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The Long Walk Home


I am an Eternal Spring flowing under dirt.


RP will start soon enough.
"Oh, you wouldn't believe the luck I've had today!" Alex said to Mary as they walked together through the residential district, brownstone highrises on each side of the road. "I dropped by that little bookshop on the corner and they even had a sale on books! I am now the proud owner of several new historical novels to bury myself in! Modern life has nothing on knights in shining armour, graceful ladies and court intrigue!"

Mary looked at her. "But you always end up complaining about historical inaccuracies when you read those books!"

"Yeah, but that's the fun part!" Alex grinned. "And these aren't even close to being harlequins either."

Summer vacation had been going strong for about three weeks and though Alex hadn't actually gone anywhere for the vacation, she was enjoying herself. Lazy warm days spent hanging out with friends, working in the cool library and reading all the books that she hadn't had the time to read during the school year. Life was currently very good.

Mary rolled her eyes. "If you say so. Now come on, Anne and Lisa are waiting for us at the coffeeshop!"

The two of them quickly crossed the street, and headed through the small playground. There were some young children in the jungle gym being watched by their parents, and some high-school kids playing with a bright neon pink sparkly frizbee, flinging it wildly around. Alex ducked and Mary had to jump out of the way.

"Will you be careful with that thing?!" Mary growled when all she got in return were jeers. "Kids these days!"

Alex snickered. "They're barely any younger than we are."

"Certainly doesn't feel like it!" Mary huffed. "I swear we never acted like that! I'm not saying we were perfect angels, but we were at least a bit careful- WATCH OUT!"

The last thing Alex saw was a flash of sparkling neon pink before her world went dark.

She had no idea how much time passed before she slowly became aware of things again. It was so silent around her and she had a brief thought that her hearing was completely gone thanks to the frizbee, but then she heard birds chirping. But where was Mary? She was being suspiciously silent. Was Alex already at the hospital then? With a groan Alex rolled over only to freeze halfway and her eyes snapped open at what she was feeling under her hands. The light blinded her only briefly and she blinked rapidly to clear them while scrambling to her feet.

This place seemed like a dream. She was standing on a... cliff? A very steep embankment or hill? She didn't know and she wasn't about to approach the edge either, the soil looked a bit shaky over there. Besides, there were plenty other things to keep her attention. The wind was warm and gentle, the air full of the sweet scent of flowers with translucent petals in shades of pink and purple and yellow. The colours - the green of the grass, the blue of the sky, the brown of the earth, the white of the clouds - were far too bright, far too strong, far too pure. A golden bird flew overhead, glittering against the sun and giving a cry that Alex had never heard before.

There was also the disturbing lack of the steel, concrete, metal and glass of a big city.

"What... the... hell?"
Jiloh awakes, eyes slowly observing the dark sky above himself before he props himself up on his elbows. The traveler had woken up right on time once again, just before dawn, it was a practical requirement for all Travelers. By now, the sun was just starting to peak its face above the horizon and cast light upon the grass around Jiloh, meaning that it was time for him to get a move-on, lest he not cover as much ground as he can by today. But as Jiloh packed up his sleeping bag, he felt different than he normally does; this usually foreshadows something that will change his timeline that day. However, this was no time to stand around and ponder the future events of that day, it was time to get moving, and with that, Jiloh set off.

It had been around 4 years since he had left the starting point of his home village, 4 years of non-stop travelling. But this didn't bother Jiloh since he and his race were accustomed to making vast journeys, this was mostly part of their religion in-which they would travel to a sacred spot to wait out their days until they pass. Only certain village members were chosen since some needed to stay at the village and reproduce, but Jiloh was one of those that were sent out to find their passing at one of the most spiritual places within their world.

But even as Jiloh continued onward, he still had that concerning feeling deep in the pit of his stomach.
It is nothing. He told himself, I'm just feeling tired today. He thinks, lying to himself as the words float through his mind. Just focus on the route ahead, Hiton will make it disappear. Jiloh thinks while he trudges forward.

Hiton was the God of the Travelers; legend goes that Hiton was a young boy way back before the time of the Travelers, who decided to seek for eternal peace and tranquility somewhere away from civilization. So to accomplish such an outstandingly-large task, Hiton began travelling in search of a final resting place. After searching for twenty years, he finally found a location suitable for his needs, and those twenty years paid off greatly. Hiton, being the first to finally find a truly peaceful place to rest, ascended into his planar form and became a God,
the God of Peace.

So needless to say, when a traveler is in times of trouble, they will think about the road ahead instead of the current problem, and thus, Hiton clouds the problems with the thought of the journey.

