Newsletter RpNation Newsletter: December 2019

[div class=container][div class=header][div class=tri][/div][/div][div class=headertxt]December Newsletter[/div][div class=ofthemonth][div class=headerf]Housekeeping Announcements[/div][/div]

December's Supporter Badge
Many thanks to @Fyuri !​

  • šŸ¦ƒ We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and holiday!
  • We changed our server again. New lower cost, same provider.
  • There was a hiccup with Discord itself which affected our site due to our Discord integration addon. We apologize for the errors resulting in some chaotic duplicate posts.
  • It's that time of year again! Where we all join the Discord VC to listen to Ghan read us Trans-Siberian Orchestra! Read more here!

[div class=otm][div class=avatar]
[/div][div class=info]Roleplay of the Month
Give everyone a quick summary about your roleplay.
The central focus of ć€ŒÅ‚ā‚®ā€™ā‚“ ā‚³ā± ā±  łā‚¦ ɎƘɄā±¤ ā±§É†ā‚³Ä is about how the government is trying to kill these people with superpowers through a simulation. Pre-RP, there were people claiming to have seen people with supernatural powers so the government decided to investigate through a ā€œcensusā€ and they discovered that there were indeed people with superpowers. They decided that these people were a threat and decided to kill them through a medical trial simulation that they are telling participants will cure them of their ā€œodditiesā€. (It is really intended to kill them though.) The participants go through worlds and in order to survive, they need to beat each world with their superpowers. If they die in the simulation, they die in real life too. The goal is to thwart the governments plan to kill them by beating the simulation.

What inspired you to create this roleplay?
This was originally a plot for a story I wanted to write myself but I didnā€™t think I would every get to writing it so I just turned it into an RP. I combined an old idea for a government experimenting RP and a bit of a Webtoon called "Room of Swords" and it turned into this.

What do you enjoy most about GMing?
Being able to decided everything.

What attracts you to futuristic roleplays?
How flexible they are, historical or realistic RPā€™s are limited by what existed or exists but you can invent anything in futuristic roleplays.

How did you come about roleplaying?
I honestly don't remember. I think I discovered it while I was looking through the forums of Flight Rising or Chicken Smoothie.

How did you discover RpNation?
I used to roleplay on Chicken Smoothie, Flight Rising, and Egg Cave. After a while, I grew out of the pet collecting type of websites and I was mainly just interested in roleplaying so I googled around websites and stumbled upon this one.

How long have you been roleplaying?
I think about 4-5 years.

Coffee or tea?
I can't choose, I love both so much!

What is a type of character you love to hate?
The one that is super good looking, very nice, has good grades, etc. I find "perfect" characters super annoying because they've got "everything" figured out and that also kind of makes them boring.

Would you rather give up social media or give up roleplaying?
Social media, your interactions are limited to how many followers you have. If you don't have many followers, people won't see/hear what you have to say but with roleplaying, you don't need to have lots of followers in order to be seen, you just have to have good ideas.

Do you have any other projects in the works that you would like to share?

[div class=featheader]More Features[/div]
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[div class=smavatar][/div][div class=sminfo]Featured Discussion
Ever thought of roleplaying as food? Well, here is your chance. RP is like a pizza challenges you to lay out different roleplay archetypes on the thread dough just like various pizza toppings!
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[/div][div class=sminfo]Featured #forumgame
Rule Game is based on a game from a different forum. Players each post a rule adding a new restriction which must be adhered to. It's a fun little game that challenges players to stick to the rules to keep the game going and prevent it from resetting.
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[/div][div class=sminfo]Featured BBCode Tutorial
sox sox [/div]
ā‡¾ sox's guide to lazy coding ā‡½ hosts video guides to using Adobe Dreamweaver in order to make BBCode for RpNation (as well as just using it in general for coding). There are currently four walkthroughs available to help guide you as well as four other video tutorials on other matters.
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[/div][div class=sminfo]Featured Character
Summer is a strange faceless girl. Or rather, her face is 90% mouth. Despite her appearance being a horror movie material, she doesn't like horror very much and is a fan of mystery movies more than anything. But don't even try to take a photo of her, it will always appear blurry! If she got famous, she would be able to evade unwanted attention but seems like photo modeling career path is completely closed off!

[div class=featheader]Suggest Features[/div]
If you are interested in suggesting a feature for next month's newsletter please read the following information and instructions. There are a few rules though.
  1. Previously featured members for Member of the Month or Roleplay of the Month cannot be featured again for that category. This means if a user has already been featured in a certain section of the newsletter that they cannot be featured in that section again.

  2. Please do not spam multiple suggestions or messages.

  3. Remember that not all suggestions are going to be accepted. While your suggestions are appreciated there are limited slots in each newsletter. If your suggestion isn't accepted please do not let it make you disheartened; there is always the next newsletter. Additionally, some suggestions may not meet the requirements to be featured in the newsletter.

  4. Please do not expect or anticipate a response to your suggestion. This isn't to be rude but rather Staff having limited time.

  5. All suggestions will be kept anonymous, meaning we won't be sharing who suggested who/what for the newsletter.
What are you suggesting as a feature? (Options include Member, Roleplay, Character, Discussion, Artist, Prose, Poetry, #forumgame)
Please provide a direct link to your suggestion.
Why do you think your suggestion should be featured in the newsletter?

Please fill out the form and send a PM to Fyuri.
[div class=featheader]Would You Rather[/div]
Would you rather give up social media or give up roleplaying?​
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This would you rather is impossible for me.
As an author, I need a social media presence. So I can't give that up.
And role-playing got me through some of my worst moments, and helps me develop new story and character ideas. Can't I give up something else? Like cheese? Or romantic relationships? Anything?
I would like to point out that RPN is technically a type of social media platform so giving up social media would still mean giving up roleplaying.
I don't care about social media much but I could give up roleplaying. Sure, you meet some good people along the way and you meet some terrible people. You also create worlds as well as characters however roleplaying only goes so far and what I mentioned I can do and have done on my own.
Jokes on ya, Iā€™ve already given up social media.

Marc, Discord would technically count as a social media according to the three thousand parent ā€œis this okay for my kidsā€ sites I saw when I googled ā€œis Discord a social mediaā€. So no, no you sorta really havenā€™t. Well okay, according to confused parents and confused parents alone. But one metric is better than none.
Marc, Discord would technically count as a social media according to the three thousand parent ā€œis this okay for my kidsā€ sites I saw when I googled ā€œis Discord a social mediaā€. So no, no you sorta really havenā€™t. Well okay, according to confused parents and confused parents alone. But one metric is better than none.
A dozen other metrics beg to differ, Pixxie.
A dozen other metrics beg to differ, Pixxie.
Yea, probably. That wasnā€™t really anything serious, just a really bad joke out of utter exhaustion and complete desperation to do something after school today besides schoolwork.

help me
Yea, probably. That wasnā€™t really anything serious, just a really bad joke out of utter exhaustion and complete desperation to do something after school today besides schoolwork.

help me
i was trying to play along

i got the joke
Going with the assumption that RPN isnā€™t classified as a social media site... I can give up social media easily. As it is the only thing Iā€™m occasionally on is Instagram and only because I have an account for my fish that I use as storage for my fave pics of them šŸ˜‚ So, social media. Hands down.
If I gave up roleplaying that would basically kill any dreams I have of becoming a movie star. After all they are all cast as a certain role in their movies!

Of course that's not actually what I'm planning to do at the moment, but you never know what life is going to throw at you!
A dozen other metrics beg to differ, Pixxie.
letā€™s try this again since i screwed it up the first time


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