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Fantasy Tales of Atlas

Can Atlas do this? If not, who do you think will win the war?

  • Yes... You can do it Atlas.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No... Myths all the way!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Man is gonna kick ass and take names.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There is no winning side in war, only losers, and worst losers.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We are all gonna be blown to smithereens.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Loke Fullbuster

The Language Enthusiast
One hundred years ago, uncharted land, found near the kingdom of Magique, full of great mythical beasts were found. Man reacted just as it was assumed they would, they humans invaded the homes of what were to be called MYTHS, and abducted them for “Scientific” research. After having had enough of this, the myths council of elders decided they had to protect their people, and declared war on the great kingdom. A great war waged on for 50 years, wiping out half of earth’s HUMAN population, and causing most of earth to become uninhabitable for both man and myth alike. After reaching a deadlock in the world, neither side ready to give, the “TREATY OF MAN AND MYTH” was born. This pact not only gave the myths half of the earth’s habitable land, but also stated neither species could cross onto the others territory, as well as communicate with them… But this space allowed for the myths to grow in size and gain more man power. Suspecting the myths to be creating an army to go against them, and under knew rule, the kingdom of Magique has decided to declare war. As both civilizations prepare for a war just on the horizon, an unlikely hero... The kings son ATLAS, must join with Man and Myth alike to stop the impending war. Will he succeed? Can one kid really carry the weight of the world on his shoulders?
Pierce had no idea where she was headed, but following these crooks might lead to some sweet treats for her. She had not eaten since yesterday morning and her stomach reminded her of that every twenty minutes. She had been tracking these guys for the last couple hours. Their routine was always the same; they hold up the area and threaten no one to move, rob the joint blind, and then leave a trap for any hero trying to follow them. The traps however, were only designed to keep the poor patrons inside the building. As Pierce was just watching from the side lines, it wasn't an issue. So far they had hit two bars and a small shopping center, which meant they had food. This far South it was difficult for any Myth to find food. Pierce felt she would be doing the world a favor by taking out the thieving idiots, and her reward would be an all you can eat buffet! A large grumble emerged from her stomach. "I know, jeez! I'm working on it!" Eyes back on her prey, she prepared for her attack.
Njeri stood in the main square of the Capitol city of Magique. A large fur cloak was draped over her shoulders, covering her leather and steel armor, but the end of her axe was visible from behind, as it poked out from the head of the cloak.

She had heard rumors of a nearby arena that used captured Myths for entertainment, and decided to come up by herself to check it out.

At first glance, she looked like a regular human, but upon really studying her face, you could see scars, and eyes that were not seen among any Man.

Njeri looked up at the castle and scowled. "How I hate humans." She muttered, before walking in search of the supposed arena.
Wendy was flying on her broom. She had big smile on her face while enjoying the breeze. "Haha isn't this fun Rei!" Rei was in her bag relaxing. He purred and said, "yes very relaxing." Wendy laughed and continued flying.
The Demon of Destruction was moving around in the main square his eye dashed from female to female looking for a soul to consume. After all he had the day off. When the extremely old demon began to move faster. Then his shoulder accidentally rammed into that of a creature with an axe coming from its cloak. He didn't say a word to the creature. He didn't give it any words. In stead he found his way over to a small defenseless blonde. Who he assumed had a pure soul.
Kaira was in a house exiting to go to the market. "Stupid feather earning." She muttered. It had been ages since her wings last touched the sky. "Stupid dragon council." They were the ones who had sealed her myth form away. She put on a cloak and walked to the market. Even though she had been in a human form for such a long time, she did not like to walk. After all dragons weren't meant to walk. She had to go the market to get some food even though she had been dreading it for some time. Part of the reason she had been avoiding it was one: Her eyes. They always seemed to unnerve people, and two: She didnt like people that greatly. Her dragonself played a part in that too.
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Njeri let out a short gasp as she felt someone crash into her. She turned and caught a glimpse of the figure as he walked past her. Something about his presence angered her. She could tell from the start he wasn't human, and she gripped the hilt of her axe, and stood between him and the defensless young girl, using the axe as a barrier.

