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Fandom The New Teen Titans

"Well it should her here soon." Miki said. She looked at Ben and smiled. "My punishments will probably be more lenient for the rest of you." She said. She looked at HHG with a scowl. "As for you, you already broke the first rule on my list." She said. She looked back at Ben. "We can play some videogames until the pizza gets here." She said.
Lilly giggled. "You really like your tech and gizmos, huh?" She asked. Looking up, she realized that she hadn't actually been introduced to this guy. "I'm Lilly, by the way." She introduced herself to him, smiling all the while. From the back of the room Lilly felt a chill. When it came to cold it didn't take much for her to feel it. She decided not to draw attention to him, though. If he wanted to skulk in the corner, he can do so. "I'm down for some games. Find any good ones?" She asked.
Al poured his tea into a big mug that read "NHS". He carried his bowl of stew and rice out of the microwave, when felt movement concentrated in one area different from the training room. He decided to head down the hall and check it out. What do you know, his whole team was getting ready to play some games. He planned on hanging by himself, but it might be a good idea to try to get to know them. Plus he wanted to see their reactions as they lost or won. Al himself wasnt too big on video games. More of a movie or TV series guy.

He smiled and take a chair near the back, by Denaki. Al could withstand it mostly, and really wanted to cool down since he was still heated from his workout.
Denaki looked over at Al and said nothing for a while, alone or with friends nothing would change in Denakis eyes. Denaki watched the guy, he felt like a human air conditioner but nevertheless at least he was useful in some way which made him feel a bit better, but even though he loved video games so much he decided not to participate in fear of getting attention drawn to himself. Denaki watched as they all argued and screwed around with each other, then suddenly he just said something without even thinking, quietly saying each word with a slight beat to it symbolizing he was quoting a song "We be the colors of the mad and the wicked..." hesays quietly watching the team as they bonded, would he ever truly be part of this team?..
"Well you know what they say" HHG smiled at Ben. His face turned from smile to a serious, somewhat somber expression. "Sweat more in practice, bleed less in more." he projected. "We should be getting along well" the smile returned to his face. "Well, I'm gonna go take a shower." HHg waved goodbye and headed back up the elevator toward his room.
"Superfast jellyfish..." Al chuckled. "Oh god I hate that album..." He laughed a bit as he ate. He swallowed then looked at Denaki. "Why dont you go play bro?" He overheard there conversation about videogames... he seemed to like them. Again al did not care for the games. He watched as his teammates horsed over the games. Strategy games could be fun though fluff.
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"I never really liked the song but i loved that line..." he says quietly watching the group mess around with the video games and each other. Denaki sighed and thought about what he said about playing "I will probably be bad or mess up the controller or the couch....unless i have gloves i guess..." Denaki says sadly, everything he touched or ever loved froze and died... "Everything sucks when you have powers like mine....you cant ever do anything...except be a human air conditioner..guess that is good when you guys are always working out and getting so sweaty, seems you need a human air conditioner" he says trying to put a happy spin on his otherwise uncontrollable power.
"I love getting heated, so youll probably be my best friend." Al smiled at him. "Absorbing and manipulating all forms of energy is my power. So although Im sure Ben can make gloves, for now, ill do this for ya." Al set down his food and breathed. He grabbed Denakis hands and white almost translucent light was transferred over to Denakis hands, as denakis blue energy crept up Als arms. He opened his eyes and let go. "I made these light gloves for ya. Should last an hour or so. Tell me if you want more. Its not like im losing anything." He winked at him. "You shouldnt whine so much. Girls dont like it. Youve got a good power, but everything comes with a price." He said as he picked up his bowl of sancocho. "Now go up there and whoop some ass with your new gloves."
Lilly looked back to see Al making energy gloves for Denaki. "It'll be nice if those work." Lilly smiled. "If they do, maybe Al and Ben can work together to make you some permanent gloves that can help you control things." Lilly hopped over the back of the couch and walked over to the two boys. "You really should come join us. We want to help you, but if you spend all your time moping than we're going to stop trying. Believe it or not, we all understand the risks of having you here. Everyone has their limits. I turn into a human bomb if I get too angry." She held out her hand toward Denaki. "Come and play a game or two."
Denaki watched as the gloves formed around his arms and listened to the guy "I don't whine, plus i really have not played games in forever and i am not good at beat em ups and racing games so i really shouldn't..." he mumbles watching the girl walk over from the couch "I will never better control them until we agree on what has happened so far.....by we I don't mean you guys...no, there is another me that seems to have more control....." he says listening and mumbling that last sentence, him and this fire girl seemed to have more in common then usual which he liked in some ways and hated in other, once she held out her hand he felt scared....could he truly come out of his bubble. Denaki did not accept the hand but he did get up and brush the frost off himself "Its better we don't touch each other seeing as how I sap the heat from things and naturally give off cold and you are hot....as in flames.." he says dodging a potential bad compliment "Its better we just don't touch for now.." he states quietly.
"Come on Denaki~" Miki said, looking at him. She smiled. Denaki was a good kid, but he was always so shy. "I turn into a nuclear time bomb if I absorb to much energy." Miki said. It was true, if she consumed to much the power flowing though her veins would surpass the amount she can control and it would blow her and anything in its path to smithereens.
"... Youre such a Buzz kill bro..." Al shook his head in deep disapproval and finished his bowl of stew. He did not like negative people. Killed his vibe. He teleported in the kitchen and hummed as he washed his plate, and other plates anybody may have used. He put his moms food in the fridge for now since he heard pizza will be here. He hadnt had pizza in ages so he was down. After that he returned to the others and decided this time to sit on the couch.
"Whats with all the happiness with you people....." Denaki says quietly more to himself then them, they really wanted him to play the game it seemed, except for his own self, his other half wanted to kick some butt, but denaki never agreed with his other side. Denaki walked with Lily back to the couch where miki was "So what are we going to play...." he says, he seemed to always be negative, he had always been since he was young, things happened that destroyed his personality and it would take a while for that to heal, or at least get fixed by these amazing other titans, they seemed to care for him and he felt good knowing that...but how long would they help if they knew what he did, what he might do....
Lilly walked over next to Ben and scanned the games. "Well, since we have five players we should probably stick to racing games, since most fighting games are only two player. Unless of course we want to do a next-plays-winner scenario." She suggested. The house seriously needed to update their game collection. Maybe when she leaves to get stuff for her room she would pick up some other options.
"Pick something I can either crash or bash people with." Miki said from the couch. She picked up her controller and passed one to everyone else. She turned her Xbox one on and booted up her profile. She picked a racing game and placed it in. "Alright, lets get this show on the road!" Miki said as the game loaded.
Ben scanned the game collection again, then looked at the counsel, "at this rate...i might as well design, and custom build a game and counsel...no wait that's a terrible Idea... I'm brilliant, but making a whole game and system by myself would take way too long..." He settled down on the couch with the controller, he paused for a second. "Was the pun intentional Miki?"
"Yes, yes it was." Miki said smiling. She gave a thumbs up before starting the game. She selected the blue car that had a cool pattern. "I already have a car so I'm lookin the coolest." Miki said sarcastically. She smiled and rocked backwards, waiting for everyone else to finish. She started singing the jeopardy song in anticipation. "You guys are slow." She commented.
Denaki walked over to the console and sat down on the couch, well the very edge of the couch away from everyone and watched them, only 4 players though so he did not want to play for now so just watched. Denaki couldn't help the feeling that he and the others wouldn't get along very well, he seemed to always be sad and that made people dislike him so much, but he would stay that way until he could fix himself, or they could. Denaki watched Miki and couldn't help but think of how odd of a leader she was, she seemed so odd for a leader and it was not bad, he actually did not mind it, it was just that she was an odd one.
Lilly giggled. "Yours is only cool because you've been here longer. Just wait, we'll all look just as cool as you in no time." She scanned through the car selections. None of which were flashy enough for her. Let's face it, the fiery girl wanted an equally as sassy car. She settled for a well balanced red car, and readied herself for the race to begin.
"Yes. Flashy is better." Miki said, looking at he red car. "You can make one with custom flames when you have the time." She said. She smiled and rocked back and forth. She looked at Denaki. She poked him and grinned. She turned to Ben and did the same. She was having fun now. "Look at us!" She said happily. "Were a team of freaky people!" She said happily.
Ben flipped through the cars. Some were to fast others too slow, he settled on a fairly plain car with above acceleration, but other than that, the stats were level. "Alright, alright, you got me to pick a car. lets see how this fares." He looked at Denaki, "better pick quick or Miki is going to assail you with a never ending stream of pokes."
Miki grinned evilly. "I will~" She said, wiggling her fingers. She giggled. "I'm totally joking but I will poke you if you don't hurry up." She said. She looked at Ben's car. "Yours looks good too." She said. She pushed his cheek. "Your face looks funny." She said. She smiled and continued poking his face.
Denaki looked over at lily "She does have a point, seeing as its your console you do have the upper hand here no matter what we do....." he says trying to put some sense in her crazy idea of her being above them all in this game. Denaki picked up a controller, memories flashed through his head, he remembered playing games like these long before....with his brother. Denakis eyes dulled a bit as he rubbed his head in pain "Not your fault......" he mumbled queitly to himself his eyes going back to there color as the sentence finished. Denaki sighed and dropped the controller having quickly picked a random car and walked over to the window to get fresh air for a moment.
Al sat back on his phone, texting some friends and a girl or two he left behind. He switched between that and solitaire, occasionally looking up at the racing action on screen. He ignored Denakis dramatic need for air, deciding hed just have to get used to it. To be honest he put his bet on miki. She had the best car, what can you expect? She seemed too excited to thrash em.
((Hope you all don't mind me time jumping. Just to get a new dose of creative juices.))

