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Futuristic The Columbus Initiative OOC

This is the most EPIC scfi Fi theme song I ever heard...

We need this space ship. Now.

Yeah she is soooooo cool. Bruh she even has small fighter planes that launch from inside too!!


K so like my concept is an Adept that is a Tech Manipulator/Interfacer supersoldier. I'd llike her to take role of Gunnery Officer since she has been made to be more like a weapon and is trying to maintain her humanity.

She has been experimented on and has implants and upgrades and is able to survive them due to being a Tech manipulator/Interfacer. She has stolen nanotech that forms kinda like a Ironman/Cyborg Mecha suit from the MCU/DCEU. Here it's called Archangel but needs the power of a personalized reactor kinda like Stark. Not just that but she needs to steal from other powersources to recharge yet more importantly that stealing of energy must include a mix of organic to maintain her humanity.

She's basically searching for any of her 'siblings' that have been part of her prior squads, especially the ones that were forced to disband and go into hiding from the people who experimented on and help build these super soldier types.

Is this all good as a concept?
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K so like my concept is an Adept that is a Tech Manipulator/Interfacer supersoldier. I'd llike her to take role of Gunnery Officer since she has been made to be more like a weapon and is trying to maintain her humanity.

She has been experimented on and has implants and upgrades and is able to survive them due to being a Tech manipulator/Interfacer. She has stolen nanotech that forms kinda like a Ironman/Cyborg Mecha suit from the MCU/DCEU. Here it's called Archangel but needs the power of a personalized reactor kinda like Stark. Not just that but she needs to steal from other powersources to recharge yet more importantly that stealing of energy must include a mix of organic to maintain her humanity.

She's basically searching for any of her 'siblings' that have been part of her prior squads, especially the ones that were forced to disband and go into hiding from the people who experimented on and help build these super soldier types.

Is this all good as a concept?
Ohh I think that could work. Like I'm imagining a xenophobe offshoot of the Columbus Initiative that believes magic should be extracted by force would definitely create super soldier squads. Would her siblings be a part of other ship's crews?
Ohh I think that could work. Like I'm imagining a xenophobe offshoot of the Columbus Initiative that believes magic should be extracted by force would definitely create super soldier squads. Would her siblings be a part of other ship's crews?
K coooools... but as for the siblings, nah.

I'mma say just keep it a backburner idea and just focus on our crew. Like i just wanted to give her motivation to actually go out there on adventure and not just be on the run and always tryna hide from the group that experimented on her and her 'sibs.'
K coooools... but as for the siblings, nah.

I'mma say just keep it a backburner idea and just focus on our crew. Like i just wanted to give her motivation to actually go out there on adventure and not just be on the run and always tryna hide from the group that experimented on her and her 'sibs.'
Alright sounds good
k so posted up for Ahmi. Still need to do her bio but still gathering ideas of what I'd like to reveal about her lol
K so like after seeing that the Main thread has more info, thinkin that with a $2Billion supercomputer, a Gunnery Officer is kinda not needed lol.

So like thinkin of changing her position to Security Officer.
K so like after seeing that the Main thread has more info, thinkin that with a $2Billion supercomputer, a Gunnery Officer is kinda not needed lol.

So like thinkin of changing her position to Security Officer.
I think someone should still be in charge though. The AI's main purpose is navigation and energy managment, they don't trust it enough to handle the main guns.
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo really liking the details! Might sound like a dumb question, but is Kri'Tarris like a different solar system or a company name?
ty! So like Kri'Tarris is a different system. Like i read that the solar system is dying so thinkin that people have set up space stations/colonies on terraformed moons or live on artificial grav space stations like in Interstellar movie. Thinkin this is where they discovered the 'super rare but worth killing over' super conductor/new element that helped create the nanotech of the Archon-Reaction Technology.
ty! So like Kri'Tarris is a different system. Like i read that the solar system is dying so thinkin that people have set up space stations/colonies on terraformed moons or live on artificial grav space stations like in Interstellar movie. Thinkin this is where they discovered the 'super rare but worth killing over' super conductor/new element that helped create the nanotech of the Archon-Reaction Technology.
Ohhhhh that actually sounds good got it

In the lore I was thinking the Omnimatter is like the material that skyrockets science, like the thing that allows magic to happen. Could it be like the material in Kri'Tarris is like an alternative for it? Or maybe like aneextremely pure Omnimatter or is it like its own thing?
Ohhhhh that actually sounds good got it

In the lore I was thinking the Omnimatter is like the material that skyrockets science, like the thing that allows magic to happen. Could it be like the material in Kri'Tarris is like an alternative for it? Or maybe like aneextremely pure Omnimatter or is it like its own thing?
I was thinking that whatever was discovered there gave rise to the Archon-Reaction Tech. Thinkin' this is basically allowing certain humans (Adepts) to telepathically control the nanites to get them to form or repair as needed; a reflection of the Adepts persona and abilitites. This reaction (thus the name Archon-Reaction Tech) is powered by the Reactor Implant (which i guess would be omnimatter) and in Ahmi's case, she is able to manipulate and control the nanites to form a weaponized flying mecha suit.
Alright so it's an independent tech, got it
I was thinking that whatever was discovered there gave rise to the Archon-Reaction Tech. Thinkin' this is basically allowing certain humans (Adepts) to telepathically control the nanites to get them to form or repair as needed; a reflection of the Adepts persona and abilitites. This reaction (thus the name Archon-Reaction Tech) is powered by the Reactor Implant (which i guess would be omnimatter) and in Ahmi's case, she is able to manipulate and control the nanites to form a weaponized flying mecha suit.
Alright so it's an independent tech, got it
oh speaking of LOre, thinkin that you should prolly link the Main page in the OP of the Int CHK. The Main has sooooo much info that is really interesting and helps build ideas for apps. And speaking of apps, maybe list what crew positions are filled in the OP Int CHK as well? So that interested people can make choices to fill what roles are open?
oh speaking of LOre, thinkin that you should prolly link the Main page in the OP of the Int CHK. The Main has sooooo much info that is really interesting and helps build ideas for apps. And speaking of apps, maybe list what crew positions are filled in the OP Int CHK as well? So that interested people can make choices to fill what roles are open?
I think I can, but I gotta add it later I gotta go now
Hey all, I'm still floating. Super busy with a bunch of stuff so, with all the tech-related characters, might either withdraw my interest or pivot to a different concept- hope it's ok with you all if I take some time to figure it out.
Hey all, I'm still floating. Super busy with a bunch of stuff so, with all the tech-related characters, might either withdraw my interest or pivot to a different concept- hope it's ok with you all if I take some time to figure it out.
That's okay! I'm also a bit busy with some work, but we're still going if more people join in
If you're okay with it that is, then yeah I won't mind.
Isn't there another person joining the crew from int CHK?

Wait wut?! They're playing an ALIEN?! like wut?
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