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Fandom Return to Magic Kingdom Character Sign-Up




Incarnation of?:

Age (16-20):
Occupation in town: student, book store clerk etc.

Past Life: Please provide a brief overview (A paragraph at minimum) of life back in the Magic Kingdom. You may use a synopsis of the film

Our World: All memories were modified when landing in the town. Tell us what Maleficent made you believe.

Personality: Characters can act differently in our world.

Memory trigger: All characters have a specific hidden memory trigger. For example, the Evil Queen could have the memory trigger of a mirror. Must relate somehow to their story and give the character ONE specific magical power

Other: Any other information?

coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar
Out of Character | In Character | Information
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  • 8e3b690e05aaa5d88019bc496c420616.png
    our world: With four elder sisters, all rambunctious and outgoing, it was always understandably difficult to stand out amongst the crowd. Serena usually over compensated for this by being known as the 'trickster' sister, always up to crazy antics. Her father, though loving was overbearingly protective of the girls, especially young Serena as she was the last child to be born before the tragic death of her mother Adriana. Grieving the loss of his wife, their once lenient father became stricter, less patient and less understanding leading to particular resistance from the feisty youngest daughter.

    In recent years, she and her father have grown apart drastically, Serena desperate to be her own person and not be trapped in the bubble her father has made. With a bit of perseverance, who knows what this young maiden can achieve?
    name: Serena Lagoon
    nickname: None for now
    age: 17
    occupation: Student
    incarnation of: Ariel (The Little Mermaid
    sexuality: Bisexual
    past life: Sixteen year old Ariel had everything she could want living under the sea with her ocean pals. She was Princess of Atlantica, with a loving father and six elder sisters, but young Ariel longed for more. After all; the seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake. What Ariel wanted most was to explore the land above the waves. But at what cost?
    height: 5'4
    weight: TBD
    hair: Light Auburn
    eyes: Sea Blue
    body figure: Slim and petite
    clothing style: TBD
    distinguishing features: Serena has a particularly wide eyed innocent look about her. It is very noticeable.
    personality: Serena is a curious soul, with a thirst to explore anything and everything. She believes she has an old head on her young shoulders, but is more reckless and immature than she would like to admit. Well meaning she may be, but spoiled and bratty she can appear.
    vices: Impulsive, dishonest, overbearing, overprotective, stubborn
    virtues: Affectionate, creative, resourceful, book smart, compassionate
    quirks: Compulsively combs hair with her fingers, can turn any phrase into a song, has a large collection of silverware

    memory trigger: TBD
    likes: Singing, Dancing, Parties, Spontaneity, Swimming
    dislikes: Being forced to take responsibility without it being her choice, not getting her way, being ignored or slighted, unrequited love
    magical power: Water Bubble force field
    memories gained (3): TBD

    coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
    note: all pictures are clickable

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    NICKNAME ❚ Rose
    HEIGHT ❚ 5ft 2in
    WEIGHT ❚ 152lbs
    HAIR COLOR ❚ Light Dirty Blonde, Shoulder Length
    EYE COLOR ❚ Grey-Violet
    BODY FIGURE ❚ Soft and Feminine
    NOTABLE FEATURES ❚ Light Freckles
    CLOTHING STYLE ❚ Girlish and Simple
    OCCUPATION ❚ Organic Produce Farmer & Supplier


    VIRTUES ❚ Creative || Compassionate || Bubbly
    VICES ❚ Lethargic || Tactless || Dramatic
    PERKS ❚ Self-Aware || Open || Knowledgable
    QUIRKS ❚ Reserved || Dreamy || Romantic
    LIKES ❚ Gardening || "Bad Boys" || Flirting || Romance Novels
    DISLIKES ❚ Spoiled Brats || Meat || Competition || Her Brother
    MEMORY TRIGGER ❚ Spinning Wheel Prick
    POWER ❚ Force Sleep, Control Dreams, See Dreams
    PET PEEVES ❚ Complaining || Being Ignored || Loud Children
    DREAMS ❚ Fall in Love
    FEARS ❚ Being Socially Embarrased || Public Speaking


    PAST ❚ Aurora was born to a king and queen who loved her very much. She was their pride and joy, so much so that they arranged for her to marry the son of a close friend of theirs. On the day of her birth, they invited the three good fairies, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather to come and bless her. And bless her they did, until the evil Maleficent showed up. Maleficent cursed her, saying that on her sixteenth birthday, she would prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die. Thankfully, Merryweather hadn't yet given her gift, so she morphed the curse a little, being unable to get rid of it, and made it simple to where she fell asleep and would wake again at true love's kiss. To keep Maleficent from finding Aurora, the king and queen send the infant with the fairies to live in the woods. There, they kept her away from everyone, calling her Briar Rose. Still, the boy she was promised to as a child found her. She and Phillip fell in love. Aurora, intent on finding him, alerted Maleficent of her whereabouts and ended up pricking her finger on the spinning wheel on the day of her sixteenth birthday. True to the curse, she fell into a deep slumber, awaiting true love's kiss. Phillip, who was in love with her, defeated Maleficent in time to wake Aurora from her slumber.
    PRESENT ❚ Aria was an orphan. She didn't know who her parents were, only that her mother left her at the orphanage at Recuerdo. Luckily, there were two farmers who came across her one day and insisted on adopting her. They love her as one of their own and she lives on their farm with them. She was fallen in love with the idea of farming, and sells her own fruits and vegetables that she grows.


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  • .
    allison carroll


    about her:
    ❀.name: allison harley caroll
    ❀.nickname: alice [only by Michael]
    ❀.age: nineteen
    ❀.occupation: zoology student, creative writer, and part-time worker at anfisa's flower shop
    ❀.gender: female
    ❀.sexuality: n/a
    ❀.based off of: alice from alice in wonderland

    ❀.height: five feet, three inches
    ❀.weight: one hundred and five pounds
    ❀.hair: strikingly blonde
    ❀.eyes: cerulean blue
    ❀.body figure: slim and slender
    ❀.distinguishing features: she has some scars on her wrist and some on her back

    With medium-length blonde hair, with a mind of its own, her hair is wavy or straight, depending on the day. Gentle as a doe is her frame, with a hint of frailness, showing grace and poise. However, despite her small frame, she is tall in stature, standing at five feet and three inches. Her voice has a dreamy undertone, even if she's mad she speaks in a thoughtful, drifty, and sing-songy voice. Her light and soft skin tone is considered her best feature: showing no hint on color as if she never worked a day in her life: staying inside with luxury. (But luxury she was not confined in). She stands with poise and minds her manners. (However, her personality may be too odd considering her features). Her body can not take the cold and aches for warmth. The only color that can be found on Allison's features are her rosy pink cheeks. Allison has a magnetic aura, causing others to be curious of the young girl, yet afraid to approach her. Usually there's an air of mysterious around Allison that others can not quite pinpoint the reason for it is that it's as if she wasn't suppose to be of this world and elsewhere



    ❀.perks: "If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense." Alice has a wild imagination, causing inanimate objects to come to life inside her head. Despite her imaginations, Allison is quite intelligent in the subject of sciences, which is sort of contradicting considering she believes in magic and the wonders of the world. Finding answers aren't easy. Allison strives off of the truth and enjoys having adventures. Rather than reading most of the time, she finds joy in discovering new ideas and concepts on her own. Allison is quite an actress, being able to be the kind of woman she needs to be in front of adults and others, and being herself when she knows no one is looking over her shoulders. She's quite a clever girl, being able to handle herself in some situations that has her trapped like a mouse. Allison isn't the "partying" type of girl nor is she a shopper. She would rather find comfort in being alone, minding her own business, and working on a concept that deals with either taking care of animals, or contributing to technology of modern day. She has a talent for constructing and building objects from scratch. Allison is very open-minded, taking in the ideas of others into consideration.

