The Mole (Mutant RP)

Hehe ^^ We all kind of asked, I just messaged you. I wasn't the only one who wanted to bring it back~

I may or may not bring Helena back into this. Especially if I tie the old story with this somewhat new one.
I am waiting on one more person to sign up, they said they should have their cs up by tomorrow so I'm hoping to start the rp tomorrow night
Awesome~ I hope we can keep this one going for a while~ Like I said, The Mole was the first ever roleplay I joined on this site :)
@Prizzy Kriyze I know, I will...

His ability actually isn't pyrokinesis. It's similar in a sense, but it's not the same thing. It'll be elaborated on when the RP starts.
Stop typing in the sign-ups was for everyone.

Personally, I've never been a big fan of keeping such crucial secrets in an RP, but this isn't my RP so whatever floats your boat.
Heh. Well, now that I think about it, I suppose there's no sense in hiding it if it's just going to be explained at a later point, anyway...

Jason's ability is almost irregular in comparison to everybody else's; he's able to summon and expel energy that pretty much wears away at anything it touches, essentially "burning" it. That's why I said that it's similar to pyrokinesis; because it's not fire, but it can basically "burn" things even more quickly than fire and can penetrate through objects if it is focused on one for long enough.
I will be starting the rp shortly. Now just to let you all know I am lenient with character sheets as I know I hate doing them and you get a better feel of someone's character in the actual rp. As for the rp I want no less than a paragraph, don't be lazy I want this to be a good rp so put some effort into it. If you have nothing to say that's fine, just request your turn skipped. I will have a posting order which will be posted once everyone has posted since there is quite a few of us. Anyways, stay tuned, I'm working on the intro post.

I will critique your powers if I find them "unrealistic" or too "godly"

@Prizzy Kriyze

@Der Kojote

@Ryu Keiko

All three of these have as much power as I do in enforcing my rp rules as they were with me from the beginning of the first "Mole" rp.
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*sigh* I was there too but that's fine, I understand I haven't seen you in a while minz.

(Side note, mobile sucks)
@IceQueen She specified that we were here from the start. Fun fact, I was even around the first time she started the roleplay, because it was started twice when Ryu and Kojo joined, if I remember rightly. Fun fact, I was the one who alerted her to the fact that people had signed up in her roleplay and I was asking when she was going to start it :P

Oh yeah, IceQueen, you're Swedish right? If you're the IceQueen I think you were. And you like talk to Des sometimes, right? I don't remember. Was that you?
I know you were, but you didn't come in until the end. Hence why I said since the beginning, not simply since the first installment.
Yeah, apparently I can't read so ignore that part.

And also, I am a American so probably not the same person ^^" I know someone who uses it at the end of their post but mine is the actual name. I used to be icefox

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