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Fandom Rwby: Uprising IC

IMG_8447.jpeg Emile Forrest

Location: Emerald Forest Cliffside

Interactions: MangoGoGo MangoGoGo Bluffly Bluffly

Mentions: Megilagor Megilagor

As Emile looked down at the cliffside, he scoffed at Ray’s little comment. “As if! Hopefully YOU aren’t afraid.” He said, jokingly punching Ray’s arm. Before the conversation could continue, the sudden appearance of what seemed to be a teacher behind Ray. Despite wanting to help his friend, he was too frozen in fear to do or say anything. He could only watch helplessly as his friend suddenly disappeared. Only for the to reappear shortly after. Now Emile was more confused than scared. He looked at the cliff, then at Ray. “I shouldn’t mess with the teachers, they’re scary as shit.” He thought to himself.

The teacher then began to explain the intricacies of the test, which in Emile’s eyes, was kind of boring. Ray seemed to share the same sentiment. Despite it’s dreariness, Emile listened intently to the speech. He didn’t want to miss any vital information relating to the test. After the speech was done, he began preparing his weapon. Latching the chain reel onto his wrists, checking the sharpness of the blades, and finally the ammo/dust compartment. “Everything seems in order…” He said to himself. He then headed towards a launchpad. “So is there like a signal or somethi-“ Before he could finish his sentence he got launched into the forest, about to face the great unknown.

Location: Emerald Forest

Emile didn’t expect it to be so…sudden. His brain was still processing what happened as he was flying (falling) through the air. Once he snapped out it and started to realize his current situation, he began to panic. Fortunately, through some quick thinking, he used his threads to latch on to a branch nearby and zipped to it. Unfortunately he zipped a bit too fast and accidentally hit his head with the branch causing him to fall on the ground. Thanks to aura, he was able to mitigate some of the damage, but it still kinda hurt. “Yeesh, guess I need more practice…” He say as he looks at his hand. “Luckily this forest is the perfect place for that.” He smirks. He began to do some stretches before zipping from branch to branch with his thread. “I’ll need to find a partner, then we can get this show started!”

Ray Casal

MOOD: damn it old man!
LOCATION: Emerald Forest Cliffs/ Emerald Forest
Casual Clothes
Megilagor Megilagor JuniperBoi JuniperBoi Bluffly Bluffly

Ray was scoping out his spot on the launch plates, right next to Varanus and Emile. He had a plan to snag one or both once they were down in the thick of the forest. His eyes were flicking around, trying to catch onto whatever sequence the instructors had cooked up. That's when the first batch of students got yeeted into the air. "Left it is!" he said, snapping his head in that direction.

He half-turned to Varanus, trying to spit out a quick game plan. "Let’s try to land next to Em that way we can—" But before he could finish, Varanus was sent flying out of turn. It was like the sequence was made by throwing darts at a board. "What kind of messed-up order is this?" Ray blurted out.

He was so wrapped up in the disorder of the launches that he missed Leon creeping up behind him. It didn't click until he saw a trio of students drop like rocks, not even getting the courtesy of a launch. "What the—"

And that's when he got dropped kicked. It was like déjà vu, only this time he saw Leon grinning down at him while he fell. "You!" Ray exclaimed, his voice laced with shock and a hint of respect for the sneak attack, "What the hell, old man!"

The ground was coming up quick, and while Ray was fuming about Leon's cheap shot, he knew he had bigger fish to fry—like not becoming forest floor pancake. Alright, time to switch gears and focus on not crashing cause this time his gut told him there wasn't going to be any last-second save. He was on his own, hurtling towards the ground. The good news? He still had his gauntlets on. They weren't exactly parachutes, but they were something.

He glanced at the V shaped Wind Dust cartridge sitting in his gauntlet. Sure, it could slow his fall, but it'd drain it dry. A soft landing wasn't in the cards, but at least he turns his crash and burn into just a crash. "Now or never," he mumbled, and squeezed the grip inside his glove. The cartridge lit up, shifting from a dim glow to a blinding white. The wind kicked up beneath him, turning his desperate plunge into a controlled dive. It was working – sort of. He was slowing down, alright, but the ground was still coming up fast. As the last whispers of wind left the gauntlet, he braced himself.

Now for the tree problem. He didn't miss a beat. Click-click, fresh cartridges locked in, glowing a menacing red. A quick clench of the bar, a press of the button, and boom! The treetops exploded into a thousand splinters, clearing his path. Swinging through the chaos like some kind of action hero, Ray used the branches to break his fall, swinging and swaying until his boots hit the dirt. He gave himself a once-over, brushed off the dirt, and shot a look back at the cliff he'd just involuntarily dived off of. "You'll have to do better than that if you want to get rid of me, old man!" he shouted up to the cliff with a smirk, not sure or caring if Leon could hear him from where he was.

Ray was tearing through the forest underbrush, darting in the direction where he last saw Varanus and Emile take to the sky. His breaths were quick and heavy. Suddenly, he pulled to a halt as rustling in the bushes had caught his attention. Cautiously, he inched toward the sound. “Emile?” he called out tentatively, hoping for a familiar face.

Instead of a friendly response, what came was a slash of sharp claws aiming straight for his face. “Whoa!” Ray yelped, dodging it just in time. His eyes snapped to focus, and from the undergrowth emerged not one, but a whole pack of Beowolfs, their malevolent red eyes locked onto him.

“Well, aren’t you all just adorable,” Ray scoffed, trying to keep his cool as five Beowolfs crept closer, encircling him. A smirk broke across his face. “What? You wanna play?” he teased, grabbing a stick and shaking it mockingly at the advancing pack. With a dramatic gesture, he tossed it aside. “Go, fetch!” The Beowolfs didn’t take the bait; not a single one moved after the stick. Ray sighed, disappointed, “Aw, come on, you were supposed to go fetch.” Suddenly a deeper growl cut through the standoff, drawing Ray’s gaze to a larger, more imposing Beowolf, one he assumed was the alpha. It was clutching the thrown stick in its clawed hand. “Well,” Ray said, “At least you know how to fetch,” his grin broadening as he turned his attention towards the alpha, “ok boy, drop it.”

The Beowolf howled, signaling to attack probably, before throwing the stick back at Ray. Ray skillfully caught the stick and quickly spun to face the others and threw the stick at the smaller Beowolfs, using his semblance just before he let go of the stick. Smack! It hit one smack between the eyes. The Beowolf yowled, more from surprise than pain, and toppled over like a toy, its legs kicking the air as it landed with a heavy thump on its back, causing a brief pause in the otherwise relentless advance of its pack mates.

Ray smirked as he hoped from one leg to the other just like his favorite action star Lruce Bee, “Alright, Fido,” he stops and brushes his nose with his thumb, “Let’s play.” The first Beowolf lunged at Ray threatening to tackle him to the ground but Ray simply side stepped it before dodging another attack from a second Beo and landing two semblance enhanced punches to its body and one more to its face before moving onto the third. Ray skillfully fought all five Beowolfs by blending two of his favorite fighting styles. One was boxing and the other he copied from his favorite action star, Lruce Bee. With these two fighting styles plus his semblance he was doing well against the numbers disadvantage.

The first Beowolf lunged again, overconfident from its size and strength. Ray timed it perfectly, stepping to the side then land a semblance enhanced uppercut under its chin. The creature stumbled back, dazed, giving Ray the opening to focus on the others.

The second Beowolf tried to flank him, but Ray anticipated the maneuver. He pivoted, transferring his weight, and delivered a swift roundhouse kick, the heel of his boot connecting with the side of the Beowolf's head. The animal yelped and dropped, its body going limp as it was knocked out cold, “Nighty Night.” He smirks.

Ray's movements were a blur as he ducked and weaved between slashes and bites, his hands working in tandem. Blocking, striking, parrying. He dodged another swipe and responded with a swift one-two punch to the third Beowolf's snout, a tried and true boxing combination and ended the combo with a Semblance enhanced step kick, “Wa-tah!” he yelled as the kick sent the Beowolf flying back into the bushes from where it came.

The fourth and fifth Beowolfs attacked together, coordinating their assault. Ray leapt back, narrowly avoiding their fangs. As they regrouped for another attack, Ray took advantage of their momentary disarray. He launched a feigned strike to misdirect the attention of the fifth Beowolfs, then spun and delivered a solid hook to the other's temple. The beast faltered, and Ray seized the chance. He delivered another combo to the fourth Beowolf before switching his target to the fifth Beowolf again. He did this a couple of times before ending it by pushing a button on his gauntlet and a 6 inch retractable blade suddenly appeared, hidden by the V shaped cartridge.