    ❀.quirks: "Curiouser and Curiouser."
    Alice has to count her steps to herself from getting off track. She was told to always have something to focus on so her head won't drift off in Wonderland. Allison tends to stare at paintings or statues for a long time, thinking of different ideas of how it was made or how the image was captured. She doesn't tan so easily, staying the same skin tone since birth. She has a birth mark on her inner thigh shaped like a bird. Allison tends to hum a lot whenever silence surrounds her, to get her mind off of nothingness, but nothingness is a something. Allison is actually deaf in one ear and slightly blind on the same side as her deaf ear. She was born with that condition, however, she doesn't like being treated differently because of her handicapped. At certain times of the day, she will be very sleepy and tend to nap anywhere at the spur of the moment, even if she's walking. She'll stand right then and there, and fall asleep. Allison likes doodling on paper, no matter what it is, even if it's an important document, she likes having her doodles on there showing her creativeness. She doesn't like being considered "little" and finds herself grown up enough to have discussions meant for adults.

    ❀.strengths: "Why, sometimes I think of 6 impossible things before breakfast."
    Allison can easily pick up on things, learning multiple things at once, as long as her mental capacity isn't strained and overloaded. She is very well-mannered, polite, and walks with grace, but she isn't stuck up, finding equality for all woman and men. Allison can play a mean game of chess, riddles, debates, and anything involving a competition. She never backs down from a challenge. Allison is definitely reasonable, able to reason with, however, don't get her started on caterpillars and things she doesn't care for. She moderates herself, never taking or indulging in too much, She's kind to those she meets, never bearing false witness or judging them. Allison is responsible, taking care of herself and her items, never letting others pull one over her. The best thing about is Allison is that she's loyal to a fault, never letting others harm her friends and those she cares about. She believes in honor. Her quirkiness can rub off on people, making her quite hard to stray away from, since there are those who are curious about whats going on in the mind of the young girl.

    ❀.weakness: "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”
    She gets distracted quite easily so trying to hold her attention is tough. She's curious at every little thing and would question just about everything, Allison isn't trying to be a smart-alec towards those around her, just genuinely curious as the history and story behind how things came to be. Allison can be quite aloof, strange to most people whenever she finds herself drifting away from reality. Allison can sometimes be too out there, thinking of ideas that people normally would not think of. Others may see her as ditzy, and strange due to her behavior and way of seeing the world. Allison can get quite confused if she is confronted with a matter she knows nothing about, if someone accused her of something she hadn't done, she may act rashly and childishly, becoming defensive. Despite Allison's sense of adventure, she tends to get lost easily, forgetting her way or where she needs to go. She has no sense of direction.

    ❀.likes: Allison has a penchant for tea, books, and imagination. She loves being outdoor and in nature, never liking being inside the comforts of her own home or any place for that matter. Allison relies on the truth. She loves going on adventures even if it means going alone, she was always curious by nature, finding the best in anything and everything. Her safe haven deals with nature, particularly forest, meadows, or grassy fields. Butterflies were always a sign of change and metamorphosis to her. Allison loves dogs and horses, sometimes talking to them here and there.

    ❀.dislikes: She hates boredom and riddles. She was never one to like to solve riddles, even if she was good at it. She doesn't like roundabout people. She doesn't like caterpillars and mazes. Her least favorite color is red. She doesn't trust rabbits and cats, but she would still take care of them. Allison is wary of sweets and drinks.

    ❀.fears: "How long is forever?"
    Due to Allison's past, she fears of being called "crazy" or "loony". She detest, with a passion, being put in a room without windows. She fears medication and going back to the asylum.

    ❀.pets: She wasn't allowed to own one.

    ❀.power: "Dreamscape"
    The ability to make dreams come to life in a form of an illusion. User can create, shape, enter and manipulate the dreams of oneself and others including modifying, suppressing, fabricating, influencing, manifesting, sensing, and observing dreams as well as nightmares, daydreams, etc., possibly including past ones. They can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming, entrap people in REM, and promote spiritual/emotional healing within dreams.

    In some cases, user's power extends to the real world, such as wounds inflicted on a sleeping victim, healed damage (mental or physical) affecting the physical form, and other wise blurring the line between waking and dream. They may be able to pull someone from the waking world into the dream world or brings people/things from the dream world into the waking world.

    ❀.magical object: The golden key used to open the door to walk into Wonderland

    ❀.three triggered memories TBD


    ❀. biography; “I–I hardly know, sir, just at present– at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.”

    Allison was born to two loving parents who were madly in love, Helena Carroll and Charles Carroll. Allison has an older sister whom she admires greatly. Her sister was the epitome of an ideal woman, always being courted by many suitors, very intelligent, and quite well-spoken. The two were inseparable and enjoyed each other's company dearly. When Allison was 6 years old, she had told her father she had a reoccurring dream that dealt with dodo birds, a white rabbit who could talk and wear a petticoat, a blue caterpillar, and a smiling cat. Allison would always tell her father, she believed in at least 6 impossible things before breakfast: There's a potion that can make you shrink. And a cake that can make you grow. Animals can talk. Cats can disappear. There is a place called Wonderland. I can slay the Jabberwocky.

    Allison: Have I gone mad?

    Father: Yes, you have.

    Allison: . .

    Father: But , I heard those are the best people.

    Allison and her sister, usually on Sunday afternoons, would always be found lying in a meadow, under a shady tree. Her older sister, Cora would always read her stories, ranging from romance to mystery. Allison always found the stories fascinating as her wild examinations begins to take off as her sister formed the words and read off the page of any book. However, one night, on a rainy day, as her father was coming home from work, a storm took him away and he had gotten into a car accident. Tragedy struck in the Carroll family and they were in mourning for two years. Within those two years, Allison's sister was never the same, she never smiled, she lost her light, and eventually, disappeared. Cora couldn't handle to pain of losing her father, and so she had to get away from home, because the memories ran deep. Allison's father was their rock, their support, and the one they went to when they needed a shoulder to cry in. He was the best dad they could ever ask for and he had to get taken away from him. The only way Allison and her mother kept in contact is if Cora sent letters to them. Allison's mother, the stay at home mom, found a job and became a workaholic, leaving Allison always by herself, trying to find adventure and keep her head positive from it all. However, within that two years of being alone and not having any support but from herself and books. Allison eventually became secluded and a bit anti-social, not knowing how to talk to others since neighbors tended to stray far away from the family since they didn't know how to interact with them.