Lilly played a few rounds with everyone on the racing game. She lost a few times, came close a few and even manage to snag a win on one round. The game continued only until the pizza arrived. From there, everyone was so hungry that not much conversation was exchanged during dinner. The rest of the night was fairly relaxed. Lilly went back to her relatively bare room and looked around. There was a bed with what was obviously spare sheets, bare walls, empty closet and a nice window overlooking the ocean. Lilly decided that the place needed some sprucing up. Unfortunately that was going to take some time. With that thought, the next days activities were decided. Lilly snuggled down in her very foreign bed and slept for the night.

The next morning she awoke early. She had always been a morning person and likes to get things done before noon. She made her way back down to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. The atmosphere was completely different to how it was last night. The room rang with the silence. She made herself some scrambled eggs, enjoying the silence of a breakfast alone. After she was done eating, she cleaned up her mess and made her way downstairs. Outside the tower she made her way into town. She decided that she would have to get some stuff out of her storage closet. When she had received her invite to join the titans, she had been living in a temporary living facility. They had provided her with some simple items in order to help her maintain control of her abilities. They had also gifted her several things when they discovered that she was on to bigger and better things.

The afternoon was mostly spent traveling, grabbing as much stuff as she could manage to carry in a backpack and making her way back to Titan's tower. She moved the stuff that she brought back into her room. Putting away spare clothes, hanging some curtains, replacing the sheets on the bed and finally setting a candle in the window sill. After deciding that the place was considerably more comfy, she grabbed her mp3 player and went outside to practice.

Controlling her breathing all the while, Lilly began throwing punches and kicks, shooting cones of fire from her hands with every blow. It had been a while since she'd had the opportunity to practice like this.

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