The fourth Beowolf swung wildly, still dazed from earlier attacks, but Ray met its attack with his bladed gauntlet causing it to howl in pain before getting chin checked and followed up with a blade through its throat when its head recoiled upwards. The fifth Beowolf tried to attack Ray but he dodged it and began rapidly punching the Beowolf’s body, every punch was either enhanced by his Semblance or pierced by the six inch blade. Ray did this until the Beowolf couldn’t stand anymore and fell to the ground joining the lifeless fourth Beowolf.

With four of the Beowolfs incapacitated or keeping their distance, licking their wounds, the alpha remained, “You’re next Fido.” Ray says gesturing his challenge with a finger gesture. The alpha didn’t move, just kept its red eyes on Ray. Suddenly, it howled once again and five more Beowolfs came out of hiding and the one he knocked out and the other he sent flying came back. This time Ray was surrounded by Beowolfs and Ray swore he saw the Alpha smirk, Ray gets back into his fighting stance as he looks around at the sudden appearance of even more Beowolfs currently surrounding him, “You sure have a lot of friends, Fido.” Ray says cracking a joke in his precarious position.

code by low fidelity.

Ray was scoping out his spot on the launch plates, right next to Varanus and Emile. He had a plan to snag one or both once they were down in the thick of the forest. His eyes were flicking around, trying to catch onto whatever sequence the instructors had cooked up. That's when the first batch of students got yeeted into the air. "Left it is!" he said, snapping his head in that direction.

He half-turned to Varanus, trying to spit out a quick game plan. "Let’s try to land next to Em that way we can—" But before he could finish, Varanus was sent flying out of turn. It was like the sequence was made by throwing darts at a board. "What kind of messed-up order is this?" Ray blurted out.

He was so wrapped up in the disorder of the launches that he missed Leon creeping up behind him. It didn't click until he saw a trio of students drop like rocks, not even getting the courtesy of a launch. "What the—"

And that's when he got dropped kicked. It was like déjà vu, only this time he saw Leon grinning down at him while he fell. "You!" Ray exclaimed, his voice laced with shock and a hint of respect for the sneak attack, "What the hell, old man!"

The ground was coming up quick, and while Ray was fuming about Leon's cheap shot, he knew he had bigger fish to fry—like not becoming forest floor pancake. Alright, time to switch gears and focus on not crashing cause this time his gut told him there wasn't going to be any last-second save. He was on his own, hurtling towards the ground. The good news? He still had his gauntlets on. They weren't exactly parachutes, but they were something.

He glanced at the V shaped Wind Dust cartridge sitting in his gauntlet. Sure, it could slow his fall, but it'd drain it dry. A soft landing wasn't in the cards, but at least he turns his crash and burn into just a crash. "Now or never," he mumbled, and squeezed the grip inside his glove. The cartridge lit up, shifting from a dim glow to a blinding white. The wind kicked up beneath him, turning his desperate plunge into a controlled dive. It was working – sort of. He was slowing down, alright, but the ground was still coming up fast. As the last whispers of wind left the gauntlet, he braced himself.

Now for the tree problem. He didn't miss a beat. Click-click, fresh cartridges locked in, glowing a menacing red. A quick clench of the bar, a press of the button, and boom! The treetops exploded into a thousand splinters, clearing his path. Swinging through the chaos like some kind of action hero, Ray used the branches to break his fall, swinging and swaying until his boots hit the dirt. He gave himself a once-over, brushed off the dirt, and shot a look back at the cliff he'd just involuntarily dived off of. "You'll have to do better than that if you want to get rid of me, old man!" he shouted up to the cliff with a smirk, not sure or caring if Leon could hear him from where he was.

Ray was tearing through the forest underbrush, darting in the direction where he last saw Varanus and Emile take to the sky. His breaths were quick and heavy. Suddenly, he pulled to a halt as rustling in the bushes had caught his attention. Cautiously, he inched toward the sound. “Emile?” he called out tentatively, hoping for a familiar face.

Instead of a friendly response, what came was a slash of sharp claws aiming straight for his face. “Whoa!” Ray yelped, dodging it just in time. His eyes snapped to focus, and from the undergrowth emerged not one, but a whole pack of Beowolfs, their malevolent red eyes locked onto him.

“Well, aren’t you all just adorable,” Ray scoffed, trying to keep his cool as five Beowolfs crept closer, encircling him. A smirk broke across his face. “What? You wanna play?” he teased, grabbing a stick and shaking it mockingly at the advancing pack. With a dramatic gesture, he tossed it aside. “Go, fetch!” The Beowolfs didn’t take the bait; not a single one moved after the stick. Ray sighed, disappointed, “Aw, come on, you were supposed to go fetch.” Suddenly a deeper growl cut through the standoff, drawing Ray’s gaze to a larger, more imposing Beowolf, one he assumed was the alpha. It was clutching the thrown stick in its clawed hand. “Well,” Ray said, “At least you know how to fetch,” his grin broadening as he turned his attention towards the alpha, “ok boy, drop it.”

The Beowolf howled, signaling to attack probably, before throwing the stick back at Ray. Ray skillfully caught the stick and quickly spun to face the others and threw the stick at the smaller Beowolfs, using his semblance just before he let go of the stick. Smack! It hit one smack between the eyes. The Beowolf yowled, more from surprise than pain, and toppled over like a toy, its legs kicking the air as it landed with a heavy thump on its back, causing a brief pause in the otherwise relentless advance of its pack mates.

Ray smirked as he hoped from one leg to the other just like his favorite action star Lruce Bee, “Alright, Fido,” he stops and brushes his nose with his thumb, “Let’s play.” The first Beowolf lunged at Ray threatening to tackle him to the ground but Ray simply side stepped it before dodging another attack from a second Beo and landing two semblance enhanced punches to its body and one more to its face before moving onto the third. Ray skillfully fought all five Beowolfs by blending two of his favorite fighting styles. One was boxing and the other he copied from his favorite action star, Lruce Bee. With these two fighting styles plus his semblance he was doing well against the numbers disadvantage.

The first Beowolf lunged again, overconfident from its size and strength. Ray timed it perfectly, stepping to the side then land a semblance enhanced uppercut under its chin. The creature stumbled back, dazed, giving Ray the opening to focus on the others.

The second Beowolf tried to flank him, but Ray anticipated the maneuver. He pivoted, transferring his weight, and delivered a swift roundhouse kick, the heel of his boot connecting with the side of the Beowolf's head. The animal yelped and dropped, its body going limp as it was knocked out cold, “Nighty Night.” He smirks.

Ray's movements were a blur as he ducked and weaved between slashes and bites, his hands working in tandem. Blocking, striking, parrying. He dodged another swipe and responded with a swift one-two punch to the third Beowolf's snout, a tried and true boxing combination and ended the combo with a Semblance enhanced step kick, “Wa-tah!” he yelled as the kick sent the Beowolf flying back into the bushes from where it came.

The fourth and fifth Beowolfs attacked together, coordinating their assault. Ray leapt back, narrowly avoiding their fangs. As they regrouped for another attack, Ray took advantage of their momentary disarray. He launched a feigned strike to misdirect the attention of the fifth Beowolfs, then spun and delivered a solid hook to the other's temple. The beast faltered, and Ray seized the chance. He delivered another combo to the fourth Beowolf before switching his target to the fifth Beowolf again. He did this a couple of times before ending it by pushing a button on his gauntlet and a 6 inch retractable blade suddenly appeared, hidden by the V shaped cartridge.

The fourth Beowolf swung wildly, still dazed from earlier attacks, but Ray met its attack with his bladed gauntlet causing it to howl in pain before getting chin checked and followed up with a blade through its throat when its head recoiled upwards. The fifth Beowolf tried to attack Ray but he dodged it and began rapidly punching the Beowolf’s body, every punch was either enhanced by his Semblance or pierced by the six inch blade. Ray did this until the Beowolf couldn’t stand anymore and fell to the ground joining the lifeless fourth Beowolf.