    Soon enough, however, one day, as Allison was reading a story in the meadow she and her sister used to play in, the little 8 year old Allison saw a white rabbit with a petticoat. As curious as she was she followed the white rabbit and fell down a rabbit hole. To say the least, it felt as if she was going to die, for an 8 year old there was so much in life she needed to accomplish! However, as she fell down the hole, it felt longer than usual, she found furniture floating in mid air, MID AIR. And next thing she knew her feet was planted on the ground, the ceilings were lopsided and upside down. It felt as if the items would fall on her but it didn't, the floors were checkered, and in the corner she saw a door knob. She walked over it to only find out that the doorknob actually talked. A doorknob! As she spoke to the doorknob, he spoke of the sweets and drink on the table. One said, "Eat me" the other "drink me". She took one small bite of the cookie and she grew, however as she took a small sip of the potion, she shrunk. Allison marveled at how such a thing happened and believed she was in a dream. But, she was not. The doorknob had opened the door to her and soon she was greeted by such a magnificent view. The flowers were taller than her, they talked and sung. She felt small and tiny as she walked along the path. She was looking for the white rabbit, as it kept saying, "I'm late! I'm late!" As she traveled through the mysterious place, she began to call it Wonderland. She met many different people on her adventure at finding the White Rabbit. She met A caterpillar who spooked "O's", she met a cat that could disappear, she had found company with the march hare, the dormouse, and the Mad Hatter. Along the way, she had gone through many adventures, running away from the Red Queen, painting the roses red, and being trapped in a maze. The Red Queen was never her favorite, always yelling and screaming, "Off with Her head!" Eventually, Allison found the White Rabbit and brought her home.

    As she got out of her rabbit hole, Allison ran quickly inside to tell her mother of her adventures. Allison was prepared to apologize to her mother, however, it looked as if time hadn't passed. Nothing changed and her mother continued working. Allison began talking of her adventures to her mother and how real everything was. But, her mother never believed her, saying she was making it all up and saying it was a dream. Allison was mad at the idea that her mother thought she was lying. So, to make her believe, Allison decided to go back to Wonderland and bring back proof that it was real. Soon enough, Allison kept going back to Wonderland, it stayed like that for three years, until Allison was now officially 11 years old. Allison was considered mad to all of those around her and odd, whenever she told the story that she had gone to Wonderland. Her classmates made fun of her and her mother got tired of hearing the same stories. The proofs weren't enough for her and so out of spite and anger, Allison decided to pack her belongings and run away from home. She found a safe-haven in Wonderland and stayed there for as long as she can. However, soon her "realities" got distorted and she started to forget about her action home. She actually stayed in Wonderland for over a year and finally went back home when she was 13 years old. When Allison arrived back at home, things changed drastically. When Allison showed up in the backdoor, her mom screamed in shock and horror. Allison was confused, considering the many times she had gone to Wonderland, time hadn't passed at all. However, when she stayed for over a year in Wonderland, time changed and it passed to 2 years. Her mom believed she was dead and ran away from home. They had looked for little Allison everywhere, but as soon as she was questioned to where she was by the police. Allison had told the truth: she went to Wonderland where animals could talk, food made you grow, and drinks back you shrink.

    Her mother was fed up with her lying and soon enough, Cora was brought back to help bring some sense into Allison. Even Cora had gotten fed up and in the end, they brought her into a mental institute in hopes they can fix their daughter/sister. Her mother blamed herself for how she ended up and cried, however, Allison comforted her mother and never meant to harm her. Allison couldn't lie and say she didn't go to Wonderland if it was true. She was taught never to lie however she couldn't stand to see her mother crying. Allison is considered 13, seeing that she never aged and from the doctor's perspective, it was as if her genes stopped growing as her time stopped. It was rare but it did happen to others, even if she had another mental handicapped issue. Her mother and sister would contact her at the asylum once a month. Allison had 5 terrifying years at the institute and suffered like no other. They treated her like a crazy psychotic patient, talking about things that shouldn't exist in real life. They broke her down slowly, little by little, Allison lost her strength within the times she was there. She had gone through electric shock, mental evaluations, a lot of medicine, and treatments that would help ease her mind and outburst. Allison eventually became crazy by looking at the same 4 walls everyday, being confined in what seemed like a "jail" cell. Each time she mentioned anything about Wonderland, they'd have to start the treatment all over. Allison eventually found it too painful to keep telling the partial truth, but eventually she broke and had to deny everything she ever saw. They broke her to the point that she couldn't differentiate between reality, the truth, and a dream. They made her believe everything she saw was a dream and told her to tell them what really happened. In the end, it took her 5 years to end her misery and being in the four walls she had been living in. Her mother and sister stopped seeing her after 2 years, seeing the pale face and the tiredness all of the treatments it brought Allison, her mother couldn't bear to see her and would only speak through phones and letters.

    Finally, she got out of the asylum, by telling those doctors what they wanted to hear. But even then, her mentality was disabled, she didn't know the difference anymore. She forced herself to forget the magic of Wonderland and think of it as a dream. The forgetful shocker caused her memories enough damage that she believed her trips and stay to/at Wonderland was a dream, however, some part of her still held on to the belief it wasn't. Either way, most of her mind shut down when it came to the topic of Wonderland. To get out of the hell hole, she stopped thinking of it completely and stopped talking about it. Allison was doing well for the 1st year she came home and her mom decided it was time for her to get back into the routine of going to school and being around others. The doctors allowed her the consent to do so. And now, Allison goes to and fro school and her part-time job, living in Recerudo.


    Emily Granger - Close Friend
    Information Here.

    Michael Taft - Close Friend - Crush
    Information Here.

    Dinah Nash - Best Friends
    Information Here.

    Anfisa Vonyuchuka - Good Friends - Boss
    Information Here.

    Kaleigh Jefferson - Good Friends
    Information Here.

    Liam Frey - Good Friends
    Information Here.

    Farah Nunn - Good Friends - Coworker
    Information Here.

    Sarah Darcy - Good Friends
    Information Here.

    Carter Artin - Good Friends
    Information Here.

    Leone D'Aragon - Good Friends
    Information Here.

    Maya Vera - Acquaintances
    Information Here.

    coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar
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    Maya grew up in a pretty hard and strict home with her dad and mom. As a kid, she was always told that she had to be one way and only one way. Her dad was the leader of her family back in Hawaii and she was to be the next leader to take over the mass businesses and up-keeping of their villages. She didn't want to only leader, she wanted to be Maya but the family wouldn't listen to her. So she grew up feeling different and always getting yelled at for not being who they wanted to be.

    As Maya grew up, her only escape from her family was her grandmother who told her about the world and how she dreamed of writing their stories. Maya soon realized that it was her dream too. To write the world stories and show everyone the world. She tried to tell her folks about her dream but all they did is push it to the side and said that this is her dream. To be the leader. She hated that they never listen to her. Soon, her grandmother died and she never been that sad before. She didn't have anyone else to talk about her true dreams about

    When she got accepted to Uni soon after her grandmother's death. She decided to follow her dreams, so the next day she was gone and was in a dorm at Uni. She left without a word and took her dreams with her. She never talks about home or anything or family. She left that life behind her for good.
    name: Maya Prince Vera.
    nickname: Prince, and May.
    age: 19
    gender: Cis-Female.
    sexuality: Bisexual.
    occuppation: Writer, and Travel Agent.
    height: 5'7".
    weight: 145 lbs.
    hair: Light brown with dark brown streaks.
    eyes: Light Brown
    body figure: Thick.
    clothing style: x - o - x - o.
    distinguishing features: Has a cut at the side of her face from an accident when she was younger.
    ✿ Stubborn
    ✿ Insecure
    ✿ Naive
    ✿ Extremely Curious
    ✿ Hyper

    ✿ Brave
    ✿ Smart
    ✿ Kind
    ✿ Independent
    ✿ Loyal
    ✿ Selfless

    Past Life: Moana was chief of her village, Tasked with returning the heart to Teti Futi and dragging Maui back to do it. She's a voyager and love adventures. She's a hero and loved by all.

