you miss?" He drew off the end, hoping she would state her name in return.

teluhtubby teluhtubby
She smirked, with like liking of his voice; since she could hear much clearer now. "Mask," she replied, leaning up. Her ears perked up. "It is very nice to meet you, Finnegan Moore. And I do very appreciate your hospitality," she continued. She did seem much better now by the way she spoke and the way she was acting. "And if you're expecting me to state a pack that I would be from-" her tone becoming more serious "-I'm not. I am respectfully a lone wolf."
Lily smile getting an idea and told them:"im sure the other packs are safe to join just not bloodmoon, they are super strict....any wolf who doesnt follow orders is never heard from agian. If you want you could stay in my pack a few days to find out about pack life or i think one of the other packs except bloodmoon will allow you as well as long as you have permission of course....."

She listen to lucas words and nod:"if you want to make a decision together you should get him to come here....its important for you to talk it out"

Sarah was up and running only moments after Lucas had moved his feet to tuck beneath the bench, removing a potential tripping hazard as she set off to get their brother. Break or not, she would pull him right out of the shop. They needed him for this decision, they had a real chance to learn what being in a pack was like, to find out if it had been anything like life with their parents growing up. She was about to burst into the butcher's shop when she saw Maxwell in the alley, pacing. She barely gave him time to register her before grabbing his arm and dragging him with her at her full run back towards the grocer.

Lucas gave Lily a smile when his sister took off at a run "She'll be right back." he assured her, keeping his feet tucked under the bench. Though it made him look a little awkward, he scratched at his beard. "We're triplets, just uh, so you're aware." he said, respectfully looking towards her but not looking her in the eye. He wasn't actually sure if he was allowed to do so, he didn't know if he was being considered rude by her or not. It just seemed right, as a lone wolf not to look a pack Alpha in the eye unless it was his own. He turned to look at the fast approaching pair, heard by their loud footsteps and Maxwell's loud protests.

"Sarah! What're you doing!? Did something happen to Lucas? Sarah! Quit pulling so damn fast!" Maxwell's words all came out loudly and one after the other. He was trying to keep him in human form with his shorter, slim sister who was meant for running, he was not. His broad and tall frame was more meant for other things. He was about to ask again what was going on when he was being forced to a sudden and hard stop in from of their brother and a woman. He blinked a few times, panting to catch his breath. "What's going on?" he asked, eyes a light on first his brother and then the woman. It took him a moment, taking in her scent before his eyes went wide.

At this moment, it was hard to tell what exactly was going on, but it was easy enough to see that the three of them were having some form of non-verbal communication. They kept looking at one another, paired with head movements and facial expressions. It could almost be labeled a triplet thing, almost. Bit it was something they started doing as children, to talk before their parents during lessons, until they caught on. And it was something perfected during their years of traveling, trying to find a home.

"How many are in your pack?" Max asked Lily, rubbing the side of his face and then under his chin and along his neck. He wasn't itchy, it just gave him something to do with his hands. His eyes were only focused on her, ignoring his siblings. "Are really okay just adding three more to it? Even if it ends up as temporary?"

Finnegan Moore
Soulmoon Alpha


It was almost a relief to hear her say she was a lone wolf, was she telling the truth though? Choosing to believe her, Finnegan chuckled as she called him by his full name "Please, Finnegan or just Finn is fine" the southern twanging accent to his voice seemed to bounce off the walls of then den as the two conversed, He paused a moment to examine her more clearly now "That is alright, as long as you are not involved with Bloodmoon there will be no issues here" With that he looked to the entrance of the den, where had the Ghostmoon survivors gone to? The she wolf's name was rather interesting and in made him curious of her story "Well, Mask... The pleasure is mine, welcome to Soulmoon" Finnegan threw a small smile in her direction "I am sorry to inform you but my Medic's are very particular about their patients, my medic will not allow me to release you until you are back to a full recovery" Finnegan had a feeling this may irritate her, however if her attacker was in the area an she got caught off guard again like that, she may just parish by his jaws.

teluhtubby teluhtubby
Jake and Nina went to go and fine help to avenge Mask's death (them thinking that she is dead)..


"Could you please help us?" Jake begged. Jake and Nina had found Stuart; the man who had abandoned Mask.

"Tsk. No. I left that freak show for a reason," Stuart spat, his brown eyes keen.

"Please! She's dead! We need- no- we must avenge her!" Jake exclaimed.

"Maybe the wolves did it for a reason," Stuart grumbled.

"What do you mean?" Nina echoed.

"Wolves have reason. They would not just kill some one for no reason," he replied. Sounding serious.

"He's right," came another voice from nearby. It was a very close friend of Mask's, Xade Outlaw. "But we should avenge her."

"Fine," Stuart finally muttered, before they all took off into the forest as wolves. Jake leading the way.
Finnegan Moore
Soulmoon Alpha


It was almost a relief to hear her say she was a lone wolf, was she telling the truth though? Choosing to believe her, Finnegan chuckled as she called him by his full name "Please, Finnegan or just Finn is fine" the southern twanging accent to his voice seemed to bounce off the walls of then den as the two conversed, He paused a moment to examine her more clearly now "That is alright, as long as you are not involved with Bloodmoon there will be no issues here" With that he looked to the entrance of the den, where had the Ghostmoon survivors gone to? The she wolf's name was rather interesting and in made him curious of her story "Well, Mask... The pleasure is mine, welcome to Soulmoon" Finnegan threw a small smile in her direction "I am sorry to inform you but my Medic's are very particular about their patients, my medic will not allow me to release you until you are back to a full recovery" Finnegan had a feeling this may irritate her, however if her attacker was in the area an she got caught off guard again like that, she may just parish by his jaws.

teluhtubby teluhtubby
She dipped her head; her blue eyes clouded with thought then spoke, " I understand. I've been in worse situations, trust me," she murmured. "You say those pack names like I know what they are," she chuckled; having a playfully expression in her eyes. "Also-" meeting his eyes "-watch out for that wolf that attacked me. He is smart. His name is Orian." She would smirk every time he spoke; obviously liking his accent. Bur her voice was like angels singing to anyone. Like the anonymous wolf she was; it was easy to trust her.
Finnegan Moore
Soulmoon Alpha


Finnegan listened to her, her tone was soft and elegant which was kind of the opposite of her appearance, it was quite interesting. With a small grin he looked to her once more, what exactly had she been through "Well, Mask.. What exactly was that wolf after? Why did he even attack you, he wasn't much of a challenge so I am assuming he caught you by surprise" Any wolf dumb enough to challenge this she wolf head on would have had to have been around her size to even stand a chance, Finnegan believed he might stand half a chance... maybe. Shaking his head he released a sigh "I apologise, the Bloodmoon pack has been a problem in our lands for so long, it feels like almost everyone would know who they are" Giving her an apologetic look he then glanced to the entrance of his den again, something was in the air, it didn't sit right with him. Being a wind manipulator it gave him heightened senses when it came to the wind and it always seemed to give off an sense to him if something was going to go wrong.

teluhtubby teluhtubby

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