The Codes of Humanity

Lol true lol but with a little convincing, it might work lol like the freedom to leave if they'd want whether it's temporary or permanently..maybe tell them that they would have free living. I just figured it would be easier to contact the codes that way...then again idk >.> the forbidden codes might be too posh for that idea lol

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Why are Forbidden's posh all of a sudden? I don't see what's wrong with not trust humans. I mean sure, it's okay to let Minerva slide, but I think it's still way too early for them to have changed their opinion of humans after years and years of captivity. It just seems too fast to me. No proper development, you know? It's only been a day since the crash after all, maybe not even that long.

And brainstorming sounds like a fine idea. We can try to see where everyone kinda of wants to go with their own individual characters and build that into something that pulls them together.

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um i have a question? you said that there are 13 codes survived the explosion right? then where are the other 5 codes? 
you only posted 8 of them at the character sheets
In the rules and regulations it explains why there are only 8. Basically a new one is release every Saturday.

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Because the lab would be redundant to the forbidden due to their abilities (that kind of posh) whereas normal codes would be able to train and live to improve. The forbidden have nothing to improve on. They are already the upper class which apparently is too impossible to obtain....I'm ending there..I'm not saying anymore about it.

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Well, I wouldn't say it impossible to obtain. Just really hard. I may have over hyped it, but I just wanted him to understand it wasn't going to be handed to anyone on a silver platter or something. It would just diminish the meaning of them being Forbidden you know? Like, Can you call someone rich compared to you if they only have a couple thousand more than you? It's just that kind of thing. Just in my mind, if they sent noticeably stronger, what's the point of them being forbidden?

As for the training I get that humans have facilities, but why is that the Codes' only choice for training? Not that it's a problem. To each their own really. If anyone decides to stick with the humans that is absolutely fine. I just don't intend to do it yet.

Also, you could be the mom if you wanted.

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I understand that..every member understands the difference between forbidden and normal..but the fact that u said not to underestimate the forbidden (u kinda underestimated the powers of normal code) and that the gap between forbidden and normal was so "titanic"...sounded egotistical and degraded normal code abilities bc ur character IS a forbidden himself. I understand u might have over hyped's just at first it seemed like the forbidden were gods and normal were scum compared to them

and I'm saying this bc I'm ur friend and that "warning" you gave him seemed pretty unfair.

Thank u for explaining though..i only had two hrs of sleep and couldn't sleep a wink after bc of that anger bottled inside lol

I avoided saying how I felt for respect but this is the best I can do and be respectful at the same time.

About the training's not the only choice to train..I was just giving a suggestion..the humans should give something to the codes for their work in fighting against the shade

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Thanks. Glad to know someone will call me on it if I'm sounding like an jerk, even though it wasn't my intention. No offense taken.

As for the training facility thing, yes the humans should but it doesn't mean they will. The Codes have been all but slaves to them for a good 200 or so years. And it's human nature not to want to feel like we're no longer top of the food chain. In a situation like this, I can see them acting arrogant and acting as if the Codes have to do as they're told. I can also see them making demands and not really giving a crap about what the Codes say. They gave us a home and stuff in space, but that was more like a prison; they didn't want us on Earth with them. The Codes are here now though, so I can' imagine them getting anything luxurious from the humans if the humans can't have them far away from the planet. Still we shall see. Minerva may be able to help, but we can't forget that she's only one person.
Yeah. Was hoping they'd pick up once I got Demo to post. That way the groups could finally break apart. I can't really reply until she does, after all.

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