With four of the Beowolfs incapacitated or keeping their distance, licking their wounds, the alpha remained, “You’re next Fido.” Ray says gesturing his challenge with a finger gesture. The alpha didn’t move, just kept its red eyes on Ray. Suddenly, it howled once again and five more Beowolfs came out of hiding and the one he knocked out and the other he sent flying came back. This time Ray was surrounded by Beowolfs and Ray swore he saw the Alpha smirk, Ray gets back into his fighting stance as he looks around at the sudden appearance of even more Beowolfs currently surrounding him, “You sure have a lot of friends, Fido.” Ray says cracking a joke in his precarious position.
Livi Wulfric
Emerald forest
Mentions: Megilagor Megilagor Leon
Interactions: Soviet Panda Soviet Panda Jack aka the collision

Livi was a bit stumped at the seemingly random pattern of people being shot into the sky or dropped down the cliffside, but she did not have the time to admire how they fell or flew as she herself was launched forward towards the forest. Her hoodie and scarf billowed in the wind, and her tail wagged so hard at the excitement that one might think she was trying to imitate a rotor blade but one thing was sure she might have a sprained tailbone cause of too much wagging.
Even if Livi was excited she needed to make sure to stick the landing and find her partner, albeit she could not see the ruin that the teacher spoke of because of the speed at which she was falling she did have an idea. As Livi came ever so closer to the ground amongst the tree line, she released the whip of her vorpal breaker, aiming to in one swift motion use its whip and a branch from a tree as a swing to go further inside the forest and at the same time lower the speed of her fall perhaps allowing her to see the ruin.

As she planned she did albeit it did put a strain on her body after all falling at great speeds and using one of her arms to make a swing out of herself during said fall would lead to damage. Now as Livi reemerged slightly above the tree line she caught a glimpse of the structure, so she now knew the direction of where to go exactly. Yet she forgot the one important detail, how to land, now being ever so closer to the ground Livi activated her semblance and absorbed the impact into her semblance while sticking a hero landing.

Now firmly on the ground Livi refitted her weaponized mecha shift gloves aka Jabberwocky and Vorpal Breaker and started to walk off into the direction of the ruins, using Jabberwocky's axe to mark an arrow every once in a while so that whoever was potentially behind her could follow her. After all, she would prefer to find a partner first before getting the relic or finding the Grimm, especially that big Ursa and Beowolf she barely saw while falling this way. Albeit fighting both of them alone would be legendary why should she take away from the fun for her partner of such a magnificent fight?

It was a bit of time before Livis's sensitive ears picked up on someone or something coming from behind so she turned herself towards that direction as that thing collided with her, making her drop on her rear behind.

Interactions: none
Mentions: Karcen Karcen
Location: Emerald Forrest​

Anubis rolled his eyes at VI’s usual antics before his eyes narrowed as students were sent flying into the air with no type of landing gear “so they are just going to….” He couldn’t even finish his sentence as his own pad launched him into the air without a second thought “crap!” Anubis all but screamed as he barreled through the air and down towards the Forrest. “shoot shoot shoot” he screamed as he fell face first towards a tree

A a moment of clarity struck him and he had to stop himself from facepalming “your semblance idiot” he yelled to himself. With a grunt of effort, Anubis flipped forward, activating his semblance as he did which allowed to him to land on a tree branch without it so much as creaking. “Well that could’ve gone better” he breathed out heavily, deactivating his semblance as he fell backwards from the branch. He flipped backwards and landed on a second branch before jumping down to a third and fourth and reactivating his semblance to land softly on the ground. Anubis stood up and pulled both his pistols from his belt, every sound that came from the Forrest setting him on edge.

The jackal Faunus looked around at the dense vegetation and winced when he heard the howl of a Beowolf off in the distance “this isn’t going to be fun is it?” he asked with a shake of his head and a deep sigh “guess I should find Vi” he mumbled before turning and walking deeper into the Forrest, trying to ignore the sounds of leaves rustling all around him. He knew he should probably head towards the ruins but his fathers words kept echoing in his head ‘keep and eye on the cat’ replayed over and over. He sighed and shook his head “why exactly am I on cat sitting duty?” He grumbled, pushing past a bush.

He looked at his surroundings hoping to gauge where he was “let’s send a bunch of teenagers into a Grimm infested forest…what could go wrong” Anubis said as he ducked under a low hanging branch, strangely enough he was more afraid of his father’s wrath than any Grimm in the emerald Forrest. Anubis shivered at the thought of what would happen if he disobeyed his father and he quickly picked up the pace, practically jogging through the Forrest with both his pistols in hand.
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Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre

Okay, not everyone talks about the test and what happens. Now she knew why and that reason alone gave her an empty pit into her stomach. She watched as some students were dropped from their positions and had disappeared. With widened golden eyes, they darted towards the teacher who then launched more students into the forest You're absolutely kidding me. He's launching people and dropping them!? What kind of entrance test is this!? Thought the Faunus as the teacher then kicked a student off the cliff sending him flying. Slowly but surely she could feel a bead of sweat falling down her face. Was she that nervous? Yes. Yes she was. Everything that the teacher said was sinking in between a relic, enemies in the forest, etc. Those were a given but he failed to explain how they'd all be getting there. Last but not least her and others who may have been with her had been dropped and a scream erupted from her lips.

"A DOE FAUNUS DOES NOT LAND ON THEIR FEET FROM GREAT HIIIGHTS!" Shouted Flora as she closed her eyes tightly and kept her knees close almost like a cannon ball. What am I doing? I'm going to die if I do this. I'm gonna plummet and splat into the ground like a bug and I'll never get to the goals I want. Peeking open her eye, she noticed the trees getting close at a rapid speed with trees coming closer and closer. Her heart drummed in her ears and she tried to think quick, pulling her fan from her back and forcing it open against the wind. Twisting her body to try to swing it to slow down her descent. Wind against wind right? While that didn't do too much for her, she decided to pull it above her head and hold it like an open parachute. That did seem to work to a degree. "That was close." The doe took in a deep breath while getting closer to the ground. Once within landing range she pulled the fan shut and she landed with a roll. Looking around at where she landed, all she could see was forest, forest, and more forest.

"Home sweet home." Properly closing up her fan, she put it on her back again and began to walk through the forest. In her mind she was starting to do game plans, what to do, when to flee, and when to attack. So first she had to find a partner, second she had to find a relic and return back with said-relic, third she had to live to see the day. Nothing too extreme right? Pausing to turn and look up at the cliff she and many others have been dropped and launched from, she huffed "Could've warned us about both of those things." With a shake of her head, Flora resumed her walk and continued onward. Not even a minute went by as she felt something off, as if something was approaching her at rapid speeds. With furrowed eyebrows she looked around her and spotted nothing before looking up and seeing a familiar blonde who was aiming straight for her. She was still falling!? Looking around frantically she jumped into a tree and climbed as fast as she could before launching herself out of the tree and intercepting the girl. Catching her mid air while falling back towards the ground.

Flora had to stick this landing. If she didn't then that was an F in agility. Pulling the girl close, she collided with the ground but barrel rolled to make sure nothing were to be broken. Of course her aura was around to keep her alive but, still. Flora felt like she should really use that for emergencies rather than something like this. "Are you okay?" she asked, letting the girl go and scooting back to look at her "I didn't expect the teacher to do that if I'm quite honest. Guess we're partners now?"
Jack hadn't had time to show off his so many Great Grandpa's weapon after all, as the students were called away to prepare for the initiation ceremony. And another test, apparently. It wasn't enough that he had put his nose to the grind stone and worked his butt off just to get his application accepted, now they had to go and test him themselves. Fine then, he'd show them that he had what it took to become a huntsman. And, if worse came to worse, he'd learn his Papa's crackle recipe and take over the bakery.

He stood patiently on the platform indicated for him, taking in the speech and the send off of the various other students. He saw Ice Glaess and Big Koda get launched into the air, surprised at the glee of the former and that something with that much mass could move so quickly for the latter, even with the assistance of springs and hydraulics. He prepared to get launched, confident that he'd follow in their flight path, and was caught utterly off guard when the floor dropped out from beneath him. He flailed wildly for a brief moment before getting his legs straight and his arms and nagamaki tucked across his chest as he picked up speed. Jack did not want to think what the slide was greased with to cause him to gain such large amounts of speed.

Sent flying at a much lower height and angle than some of the other students, Jack quite literally hit the ground running. His Semblance activated instinctively, and he was little more than a blur. He had thought he'd seen something, so he angled his mad dash in that general direction, weaving around trees and jumping over other obstacles. He started seeing arrows, slowing down slightly to wonder why they might be there. And thanks to his lack of awareness, he barreled head long into another student.

Running bodily into the other student, he was certain he had ran into Big Koda, for who else in his mind would be standing around in a forest as if they were a tree? Blinking away his confusion, he realized he was looking at the sky. Groggily propping up onto his elbows, he looks around for the big lummox, and was surprised when he saw a fluffy tail. "Eh?"
Vi Chesire
Location: emerald forest
mentions: Orin Orin

Vi watched from the skies as the others went up and unlike her fell back to the earth below. Vi did think about following Livi down, but decided aginst it. The same thoughs happened with anubis. Vi decided, however to just go for finishing the test. As she now in raven flew about in a circle she would see the teachers going down as well. It seemed they were really going to be watching them during the test.

