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Fandom The New Teen Titans

Al was the first one up however. He felt the movements of Lilly as he was working out in the training room. He had finished when she left. He did not understand why she didnt ask for help. He could have teleported it all here but whatever. He shrugged and took a shower. He walked in his room and grabbed a duffel bag. He got dressed and filled his bag with a surfer wet suit, fishing gear, and of course his moms sancocho. He grabbed the board that hung on the wall above his couch.

After that he took the elevator, and then teleported to the Piers. There he spent about four hours, till about eleven, Surfing, Fishing, Playing dumb games, riding the ferris wheel, talking to strangers, people watching, and calling old friends on his cell phone. He had a good time, but soon decided he should train some more. It was not uncommon for him to do this 3 times a day... Al grabs a coffee and teleports back with his stuff. Walking towards the entrance he sees Lilly shadow box with her fire. He stands and watches her, admiring the fact she got up early to train.
Denaki never really slept, especially that night, he seemed to still avoid the rest of the team very well, after his other side surfaced that night and spoke denaki was scared.....it had been a whole 5 weeks since anything happened but every time he thought of the things that have happened him and his other half argued and argued. After standing by the window that night denaki left only playing a couple games and not doing to well, he seemed to be failing on purpose and crashing for no reason, it was like he wanted the others to win or he was just losing. But really denaki couldn't stop thinking of that last thing he said so he just seemed to daze out when they were racing and ended up crashing and failing so he left never to be seen the rest of that night except to take pizza in the middle of the night and disappear off again, he was not even in his room which emitted cold and no one with intelligence would ever enter, no Denaki spent all night on the roof watching the stars and the sunrise arguing with himself all night, he stayed up there all night thinking things over.

In the morning Denaki watched the sunrise with happiness in his eyes he used to always watch the sunrise before with his family....then later with his friends...then with someone special...all gone because he couldn't control his emotions. Denaki left the roof early in the morning going into town and buying some stuff to cover up more, he looked like he came straight from the equator, it was already hot out and he looked like to him it was Antarctica, which it was....It was always cold for Denaki, he could never feel the warmth of blankets or the warmth of a warm campfire....or even a hug...but he never got a hug before nor had he ever been kissed before, girls seemed to avoid denaki, he saw lily in town that day but did not disturb her at all, they really should not be around each other, fire and ice do not do well around each other....he would know, he was afraid of lily. Once denaki returned home he thought about just running away and living alone but he threw that aside and went to the edge of the island the titan tower laid on and sat throwing rocks and freezing the water, he has not noticed Al or lily when he was wandering around on the water throwing rocks.

((Seems some people are around now which is good :D ))
Lilly was in the middle of a kata that she remembered from her martial arts training, when she turned and saw Al standing there watching her. Panting slightly, she removed one of her ear buds and stores it in her shirt. "Hey." She said, walking up to him. "Have you seen anyone else today? It's been pretty quiet." She looked around the island, noting Denaki, but deciding she'd talk to him one on one in a bit. Maybe if she could get through to him somehow, maybe, just maybe, he'd be able to handle being around the others.
"You cant get through him." Al spoke up watching her move to talk to him. "Not now anyways... He doesnt trust us. But when we get on the field... he'll see how it works around here." Al said with a straight face. "And to be honest. I trust none of you either. Just because we say we are wont make it so. So stop pestering him. Things take time. Watch... he'll warm up." Al smirked a bit at his own joke and began walking towards the Tower. "Ill be out here in a second. Im just gonna put the fish in the fridge. We're having salmon, asparagus, corn, and mashed potatoes tonight... we cant have god damned pizza everyday." He snapped his fingers and he was gone.
"Yeah, you're probably right." Lilly looked over at Denaki, throwing rocks and freezing the water. Lilly looked back to Al and found empty space. She was going to have to get used to his teleporting or jumping or whatever it was that he did. She was gonna have to get used to a lot of things it seemed. She put her headphone back in her ear again and sat down cross legged on the ground. In front of her a flame manifested. It was tear drop shaped, as though it was the light of a candle. Lilly closed her eyes and re-focused her breathing, the flame growing and shrinking with each and every breath.
Denaki was just not paying attention as it seemed but he was t ruley watching them closely the whole time they talked, he couldn't hear them but he still could watch them which he was good at, one second Denaki was throwing rocks and freezing the water with his bare feet, the next he just seem to disappear next moment he was walking up the beachside near lily but avoiding eye contact with her or So if he had appeared there yet, he looked very very tired and seemed to be beating himself up for something, his hands stuffed in his pockets as he strode past herheading for the roof again, he did not say morning to her just because he did not want to disturb her ttraining.
*Error power cell malfuction shutting down*

"Blasted hunk of Junk! Come on it shouldn't take this much to get you working." Benjamin had been knee deep in fixing and madifying the Ganges power armor for the past day. Curses and swearing galore could be heard through his door, usually following mechanical sounds. The extra scrap in cyborgs room had come in handy yes, already the mobility had been increased by 40%, power consumption down by 20%. Still the main Achilles heel was the power system. Benjamin scratched his head, hopping something would trigger an answer, "maybe If i re-calibrated the power systems...wrote a new program to deal with the drain. Why the hell do lexcorp drones seem to only be useful for one shot attacks... I wish I had Wayne Tech...that stuff never breaks." he fidgeted with a few more cables on the back, until an audible click was head.