    Incarnation of: Moana

    Fairytale: Moana

    Memory Trigger: her necklace

    Magical Power: Water, She has the power over water. Able to bend it and form it to her will.

    Memories in Order:

    Wanting to see the ocean Always being stuck on her tiny island. Wanting to be more than just the chief.

    coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
    note: all pictures are clickable

    "beautiful but lonely"

    Annabelle Barrie

    "I saw her and all I wanted to do is talk to her."
    Annabelle is the most beautiful woman she had ever meet. When Maya saw her, she almost tripped on her feet and hit her face on the ground. Which would hurt alot. All she wants to do is get to know her more, and maybe a bit more but Anna seems so awkward around her, she thinks that she doesn't like her or something. Oh well, she gotta keep trying. Annabelle is her crush that won't go away anyway.

    Dinah Nash

    "This girl is my ride or die. Anyone fucks with her, will deal with me."
    Dinah has been her best friend for a couple months now and she is fucking amazing. She gets Maya like no other,
    if she wasn't straight, Maya would be all over that faster then the fastest car. She cares deeply for the young woman and will kill anyone who messes with her. She is EXTREMELY protective of her and sometimes that may get on Dinah nervous but what the hell. That's Maya.

    Justin Smithsonian

    "This boy is just too awesome for words!"
    Justin has been a close friend for a couple months now and he is a cooking GENIUS. He feeds Maya like no other,
    They can just talk about everything and nothing at all. He's just sighs so damn amazing and is like a brother to her.

    Satine LaRouge

    "This girl is my go-to for advice, and schoolwork."
    Saltine is one of her closest friends, and greatest study buddy when she isn't working. She understands a lot and is extremely smart. Maya is lucky to have her as a friend and will chesrish that friendship for a long ass time. EXTREMELY protective over her as well..

    Leila Oregon

    "She needs me, so she can have fun!"
    Leila is one of those people who put their entire focus and life on their career and forget about living their life. Maya is here to nip that load of crap in the bud. She makes sure this woman has fun and lives her life before her life is gone.

    Brandon Gogh

    "The boy is fine and he knows it."
    Brandon is one of those people who knows their fine and is cocky as hell but it works for him. She flirts with him from time to time, and he flirts bacl. The reward is eye-candy and pissing off one of the devil twins for sure.

    Naina Akintola Okafor

    "The girl is amazing. That's all I gotta say."
    Naina is one of those people who you just know is too good for this world. The fact she raised her own sister at an age which she had to still raise herself is amazing. Maya goes to her for everything, and they are very close friends. Naina is just..amazing.

    coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar

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  • Basic Information
    Name: Liam Dean Frey.

    Nickname: N/A.

    Age: 19.

    Gender: Male.

    Sexuality: Bi-sexual (male leaning)

    Birthday: 9th July.

    Zodiac: Cancer.

    Occupation: Bartender at TuneTown.

    Height: 5'11''.

    Weight: 176 lbs.

    Hair: Chocolate Brown.

    Eyes: Chocolate Brown.

    Body Figure: Muscled.

    Clothing Style: L | E | F | O | U

    Distinguishing Feature(s):
    ♙ He always wears some form of jacket. Usually a leather or a jean jacket.
    ♙ His well defined jaw and slight butt-chin.
    ♙ His signature smolder.
    ♙Easily Angered
    ♙Dependent on others


    ♙Public Humiliation
    ♙Being disliked
    ♙Having no idea what is going on
    ♙Plastic Bottles
    ♙Answering phones

    ♙Having someone to help
    ♙Training/Keeping in shape
    ♙ Mixing and Matching


    Past Life:
    Lefou is a clumsy, illiterate side-kick to Gaston, whom he is infatuated with. The male has shown he would do anything for him as he practically sees him as his god and he had to serve his god. He is willing to do anything for him. Yes, anything. They reside in a small french village where his sole mission is try to aid Gaston in getting the girl of his dreams, the most beautiful girl in town. Or so he says.

    Current Life:

    Fairytail Information
    Incarnation Of: LeFou.

    Beauty and the Beast.

    Memory Trigger: A pitchfork.

    Magical Power:
    Invisibility/Camouflage. Liam has the ability to blend with the scenery by literally taking the shape of the pattern he is against . He can become invisible, to a state where he cannot be seen.

    Memories in Order:
    Gaston's hunts. The many times he tagged along to support Gaston's hunt as his little hench-man.
    Being stuck in snow. The time his role model left him outside in the snow for hours, awaiting him to come back.
    Hunt. When Gaston ordered the whole village with him at his side to hunt the Beast in the castle. Sending an angry mob with torches and pitchforks to finish and seal the danger ahead.
    To be discussed

    coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar
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    Past Life

    Genie was meant to only do one thing: grant wishes for the people who wanted so. He had phenomenal, cosmic power but was always contained in the itty-bitty living space that was his lamp—unless summoned by some wanderer. One of those wanderers was Aladdin. Genie was the wingman to Aladdin as he helped him win the heart of Jasmine, an Arabian princess.

    Their wacky adventure in doing so led them to become good friends. But along the way, they encountered Jafar, a villainous man who used Genie for ultimate power and control over Agrabah. However, Jafar's own greed for power was his mistake and led him to become trapped in a lamp, just like every other genie. And in the end, Aladdin got the girl and Genie was released by Aladdin's last, selfless wish to set him free...

    Before the curse, that is.

    • Name:
      Eugene Hassan Abadi

      Gene Jacket (only by Justin)
      Monkey / Goof (only by Mia)
      Oddball (only by Ellie)




      Theater student
      Part-time server at The Real McCoy's

      Incarnation of:
      Genie from Aladdin

      Face Claim:
      Rami Malek

    code by pasta

    Current Life

    Gene was an only child raised in a middle-class family. He was almost too young to remember when his mother went missing. Detectives and search parties were called, but she was never found. The father had given up hope, but Gene always knew she was out there, somewhere. They lived together in a house that's had a missing piece, but they grew very close, nonetheless. It was during kindergarten when Gene met his best friend, Justin Smithsonian. He had stopped the boy from eating a green crayon and they have been close every since.

    Gene's father was the one who exposed him to magic tricks. Even as a baby, he would be giggle and get excited every time he "took" a penny out of his ear. Later in life, he taught himself how to perform a few amateur magic tricks as a hobby, but found that his real passion was in theater.