With the cliff empty vi beat her new wings and sped up to fly over the landscape. The forest was indeed a forest and full of trees. It also had a some hills and other features, namely ruins. Vi did wonder who had though here would have made a good home. Well the people of atlas and vaccio had though snow and sand made for a good home so here seemed good enough. Anyways ruins were the perfect place to hide things, at least vi thought so. Her reasoning was TV said so thus who was she to argue. On TV ancient ruins always had treasure and traps and grimm, lots of grimm and traps.

Well it was a start so vi changed direction on the air from a random scan to heading right towards what had once been something. The ruins once closer made vi wonder just what they had been as it didn't really seem like a town. Though it did make vi wonder what her village looked like now. Likely it was more destroyed than these ancient ruins. Vi flew over the ruins a bit longer than she needed to a bit distracted by the ancient stonework. TV was nothing compared to real life. The goal of a relic was only brought back when vi stumbled upon a circular building with around a 4th of its walls collapsed. In this building lacking a roof and a wall vi spied a huge white and black thing. It was half black half white with a checkerboard transition between the two. It was huge and vi didn't see the ends of it. Well it might be something the teachers put there, as the relics were right next to it.

Vi flew down and turned into mist before becoming a normal faunus again and reaching out taking one of the golden relics. They looked like chess pieces so vi took the one that looked like a queen. By this point the fact this ment to be some kind of team test was forgotten by vi.

" And the cat gets the first relic, I wonder if that gives me the best grade? " vi mused tossing the relic up and catching it over and over. This was her victory over everyone and she delayed having some fun. She could find a good spot and hide till someone showed up and tease them. It would be great if it was anubis.

The thoughts of a joke where intreupted by an odd sound. It was an odd scraping sound like something moving. Vi started to turn and saw for a split second what looked like a huge black snake head coming at her. It was only thanks to vi being used to using and controlling her semblance that she was able to turn to mist and move out of the way. It was like a dash a short range teleportation almost. Vi reforming thinking she was safe only fir a huge white thing to hit her before she has that split second to register a threat coming at her. The white snake head of the massive grimm drove vi not into the ruins wall but through it. If not for aura vi would have had broken bone or been killed by that for sure.

" okay cheap shot fucker" vi shouted at the grimm and she bounced up from the ground and brought up the weapons livi had given her, the relic safely stored away for now. Though as vi saw the huge 2 headed snake grimm she was up against vi realized she was a little out of her depth. She had sone confidence but yeah this thing was bigger than a house fuck fighting it with no training. " okay fuck this I'm out" she said mostly to herself.

As the snake grimm struck again vi was once more mist, but this time shedding return to normal but once more was a bird. This time she had picked to be a humming bird and darted off into the trees. Hopefully the trees and vis small body would make her hard to follow. She needed to find help and the first person in her mind when it came to help right now was anubis. Vi had seen where Anubis had landed and tried to map it out in her mind.

Vi flew through the forest managing to almost get caught a few times,but ending up putting space between her and the grimm. It was still on her trail, vi knew that as the darned thing was crazy good at finding her. Turning her head vi looked back to check she wasn't being followed while speeding along. Seeming nothing behind her vi was unaware of the thing in front of her until it was to late and she collided with, anubis. Just who she was looking for.

" anubis you have to help there is a big two headed snake following, it bigger than a house and did I mention it has two heads? " vi said excitedly as buzzed around anubis.
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Aisuke Himura
Location: Ready to 'Rock n' Roll'
Interactions: americanCaeser americanCaeser (Cordovahn)
Oh thank god they had something that was a bit more natural to his mind.

Aisuke was silent for the mostpart. Having the occasional opinion, but knowing to 'shut the hell up' when teachers were talking. The boy was a warrior at heart, one that came packaged with a barbaric breed of discipline. Unflinching when it came to the mention of how they'd be launched because... Of course the boy had already trained his aura by jumping off buildings. Heights? More like Grimm attacks. Momentum? He expected to be carried away and dropped at least a HUNDRED times in his hunter career.

But... Something stirred in his mind as he stood there, ready to unleash his anger on these things.

A throbbing. Deep rooted rage.

Good. That was his weapon after all.

And so, he was launched. No weapon in his hands, he had no way to truly stop his descent. So instead, he simply watched the ground below him as he flew through the sky. Turning his body so his feet were positioned first, not bothering looking for a clearing. Instead focusing on where he needed to go, and getting ready to assault the ground itself. If he couldn't handle this? Then what COULD he handle!?!

And so. His semblance flared forth. A red aura enveloping his being as he let his anger flow forth. Empowering his body as trees, leaves, dirt and nature crumbled beneath flesh. A horrifying CRASH not slowed down in the slightest... And just like that... A deep breath, so he could keep his mind for when he needed it.

Location: Nowhere Emerald Forest
Yet, his malice still was heavy in his chest. Moving through the forests, he kept an ugly expression on his face... That was until he spotted someone else in the forest... A warrior with a large shield, a strange weapon to say the least. one of the two brothers?

Well. Beggars couldn't be choosers. Argumentative duo or not, it'd be best to nab a potential ally before they scampered off to their brother. And so, he spoke. Heading towards the other, letting his presence be known.

"OI! you there. Give me ya name an' let's get this shit done."

He was practically attempting to force this person to work with him given the situation.
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Hickory. (#D0A168 so I don't forgor)
In the air.

After seeing a student fly into the air, Hickory felt himself descend. Descend? Huh, that was weird, if that girl was launched into the air at high speed, why was he being sent six feet deep? Or rather, why was six feet deep just right into the Emerald Forest? Hickory frantically switched his revolver's dust filter to Gravity. Except, he did not have Gravity equipped on his revolver. Curses, why was it that every unexpected situation seemed to have deadly consequences? Luckily for him, the assessment was made in the first split second after Hickory disappeared down the cliff. So he had a few more to consider his options.
Could he load dust rounds onto his rifle to control the flight? Maybe. But that would need some time, and that was the very thing he lacked. Second option. The handle adjusted so that it was aligned in a straight line with the barrels. Sword mode. He eyed the nearby trees while leaning forward, gaining more speed forward. He'd have to hope the trees were built tough enough to withstand the impact. His plan was simple: use the sword whip to hang onto a tree, spin around it like a toy on string, and soak the impact by kicking into the tree.

Hickory swung the weapon forward, launching the buzzsaw at the end of the whip toward a grand tree. It drew an arc toward the trunk, locking onto the tree shortly after landing the hit. He felt his arm jerk as he started spinning. Instead of charging straight into a sea of trees, he was now spinning around one big one.
"Just like planned-"
Hickory muttered between his gritting teeth, controlling his flight to make sure he didn't run into other trees as he spun around. The velocity gained from the drop did not easily disperse from such spin, but he was in better control of direction now than flying in the air.

But wait, would he have dispersed enough momentum to protect his knees upon landing? It appeared that his master plan fell short before mother nature, a brutal teacher of life lessons. After he spun enough times around the tree, Hickory let go of the rifle. The weapon continued to spin around the tree until hitting the trunk and coming to a halt, while Hickory was launched toward the ground with the remaining speed. As he closed the ground, he adjusted himself, rolling to disperse the impact onto the ground and minimize damage. He ended up rolling a few more times than expected, and stood up to dust himself and run back to the tree his rifle rested at. He picked up a pebble and threw it at the buzzsaw head, knocking it off of the fix. He proceeded to retrieve the buzzsaw back to the rifle as he jumped to grab the handle again.
"...room for improvement."
He said to himself, hoping nobody say this happen.
Theophany Exousíes
Interaction: Britt-21 Britt-21

Tiffany S1.pngStudents launched left and right. She could barely look around as she stared down the thousand-foot drop cliffside. Stiff as the rocks she stands upon, sweat pouring like Vale's cold mountain streams, and hands fidgeting like leaves on violent winds as she holds onto Destiny.

The sound of mechanised springs drawing near. She closed her eyes until she came upon a realization.

"Wait! W-what do the relics loo--!!!" A rush of wind deafens Tiffany's ears, she feels herself lighter and her feet no longer standing on the steel plate. She was launched into a great arch, higher than most in observation. She could have sworn she could touch the clouds if she just reached her hand up. At the apex of her arch only she regained control of herself. She was falling, fast. Her breaths weighed in as she crashed down to the lush green forest. She cannot scream.

Holding out the white staff directly at the forest. The golden ring began to emit a bright bluish glow from its center. "I can do this. I can do this!"

