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Rp partners


Meme Queen
I'm looking for 1x1 or possibly a small group of no more than 3 or 4 people to rp with. I like smaller rps because I understand more than anyone that life can get busy and I don't want to have to ask for recaps 24/7.

The requirements for rping with me are:

1.Please be literate. Spell words correctly as often as you can. It's okay if English is not your first language or best subject, just Google the spelling or something or ask for help. If it gets really bad I will probably call you out on it.

2. Let me know when you can't rp for a while. Like I said, I also have trouble with this because life can get busy. At the very least though, I will try to reply at least once a day.

3. No one liners! I hope that at least a paragraph or two will be written with each post, but I understand that writer's block is a real thing so sometimes 3-4 sentences is okay. Just try not to do it too often. Posts can be as long as you want.

4. Understand that I usually play as a heterosexual female. There's no bias against anyone or anything, that's just how I personally identify with myself and I therefore feel that I am able to best rp that type of person. If, however, the story progresses to the point where multiple characters are needed with various genders and sexual orientations, I'll give it a try because I'm a sucker for a good story.

Types of rps that I like:

1. Romance/action

2. Fantasy

3. Sci-fi

4. Slave x Savior (can be they instantly fall in love or one is one sided with the other for a while)

5. Parent/child

6. Foster Parent/formerly abused child

7. Best friends (can be romance or just besties)

8. Superheroes (Especially dc)

9. A BUNCH of fandoms just ask me if I belong to it and will rp with you for it. I don't rp crossovers though so just pick one fandom. Can be from video games, books, anime, manga, tv shows. I'm into a lot of things.

10. If you have an idea let me know. I'm open to various ones as long as the plot is interesting and there are many chances for various story progression.

Feel free to pm me or talk to me about it here. :)
I'm interested in a good bit of them, in truth I do like to get out of my comfort zone while role playing. If there is a story line that you 'want' to give a try hit me up, it's quite slow on my end with role plays so I'd probably be up for it.

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