Such is the situation that Jiloh finds himself in now, but the feeling seems to be intensifying rather than going away. However, he ignores it the best he can, he can't have this strange feeling blocking his focus, not while he was getting ever-so-closer to the sacred place, not now.

By about noon, the traveler reaches Iushine Meadow-top, a large meadow that was situated on top of a steep cliff used by local farmers for recreational purposes. Jiloh juts his walking staff into the steep hill-side to help himself get up one of the small embankments surrounding Iushine, effectively exhausting himself, but also ascending higher and higher as he does so.

Upon reaching the top, Jiloh was out of breath and panting heavily, the climbing had really shown its effects on him. But as he reaches the highest point, he stops dead in his tracks upon seeing something... (Go ahead and play mood music above for full affect. :>)

A girl?

She was looking off in the opposite direction, towards the cliff where the meadows end and shift into a steep cliff-side that lead to a beach several hundred feet below. The Traveler stares at her, her clothes, her hair,
her face. None of this looked familiar at all, not like anyone or anything that lived in this world. Jiloh remains quiet as she looks out, seemingly confused by.... well..... everything.

But Jiloh decides to finally say something, just to break this tense silence. "
Blessed be those who cross the paths of Travelers, may Hiton give you praise on your journey as he does mine." A typical Traveler greeting to strangers who happen to meet one on their march. "You aren't from around here, are you?" Jiloh asks, throat dry from not talking so long and a lack of proper hydration.

And there he stood, staff planted on the ground next to him, eyebrows raised, and in a casual stance; but little did either of them know that this encounter, would change their entire lives.
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Alex crouched down and pulled up a few straws of grass, ripping them apart to and then dug her hands into the earth. It was dry and her fingers came up brown, the dirt leaving stains behind even when she brushed them off and got back to her feet. It still felt very real to her, but would she even be able to realise a hallucination? Perhaps she was in a coma and this was a dream? Her bad of books wasn't here, and she had the odd thought that Mary better take good care of her books or else Alex was going to give her a good piece of her mind once she got back... woke up... whatever.

And then someone suddenly spoke up.

"What?" Alex turned around. The guy behind her was... robed? What the hell? She blinked and looked him up and down, eyebrow rising higher the longer she looked at him. He was dressed in a, well, the closest Alex could describe it was one of those Jedi robes from 'Star Wars' or perhaps from 'Avatar: the Last Airbender'. Along with the stick he was using and the greeting there was only one thing that she could deduce from all of this, and she sighed tiredly, rubbing her forehead.

"Right, okay. You're some sort of LARP player and I've been driven outside town and Mary was in on this. Probably those damned kids and their glittery frizbee of doom, too." She looked at him again. "Can we cut with the play-part and get to the part where I'm going home? I'm really not in the mood for this right now."
Jiloh's face went from curious to blank in just a couple of seconds. This girl's accent was different than any he had heard which made it hard for him to understand her, but from what he did understand, she just spoke nonsensical words which made no sense. The Traveler was at a loss, to say the least, how does he reply to such strange ramblings in a logical way that doesn't sound rude?

He takes a deep breath as he tries to decipher the unusual terms she was speaking to him, finally finding something to say. "
What?" Short and to the point. However, Jiloh shakes his head after realizing that she's definitely not from around here. "Are you lost? What is a LARP player? Who's Mary?" The stream of questions flow out of Jiloh's mouth like water from a spout. But who could really blame him? This stranger had just rambled off a bunch of stuff which he could barely understand and, needless to say, he was a bit flabbergasted.

The Traveler tilts his staff at an odd angle and shifts his weight onto it, effectively leaning on it while continuing to observe the stranger. "
But firstly, who are you?" Jiloh says, facial expression returning to a confused or curious look.
"Wait, what? Oh my god, don't tell me that they kidnapped you too?! What the hell is this? Some sort of bad evil-government TV-series or something? Hey, this isn't some sort of annoying candid camera thing, is it? If it is then I demand royalty payments right now because I didn't sign up for this." Alex pointed at him and waved her other arm around to illustrate.

She groaned and rubbed her temples as a headache started pounding behind her eyes. The day had been going so well, too! She had gotten a hold of books that she had wanted to read for ages! She was going to hang out with friends that she saw far too little of! And instead she had been knocked out by a pink thing of plastic that shouldn't have been able to knock her out in the first place, and had been dropped off int he middle of nowhere and surrounded by LARP players.

"Sorry. Never mind, just pay no attention to me. I'm not at my best right now." Alex sighed and looked at him again. "Just... please just point me to the closest phone or bus stop and I'll be on my way. My mom has to be worried sick about me by now."

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