Closer and closer she falls, the light from Destiny trails like a comet. Fortunately, a green-ish blur jumps out from the trees to catch her fall. The light instantly shuts off upon contact with her saving person. Both rolling to the ground, she then only opens her eyes, A horned golden-eyed Faunus. The bespectacled girl just awe-struck stared at the rather dignified girl. She shakes her head back to grounded reality. "Ye-Yea..." She answered sheepishly. "Thank you for saving me there..." Letting her staff rest upright beside her while she dusts off her blue combat skirt.

The forest was rather eerily silent, with only the faint sounds usual critter ambiance in the distance. "Let's umm, find the Relic? Whatever that looks like..." Suggesting a move on but the girl was on high alert looking all around, barely looking at the Faunus.
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Varanus Vipara
Location: Emerald Forest​

Varanus was prepared to be launched until she seen her fellow classmates drop, causing her the young woman to look back and forth between the sky and the ground. The kids dropped and launched at random on the whim of the mad teacher. Before Varanus could recompose herself, Ray's voice snatched her attention.

"Let’s try to land next to Em that way we can—"

Within an instant. Varanus was spiraling through the air. Sending her mind through a relay.

DON'T PANIC! DON'T PANIC! DON'T PANIC! THIS IS JUST LIKE WHEN YOU PLAYED THE GAURDIAN ANGEL...Except I could cra- Nope, nope, nope! Positive thoughts only!

Varanus composed herself once more flowed into the spiraling motion her body had taken. With her eyes closed, the huntress in training could feel herself slipping back into her position on stage. The harness kept her in place and graceful, the fans blew her hair just right to make her appear ethereal, and singing truly kept Varanus grounded...Except now. As she zipped through the sky she realigned her body in the image a gliding angel,"♪ SHALALALALAAAAA! ANGEEL GLIIIDDDAH ♪" Varanus' voice echoed through the the forest. The popstar aimed the end of her cane at a particularly tall tree slightly off to her right. Cane Cobra's grappling hook propelled forwarded, latching onto the the tree, slightly changing Varanus's trajectory to wrap around the tree. With the decreased momentum she was able to cast herself across the tree lines.

Stopping on a branch closer the ground, Varanus lifted her shades, that remained perfectly in place, and scanned her surroundings. She had never encountered a Grimm before and until now she hadn't even thought about it in a serious manner.

Maybe I should have researched the Grimm more...Um...Dammit! They were attracted to something....What was it! Don't panic! Don't panic! This is...also like when I played a guardian angel. That was a weird play, but good songs. Ooo and cute costumes...I wonder whatever happened to the devil, their song was a lot more fun than mine. How did it go again?

Varanus no longer overwhelmed with the thought of running into Grimm, began to hum the instrumental as she walked forwarded in, what she guessed was the center of the forest. While walking the, the lyrics started to come back. Varanus twirled Cane Cobra like a baton as she walked and sung the lyrics to Don't Rain on my Parade. Her voice getting louder and movements more theatrical as she journeyed forward.
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre

Flora nodded in response as she allowed the girl out of her arms "Of course, couldn't let you smack into the ground and flatten like a pancake." She joked as she continued to scan the area around them much like how the other girl was. Couldn't be too careful in a forest filled with Grimm and other things that may lurk within the shadows. "I'm assuming we'd know what the Relic is when we see it. Surely it's self explanatory." Surely a relic couldn't blend into the forest right? That'd just make the test that much harder, especially if it lasted as long as dark. Surely that wouldn't be the case because she'd really feel like prey at that point. "My name is Flora, a Doe faunus as you could already tell. I hope we'll get along great as partners during this test. After all, we found eachother first" A gentle giggle left her lips as she began to walk with the girl, soon learning that her name was Tiffany. Aww such a cute name! Flora thought She is also very sweet. At least that's what I get from first impression. I wonder if she's like those people who catch you off guard with their looks. That would be an interesting twist indeed.

At first, things were calm and peaceful. But that's what made it all the more scary in this situation It shouldn't be this quiet... Why is it that quiet? I hear birds, maybe a rustle here and there but we haven't even ran into anything big or small. It was a growing concern for both herself and her partner at this given time. "You know Tiffany, don't you think it's a bit odd how we haven't seen or heard any Grimm during this walk so far?" Flora asked, glancing at her for just a moment before looking behind them to make sure that they weren't being stalked. She felt the ground beneath them rumbling, which caused her to go on the defensive "Do you feel that?" Slowly reaching for her blade, she began to move into position to attack at any moment "Something is coming." That's when she heard it: The sound of an Ursa roaring and emerging from the bushes. Quickly Flora had grabbed Tiffany and pulled her back as the bear ran by them before skidding to a halt and turning towards them "Speak of the devil and they shall appear."

Releasing Tiffany, she pulled the blade from her sheath upon her back "Are you ready to kick some Grimm ass?" Eyes narrowed and her feet slipped into position as if she was about to charge the beast.​

Anubis Hotep
Location: Emerald Forrest
Doing: fighting for his life
Interactions: Karcen Karcen (anyone else around)​

Anubis’ ear flicked when he heard a familiar voice shout, “that would be Vi” he shook his head and took off in the direction of the yell. It wasn’t long until Vi herself crashed into him, rambling on about a two headed snake when Anubis heard the sound of hissing and branches breaking. The Jackal Faunus sighed “and you brought it straight to me?” He asked, slightly pushing the girl to the side to see the black and white snake heads that crept out of the bushes “great” he mumbled as the snake rose of the ground and bared its fangs at them “move” he yelled, pushing Vi out the way and jumping backwards as the snake launched one of it’s heads toward him.

Anubis flipped one of his Khopesh into its pistol form and began firing at it while running, attempting to find a weak spot. The snake thrashed and whipped its tail towards Anubis, the boy immediately reacted and jumped upwards. He activated his semblance in mid air which allowed him to float for a few seconds as he pelted the snake Grimm with dozens of shots from his gun. As soon as he landed the snake whirled around and launched at him, Anubis barely had enough time to jump out the way but was struck by the white snake’s head which sent him flying into another tree. “Just Great” he growled, slowly rising from the ground as the snake barreled towards him. He rolled out of the way and sliced at the black snakes head a few times before flipping backwards “you know some help would be great” he called out to Vi as he launched himself forward.

Using his semblance, he managed to flip over the snake “it’s neck” he said to himself as he willed his semblance to make him heavier than a truck. He spun clock wise while the snake was distracted and sliced through the black snakes neck , decapitating it with his Khopesh in a great blaze of effort. He landed on the ground as the Grimm roared in pain, breathing heavily he held his wrist as if he had fallen on it. “Crap my wrist” he groaned, connecting the end of his swords to make a double bladed Khopesh in order for him to hold it “ok Vi, I can’t do that again so I’m open for suggestions” he finally said as the snake slithered towards them. He stood up and looked to her with a questioning expression.
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Vi Chesire
Location: emerald forest
mentions: Orin Orin

Watching Anubis deal with the Grimm Vi turned back to her normal form from that of a humming bird. He was doing rather well and seemingly dealing with the grimm with ease enough. That was what training got you and Anubis likely or certainly had plenty of it. Really Vi was probably the only person in the test that had zero combat experience with grimm, or training. She honestly had no schooling whatso ever aside from TV and books. It was a good thing educational TV was easy enough to find. Still books and TV couldn't really teach how to fight and beating up thugs sometimes didn't teach one to deal with giant two headed snakes. So this was grimm combat it was honestly hard to tell if Vi had perhaps over estimated grimm because of her memories, or these ones were just a bit weaker.

" I got it don't worry" Vi said " I thought they were tougher " She continued mostly for herself as there was a tiny bit of uncertainty, of fear in her.

Vi had yet to use the gantlets that Livi had given her and was still a bit unsure about how they worked, but how better to learn than trial by fire. First how did she turn them on? Vi decided to try force them out by raising her hands crossing them before her chest and then swinging them down. Yeah they likely didn't need that and while it worked Vi thought she felt something click. Maybe how she moved her hands would activate them or maybe it was aura switching to a more combat/ protective type thing. Vi didn't know but she doubted it was just swinging her arms.

" Hey snake look here cant hit me again!" Vi shouted waving her hands the blades now sticking out. The grimm for it's part did take notice of her instead of Anubis, perhaps because she was making noise and anubis wasn't making as much. " okay here we go" Vi half chuckled as she charged the now charging Snake only to turn into a cloud of mist right as they were about to collide. The snake didn't have time to think where it's prey had gone before pain shot through it as Vi materalized on top of it and stabbed down onto its head. The blade sank deep and the Snake roared up trying to throw Vi off.