After a moment she spoke. "One would think someone of your..." She looked him up and down, "age, would know to apologize to a woman for inflicting pain against her." She spat at him, trying to keep herself from transforming and attackin him there.

@The Akolite
(How Da Rude.....)

The Demon gave a crooked grin. "I'd put the axe away. Wouldn't want the guards of this fine city to come after you would we." Etsoul continued his grin. Then he stepped closer to his new friend. "I also thought you were man at first. Absolutely hate other creatures that share my gender." He gave the female a small smile. "So I'm sorry girl. Wont happen again." He had no intention to spark the girls rage. So with a smile he said "Why don't you join me for a drink. Payed for by the Prince's bodyguard."
Njeri bristled and her frown turned to a snarl. She lifted the axe so that the head was at Etsoul's throat.

"Was that a threat?" She narrowed her eyes, which now blazed with the same icy blue present in her wolf form.

"If you think I'd go out for a drink with the creep who just said he mistook me for a man, you're sadly mistaken, pal. I don't care who the hell you are." She barked at him.

(Do you all realize how many dog puns I'm trying to squeeze in here?)

@The Akolite
Etsoul laughed as the girl pointed the axe at his neck. "Girl excuse my vision. Your cloak happened to obscure your face" Etsoul had little fear of the girl. "Young Wolf drop your weapon. This is the last time I will ask you." He stepped backwards from the girl just slightly before his lips moved again. "Also have you heard the story of the demon that brought natural disasters to the world. The priests of man and myth both got the story correct. Except for one thing. He isn't dead." He the looked towards he fleeing meal. "So again would like to get something to drink before I remove that weapon from your possession"
Kaira pulled a hood over her face to obscure her eyes. She learned that if people couldn't see them then she would have a better chance to get people to sell to her. She glanced down at a stall and pointed out some things she would like to buy. The stall keeper seemed to be a bit nervous but sold to her anyway. When Kaira had bought her food and things she turned to walk out of the stall but something held her back. She had this feeling that something big was about to go down involving myths.
Akira was walking around the city square as he could sense the presence of other myths, being one himself meant he could nearly just about tell the difference between a myth and a normal human.he walked around town to see the city market packed full of people."hmm.. Lets go see whats for sale" he said as he walked around the market. His gaze averting to different stalls from time to time
Njeri's blood turned to ice as Etsoul called her "young wolf", but she didn't let show. She smacked the axe onto the ground to where the top of one of the blades was just a hair's length away from his foot.

"Everyone knows the tale, you creep." She said, rolling her head to crack her neck. "But y'know, being as well known as I am," she now grinned, "like for example... being invited to the council a few times, you learn some things. For example, I know that you are no where near your old power, and even if you were, you've sworn yourself into protection of some man-kid, and that I truly wol never understand. Because of that, you cannot expose yourself as anything but a human here, so I suggest you stop with the empty threats, because I don't mind getting caught, but I know you do." She said, revealing a sharp-toothed grin.

"Go get a drink yourself, and let me do things that are actually helpful to our kind." She said, turning to walk away.