    Throughout middle school and high school, Gene was known to be the class clown—he loved to make people laugh. But there was always a lingering rumor claiming that he was gay. Though untrue, a few guys made fun of him for it. One of them being Chace Huntington. He would get irritated and stressed by all the verbal damage, but he never fought back and just merely let it roll off his back by the end of the day.

    One day during junior year, the bullying went further than just taunts and insults. Gene was cornered into a locker room by four other guys. One of them started punching and beating Gene to the ground until he curled up into a ball—then the others joined in. The entire time, he didn't fight back. He didn't say anything; he simply hoped they would leave him alone.

    Justin had come in to see what was going on. When he desperately asked them to stop and they still persisted, Justin did something that shocked even Gene: he punched one guy so hard he was nearly knocked unconscious. He scared the bullies away at the expense of his own emotional turmoil. Gene was very grateful and never forgot this moment.

    Once Gene graduated, he applied and was accepted into college—the only college in Recuerdo. He also saw an online ad of someone in town looking for a roommate. Gene took the offer on a whim.
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  • "I want adventure in the great wide somewhere! I want it more than I can tell."


    [Arabella Laken Morales]
    [Ara, Bella]
    [Belle (Beauty and the Beast)]
    [19 (Birthday April 16)]
    [Bookseller/Philosophy and Lit Student]
    [Red Roses]
    [Bring Books to Life~By reading a passage aloud, Ara can bring a figure from a book to life. However, it returns to the book once it has served the purpose it was intended for.]


    At first glance, Arabella seems like your typical nerdy girl. She reads more than she speaks, sure, and she’s extremely. But under all that is a kind girl who just wants to understand. While most people would lash out in retaliation or cry in response to insults, Arabella asks questions as to why said person behaves that way. She wants to know why it is people are so prejudiced against one another, why being different is such a bad thing.

    Of course, she still doesn’t handle being insulted well. She wears pain like a mask, and pretends that it doesn’t affect her as badly as it does. If there’s anything Arabella’s good at that isn’t reading, it’s pretending. Though she wears her heart on her sleeve, she’s a mystery even to herself.

    Despite any pain, she’s honestly kind, not for personal gain, but purely for the sake of others. She’ll ignore others’ scorn and insults if it means that she can do a little good in the world. Arabella knows more than anyone how cruel the world is, and how corrupt humans really are. But if there’s a sliver of a chance that she’ll be able to show people that it’s also beautiful…well then, it’s worth the risk.

    Underneath it all, Arabella seeks some sort of adventure, one that is far more exciting than any life she’s led thus far. Her books have taken her to far off realms, and so, she wishes to have the sort of adventures that the heroes and heroines in those books have. Compared to her reading, life is really quite boring to her, the drama in it dull and predictable (not counting what she believes happened to her). Having an adventure would certainly counteract all of that.

    That doesn’t mean she’ll go in blindly, though.


    Arabella Morales was born into a a family of four as the younger sister to her brother, Alejandro. Life was pretty standard for the two, considering their parents ran their own business and the Morales family lived above it. However, despite being fairly well off, Arabella couldn't help but come to be a tad envious of the things her classmates had. They got whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, while her parents insisted on saving money so that they could send their children to college someday.

    Spurred on by this encouragement, Arabella took to studying every night in middle school. She'd already loved reading, since her parents ran a bookstore, but her range broadened from fiction to nonfiction. Her interest especially focused on philosophers, such as Descartes and Voltaire. Through all this, she began writing stories and poems...anything her mind came up with. Her parents were very proud of their little girl, and her brother doted on her more than any girlfriend he'd bring home.

    Come high school, Arabella found herself on the receiving end of insults and jabs. Though she dressed just as well as any of them, the more popular kids made fun of her for her financial situation (which wasn't the best at the time) and her looks. She didn't understand why they were making fun of her, only that she was apparently different.

    Despite the bullying, she managed to find a close-knit group of best friends that were just as nerdy as she was. They were her "clique," so to speak, and they defended her without fail. Arabella was so thankful for them every day. Finally, the day came when one of the boys in the group, Teddy, asked her out. She said yes, and their friends rejoiced. Teddy was sweet, walking her to class, having dinner with her family, studying with her at the library...normal boyfriend stuff. Arabella couldn't imagine anything better than this.

    That is, until the day a cruel popular girl started spreading a rumor about her. According to her story, Arabella had been sleeping with three other guys behind Teddy's back. Both Teddy and her friends were outraged. Even though they were pretty sure it wasn't true, they looked to her with suspicion in their eyes. One day, she couldn't take it anymore, and she ran home crying. Alejandro comforted her, and he promised to take down whoever had spread the rumor.

    The girl was caught, and the rumor dissipated, but an irreparable rift had spread between Arabella and her friends. The fact that they had doubted her for even a second upset her, and though they were sorry and apologized profusely, it didn't help her broken heart. She was the one who finally broke it off with Teddy, saying that she didn't think it would work out anymore.

    For the remainder of high school, Arabella stuck to herself, and she didn't bother making friends anymore. Sure, she'd interact in a friendly way, but she wasn't looking for lasting attachments. She'd already had enough of that. Working at the Magic Kingdom is her way of starting over, and she'd be thankful for a friend, but she's not specifically looking for one.

    Not anymore.


    By some twist of fate, a young girl named Belle became prisoner to an angry, hideous Beast, master of a enchanted castle. However, after he saved her from a pack of wolves intent on her blood, she realized that perhaps he wasn’t as bad as she had originally thought. It took some time, but they grew closer, and he found it in his heart to release her from her captivity. The people of her town weren’t so forgiving to this perceived monster, however, and they stormed the castle to kill him. She went after them, worried about her friend, but just when she thought that Beast had been victorious in his fight against Gaston, he was stabbed. As he lay dying, she confessed that she loved him. Right before her eyes, he changed from a Beast into a man, the spell on the castle having been broken.

    And as the story goes, they lived happily ever after.

    [kittens, writing, books, chamomile tea, information]
    [coffee, violence, injustice, prejudice, large dogs]
    [carries book everywhere, uses the word "prodigious" a lot]
    ["Invisible" by Hunter Hayes]

    [115 lbs]
    [Dark Brown]
    [Dark Brown]
    [black glasses]
    [Classy Casual]


    code by Aukanai Aukanai

    Arabella's relationship list
    l o v e
    NAME HERE • RELATIONSHIPThen a couple of sentences here.

    NAME HERE • RELATIONSHIPThen a couple of sentences here.

    l i k e
    SATINE LAROUGE • FRIENDThough Ara doesn’t make many friends, Ara looks to Satine as a valuable one who appreciates her where others have shunned her.

    PIERRE DEGARDE • CHESS BUDDYAra loves a good game of chess, and Pip always indulges her. He's also one of the nicest boys she's ever met.

    LILIANA CAMPBELL • FRIENDAra sees Lily as a sort of kindred spirit, and they share a love of philosophy. They understand each other on a different level than most people do.

    ALLISON CARROLL • FRIENDAra really likes hanging out with Allison, especially since she loves to read, too! Most of their time is spent reading in companionable silence.

    HANSEL SOLO • FRIEND?Ara's not really sure why he's so nice to her, but she appreciates his kind gestures and hopes they can be better friends someday.

    SABRINA ANKER • FRIENDSabrina comes into Seven Seas often, and she's become a great friend of Ara's. She's grateful to have someone like Sabrina as a friend.