Vi was somewhat forced off as her blade slipped out of whatever grimm were made of, but instead fof flying she again turned to mist and as soon as the Grimm was down she was on it, this time she didn't stay stuck in it's head. She stabbed and ran down it's back trying to turn on the dust and about half way down the blade erupted into flame. This was to much for the snake grimm to take, one head cut off and the good majority of its body cut deep and burned so as Vi was still running it started to turn to dust and evaporate leaving Vi in the air. She didn't fall floating for a second then realizing she would be fine she landed.

" Woo first grimm down" She shouted excited to have killed a grimm for the first time then as if remembering something the materialized the golden queen relic" Bet cha we were the first to finish this test" She smirked.

Interaction: Britt-21 Britt-21

Flora is the name of the bright smile lady. No clue about the Relic as well, Tiffany frowns at the answer.

"T--Tiffany. My name is Tiffany. I promise to do my best!" She replies with gathered courage and a proper curtsy to the lady. By the observation alone, Flora seems to be lightly equipped, with what appears to be a concealed melee weapon on her person. Details set aside. The two tread deep into the forest, nothing but the sound of eerie silence and frozen-still trees. Tiffany kept her hands close to her chest. Hardly any moving wildlife in this Grimm-infested Forest. Flora voiced this rather concerning atmosphere. "I-- Guess..." Her face growing anxious from the Doe Faunus's cautiousness. Eventually halting on track. Tiffany was about to reach for Destiny when Flora snatched her away from an Ursa ambush in the nick of time.

"Th-thank you." A cold sweat drops from her temple. Flora's instinct got Tiffany to prepare in combat faster. Destiny is now in her hands, its gold ring radiating light blue light. She nods to Flora before making a graceful spin jump to Flora's left. Giving a clear angle view of the ursa, away from Flora's attack range. "Here goes nothing..." She mumbles.

Objective: Kill Ursa

"Destiny guides me!" Declaring a stance, pointing the staff towards the ursa. As fast as lightning. A streak of bright bluish light fires straight into the Ursa's underside jaw, attempting to break it's biting jaw, although the Ursa's violent behavior only made the rest of the beam land in its thick skull outer carapace, doing only much as chiping and cracking it.


Itzal Orpheus

Beacon Academy - Academy Grounds

As Itzal lay there a moment contemplating his life choices, he heard the sounds of weapons discharging, presumably as part of the others' landing strategies. That, or they were getting mauled already. The sounds came from various directions and at various distances, though one sound was particularly close. It wasn't the sound of a gun, though, but rather came from the cracking of trees and the flight of startled birds.

"...Alright... There first, then relics, whatever the hell those are," He murmured to himself as he got himself to his feet.

Stowing his weapons away at his waist, Itzal took his stroll towards the nearest sound, appearing more to be taking a leisurely walk than in a test. The forest was almost nice enough to enjoy. Almost. Not nice enough to be launched into nor to hold a scavenger hunt within. Walks were also different than naps, in that the prior left him alone with his thoughts, which Itzal also wasn't a fan of.

Traversing through the woodland, Itzal finally came upon the crash site of Hickory. At least that was task one done.

"Hey, buddy~" Itzal chimed with with a smirk. "Nice of you to drop in... Now how about we go snatch those relics so we can bail?" He suggested, thumbing to the side for effect. "...Also, is relic slang for something in Vale or do those hippies really want us going on an archeological dig somewhere?"

However, the Faunus's face quickly went from cheshire to observant. His right ear twitched as a sound of skittering could be heard encroaching, and he glanced slightly to his right in response. "...That sounds like-" And soon enough, Itzal's sentence was finished for him as a large Deathstalker breached the nearby brush, reaching out with its claw to attempt to pincer him. The Faunus was quick to react, even if he appeared started at first, and rather than back away he charged forward.

His body went straight into the creatures claw before it seemed to fade and his person jarringly slid underneath the claw as it snapped shut over the afterimage. Itzal then leaped over the creature's pincers to scale its back where it couldn't easily use its tail. The Grimm didn't appear pleased and started to flail in an attempt to shake him off or cause him to lose balance enough to grab, though this just made Itzal stab one blade into its exoskeleton to avoid being bucked. "Well, at least it's just a Deathstalker, right...?" He remarked with a slightly anxious chuckle. They were common in Vacuo, but that didn't mean the Faunus enjoyed dealing with them even if he knew how.

RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan
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Cordovahn Tweedle
Location: Emerald Forest
Mentions: Gutsy Gutsy Aisuke

The armor plated figure paused only to turn are and lift up his face mask, revealing an extremely sour looking scowl as Aisuke approached and called out to him.

"F$$$ off!"

With that, he slammed his vizor shut and turned around. He couldn't waste his time with random assholes, he needed to find his brother before that idiot made the mistake of helping some poor sod and then Carmine is some one elses partner. Like Hells Cordovahn would let some nobody be entrusted his brothers life! Every second he wasted was one more Carmine would bump into some idiot who would be his-

Cordovahn paused.

Slowly, he turned to look at the pissed off expression of Aisuke with his own eyes burning with anger as he focused onto him with a deadly glare. Cordovahn turned back and began to slowly walk up to him.

"You.... IDIOT!" Cordovahn's shout was muffled by his vizor, but the anger was there. "I was supposed to meet up with my brother! But no, now I have to make sure I even end up on the same team as him because of you! Because you went 'Oh boy, look at that big angry looking jerkass, I bet he'd make a GREAT partner'!"

Cordovahn finished up his last sentence with a mockingly stupid voice. He snapped back to his seriousness and stuck a finger up at Aisuke's face.

"I got half a mind to kick your ass now-"


Cordovahn's head jerked to the side to see a Beowulf lurk out from the shadows of a tree, followed by another set of red eyes, and another. The sound of wet, aggressive growling and Cordovahn looked over his shoulder to see the two of them had become surrounded by 7 or 8 Beowulfs. Tough odds for even regular Huntsmen.

Cordovahn turned back to Aisuke and hefted up his shield.


Carmine Tweedle
Location: Emerald Forest
Mentions: NameisUser NameisUser Koda

He had come to the conclusion that the Emerald Forest was a really nice place! He hadn't seen any Grimm or traps or stuff, but also he hadn't seen anyone else. On one hand that meant he didn't mess up and run into someone he shouldn't have, but he also hadn't run into Cordovahn either. So for now, Carmine took his time walking between the trees and admiring natures beauty.

This lollygagging was interrupted by the sound of something big moving through the brush. Almost immediately, Carmine drew his sword and entered a tense ready position, gauntlets gripping his blade tightly. This would be his first time fighting Grimm... if it was a Grimm. Ever the optimist, Carmine reasoned that it could just be a very, very big student? Well, if it was then he better make sure.

"Uh, H-Hey! If you're a Grimm, say something!" A moment. "Or, I mean, If you aren't a Grimm say something, please!"
Livi Wulfric
Emerald forest
Interactions: Soviet Panda Soviet Panda

"Ugh, what the hell are you doing? You big oaf! Get off me or I'll make ya!"
Said loudly Livi toward the person who ran into her, while squinting her eyes cause of the impact, but when she opened her eyes she saw a jacked rabbit or hare Faunus on top of her, albeit she was a bit thankful that her semblance was activated before the impact cause now she had quite a deal of energy on her side.

Whatever the Faunus came off her, or she had to throw him off, Livi stood up and cleaned herself up a bit, while asking loudly.
"What's your name? It seems we are partners now. I'm Livi. Now let's go kick some Grimm ass and get that relic"
What Livi did not figure out though is that their impact created some noise, that made the big Grimm she saw while falling down come ever so closer their way from where they were before. Hopefully now with both of them mowing down the trail towards the ruin they heard rustling in the bushes and trees.
From Livi's side emerged a Ursa Grimm a bit bigger than an average one, while from Jacks's side emerged a Beowulf which also appeared a tad bigger than the regular one of their species.
"Let's get this bloodbath started!"
Yelled Livi as she jumped at the Ursa Grimm while using one-third of her stored energy to do so swiftly and with impact, during her jump she unleashed both her weapons form, holding the axe in one hand and letting the Vorpal Breaker be in its whip form. Now being close to it, Livi with a flick of her wrist launched the blade's whip-like form towards the Grimm's back spikes tying themselves onto it.
As the blade held fast, Livi used another batch of her stored energy to pull the Grimms body or at least it's head closer to the ground, then she used the last batch of her stored energy in smaller batches to land multiple axe attacks on the 'Grimms body.

