The Mole (Mutant RP)


*goes to work on post*​
Sorry I haven't been posting( X-X)

I've literally been studying non stop for finals and doing projects =m= I'll try to throw something up this week but no promises. I am SOOOO sorry
Sorry guys, bunch of stuff came up unexpectedly (including getting sick and sleeping two days away!). Just haven't had the energy to post anything.

I'll get a post in, promise. But for now feel free to bunny Zatch or whatever, if you haven't already. Should have something up by the end of this weekend though, once things smooth out and I'm not sick (hopefully), lol.
Lol I love the life jacket. My cairn has a hot pink one because she thinks she can dock dive like my lab and she's not a very good swimmer at all lmao

I avoid pools with my dogs because of the chlorine lol and I rather have "real" water any day. And when you have rivers, the bay, and the ocean nearby it's much more fun.

(The Chesapeake retriever isn't mine, the other two are lol)




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