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The Dark Of Winter

Noel smiled slightly. "Yeah. Does have a nice ring to it." She shrugged. "Now what? What's the plan?"

Jack knocked on Tony's door the fourth time that morning.
Tony mumbled a noise that sounded somewhat like permission to enter

Rage nodded with a grin, "I'll let Pitch explain that. He's more....dramatic"
Eclipse (I'm calling her that now) rolled her eyes. "He told you to tell me. Start talking." She crossed her arms.

Jack stepped into the room. 
Tony was curled under his bed, staring up at the mattress. At hearing footsteps he rolled onto his side and blinked at Jacks feet, of whom couldn't see him

Rage shrugged, "Pitch will create more nightmares, I'll make the parents angry so the kids get upset, and you'll give them presents, wrapped like Santa would, at the end of the bed, but instead of nice things they'll be spiders and bugs" He cackled
"What!? That won't make them believe! That'll make them fear and hate me!" Eclipse screamed.

Jack sighed and put a hand on Tony's shoulder. "You okay, kid?"
Eclipse glared at him. "that's not what I want. You can go without me." Eclipse sat on the couch stubbornly.

Jack smiled and made a bunny of ice appear.
Rage grinned, "More fun for me then" He hoped she understood the meaning behind his words before he disappeared to tell Pitch

Tony looked at it, and the wolf in him took over, though he didn't change, and he bopped it with his hand before backing up slightly
Tony changed form, though his wolf form looked smaller and less intimidating than it had when he was last fighting, and he scampered out, licking the ice before again retreating
Jack laughed and continued the game, the bunny scampering around happily.

Eclipse sighed and sunk down to her knees. She began crying bitterly.
The wolf leapt forward, before catching the bunny and changing back into human form. He looked up at Jack, and he stood, only to gasp and look down as rage thrusted a sword, one of Norths, though his chest, and the evil creature cackled before disappearing
"NO!" Jack screamed and shot Rage back with his ice. He ran and picked Tony up, flying out of the pole. "Don't worry, we'll find Sandy, he can help."
Tony was limp in Jacks arms, his body shuddering as he coughed up red.

Rage was caught on his leg by the ice, and let out a yell as he appeared back at the lair
Rage looked at her, holding up his blood stained hands with a grin. He'd left the sword on the floor of the room, where North could find it.

Tony blinked up at his father with a gurgled cough
Jack finally found Sandman. "SANDY! HELP!" (You're sandman)

Eclipse stared in horror, she had a pretty good idea who's blood it was.

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