    KALEIGH JEFFERSON • FRIENDKaleigh is also a regular at Seven Seas, and Ara loves having her there.

    TIMOTHY REDCLIFFE • FRIENDISH PERSONBoth are quite timid, which somehow makes Timothy all the more endearing to Ara. She tries talking to him when not stumbling over her own misconceptions.

    n e u t r a l
    AMBERLY ELLIOT • ACQUAINTANCEShe doesn’t know her manager’s daughter well, but they at least respect each other.

    GENE ABADI • STUDY BUDDYAra appreciates Gene's dedication to his studying and is quite flattered that he wants her to help him study.

    MAVERICK NAVIS • ????Why does he keep saying she's a "sexy librarian"? What does that mean???

    DINAH NASH • OCCASIONAL FRIENDDinah and Ara hang out from time to time, but it's not a terribly close relationship.

    POPPY DIMM • OCCASIONAL FRIENDAra respects that Poppy likes books, so she talks to her from time to time.

    WREN BLANCHE • FRIEND?Ara is really unsure why Wren is so chatty with her, but it's somewhat endearing...she thinks.

    HARRY SUTHERLAND • ADMIRED FROM AFARAra doesn't have an official crush on him, but she admits that he's cute if caught off guard.

    d i s l i k e
    CHACE HUNTINGTON • NOT EXACTLY ACQUAINTANCESTo say the least, Ara's a bit terrified of Chace.
    He's intimidating the way most men seem to her, and she avoids him at all costs.

    VERA NYONG'O • SCARY!Vera's a bit too intimidating for Ara's taste; the less chances she has to accidentally piss off the other girl, the better.

    LAVINIA MALLORY • HER WORST NIGHTMARELavinia constantly reminds Ara of her high school years and calls her names. She makes Ara feel worthless.

    h a t e
    NAME HERE • RELATIONSHIPThen a couple of sentences here.

    NAME HERE • RELATIONSHIPThen a couple of sentences here.

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  • name... dinah virgo nash.
    age... eighteen.
    gender... cisgender female.
    occupation... art student.
    orientation... heterosexual.
    incarnation... dinah.

    THE C U R I O U S PHOTGRAPHER height... five foot, seven inches.
    weight... one hundred and twenty three pounds.
    hair... dark brown, almost like dark chocolate.
    eyes... whiskey brown.
    body figure... slim, slightly athletic since she used to be do track.
    distinguishing features... her full lips.

    vices... quiet, forgetful, clumsy, stubborn.
    virtues... romantic, creative, protective, caring.
    likes... vintage items, kittens, art, photography, chips, warm nights, tea, watercolours, old cameras.
    dislikes... horror movies, loud noises, hip-hop, players, sports, vegetables, the beach, swimming.
    quirks... plays with her hair, chews her lower lip when nervous.
    memory trigger... flower crown.
    power... enhanced senses.

    present life... dinah's parents, mary and alex, thought they were in love. both were only sixteen and still living under their parents' roof when alex declared his love to mary. being young and naive at the time, it felt like it was them against the world when alex and mary told their parents their plan of eloping and starting a family together. two months later when the lovesick teen couple was drunk and out of their minds, mary soon found out about the little life growing inside of her.

    the teen couple soon separated, alex was pressured by his conservative parents to leave mary behind and forget their love, and so he did. mary watched with tears streaming down her face as alex disappeared to who knew where. soon it just became mary, no more alex. seven months later, mary gave birth to a little girl named dinah- naming her after alex's older sister. dinah was born with her father's eyes wide open and a giant grin on her lips. mary moved out of her parents' place a few months later into a cheap house she rented,

    dinah was homeschooled for most of her life, being taught by one of her mother's friends while her mother tried to find a job. dinah would watch quietly as her mother would stumble home every night with another man, yet she never questioned it. instead, dinah would stay in her room and play with her mother's art set. it wasn't until dinah turned seventeen when she followed in her mother's footsteps, moving out herself and finding her own little place in a small town. dinah found her love for photography and art. she quickly applied for university as an art major as she spends her time, trying to capture the town's essence with photography.

    past life... in a past life, dinah was a simple ginger cat owned by a young girl named alice. she was curious with her pink bow bouncing behind her. it seems her curiosity is still with her in human form.

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  • NAME: Anfisa Vonyuchka
    AGE: Nineteen
    BIRTHDAY: February 28th
    GENDER: Cisgender Female
    ORIENTATION: Demisexual
    OCCUPATION: Florist
    BASED ON: Flower from Bambi
    coded by: lorde

    HEIGHT: 5 ft.
    WEIGHT: 100 lbs.
    HAIR: Blonde
    EYES: Brown
    DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Her freckles and big brown eyes.
    STLYE: "Comfort, Comfort, Comfort"; As a very active and adventurous individual, Anfisa tries to wear what is both practical and comfortable. However, that does not mean that she doesn't like to dress up from time to time.
    (examples: 1 2 3





    "You belong where you feel free; You belong amongst the wildflowers..."

    Anfisa is a free spirit with her feet firmly planted on the ground. So while she enjoys her own wayward tendencies, she is level-headed enough to maintain a realistic approach to life. She is an individual who is not shy or reserved, but decidedly quiet as she likes to listen to others and also entertain her own imagination. Without prejudice, Anfisa tends to get along with just about anyone as she believes that everyone has a story, even the more difficult people, so far be it from her to judge. However, that is not to say that she condones cruel actions. She has a habit of taking care of others and making sure people are always comfortable in her presence. In fact, while she is friendly, she is quick to stand up for her beliefs. During her free time, Anfisa enjoys meandering and hiking through the woods with her camera, snapping photos of things that capture her eye. Anfisa is not necessarily bubbly, but there is always a hint of a subtle smile on her face.

    LIKES: Hiking, Photography, Flowers, Animals, Fruit, Yoga, Wine, Tea...
    DISLIKES: Freezing Weather, Bickering, Ambition, Prejudice, Raisins, Dependence, Coffee...
    FEARS: Living a dreary life.
    HABITS: Chronic napping and bouncing her leg when she's bored.
    HOBBIES: Hiking, Photography, Gardening, Arranging bouquets...
    POWER: "Plant Manipulation"; she can resurrect and grow plant-life through touch.
    EXTRA: Owns the Flower Shop, A Flower A Day.

    in depth—

    PAST LIFE: Anfisa was once a male skunk that answered to the name "Flower", a nickname given to him by his best friend, Bambi. Flower spent most of his days frolicking through the woods, favoring beds of--you guessed it--flowers. He would later grow up with Thumper and Bambi, only leaving their sides during the winter to hibernate and escape the cold. Eventually, like his other two friends, he would fall in love with a pretty skunk female.

    CURRENT HISTORY: Anfisa has lived a rather charmed life. Her parents are both great people who were always so quick to give her whatever it was that she wanted in life. Coming from wealth, her parents eventually suggested that she try to live on her own once she turned eighteen, if only to see how she would fair as an independent. Always up for a new experience, Anfisa had no qualms with the idea and readily moved towards a new way of life. After living there for a few months, Anfisa had discovered that she preferred a more modest way of living than the luxuries she had experienced all her life. While she had always loved the outdoors and snapping photos of whatever it was that caught her eyes, she was able to exploit those passions more than she ever had. Anfisa can now be found in her own flower shop or wandering around in the woods to her heart's content.

