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Realistic or Modern The Daily Lives of Toyko Teens

"Well I might think about it. Oh and the classroom is 1-H" Kenta said as he looked down at her. "This your class?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck.
"I don't know. I wasn't able to read the sheet.." Mika said while pulling out the timetable in her bag and handing it to him. "Could you read it out to me? If I make it into a song then, I might be able to remember...!"
Riding to school skateboards seeming to intertwine slowly as the two seemed to make the boards dance on the pavement, they moved in such unison, however they had no idea, one carried a base on his back and had headphones over his glowing orange hair and seemed more calm well the other chose on aggressive pose and wore a suit and less of a skateboarders close like the kid behind him, his face tense and his pose scary to fresh meat, on his back was a Guitar the two rode to school quietly not saying much to each other, Ace the orange haired boy could not hear much anyways because of his headphones over his ears while the older and grumpy looking one was like a hawk watching for cars or anyone who may have gotten in there way, as taro and ace arrived at school to look over everything they seemed to have run into quite a lot of kids, but Of course the aggressive Taro yelled and plowed his way through the kids as ace followed behind his expression never changing
Chi walked through the doors of the school with a water bottle in one hand and a sandwich in the other, eating nonchalantly as she passed by the stares and whispers of underclassmen. "Ah, how good to be back." She murmured dryly, taking a bite out of her sandwich and pushing past the throngs of students blocking her way. The tall girl waved to some jocks she had been friends with before she left for her year abroad in Korea, and sighed. She never imagined that she'd come back to this school. Almost as if enchanted by a spell, Chi made her way to the gymnasium without thinking. It seemed empty, and if anyone happened to be watching, she wasn't aware. The fair-haired athlete swallowed down the rest of her food followed by a gulp of water, and picked up a basketball laying on the gym floor. Would she even be allowed back onto the team after what had happened? Chi dribbled the ball, the sound of it bouncing up and down reverberating througout the wide, open space. Surely, the members of the team would let her back. She'd been the star player, and their team had struggled during her absence. There was no way they'd refuse to take her. The skirt Chi was wearing swished with every movement, which were smooth and deft.
"Yeah this is your class. Make sure you tell the teacher though. I can't be your right hand man everywhere. Stay out of trouble okay?" Kenta said as he finished reading her schedule to her and opened the classroom doors, the freshmen that were in there already checking out the classroom stared at the handsome third year. He always liked first years because they seemed so innocent. Of course the older beauties were also nice. He felt a burning sensation in his nose as he thought about all the beautiful women. He placed a hand on his face covering his nose and mouth, his bangs hiding his eyes. He needed to get to a bathroom fast to rid himself of the thoughts about women at the beach in summer.

"Okay. Thanks so much..." She said and put her hands out infront of her and sensed that he felt un comftorable. "What's wrong?" Mikan asked politely and put her hands down again, turning towards him.

"W-w-what? N-nothing is wrong over here. Just your average third year..." Kenta said keeping his hand on his nose. His words were muffled as he spoke and a couple girls gave him the regular flirtatious look and he could feel a warm liquid on his fingers and he felt his face flush red. Good god man what's wrong with you?! Pull yourself together!!

"Hey I need to run to the bathroom. I'll find you a bit later okay?" He said as he patted her head with his free hand and hurried to the bathroom where he slammed and locked the door, and began to splash his face with cold water.
"Okay." Mikan decided not to worry about what was going on and thought she would familiarise herself with the school. She put her hands out infront of her and took her first step down the stairs, but on the step after she tripped and fell down them.

Kenta looked in the mirror and only a slight trickle of blood was visible. He took a deep breath trying to calm his heart. His blonde bangs dripped with water as he grabbed paper towel and wiped the remainder of the blood away. "Alright Kenta, you are presentable once again." He told his reflection, his green gaze locked on his reflection's
Mikan stood up and leaned against a wall to get her balance back. She felt some blood go down her knee and didn't think anything of it. "I'll be... Fine." Mikan said as she put her hands out again and walked around a bit more.
((Okay so to summarize what happened so far. Its the day before school starts and its like a open house for students and parents. Kenya is in the bathroom treating his bloody nose, Sora is lost, Mikan is trying to find her way around even though she is blind and should have one of those sticks, Aika was tapped by Cami's character and basically everyone is free))

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