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Realistic or Modern Restless Asylum


Pounce Ninja

Restless Asylum

Plot Summary

A group of high school students are taken on a field trip to Mystic Falls Psychiatric Hospital. What starts out as a history lesson turns into a persons worst nightmare as the group finds themselves trapped in a haunted asylum filled with ghosts both sane and mentally unstable. In order to escape they have to try and puzzle together a way out while trying not to die.


Status: Closed


Writing:1-2 Paragraphs Minimum

Genre: Modern / Mystery

Tone: Haunted / Horror

Focus: Character development in a high stress environment

Inspired Series: Corpse Party (Not connected in any way)


Mystic Falls Mental Institution

A once thriving medical facility built in 1930. It was a facility geared towards the treatment and recovery of pediatric patients. However due to overcrowding there was an adult population which gradually grew. Many of its former residents have described as being akin to a prison, with the patient's strictly disciplined and frequently sedated. There were many experimental procedures done within the facility, all done with the intention of helping patients. However the success rate was very low.

Over its 50 years of operation the center became the center of controversy and investigations. Due to overcrowding there wasn't enough staff or security to keep the facility safe. There were many cases of everything from staff abusing patients to patients over powerstaff. The growing adult population posed a very real threat to the children population of the facility. There were several cases of children being beaten and abused by both older patients and staff. Punishment and detainment were also very inhuman as some of the more unruly patients were bound to a bed for the majority of their stay resulting the decay of physical health. Unethical procedures were done to many of the facilities patients with and without the consent of caregivers.

Lawsuits and reduced funding made thing more difficult for the facility to run. The population of patients dwindled, especially with children. In the end it was a horrific fire of unknown origin which was the final straw. Only two wings of the large facility went up in flames whoever hundreds of died in the blaze. The reason was never found out and the facility was closed for got in 1983.

Today the facility still stands untouched since the day it was abandoned. There have been rumors of squatters who living within the shell of the facility. More popular speculations have been made that the Asylum is haunted by the souls of those who died in the fire.
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And so it starts...


The bus bumped along as the driver navigated the highway towards its destination. On board were the lucky students who had signed up to visit a historical site, Mystic Falls Mental Institution. Mr. Erickson, the teacher leading the fieldtrip, was just as excited, if not more, than the students on the bus. He had been spouting random facts about the facility to any who would listen. To some it was extincting, other it was annoying.

"Oh yes this facility was horrid by todays standards but back then it was one of the best facilities. Sadly mental illness back then was misunderstood and treatment while sometimes effective was very inhumane. This was before a lot of laws and guidelines were put in place." He explained to one of the curious students. "There have been rumors of demolishing the site and building another hospital over it however there have been issues getting the plans to go through." He shrugged. "Some blame it on the spirits that haunt the place" He added in an over exaggerated haunting tone. Before chuckling. "Of course none of it has ever been proven. However! We are lucky enough to visit the wing which wasn't burned down in the fire which resulted in the facility closing its doors. Please do keep in mind this place hasn't had many visitors in quite a while so we will probably stick to the safe parts of the building. A guide will be meeting us there to answer further questions."

One student raised his hand "When are we going to eat?"

Erickson shook his head with a slight smirk.

The bus driver looked back towards his passenger. "We're five minutes out."

"Wonderful! Alright attention everyone!" He called over the chatter of the other students. "We will be arriving to the site soon where a guide will be meeting us. Please keep in mind this is a very, very old site. Please do not touch or attempt to take anything. We will break for lunch around 11, most likely leave the site to eat and the head back to the school." He announced.

Time to start posting~!

@DamagedGlasses @Der Kojote @Fujiwara Tadayoshi @cojemo @ScarletHood @Robin man @Goddess @BlueInPassing @Leaf Fi @TheWeirdPhilosopher

Hiroshi Kazama

On the bus

Hiroshi was sat towards the back of the bus, his face buried into a book, his eyes slowly moving along the lines of text in the book, when he heard the teacher say

"We will be arriving to the site soon where a guide will be meeting us. Please keep in mind this is a very, very old site. Please do not touch or attempt to take anything. We will break for lunch around 11, most likely leave the site to eat and the head back to the school."

slowly lifting his head to look out the window, he would look upon the Asylum in the distance. "Cant believe I got roped into this.." Hiroshi would let out a small sigh as he opened his bag and slowly placed the book away. as he closed up his bag he would rest his head on the palm of his hand as his elbow rested on the lip of the bus window. looking out at the country side as it blurred past. "Ghosts huh, what's next Unicorns, or transformers? if they are real, who cares." he would then turn his attention back to the teacher, looking at the teacher Hiro would nod and adjust his glasses somewhat like they do in Anime, and the same effect would be achieved. This was some sort of joke between him and the teacher, who once said that Hiro acted too much like someone from an Anime.

Letting out a small sigh he would look around at all the other students on the bus "All these people and Ive never spoken to any of them.."
Kaori was buzzing with excitement; she loved going out on field trips, and even though this wasn't a 'usual one', she still couldn't wait to see the building and uncover the history. A few others around her seemed pretty interested too, which only made her more cheerful.