    MEMORY TRIGGER: A flower-crown, consisting only of wildflowers.



    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce semper efficitur mattis. Nam congue tincidunt massa. In vitae arcu ante. Suspendisse lacus nisi, ultricies facilisis tempor vitae, imperdiet ut mi. Duis iaculis finibus mauris, at volutpat elit consectetur a.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce semper efficitur mattis. Nam congue tincidunt massa. In vitae arcu ante. Suspendisse lacus nisi, ultricies facilisis tempor vitae, imperdiet ut mi. Duis iaculis finibus mauris, at volutpat elit consectetur a.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce semper efficitur mattis. Nam congue tincidunt massa. In vitae arcu ante. Suspendisse lacus nisi, ultricies facilisis tempor vitae, imperdiet ut mi. Duis iaculis finibus mauris, at volutpat elit consectetur a.
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    Pandora Calypso Peterson
    ✬ Incarnation of ✬
    Peter Pan
    Leader of the Lost Boys
    ‎The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up

    ✬ Personal✬

    ✬ Occupation in town ✬
    Part time Pizza Delivery Girl/ Part time Model
    (but really though, anything that will earn her some money. Legally.)

    ✬ Age ✬
    ✬ Birthday ✬
    February 11
    ✬ Likes ✬
    ✬ Dislikes ✬
    ✬✬ Virtues:
    Charismatic – With her confident smile, graceful and certain way of moving, and not to mention the wits that the girl possesses, it is safe to say that Pandora is one charismatic gal. She has this aura that makes others follow her. A natural born leader some might say. She’s fearless and daring in her everyday life. Definitely friendly and outspoken. Playful most of the times and she know's how to have fun. Can be considered as flirty as well. Even though she’s an idealistic, once or twice she caught herself dreaming of the if’s and what could be’s.

    Self-reliant –Being in the foster system made her independent. Her experiences with them made her indifferent and trusting the grownups to help her out is not on her checklist of things that she believes in. She hates attachments, especially with the parental figures. Pandora has been let down far too many times that hoping for someone to help her is not always her first option. A hard worker and practical girl. She currently works at two jobs (modelling and delivering pizza) to fend for herself and to save money enough so that she could get away.

    Even though she’s terrible in asking for help, Pandora knew when to offer her service and step in to save others.

    Forceful – Pandora is a force to be reckon with when it comes to getting what she wants. She’s very persuasive and relentless. She’ll do whatever it takes, break rules and pull any strings that she can, (even blackmailing someone as a last resort when she can get through them, though that rarely happens.)

    She’s good at convincing people, though there are times when she sways to the dark and fun side rather than do the good thing.

    ✬✬ Vices:
    One thing that she hates and loves about herself is her unpredictability. She doesn’t exactly have a temper but displease her one time and she’ll go great lengths to make sure that you’re going down. When hangry (angry+hungry), she can be downright sarcastic and mean. She can’t just tolerate stupid people, which makes her somehow proud and conceited.

    Behind the charming smile, the infectious laughter and her easy going nature, there lies Pandora’s self-hatred and insecurities. Being an orphan, not to mention denied and rejected by a couple of foster families made her doubt about herself that being reckless while doing fun things and risking her life to hide them was always her answer. The more dangerous it is, the better.​
    ✬ Appearance ✬
    ✬ Height: 5'6 ft
    ✬ Weight: 123.5 lbs
    ✬ Hair: Blonde
    ✬ Eyes: Blue
    ✬ Body figure: Slim but athletic
    ✬ Clothing style: depends on what the occasion is. She usually goes for practicality over beauty. But if it's called for, Pandora can rock any look.
    ✬ Distinguishing features: Her seductive crooked SMILE
    ✬ Past Life ✬
    Insert Information Here
    ✬ Element✬

    ✬ Memory trigger ✬
    A wooden reedpipe
    ✬ Magical Power ✬
    ✬ Other ✬
    - Pan is good at card tricks.
    ✬ Our World ✬
    All memories were modified when landing in the town. Tell us what Maleficent made you believe.

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  • Mélodie Rose Villeneuve



    Mélodie Rose Villeneuve [ Mel , Melly ]


    Marie - The Aristocats



    date of birth

    August 4

    past life

    our world


    'Ladies don't start fights, but they can finish them!'



    Likes: singing , violin , shopping

    Dislikes: her brothers (most of the time) ,

    memory trigger

    Her Pink Bow




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  • Evelyn Ivy Clemence

    Occupation in town: Owns a Postmodern nightclub in town that has a live band who and singers who play modern songs in 1920s to 1960 styles! She is a singer/ the owner of the club.

    no slide

    Past Life: Well after they saved Toontown, Evelyn (aka Jessica) and her husband, Roger moved to settle down. But show business always got in the way of that and soon they found that they were growing apart. So after a long marriage, it ended. Jessica moved on to continue her work in the business and Roger moved away.

    Our World: That Evelyn is a college student who owns her families nightclub in town. She is a singer and is paying for her education through this job.

    no slide no slide
    Personality: Well Evelyn is basically the same person in both worlds. Seductive, witty and boy does she have brains. Although Evelyn may be objectified as a woman (especially with the way she looks) she keeps her head held high and doesn't let anyone tell her what to do. She may be a woman, but to her that means absolutely nothing. She is sarcastic at times and has a wonderful sense of humor. Her stubbornness could be one of her downfalls, but thats what keeps men on their toes. She is as tough as nails and will do anything for the ones that she loves!


    no slide no slide no slide
    Name: Evelyn Ivy Clemence "Evie or Ivy"

    Incarnation of?: Jessica Rabbit FC: Scarlett Johansson

    Age (16-20): 20

    code by pasta
    no slide
    no slide
    no slide
    no slide
    x Memory trigger: Purple gloves, they were a pair that her ex husband had bought her for her first performance

    no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide

[tab= Ella "Cruella"][/tab]
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  • Nadine Tsosie


    Name: Nadine Adoette Tsosie

    Nickname: Nadie

    Incarnation of?: Pocahontas

    Sexual Orientation:

    Age (16-20): 19

    Occupation in town: student, book store clerk etc.


    Personality: Nadine is that person who talks way too much for most to tolerate. The one who will keep talking about the same thing no matter how many times you try and change the subject. She's strong-willed, unapologetic in her opinions, but open-minded nonetheless. She tends to act rather indifferent to most, although willing to converse, still, she holds a love in her heart for the innocent, children, and nature.

    - Outdoorsy
    - Sympathetic
    - Tenacious
    - Witty
    - Passionate

    - Sarcastic
    - Insensitive (at times)
    - Relentless
    - Grudge-holder
    - Snarky

    - Leader
    - Rarely gets lost/ Knows her way around

    - Collecting leaves
    - Barefoot quite often



    Pet Peeves:






    Memory trigger: All characters have a specific hidden memory trigger. For example, the Evil Queen could have the memory trigger of a mirror. Must relate somehow to their story and give the character ONE specific magical power

    Past Life: Please provide a brief overview (A paragraph at minimum) of life back in the Magic Kingdom. You may use a synopsis of the film

    Our World: All memories were modified when landing in the town. Tell us what Maleficent made you believe.