Power systems operating at 100% efficiency.

suit life support online, suit mobility and strength enhancement online. multi-spectrum vision enhancement online. Suit core operating system online. Ganges power armor 1.3 fully operational.

"Haha! you cobbled together scrap heap you breath! and actually are practical in a fight now!"

Dante stuck his head inside the door wide eyed. He just put the food and stuff away when he walked by and heard the screams. "Uhhh... you good bro?" He scanned looked at the room. Full of metal junk. He looked at the drone. "Thats a lexcorp! Ive fought one of those before!" He smiled. "You making the drone functional again or you gonna use it as a suit for fights." He asked
Ben shook his head, "no i'm using that hunk of scrap for parts." he pointed to his mech suit, "Now That is what i'm using. That is the culmination of 2 years of salvaging parts from drone, robots, and other stuff, it's amazing what you can find after a fight." he walked over the suit on the table. "The servos have all been replaced with Cyborg's old stuff, a lot better than what I usually pull. The circutry is mostly lex-corp I've scavenged around metropolis. I just wish the man of steel was a bit...neater with his blows." he further went on, "most of the armor platting came from other lex-corp drones... though sometimes a crazy came in with his own mech suit...he got beat by whoever was there at the time.I usually scavenge those for actual suit." He pointed to a large armormed part on the back, "and the power source is an extra battery Cyborg had in conjunction with a small lex corp battery, the thing finally works... before I could only get about 30 minutes of operating time, Now with all this other stuff, 4 hours." He wiped his hands on a rag, removing the grease. "Ganges power armor 1.3 is fully operational, and that means I'm able to go into the field." Though he turned to the schematics of the sonic cannon on the back wall. "Now i just gotta figure out how to minimize that, unless I want it to be separate from the suit and make it something like a Dubstep bazooka... which would be Awesome..."
"... Youre really smart. I think its cool you manage to this stuff together yourself. Also if ever need power on the field I can charge you up." Al said nodding at the mech suit. "If youre done you should come test out with us outside." He smiled and teleported outside...

He began stretching... "So... you guys wanna spar?" He asked as he did a couple warm up kicks and punches
Lilly looked up from where she sat and let the flame in front of her extinguish. "That sounds like fun." She stood up and performed one round of a sun salutation, soaking in the sun's rays and feeling the heat coursing through her body. Her eyes shone gold with fire and danced like flames. "No holding back, ok? I want a real work out. It's been too long since I've really fought."
Miki stretched. She wasn't much of a morning person but she would have to deal with it. She yawned and walked up to Ben. "Mornin." She said, rubbing her eye. She hated being up early and was still tired. It would wear off eventually, but she would have to wait. She sighed and turned her gaze to Al. She waved and turned back to Ben.
Al bounced on his feet and wiped his nose with his thumb, in very bruce lee like way. He was ready already and didnt want to talk much. "Alright. 3.2.1. FIGHT!" He had been itching for a spar for a while now. Even though she said no holding back Al would use some basic moves to kick it off. He knew she could throw fire. He could absorb and if focused manipulate it, but only to some point to his bodies limitations. It would end up going in a stale mate of fire equalizing fire energy if decided to go the long range route, which he wanted to avoid all together. His best bet was to get close. He had the near perfect defense with Vector manipulation and it would give her a hard time since he could block it off or worse punch threw it. However as his energy manipulation powers had a limit he could hold, there was a breaking point to his vector manipulation. If an energy or a strike was focused and strong enough it could break through it. It also had a blind spot. The back of his neck. The one thing he relied upon most was his teleportation, since it was fast and hard to predict.

