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Fantasy Son's and Daughters of Olympus

((Yup, it was the Persians, and heeeyyy, do we have a way of uhm... breaking or destroying or disabling the weapon, Leo Valdez II))
Eva let go once they were in the training room and closed the door. Without looking at him, she sat on a bench and said, "you just think you can't. When you lead us during the war, you saved more lives than if you hadn't. People were going to die either way. It's just what happens in war. They sacrificed their lives so others could live, including my brother. Besides if I could be completely honest, I'd much rather have you lead than Demetri. He'd be too busy screwing any girl he could find rather than giving us orders," she said truthfully before continuing. "Just because people died last time and you were in charge doesn't mean you're a horrible leader. You're the best chance we have at victory. Not a lot of people like you or care for you. That's pretty obvious. But if they don't respect you for what you did then their stupid. I know for a fact that even though Idris wasn't there during the war, that she believes in you. Aurora has already made it clear that she believes in you," she paused for a minute before looking up into his eyes. "I believe in you," she concluded quietly.
((All we need is the bodies....hmmm okay. It is a scythe, the staff parr will be the focus of its power, weakened by extreme heat. Light, Fire, and Lightning ))
"Demetri is not a bad leader, he just does not have the battle experience. Give him a bit of credit, he has more people skills then I do. Sure, he can be a dirtbag at time but so can anyone. Leading this team, it isn't just dealing with the loss. It is having everyone counting on you every second. I spent days training each of those campers. Helping them develop their combat skills and helping them learn to survive. Yet, nothing I taught them was good enough. They still died and I am to blame. Maybe if I had trained them better, maybe if I had been more intense in their training they could have...." He punched the wall angrily.

"I can't even train anyone this time Eva, they have to go with the skills they already have. I can't assess them individually and figure out where they'd excel. If anything, there are more risks this time. I have to trust people with tasks and not even know if they are suited to it. All my life I have had nothing but suffering. I have always been running, either away from danger or towards it. Now, I am supposed to take a group of demigods to face one of the dangerous creatures to exist."

Jethro was silent for a few moments, his mind drawing to his mother. He could see her clearly in his mind, she was looking at him with a slight smile on her face. She nodded once at him and his mind returned to where he stood.

".....Fine...I'll do it."

He put his face in his hands taking a deep breath and then looked at her.

"Perhaps, this will be the adventure that makes people stop hating me so much."
Eva jumped slightly when he punched the wall, but quickly calmed her racing heart. She stood and took a step closer to him, being careful not to anger her more. "Being a leader also isn't about skills. It involves trusting who it is you're leading and I know that you do, more than he does. You can't dwell on the past. It may hurt, but you can't let it control your life. You have to use it to shape your future. Last time, you gave out orders and barely listened to anyone. Listen to them this time. All I need is a bow and some arrows and I can do some damage. Aurora has her sword so just make sure she has water just in case she gets hurt. It's just a matter of listening. Thank you for doing it," she said softly before turning around, she started towards the door, but she stopped and turned back around, playing with a ruffle on her dress. "And I'm going with you," she said simply, looking at him.
"But...Eva....I still remember back when we first met. You hated me, with a passion as far as I remember. Why are you all of a sudden trying to give me a pep talk now? If you hate me and hated my leadership then why ask me to take charge once again? I lead the way I know how to, you know that. Why put yourself through that again?"
"I never hated you. I just disliked you at first. And I didn't hate your leadership. Believe it or not I understood it. My grandfather served in the Second World War so I understood exactly what you were trying to do. You're the best chance we've got and I'm putting myself through it again because I want to," she explained, never moving her eyes from him.
He walked past her and as he passed her he said,

"Just know this, you will not die on this mission. I'll die before I let you die. Remember that, Eva."

He walked down the hallways until he found crippled Demetri. He looked him in the eyes for several seconds before saying,

"As you wish, I will do it."
Eva looked down as he spoke in order to hide her nervousness. She stood there for a few minutes, thinking about the words before walking out. She went upstairs to her room and laid down on her bed, starting to read.

Aurora got up from the table and went up to her room. She changed into a neon blue bikini and put her shorts and shirt back on over it. She left her hat and shoes in her room as she walked out and went straight to the cliff that overlooked the ocean. She sat down on the edge and sighed. "I'm gonna need your help dad. That is if you're even listening," she said softly, looking at the water. She noticed a movement, creating ripples and let out a sigh of relief. "I won't be able to help them pull this off without you and I don't wanna be the reason we all die," she added. She noticed something good and shining, floating on top of the water and dived down to retrieve it. She noticed it was a sword, but she recognized it as her father's. "Thanks dad," she said before getting out and looking over the weapon.
Jethro left the room and walked outside. He found a quiet spot and sat watching the sky. He had a lot of thinking to do, not only that but he needed to prepare himself for the coming mission.
Aurora took it back I to her room and sat it right next to her bracelet after transforming it back into a pen (complete Percy Jackson). She dried off and changed into a simple long shirt before laying down and staring at the ceiling in silence.