    Distinguishing Features:

    Clothing Style:


    code by Han JiHyo Han JiHyo

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    Name: Tabitha Branwen

    Incarnation of?: Theodora/Wicked Witch of the West

    Age (16-20): 20

    Date of Birth: December 1st, 11:57pm.

    Occupation in town: Student and part time worker at the library.



    Nationality: African-American
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Height: 5'2"
    Weight: 110lbs
    Eye Colour: Dark brown, her eyes flash green when she's pissed or when she's using magic.

    Distinguishing Features: Her eyes, her long dark locks, the mischievous quirk of her lips.



    Past Life: When her heart was broken, did she bite an apple filled with poison, not to kill but to darken her heart and turn her wicked. Together, her and her sister planned to take over the Land of Oz and rule it together. But of course both sisters were banished from the Emerald City by Oz and the citizens within, only further pushing both Witches to the edge as they fought to take back what was there's. They failed of course, exiled for their deeds rather then killed by Glinda the Good.

    Our World:
    They recently just moved here with their brother, after what happened back in their hometown, they wanted a fresh start, without people giving them pity or blaming them for what happened to their mother, who had been a very well known and beloved woman. Tabitha is the older twin by three minutes despite Esmond being a head taller then her. Tabitha doesn't like talking about what happened back in their hometown, because after all... it had been her fault. Even though Esmond doesn't remember nor blame her, she will always remember the last look in her mother's eyes before the accident.

    Memory trigger: Her Magic Broom

    Powers: Fire Manipulation



    Personality: Sarcastic, witty and intelligent, most people try to avoid Tabitha if they can help it, due to her easily enchanting gaze and silver tongue. She most often lies and charms her way out of any bad situation she may find herself in. But she's not all bad of course, having had to harden her shell after being broken and having to witness the accident that nearly paralyzed her brother and killed their mother. Most often she won't even talk to you if you aren't worth her time or haven't given her a reason to either hate you or be interested in you.

    Likes: Gardening || Reading || Campfires/Fire in general || Solitude || Calming Baths

    Dislikes: Water || Very loud places || Obnoxious People || Small Talk

    Fears: Losing her Brother || Tight Spaces || Being the Reason Esmond dies

    Other: She has two pet Milk snakes by the names of Artemis and Apollo, Artemis being black and white while Apollo is yellow and black. She also has tattoos in white ink on her wrist, back and behind her ear.
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Insert Name Here
About Her
Name: Jana Bakarim
Nickname: Jen, Jana
Age: 17
Birthday: 31th October
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Memory trigger: Tiara, that her mother gave before her death

"quote here"
- Any information you'd like can be posted here. Mostly information that you'd like others to make a mental note of right away. Any information you'd like can be posted here. Mostly information that you'd like others to make a mental note of right away. Any information you'd like can be posted here. Mostly information that you'd like others to make a mental note.
  • Hair Color: Chestnut brown
    Eye Color: Dark brown
    Height: 5'9 inch
    Weight: 121 lb
    Body shape: Slim, slightly athletic

    Clothing Style: Sporty, casual
  • Likes: Jogging, outdoors, tea, spicy foods, relaxing
    Dislikes: Fights, drama, sexist comments
    Fear: Small spaces
    Desire: Adventures, doing fun stuff
    Secret: hides her true feelings, hatred towards her current life.
coding; allrightsreserved: deer deer

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    "Like a cloud, you are soft. Like bamboo, you bend in the wind."

    FC & VC: Arden Cho
    Coded by revalia revalia
    Name Mae-Lin Hyuga Nakamura
    Nickname Clumsy | Mae
    Age 18
    Gender Female
    Sexuality Heterosexual
    Birthday 14th November
    Zodiac Scorpio

    Height 6'0''
    Weight 134 lbs
    Hair Jet Black
    Eyes Dark Brown
    Body Figure Slender
    Clothing Style M | U | L | A | N
    Distinguishing Feature(s)
    ☯ A tattoo saying '我的责任在于我的心' which is 'My duty is to my heart' tattooed along her right forearm.
    ☯ A small vertical cut across her upper lip that was done by a rock that was thrown at her when young.

    Virtue(s) Independent | Outdoorsy/Adventurous | Resourceful | Outspoken | Creative/Unique | High-spirited | Tenacious | Astute | Selfless | Ambitious
    Vice(s) Over-protective/Alert | Awkward | Clumsy | Self-conscious | Insecure | Sneaky-ish | Highly opinionated | Impulsive/Risk taker | Absent minded
    Like(s) Nature | Martial Arts | Reptiles | Dancing (Ballet mainly) | Skate-boarding | Video Games | Aiding people | Fair Arguments
    Dislike(s) Close minded people who cannot accept other's opinions | Attempting to exercise | Her 'klutz curse' | Stereotypes/Sexism | Pinks and Purples | Dresses | Being under-rated | Heights

    Occupation Full-time worker at her family's grocer; Nakamura's Fruit n' Veg | Dancer | Martial Arts Sensei
    Past Life
    A chinese woman who took her father's place in the Chinese war. Disguising herself as a male to train as a soldier where she met the one she ended up wedding in the end. Saving China and the emperor from the Huns with others. Earning the title of heroin of China.Nowadays
    Born to two Chinese parents, a farmer and a grocery owner in town. Together with her step-sister, Lihwa. Been a bit out-casted growing up since she wasn't like most of the children on consoles, running around and all of the sorts. No, she was and still is a farm girl. Found her hands buried in soils, plowing and planting or posting them in the stalls. Rarely she had company that wasn't her father or mother to begin with. Her life revolved around the field and the store... rarely time to socialize. All changed when school started. she decided to focus on studies and more importantly to move out.

    From her pocket money and constant income from the family store she managed to gather up to a small apartment to which she couldn't chart alone. Which she released a call for a room mates to whom it was answered by one of her peers whom she accustomed with.

    Incarnation Of Mulan
    Fairytale Mulan
    Memory Trigger The yin part (white) of the necklaces
    Magical Power
    Sword Spawn. The ability to spawn any sword and blade she desires. Typically would be her katana.
    Passive: Her ability to fight returns such as her martial arts.
    Memories in Order
    Transformation & Training. The moment Mulan decided to take her father's place and fight for her country. Transforming herself in a male. On training camp and her skills gained. The satisfaction she felt upon reaching the arrow on top of the tall tree trunk, beating everyone in camp. It was also the first time she met Li Shang, whom is or was her husband.Saving China. The final battle to save the Emperor of China from Shan Yu together with Shang, Yao, Ling and Chien Po. It was when she was declared as the heroine of China.Her marriage. As much as she never thought something like this would happen to her, to get married. It actually did. To none other than the general that was handling the camp. It was one of the happiest days of her life when they united. Not to mention the grief she felt when she thought he was dead from the fall of the bridge into the canyon.

    A professional partner. She supplies his non-organic produce.

    A good friend of hers.

    A girl that she can deem as one of the guys.

    Good friends and Room-mates recently.

    Her not so secret admirer and usually at the end of his flirts and comments, she loves his attention she must admit. Also co-workers.


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