@The Akolite
Pierce waited until most of the men were asleep before she made her move. The fire cracked in the night air and echoed throughout. There were five men total, and only one kept watch... How foolish. Pierce called on her Nonlight to aid her. Needles of light surrounded in black were thrust down on the man on lookout. "Augh!" He screamed. The other bodies began to stir and Pierce danced around them slashing with fluidity. She took three down before the other two were on their feet. The men were still dazed and swung swords wildly. It wasn't difficult to maneuver around them, but she needed to finish this quickly. She drew a new blade from the dark air and met a strike from the man to the left. A motion in the opposite direction drew her attention. The knife sliced the air beside her ear as she twisted and fell to the ground. Pierce landed on her right knee and kicked with her left foot. The man fell on his back with a grunt. The second man lunged and forced her down, holding her hands behind her back. She dropped her blade. "I must say, you are quite impressive. I won't ask what you're doing here. If you've been tracking us I'm sure you're after our spoils." He got closer this time and whispered in her ear. "I won't give you food, but how about somethin' else?" Pierce rolled her eyes in disgust. "Listen dear, I know this might be hard to understand... But I'm simply not interested." Pierce had used the moment to wrap her leg around his. She slipped one hand out of his grasp, brought his knee up and stabbed it with a new dagger. "AAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!" She knocked him away from her and rose to her feet. "How many damned weapons do you have?!" He yelled while clutching his leg. Pierce smiled. "As many as I need. Limitations are not familiar to me in that aspect." She approached the man and drew her blade up.

Pierce walked away from the mangled bodies and a dying fire with a bag filled with delectable foods, after eating as much as she could. "So worth it!"
"You aren't my kind, Dog" The body guard said to the werewolf. Then he turned his cherubic face from the girl and began to walk through the busy city. Heading straight for a small shop with his favorite shopkeeper. The sweetest old lady in world and for some reason Etsoul loved her. When he entered the fruit store he greeted the old lady with a happy grin. Giving her a small hug. "How you doing Glenn?" He asked the small lady and the lady replied with "I'm doing great young as always and we just got a new shipment of your favorite fruit" and the Demon said "Yeah...I'll take fifty"
Njeri spat in the ground as Etsoul walked off. "Ass..." She muttered. She walked for a little while through the city, her stomach growling. When the pain from hunger became too unbearable, she quickly came up with a way to get food. When she neared the stall selling dried meats, she kicked her foot out, tripping a man who was walking by, causing him to fall over onto the stall. As the seller came around to yell at the man, Njeri swiped bits of food off, and quickly shoved them into the small bag she had hanging from her belt. "Man-spawn are far too easy to fool." She chuckled to herself, not realizing that she had forgotten to make sure nobody was watching her when she stole the food.
Akira looked at the merchandise on the stalls with confusion, these 'artefacts' as he called them looked strange. He had never seen anything like them before, he giggles as he buys one and then walks around the city again. Hes happy no one has come asking him about his sword, or armour. Bdcause normally thats what people do since everyone knew the story being the Knights of Grail. He sighed as he kept looking at stalls innocently, "everything is so nice here..." He says as he looks at the merchzndise
Karia got her food into a bag and headed out of the market. The interaction between the myths had passed but it seemed like more had gathered together. Hustling out of the market seemed like a bit more of a chore than she had originally though with her hood on. She ended up bumping into a man with armor like a knight's and looked up. Her hood slipped off and she gasped.


Sent from the cloud kingdom
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Akira gasped as he feels someone bunp into him. He smiles as he says "hello there. My name is Akira Shu... Im a knight as you can see" he giggles as he doesnt show her the crest on his scabbard. He then looks down as her hood slipped off.. It was pretty obvious that he was a myth, i mean. Who walks around in strange, medieval like armour with a strange sword, he smiles at Karia "So.. Who might you be Milady?"

Karia was very much puzzled as why he was not startled off by the sight of her eyes. So she had a clue that he was a myth but he may have seen stranger things than a girl like her. "Good day Sir. My name is Karia." She tried to be pleasant even though her dragonself was waking.

Sent from the cloud kingdom
Akira smiled at her, he had noticed her eyes when they first looked at each other, but he didnt care, he let go of his sword, showingvthe crest on his scabbard as he says "Well then Karia ... I take it your a myth? How nice to meet you" he bows his head to show respect as he looked at Excalibur

Shit he knows. That was the thought that flew through her head before she saw that he was giving respect. She laughed. "I guess its kind of obvious that I am. I can't really do anything about the eyes. So I guess that you are one too?" She followed his gaze to the sword. The sword plus the medieval armor made it click in her head. Yep, he's a myth.

Sent from the cloud kingdom

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