Eva sat the book down and changed into shorts and a tank top. She laid back down and soon found herself blushing at what Jethro had said to her before he left. She knew it wasn't necessarily the right circumstance, but she couldn't help it. She just had to make sure he didn't die trying to save her.
In Idris's searching, she hadn't found any of them yet. She walked outside and saw Jethro sitting by himself, staring at the sky. For a moment, she was about to walk away and leave him in peace, then, she looked at him up and down, and finally went over to him. She sat next to him and punched him in the shoulder, though she still spoke quietly and without confrontation. "One of the first things you told me when you found me, was that I didn't have to trust you, but you were my best chance. I believe that. I'll go on believing it through whatever we do. The others don't seem to like you, but I can tell they trust you." She remembered what Eva had told her. "Everyone's going to die eventually. Whatever happened, I think you're our best chance. You should probably believe it, too." She stood again. "I'm sure you're probably going to be self-sacrificial and refuse to let even one person die. But dying for someone else is a selfish thing to do, so I'm going to try protecting you." She smiled at him one last time, turned, and left.
"No one else dies for me Idris, remember that. No one else dies!"

Jethro replied, gritting his teeth on the last word. He stared off in the distance once again taking deep breaths as he did so to relieve the anger he felt towards the situation.
She heard him, but continued walking away. Once she was well out of earshot, she whispered to herself, "Everyone dies. It's just a matter of when. I'm the spawn of a war god, remember?"
Eva swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up, unable to sleep. She silently walked out of her room, waving a small hello to Idris as well as giving her a smile, and walked downstairs, remembering she didn't have shoes on. She shrugged the thought off and picked up a few slices of leftover bacon from the cafeteria before walking around. She ate the first piece in peace until she noticed a figure outside. She quietly walked outside and sat down beside him. "Bacon?" she asked, a small smile playing on her face.
Jethro stood and rotating a dial on his watch his sword appeared in his hand. He took a few experimental swings with the sword then he set about practicing. He swung his sword about himself, picturing enemies about him that were, in his mind's eyes, trying to kill him. He swung, then dove forward into a roll, coming to his feet he did a series of quick slashes before continuing on in his practice.
Frowning as she ate the last piece, Eva stood up. "Imma go get more food," she said, more to herself than anyone. She went inside and went straight to the cafeteria. Fixing an entire plate of just bacon, she giggled to herself and sat at an empty table before starting to eat.
Freya sighed and went to her room, pulling a simple blue dress on over her bikini. She ran a hand through her hair as she looked at herself in the mirror, noticing that her tan had gotten a shade darker in the last few days and her hair had gotten a golden glow to it. Neither of those things were what worried her though. What worried her was the expression of sorrow that consumed her facial expressions. Shaking it off, she turned and exited her room, walking through the glowing blue training room and up the stairs towards the resort. She'd overheard what Demetri said about there being 6 days left and she wondered what would happen afterwards. Would the campers without a camp stay in Kythira in the DU, or would they leave? Going back to whatever life they had before.


Shaking the thoughts away, she crossed the now cleared courtyard towards the reception. It was hot out, the sun beating down hard against the earth and she was grateful for air conditioning when she entered the reception. Taking a seat behind the desk, she opened it and began to work on her finances again. Typing slowly as she tried to figure out where it was that she'd managed to lose 4 euros. Although it wouldn't impact their business hugely, she liked to take note of all money coming in and out of the business. Her laptop pinged and she realized that she'd left the dating site open before turning it off to go site seeing with Hunter the day before.

Clicking over to it, she noticed a message from Aphrodite's account but it wasn't what she was expecting. Instead of the loving messages she usually got from her mother, this one was straight forward and deadly serious. Freya's body stiffened as she read it.

It's not safe in Kythira. Move it.

Eros will arrive to escort it in 2 hours.

Be ready.

Freya gasped and shut the lid to her laptop. Putting it back beneath the reception counter, she jumped over it not taking the time to go round and ran full pelt towards the DU. Unlocking it with shaking hands, before running down them as the door slammed behind her. Making it into the training room in a hurry, she scanned her eye through her security system to open her office door and pressed the large blue button on the wall. A loud alarm sounded, only it didn't really sound like an alarm.

Rhythmic clanging echoed through the compound and it didn't even occur to Freya that the newer arrivals wouldn't know what this particular alarm meant. They had three; a bell like fire alarm for the obvious, a loud blaring electronically produced whirring noise for compound attacks, and the never used before alarm for Godly intervention.


Abby gasped and ran towards the office where her sister stood. "What's going on?" she asked, sounding panicked. "Did you hit the wrong alarm?" She ran a hand through her blonde hair, her bright blue eyes pleading with her sister that this might be some kind of joke but deep down she knew it wasn't.

Freya shook her head. "We don't have a lot of time," she said, swallowing hard as she search for something within one of the shelves on her office. Freya wished that she'd spent more time organizing it but there never seemed to be enough hours in the day and she always seemed to have twelve other things to do. Finding what she needed, she picked it up and ran her hands over the cool glass surface. "Eros is coming, we have to move the fountain." Abby gasped as she looked at the delicate bottle. It looked like one of the arabic perfume bottles that Freya had in her bedroom but much much larger. It was the size of Freya's torso and decorated with tinted paint and gold. Abby looked up at her sister and nodded, knowing what to do. She took the bottle from her sister and carried it slowly up to the fountain itself. Slipping off her shoes, she sat on the edge of the fountain with her feet in the water, one hand on top of the bottle and one around the bottom, waiting for everyone to arrive.


Freya turned and picked up the intercom. "I need two Generation Three Demigods to report to the courtyard now," she said in her most authoritative voice. Setting it back on it's hook she shut the red door to her office and looked around the training room.

Luke stood up as he heard the rhytmic clanging, dropping his book on the table. Freya's voice boomed over the intercom, requesting two generation three demigods, concept he wasn't familiar with. Standing up, he glanced at Terry, who looked him in the eyes. ''Something is wrong....What's happening?''

((Also @Vaila that music is epic))

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