With each of her hits, her eyes slowly began to glow more red, and her demeanor changed into a more animalistic version of herself, as well as shackling like a maniac while saying loudly "Chop, Chop, Chop, Swing, Swing, Swing, Let the blood flow down."
Aisuke Himura
Location: Rock and a stupid place
Interactions: americanCaeser americanCaeser Cordovahn​

Aisuke looked at the heavily armored man as he nearly walked away. He began to trail behind him, about to open his mouth to remind him of the rules of this whole thing... He paused, seeing the man approach.


Those thoughts plagued his mind as he approached. But he resisted. GOD did he resist punching this man in his face! He wanted this job. He NEEDED this job, and he wasn't about to lose it because of this asshole!

"Shut. Up! We can find him next! Jus' cause we in teams don't mean we can't-"

Then. Came the Grimm around them...

Fate. has blessed him today. A bit of catharsis.

"Yeah. Truce... Word to tha wise though..."

He pointed to his eyes.

"Watch my eyes. Semblance has a bit of a drawback. If ya don't see yellow any mo', get tha hell outta here aight? I'll be no mo' useful than a wild animal."

A genuine warning. Spit out quickly with a bit of honest anger, as he took a deep breath... And activated his semblance, wisps of red coming off of the other man as he charged forward to the nearest beast. The hunter noticeably not having a weapon, instead, he began pummeling the beast with his bare hands.

Bone cracked under flesh, a vicious pummeling. Loud resounding thuds with each impact. The beast eventually retaliated with a bite to Aisuke's arm, a trickle of red coming down. An abnormality for hunters, is damage to the body. Yet, he at least seemed durable.

Another two came from behind to Grab Aisuke as he was occupied, the man getting pinned on the ground as he was nearly instantly swarmed. A pile of fists and fangs as Aisuke screamed out, fighting rather well from the ground. Of the three, you see one outright die from the impact of a punch. A head flew loose from it's body as he continued.

Still. Looks like a bad situation. Yet there's more to handle. He only has three occupied, and there are 5 poised to strike.
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre

Flora immediately dashed as she heard Tiffany shout out, a beam of light basically rushing past her and right into the Ursa. However, with its movements it had only landed on the outer part of the skull and caused minor damage. That was fine because it was enough of a distraction for Flora to jump up into the air and over the Ursa with ease before turning her body with her blade and slicing right into the joints of the beast. That was the good thing about the Ursa: They had no plating on the back of their legs. Which made it easier for her to target the most vital of functions. All that Tiffany could possibly see was the beast falling to the ground with a roar and the sight of its blood flying in the air and covering the green grass around her position. Now that the beast was immobilized and could not get back up to its full height, she jumped upon the top and avoided any stray spikes protruding from its back. If Tiffany were to look closely, the look upon the Faunus' face had changed tremendously. It held something heavier, and had definitely seemed much darker with how her golden gaze pierced right through the grimm. Flora spun the blade in her hand before she pierced the blade right through the nape of the neck and funny enough it reached out of the other side of its neck. As the body collapsed onto the ground, she pulled the blade back out and exposed the blood dripping off of it.

"Evil creatures roam this forest. I plan to eradicate each one." From her kind and sweet tone, her voice had seemed to have lost that. As if she had only had a facade for the time she arrived, till now. "Hurting the very nature of this forest, disgusting." Turning her attention fully toward Tiffany, she could only look beyond the girl as she noticed more Ursa lining up behind her about 4 of them. As if she had no idea they had begun to prepare their ambush "Tiffany!" She shouted, jumping off the grimm and yanking her sheath from her back, sliding the blade back inside and immediately revealing what the sheath actually had been: The Fan. No one knew this because no one would suspect a fan to be disguised as a sheath. Also who the fuck would even think of fighting with a fan out of all types of weapons? "Get down Tiffany! Things are going to get windy!" As the fan was at max opening, she slammed her feet into the ground (kicking up some earth in the process from the sheer force) and brought the fan back before using all her might and releasing a battle cry while doing so. To avoid hurting her with my dusts, I'll have to resort to just my strength with the fan. As the fan was brought across, the wind went from 0-100 real fast as the trees rustled aggressively and the gust pushing away the beasts that attempted to jump Tiffany. I did not have enough time to save her with my sword, but this will do!

"Uh, I'm Jack?" He said, still a bit dazed from the impact, before rolling off of his surprise partner. "Can we just lay here for a second? My bloody brains are scrambled. You're a lot more solid than you look." Groaning his thoughts out, he closes his eyes and squeezes his head as if trying to get everything back in order with his bare hands. "Those relics ain't going anywhere. for a while." Jack, however, failed to consider into his calculations the fact that their collision had made some noise, and that two sizable Grimm heard them.

"Wha?" Jack managed to get out before opening his eyes and seeing the Beowolf bearing down on him. It made to crush him with one swipe of it's oversized claw, but it struck nothing but dirt, as Jack had already well gotten out of the way. Skidding to a halt several meters away, he firmly grasps the hilt of his family's Nagamaki. The traditional method of unsheathing a nagamaki quickly was to simply take the scabbard and throw it off the long blade. However, with today's craftsman a more simple, and practical, method could be used. With a sharp, cutting jerk, the scabbard snapped off the blade, and instead wrapped itself around his right arm up to his neck. Now instead of simply getting rid of the scabbard, it could be used as armor. Something he, surprisingly, hadn't added to the ancient weapon.

While his impromptu partner was brutalizing the Ursa as best she could with an axe and whip sword, Jack needed to go about this a bit more clinically. "Step one, limit mobility," he began, reciting what his teachers had taught him in the classroom. Keeping the blade low, he advanced upon the Beowolf. Rearing up on it's hind legs, the beast prepared an attack of it's own. In the blink of an eye, Jack was already on the opposite side of the creature with his blade raised in an after stroke, dripping the wet darkness that made up a Grimm. Soon after, the cut made itself known as the Beowolf turned to follow it's prey, putting pressure on it's injured leg, and collapsing.

"Step two," Prepared to finish the Beowolf, Jack did not expect the Beowolf to instead lunge towards the preoccupied Livi, who was currently thoroughly bashing in an Ursa's head. "OI! LIVI!" He shouted at her, hoping she would turn and see the monstrosity hurling itself at her.

Megilagor Megilagor
-- Glaesia near the cliffs going to assist Ray MangoGoGo MangoGoGo
-- Also she lookin for Koda and Jack XD no one finding their friends this round XD.

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Glaes was still perched in the trees poised like she was waiting for something. Her fiery eyes turned up to peer through what she could of the canopy hoping she would catch sight of either Jack or Koda going by. She knew the mission - she knew the strategy before she’d even dropped into the forest. Find Koda or Jack - cause for some reason she figured it would be easy to locate them - especially in her natural habitat! But as people shot by overhead and noise erupted through the forest she knew it might be a little harder to find them than she had hopped. She was going to hop down and follow the direction where others had flown past when suddenly a loud explosion back towards the cliffs gave her pause. She instead of going down slung her bow to it’s plate where the magnets locked it in place before she climbed up a little further to try and peer through the thinner foliage at the top.

Nothing - but she could see a cloud of twigs leaves pine needles and foliage settling where people had been dropped off the cliff. Ah- Ha! She thought thinking maybe that was Koda. Plan in play she made her way down from the branches and would drop into a low crouch within the forest. Glaes had decided to return to the cliff face direction and see what or who she could find. She moved like a shadow from bush to bush her footsteps silent as she moved in a half crouch right hand back on her bow while she used her visor to search the area.

“Whoa!” Glaes halted progression - that wasn’t Kodak’s voice Dammit! She was about to turn back when she heard more “Well aren’t you all adorable” … All ? She paused and looked back in the direction where now various growls were rolling through the forest from that direction. “Wanna play?” Okay Glaes was confused now why would another student be toying with grim rather than achieving the goal? She slid her back to large tree and peeked around in just in time to see the Alpha enter the fray she spotted Ray at the center where he was taunting Beowulfs. “Least you know how to fetch” REALLY?!?! She started to draw her bow while still peeking around the tree. Drop it

And all Hell broke loose. The alpha loosed a howl and Ray exploded into action. A flurry of kicks and punches she could almost see fluctuations when he was using his semblance and she waited thinking he could handle himself she could move on to find Koda? Did this count as partnering? She was impressed he seemed very capable. But something wasn’t right now.

The alpha wasn’t fighting? He just kept calling pups in for play. The Icy fire that burned in her magenta eyes ignited and she slide along the tree as the Beo’s circled Ray looked like he was getting tired of this!

