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Fantasy Tales of Atlas

Can Atlas do this? If not, who do you think will win the war?

  • Yes... You can do it Atlas.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No... Myths all the way!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Man is gonna kick ass and take names.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There is no winning side in war, only losers, and worst losers.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We are all gonna be blown to smithereens.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Atlas bathed in the sun. "Ughh. Where are we?" He thought. He saw they were in a wood. He realized where he was. "I knew that tunnle seemed familiar." He thought. Atlas had read about it in the book. The path underneath the castle that led from myth land to human land. "Were in Mythia." He said before passing out.
An Elven maid, went over to the boy after he said something. She began speaking in Elvish (I'll translate it for you). "Gerus, I know your pain and everything, but, kidnapping the one that you were charged to protect, bringing him to your Elven friend, one of the last after the war at that, trying to get the Elven girl to save the boy from a High Elven potion he got from YOU, losing not only your partner, but the only one that knows how to help you, and last but not least, endangering everybody in Mythdom with the king's wrath because you kidnapped his SON!!" Gerus went over to the boy and looked down. "This boy is something that puts all of that out of the equation. Our numbers might be larger, but while in their city I realized how fast they grow. I talked to the spy's and suddenly released slaves and did some numbers. They reproduce at a 75% faster rate than us. That means this Myth loving kid is our only chance at peace, and my council spot."

(Sorry if it seems like I'm making him into a bad person, it's just I always planned this)

@Loke Fullbuster
(Hope you don't mind but I'm going to try to jump in. Would of jumped in sooner but I've been really busy)

Wendy had been flying around for a while and Rei was starting to notice somthing. "We're lost aren't we?" Wendy laughed nervously. "Haha no! We are just not there yet." Rei rolled his eyes and looked at her. "Ok maybe we are a little lost." Rei gave her a angry look. "See?! I told you but a map but noooo you would'nt listen to me!" "I'm sorry ok! Maybe we just passed it a litt-whoa!!" All of a sudden it became very windy. "Oh no! Don't fall or crash please!" Rei yelled. "To late!" Wendy yelled back. Then they started falling it was to windy for her to fly the winds for some reason were extra stronge. They crashed into a tree. Her broom hit the ground, Rei landed on a branch, so did Wendy but somehow she ended up hanging up side down. She looked and saw two elves and a boy who seem to be sleeping, she wasn't really sure. She smiled and said, "Sorry! Didn't mean to crash in on your little conversation but um could someone help me down please?" Rei metally face palmed himself and sighed. "Out of all the witches in the world I end up with a clumsy little girl." Wendy looked at Rei and yelled out, "Hey I heard that!" Then looked back down at the Elves giving them a nervous smile.

@Loke Fullbuster
(sorry, life has kinda been taking over, I'll be in the car with my mom alot tommorrow so I will try to type with my phone there!)

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