Al ran straight at her, right fist raised yelling... he wanted her to think he was trying to attack her directly.
Lilly reacted to his straight-forward punch by vaulting herself into the air with four strong columns of fire from her feet and hands. She landed farther away from him and smirked. Taking a stronger stance, she created a larger fireball in her right hand and shot it directly at him, knowing that he can absorb the heat. She had to find a weakness somewhere.
Al smiled as she dodged the punch and flew like a rocket to another spot. "Not bad." He then saw great sphere of fire approach him. Simply manipulating the air around him, Al caught the huge fireball in a 360 and returned it back at her. He knew that the fire wouldnt effect her, but that was not the point. He teleported INSIDE the fireball, allowing it to carry him towards her... it burned a bit but he could bear it... he predicted she would block the his melee attack coming out of the fire so had a back up plan.
Lilly blocked the fireball being blasted back at her only to discover Al inside the fire! She went completely on the defensive, expecting a blow to her now that Al had managed to get close to her again. She crossed her arms in front of her body and engulfed them in flames. She might be able to block a few hits, and probably take a few too. Maybe she can find his heat limit, though. She concentrated on her arms and the flames turned green as the temperature sky rocketed.
Al smirked as he thrusted his fist towards her... but again that wasnt the plan. He absorbed the remaining heat of the ball she blocked and teleported behind her. The energy of the fireball focused as pure light on his right hand. It was surrounded by air particles ready to explode on impact. He could feel her green flames more piercingly now. He squinted as his powerful fist broke through trying to reach her. If she changed to one more color that might not be good news for him.
Lilly wasn't quite fast enough to react to the teleportation. The energy exploded on her back and the energy pushed her away from him and onto the ground. With this strike, Lilly's control broke. It had been too long since she'd fought, too long since she had to get hurt and stay in control. Anger spread throughout her body as she slowly stood back up. She stood where she landed, her calm self battling with her anger, but anger won out. Her eyes shifted to a bright blue as the green flames engulfed her body. Her clothes burned up immediately and the ground beneath her was scorched. The flames created a pocked of hot air beneath her, lifting her off the ground. From where she stood she stuck her right arm in front of her, palm towards Al and fired another ball of flame at him. This time,though, the flame was blue.
He'd done it now. "Uh... Lilly... please calm d-OH!" He managed to roll out of the ball of blue scorching fire... He stood up and wiped the dust off his shirt. He looked at her. She lost control. What were his options. He could teleport out of here until she calms down... but what if that makes her angrier? What if she shifts her anger on the others. No too risky. He could summon Relampago and be on even grounds with her, best her even. But did he want to really risk that? No no no. Work smarter not harder. He looked to his left at the water...

"First Ill make...With it Ill... Then we'll.... ok..." He closed his eyes and breathed. He then sat down and seemed to be in a meditative state...
Lilly turned to where Al now sat. The flames around her body intensified and grew, the tips of the flame brightening to yellow like they would in a real fire. The farther the flames were from the source, the cooler they became. However, at the core, the flames directly touching her body turned blue. She continued to float where she stood and fired another fireball at Al. This time with both hands.
Al teleported...

He reappeared but this time surround by 20 foot high sphere of water. He trapped her in the edge of the bubble while he was at the other side. Quickly he could feel himself boiling, and gasped out a bit of air. He took a couple seconds but eventually did it. He teleported them deep in the waters to the point where it was a deep dark blue. The temperature was very cold and the sea pressure ran high. He looked through his heavy eyes worried for lilly. His skin was red with burn and boil marks but he continued trying to stay conscious and regain his strength to teleport or at least create a bubble of air for them to avoid pressure and drowning.
Once in the depths of the water it didn't take long before the flames engulfing Lilly's body started to fizzle out. It wasn't so much as the cold as it was the pressure. The flames were eating up all the oxygen in the bubble and in turn were snuffing themselves out. Soon the flames were low enough that the anger subsided and Lilly was able to take back control. She struggled for breath for a moment before passing out from both a lack of oxygen and from an excess use of energy.
There were enough air particles in the water for him to manipulate, so with his last bit of strength Al made a rising air bubble for the two. The bubble rose from the dark depths of the ocean and got lighter until they reached the surface. Once at the surface the ocean waves pushed them back on the shores of titan tower. The bubble popped and they both lay there in the sand with the rise and fall of the ocean engulfing their chests but their heads out to breathe.
Slowly Lilly regained consciousness. Soon the severity of the situation hit her and she sat up with a start. Gasping slightly, taking in a lot of air. With an audible "eep!" She realized that her clothes were gone. She quickly manifested a low flame to act as a cover until she could get clothes again. She looked at Al on the ground. "I'm...sorry. Now you know why I meditate and concentrate on my breathing so much. Fire is beautiful and provides light and warmth. But if it gets out of hand it destroys everything in it's wake." She sighed. "I guess I'm not as under control as I thought I was." She admitted aloud.
Al didnt respond because well he was still unconscious. But he did hear stupid explanations in his unconscious. "Bro look at her explaining and BS maaan laaame." The little devil in him said. He was dressed in an all black suit and smoking a cigar. "It wasnt her fault she couldnt control it." His little angel in his defended. He was in a white suit and chewed on a carrot. "Yeah but look at his team! Theyre a bunch of ticking time bombs. Three out of the 5 members can not control themselves! And that little sound girl CANT be leader... Alfonso boy, youre better than these mooks. Go solo again, but move to a bigger city. I bet you in 3 months youd be up there in space with Wonder Woman checking out that fine, nice, round a-" Devil Al was cut off by Angel Al. "While I have no doubt in my mind that he could achieve that feat, it is important that he learns the value of trust and teamwork... Cant you see that the boy has never trusted anyone in his life? He will kill himself because he thinks the only way anything can get done is by him doing it himself." "And he CAN!" "Not all the time!... This is just a small scale compared to the League. He'll have to deal with hundreds of out of control teammates, so if he cant do this how can move up there?... Alfonso my boy dont give up on them just yet. Lead when you have to, follow when you feel so, and remember to stay true to who are."

Alfonso began coughing up water....

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