A Sharp ear piercing whistle cut through the greenery as a single ice bolt shot through and landed in the alpha’s right paw anchoring its form to place, but before much could be registered more whistles pierced the air followed as ice spikes came from above Ray might catch Glaes’ voice echo about their little fight. “HEADS UP SHEILD IF YOU GOT IT!”

Suddenly 6 spikes crashed down in a perfect circle around Ray causing a barrier of these ice shards. Static charged along their shafts and Ray would only have a few minutes to shield with his aura to prevent from getting some sliver cuts as the ice shards started to blossom the crystalline form spreading out and out until they literally exploded into millions of tiny ice shards that burst out and away from Ray slamming into the ring of Beowulfs around him and forcing them back a foot or two.
“I’ll offer support if you think you can handle them still” Glaes hollered as she sprang back into the trees. She would take rallying shots whenever anything got close to Ray while also taking cheap shots to those in the back to try and help keep them harried and keep Ray from being overwhelmed. But if she felt for even a moment he was slipping she would dive in with her bow’s alternate form. “HA-HA here puppy puppy!” She echoed shot moved - shot moved she was being sure to keep her own location completely hidden. Ray might have a hard time even catching glimpses of her.

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--- NameisUser NameisUser NameisUser NameisUser || Soviet Panda Soviet Panda Soviet Panda Soviet Panda || MangoGoGo MangoGoGo MangoGoGo MangoGoGo
✧ ・゚ : * ✧ * ✧ * ✧ ・゚ : * ✧
Koda De Witte

Beacon Academy - Academy Grounds

Interactions: americanCaeser americanCaeser

Koda found herself amidst the dense undergrowth, the silence of the forest punctuated only by the rustle of leaves and the occasional distant sound. Her landing, though not the smoothest, had left her in a state of heightened awareness. The forest, once a backdrop of anticipation, now enveloped her in an atmosphere thick with mystery and potential danger. The rhythmic pulse of her heartbeat echoed the tempo of her thoughts as she took a moment to assess her surroundings.

The towering trees cast elongated shadows, creating a natural tapestry of light and darkness. Koda's heightened senses, a result of years of training and honing her Huntsman skills, allowed her to perceive the subtlest shifts in the environment. A gentle breeze carried the scent of earth and vegetation, while distant bird calls hinted at the vitality of the wilderness.

With Jack and Glaes likely somewhere in the expansive forest, Koda felt the weight of solitude on her shoulders. However, the quietude allowed her to focus on the task at hand. The initiation test had officially begun, and the looming challenges beckoned. The mention of facing Grimm, navigating traps, and claiming a relic resonated in her mind. Yet, as the initial moments unfolded, the absence of immediate threats prompted a cautious optimism.

As Koda moved forward, her footsteps were deliberate and calculated, minimizing any unnecessary noise. The canopy above filtered the sunlight into dappled patterns on the forest floor, creating an ever-changing mosaic as she progressed. The rhythmic symphony of nature surrounded her, a stark contrast to the urban landscapes she had known before Beacon Academy.

However, the tranquility was short-lived. The calm ambience shattered as a sudden commotion disrupted the natural soundscape, as another initiate emerged into Koda's line of sight. His drawn sword and tense posture hinted at an encounter with something substantial. Koda’s hands lazily raised, hinting that she was indeed not a grimm.

Koda recognized the predicament. The initiation test had thrust them into an environment where allies and adversaries could be one and the same. The tension in the air was palpable, a reflection of the high stakes of their training. The forest, once serene, now crackled with an energy that mirrored the intensity of their purpose.

Stepping out from her concealed vantage point, Koda revealed herself to the man, her figure emerging from the shadows. She made no sudden movements, allowing him to see her as a fellow initiate rather than a potential threat. Her wolfish gaze met his, a silent acknowledgment of their shared journey through the challenges of Beacon Academy.

"It's alright," she spoke in a calm and measured tone, her voice carrying an undertone of reassurance. "I'm no Grimm.” Koda said as a yawn escaped her mouth, hoping to ease any lingering tension. "Koda," she introduced herself, dropping her hands back to her sides before extending one for a hand shake. “I guess this makes us partners”. If the rules were to be believed that would make this gentleman her partner throughout her time here at Beacon.​
IMG_8447.jpeg Emile Forrest
Location: Within Emerald Forest

Interactions: Bluffly Bluffly

Mentions: N/A

Emile was zipping tree to tree, avoiding Grimm and looking for a potential partner. “I wonder how Ray and Vara are doing…” He sighed as he continued to zip through the forest. As if it was right on cue, he noticed a familiar singing voice. He looked down to see Varanus walking around singing. He grinned as he got an idea. Emile quickly cast a thread on a branch. He then positioned himself upside down, hanging on the end of the thread. He slowly descended in front of Varanus with a mischievous grin on his face. “Boo-oh shi-“ The branch that his thread was latched on gave out and broke off the tree, causing him to fall flat on his face. “Great, I embarrassed myself in front of the pop-star. Twice.” He sighed and stood up, dusting himself off. “Uh…I guess I’m your partner. Haha…” He said in an awkward tone. What followed was a rather awkward silence, the forest’s ambiance surrounding the pair. Emile cleared his throat and finally spoke up. “S-Shall we get going? That relic isn’t going to-“

Before Emile could finish, Six Beowolves surrounded the pair. The awkward aura accompanying Emile was now gone as he took out Widow and Weaver. “I guess the relic will have to wait. You take the three on the left, I’ll take the three on the right. Got it? Good.” And with that, he threw on of his blade at one of the Beowolves. The blade missed and stabbed the tree behind it. The beowolf then charged at Emile, but the chain on the blade started to retract causing Emile to be propelled forward by it. He readied his other blade and carved into the beast’s black hide as he zipped past it. He landed on the tree his blade was in. “3…2…1…” As if seemingly on cue, the beowolf collapsed and turned to ash. He then removed his blade from the tree and turned to the remaining two Beowolves. “So…who’s next?” He taunted.

Mood: Heh, and here I was trying to make it fair.
Location: Emerald Forest
Outfit: Casual Wear
Tags: Kabyt Kabyt
Mentions: N/A


Ray was caught off guard as an arrow zipped by and pinned the Alpha down with a well-aimed shot. Ray spun in the direction the arrow came from when all of a sudden, he heard a voice shout for him to shield himself, “Do what now?” he says as all of a sudden, he was surrounded by ice spikes, “Oh,” he noticed the static charge start to build up, “Oh!” He did exactly what the voice in the trees suggested and shieled himself as the crystals exploded and giving him some room from the surrounding Beowulfs.

Once the area was clear Ray looked over his shoulder as the voice from the trees spoke, “No need to worry about me, voice from the trees.” He calls out before looking at the surrounding Beowulfs with a smirk, “I was just trying to keep things fair for the puppies.” Ray began to hop from foot to the other like he would see his favorite action star do countless times before he fought before sinking into his own fight stance. This time the smaller Beowulfs didn’t wait for the Alpha’s howl and instead charged towards Ray on their own.

Ray, once again displayed his ability to mix boxing and martial arts as he fought the Beowulfs up close while arrows supported him from different angles up in the trees making their numbers mean nothing. Even though his support stayed in the trees that didn’t mean they didn’t have a team attack. One such attack was when Ray punched a Beowulf in its stomach stopping it in its tracks before rapidly continuing his assault, each punch supported by his semblance. With each punch landed it knocked the Beowulf off its feet and into the air until Ray finished off the combo with an exaggerated upper cut that would probably only work in a video game. The Beowulf was sent sailing into the air before getting riddled by arrows from his support and punched by a partially charged fire dust gauntlet on its way down. Being sent into the tree lane. Ray doubted it survived but on the off chance it did, he doubted it would come back.

The two made short work of the smaller Beowulfs before Ray’s attention was to the Alpha, who just managed to free itself. Ray smirked as he walked towards the Alpha, “Finally gonna join the party, ya?” he says as he bends down and grabs the stick from earlier, “better late than never.” The Alpha roared and began its charge, “whoa stay!” Ray says as he holds his finger out like a gun and suddenly two arrows shot out piercing its legs causing it to fall, “Good boy,” Ray smirks, “Now sit.” On Cue, two more arrows rang out and pinned its front paws into the earth, “good, Now.” He tosses the stick and catches it before bringing the stick back like a base ball bat, “Play dead!” with a semblance enhanced swing, broke the stick across the Beowulfs head.

Silence fell after the chaotic battle with Ray and his partner in the trees being the victors. He turned to face where he last saw the arrows fly and smirks, “good shootin’.” He says as he holds a fist towards where he thinks his partner was, “That crystal explosion came in clutch!”
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