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Realistic or Modern The Council of the Ancients

Mina Sunford

Scarf Lady
The date is 257 A.L. All five of Dukaan's continents are in a state of isolation including the Socialist State of Saturmaan.

Detective Dorak, head of the investigation department in the capital of New Zabest, sits comfortably in his creaky armchair, smoking quality cigar. He turns his head, looking out the window of his office located on the twenty-first floor of the police building. The midday sun illuminates the whole city, rendering its buildings and roads along with the ongoing busy life visible. In the window, he spots his own reflection: a white man of average height in his forties, wearing characteristic black hat and matching black necktie, an expensive beige coat and shiny black shoes. His belly, akin to that of a bear's, is covered by a crystal clean white shirt which looks like as if it was just washed and ironed.

As the detective was about to doze off, the phone in the room began to ring. He slowly stood up from his chair and picked up the black bakelite receiver. As the caller started speaking, Dorak saw a person unknown to him waiting at the glass panel next to the door.

( What do you do? )

Characters so far:
Detective Dorak - Mina Sunford Mina Sunford
Colette - aisling_beag aisling_beag
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Unsure of the weather, Colette assumed it was rather dreary. This assumption was based alone on her findings of the day's cadaver; a young woman, between 20 and 30, who had been beaten several times in the back of the head with a blunt object. While life as a medical examiner was doomed from the beginning, the young woman tried to keep work and personal life apart, though nothing much came of it.

Dr. Colette Abernathy stood at a sturdy 5 foot 4 inches, long black hair tied neatly in a bun behind her. She currently stood outside of a Mr. Dorak, the detective she was to work with until further notice. She held a stack of papers and manila folders in one arm, using her other to roll the sleeves of her lab coat up to her elbows. A sigh escaped the doctor's lips as she rested her hip against the glass windows that separated the detective's office from herself. She was to report the findings of an autopsy she had conducted just the day before on a young boy who washed up on a riverside bank not far from the station, as he was the lead on the case.

The young woman stopped herself from knocking upon the office door when she noticed Dorak answering his phone. She sighed again, not wanting to interfere with his work but also wanting this meeting to go as quickly as possible. She did have other dead bodies calling her name 21 floors and a morgue beneath them after all.
"Well alright, I see. I'll head there as quickly as possible." he stated with a firm voice before hanging up.
After the conversation has ended, Dorak went to check out the figure waiting by his door. The silhouette of the person became clearer as the detective approached. It was a young woman in her twenties with black hair, standing quite shorter than him. She seemed quite busy, unaware of the news to come.
"Good day!" he exclaimed.
"I take it you're my new helper." Dorak let out a feint, but warm smile.
"Name's Dorak, glad to meet you." he extended his right arm for a handshake.

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