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The Dark Of Winter

Dear Eclipse, Dusk and Rage,

I know most of you hate me, one of these goes to Pitch, but es probably burnt it by now. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Eclipse...Noel, last time we talked properly I had no control, and I apologise. Rage, I'm sorry for being a terrible cousin, though I suppose that's not true any longer, as Pitch no longer sees me as his son. Dusk...you should of left me alone when you first saw me. I hurt you, and I'm sorry I cannot help

From Tony

Tony was sat at the side of the lake alone, waiting for it to thaw as he sat there. He absently wondered if Pitch had read the message asking if he would take his son back.
Tony shrugged, "Whats the point Dusk? Pitch probably burnt the letter I wrote, Rage and N-Eclipse probably want to hunt me down....." He mumbled

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