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Fantasy Tales of Atlas

Can Atlas do this? If not, who do you think will win the war?

  • Yes... You can do it Atlas.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No... Myths all the way!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Man is gonna kick ass and take names.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There is no winning side in war, only losers, and worst losers.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We are all gonna be blown to smithereens.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
He heard Kairas plee "Shes going to kill the king? She wont even get passed the guards! Stop her!" He yelled to Kaira as he continued fighting
"I cant in this form. I need someone to rip this out of my ear so I can transform into my true form! Its been made that I cannot pull it out!" She turned to him and got punched in the face. "Ohff." Kaira had her breath knocked out of her.
The elf understood and jumped on the roof of a nearby building, holding the staff sword in his left hand. Heart then flew past him and started tracking the raged werewolf, leading Caricon to the castle
Njeri saw the bird above her and growled. She lowered her head and began to push herself to run faster, hoping she could lose the bird and anyone else who would be following.
Akira manages to defeat any remaining soldiers as he makes his way to the castle, going through a secret pathway into the throne room. "This takes me back..." He smiles as he gets serious. "That means the HQ would be around here... I will go there later.. Now I need to stop Njeri killing the kind!" He says as he eventually gets to the throne room, the king sat upon his throne with no guards present, which was good for Akira. He stood in front of the throne and waited for Njeris arrival. He didnt want to fight her, but he would if he needed to
Etsoul had found himself in the castle at the time of the myth escape. The demon was looking for the myths as well and his poisoned scythe was already in hand ready to slash his prey. With big strides through the halls he found one of them. The myth was a girl he met before. So with a crooked smile he stared at the beast as ran ready to slash at it.
Njeri stopped when she saw Etsoul. A loud growl started in her throat. She charged at him, grabbing the handle of the scythe in her mouth and using her body to try to knock him down.
Etsoul was entirely confused as why the werewolf grabbed onto his scythe with her mouth true it caused him to fall to one knee, but who bites a scythe. His right hand still tightly held the scythes handle and his left hand moved as if he was pulling something to him. Then the a small segments of the stone wall flew out from the wall head straight for the wolf girl.
Kaira was being backed up into a corner firing repeatably into the guards who had tried to capture the myths. The others had left to stop Njeri and Kaira was trying to keep the guards from getting to the other myths. She growled and her hair stood on end. "Lookie here boys," One of the guards laughed, "we've got ourselves a female myth. this will be fun." He cracked his knuckles with a grin. He throw a punch at her but she bit him in the arm. "Oh seems like this one has some spunk! She'd do great in the arena." Karia felt like a cornered dog and lashed out. One of the guards gripped her arms and pinned them behind her back.

"You wont be needing this where you'll be going." He grabbed the bow from the ground where she dropped it. Another one noticed the feather earning. "This looks like it will fetch a fair price in the market." Yes pull it out. Please. She thought as the guard yanked it out. Kaira broke into a smile as she felt her face pull and split apart.
The shards of stone struck Njeri's face, causing blood to fall, obscuring her vision. She bit hard on Etsoul's arm before taking off once more for the throne room. She climbed a large flight of spiraling stairs that led to what must have been the tribe room. Pulling her ears back she stalked into the room, where she was bewildered to find Akira.
He stood there with his hands behind his back as he threw a strange device on the floor in front of the king that put a magical barrier up around him. "What has driven you to want to commit such a heinous act?" He starts to walk forward. His footsteps echoing on the marble floor as he looks at Njeri with a sharp look. Waiting for an answer
Kaira felt her bones shift and change into a dragon skeleton. Her skin pulled tight and stretched across her bones. Because she hadnt shifted in such a long time it hurt. She left loose an ear shattering roar and lifted her hands, now turned into wings, and took off towards the castle. Her dragonself was in such a rage that is canceled out her sensible self. Instead of being cautious she wanted to paint the town red in blood
"Are you serious?!" Njeri barked. She shifted back into her human form and unsheathed her battleaxe. "That man has declared war on the myths. He threw away the few years of peace our kinds had when he called for the SLAUGHTER of myths. He's the reason behind all the killing and enslavement of our kind!" She yelled pointing her axe in the king's direction. "How can you stand there and defend him? Defend the evil deeds he's done?"
He yells as Excalibur glows a blinding yellow when he draws it "ENOUGH!" He sighs "...look, you have not thought this through. If you kill the king you will cause war with the myths that will last an eternity, the peace that one of the previous king and my order spent so much time in producing!" He slowly points his blade towards Njeri. "if you launch this attack now, you will end up being exiled from the kingdom, or have the punishment of treason! Do you want that?!"
In Kaira's rage fulled mind nothing could keep her from her goal. The king was to blame. He killed her race. He is the reason my race is dead. Now he must die as well. She landed on the roof of the castle with a great thump , lifted her head, and let loose a mighty jet of flame. Wait, dont do this. A small voice in the back of Kaira's mind pleaded. It will solve nothing. No. The king must die as punishment for his crimes. Her dragonself decided for her and ripped into the castle roof.
" THERES BEEN WAR!" Njeri spat. "The men have been fighting a one sided war! It's been a massacre! And your precious king sat by and LAUGHED!" Her fists clenched in rage. She let out a could emotionless laugh. "Exile? I'm headed straight for the execution block! Trust me I've known where this would lead and I am more than prepared to lay my life down for revenge. FOR JUSTICE!"

Her head jerked up as Kaira tore off the roof. "Looks like someone agrees with me." She observed.
Akira closes his eyes as he sighs, completely ignoring Kaira tearing through the roof, he then opens his eyes as they turn yellow, his myth form. "Its fitting that we will fight in The throne room... After all.. I was sealed away in the room undereath" he smiles as he looks at Njeri "THAT WAR WAS NOTHING COMPARED TO WHAT WILL COME! Trust me, i've seen it. I've smelt it. I'VE EVEN TOOK PART IN IT! Now just walk away! I dont want to cross blades sith eother of you. But I will." He opens his palm as the barrier around the king intensifies and is pretty much 100% magic resistant. "Njeri... The light of my blade shall cast away the shadows of your heart. There is no reasoning with you!" He gets ready to fight
Kaira roared again, this time making the ground shake and thus making some of the roof fall in. When she had made a gap big enough for her size and dropped in through the hole. "Step aside knight. This does not concern you." A gravely voice sounded deep from her chest area. Fury and murder could be seen in the glint of her eyes.
Njeri sighed. " I didn't want to have to do this. I respect you. Truly. This doesn't change that." She looked at Kaira. "It's no use, he's not gonna move." Njeri took the chain around her neck in her mouth and tore the ring off. As she put the ring on her finger, a wave of red washed over her, and she took the form of her bipedal lycan form. "Akira of the Holy Grail, you shall feel the wrath of the Moonborn clan." She spoke in a deep layered voice.
Atlas ran through the palace halls... He passed Etsoul on the way but ignored him for he did not know the man. "I have to make it to the thrown room." He thought.

The king sat on his throne frozen with fear. He didn't know what to do... All he could do was watch.

Akira sighs as he steps forward once more. Holding his blade at his side as he said "King, do you still have any of the other Grail artefacts? Or have they been locked away back in the Orders Headquaters?" He asks as he looks at Njeri in her true form. He raises his Excalibur to point at Njeri as it glows a bright yellow. He then launches himself at Njeri with great speed, crossing blades with her as he then pushes himself off "Stand down!"

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