Opening her mouth to reply to one of her friends, Kaori paused for a moment when she heard Hiro's reply to their teacher. Twisting in her seat, she turned to see the student in the back of the bus. "Aww, don't be like that, Hiro!" Her tone was playful as well as her smile. "We should let Mr Erickson's dream of being the one to find a spirit live on, eh?" Kaori said with a laugh.
Lilly Trian

Sitting on the bus with her head held low, Lilly played happily on her game. She felt so comfortable right now, the bumps during the trip merely made up for the otherwise lack of activity, she had her favorite games on hand, and she was sitting in the front of the bus. Now most would think that the front was probably the worst place to be for a girl like her, one who wanted peace and quiet and definitely not interruptions.

However, she had found that the front in many cases was the best place to be. Here up in the front, near so many teachers and chaperones, it was usually only those who had connections to the teachers and those like Lilly who sat up there. Up here, there wasn't much talking, except for polite conversation, the teachers were all more concerned about the kids in the back, and really, the only problem she had was Mr. Erickson who kept talking about their stupid destination. Well, it wasn't stupid, maybe a bit interesting, but it was far from what she wanted to do today.

Burrowing deeper in her game, Lilly made sure to keep her character jumping over the holes and dangerus areas as she thought of what had lead to this moment. It wasn't like she had even wanted to come here. Her smile at playing the game tightened a bit as she remembered the tense conversation she had with her parents. Lilly never really shouted in anger, but her words had been as barbed as she could get them. They had thought that this would be the best thing for her, for her to face her fears of the world by going to one of the scariest places they could imagine.

It was askew logic, but atleast her brother had been sick. Lilly jumped as the bus hit a large bump, frightened from her game and letting out a small 'eep' as she settled into the crook of the chair and the bus. Pausing her game, Lilly opened her eyes and glanced out the window, her mouth open as she calmed herself down. The trees' green flora had become few and far between as the came closer and closer to the haunted hospital. She couldn't help, but linger on all of the bad things that could happen. Regardless of the ghosts, the hospital was probably ready to fall in and it wasn't going to be kind to those who were in it when it did.

Sighing, Lilly got back into her game, her slight frown relaxing back into a smile as she continued with her repetitive jumping.

"We will be arriving to the site soon where a guide will be meeting us." Jump, jump, jump "Please keep in mind this is a very, very old site." Already knew that. Jump, jump, jump. "Please do not touch or attempt to take anything." I've got all I need. Jump, jump, jump. "We will break for lunch around 11," Skipping breakfast was not a good idea, glad I brought snacks. "most likely leave the site to eat and the head back to the school." That sounds good. Jump, jump, ju-BUMP.

Lilly stared at the screen for her game, the red letters of
GAME OVER being loud and proud. Rubbing her arm sadly, Lilly put the game back in her bag and sat down, muttering against the cool glass of the window and smiling weakly, "Well, it couldn't be to bad." And yet these words carried nothing, but her inner dispair that grew with each second she counted.
Mika was sitting in the back across from Hiro and listening to some Alternative music while doodling the scenery. "Alright attention everyone!" Mika slightly lifted her head but continued to doodle. "We will be arriving to the site soon where a guide will be meeting us. Please keep in mind this is a very, very old site. Please do not..." She ignored him again and began packing her stuff back into her little backpack. This should be interesting. She thought to herself. She looked around and realized she had only talked to a few people, but saw and recognized most everyone. She wondered if anyone new her when she saw the mountain of a guy across from her. "Ghosts huh, what's next Unicorns, or transformers? if they are real, who cares."

"Aww, don't be like that, Hiro! We should let Mr Erickson's dream of being the one to find a spirit live on, eh?" Mika recognized the girl as Kaori as happy go lucky girl but still couldn't recall ever meeting Hiro. She debated to introduce herself or not and couldn't make up her mind. "H.." She started, stopping herself. She thought it best to observe and not start. I'll let him talk to me, at least, until I figure out if I have anything in common with him. Mika slowly turned to look out the window as if nothing had happened.

Hiroshi Kazama

On the bus

"... How does she know my name..." Hiroshi would mumble to himself as he turned his gaze back out the window, looking at the sky he would watch the clouds slowly drifting overhead "Clouds have it easy. just going with the flow of the wind. traveling the skies at their own pace." He would think aloud a slight frown forming on his face. the bus would jostle along the road to the asylum. Hiro's mind wandering, thinking about what it would be like inside the building. "Probably look like something out of a horror movie"

Pulling out a notebook and pen from his bag, Hiro would write into the notebook, jotting down his thoughts and the surroundings.

Page 1

Today, we go on a field trip to some old Asylum, people seem all excited for it, Im not sure why. maybe its just a field trip thing. who knows.. Apparently this place is haunted. We shall see. the location is not bad, but it does give off the vibe of "We threw a bunch of nutters here, beware they might be in the bushes" I dont get what made them want to take us out here. I wish I was at home, asleep or playing games, or just anything other than this trip. but dad wouldnt let me off the hook.

Oh well, lets see what the day has planned for me.

@MysticTrinket @Leaf Fi
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Frowning at the lack of a reply, a sigh fell from Kaori's lips as she faced the front of the bus once more. 'Maybe I was too forward?' She thought to herself as her eyes flickered outward to watch the last of the lush green trees fade away. A lone deer peeked out from behind one of them, staring upwards at Kaori with its gentle, huge eyes. It trotted forward a few steps, then appeared to shake its head before running in the opposite direction.

"Huh...?" She blinked, cupping the glass of the window as she got onto her knees and craned her neck to try and spot the deer once more, but to no avail. Somehow, it felt like it was trying to tell her something...

"Kaori? What are you doing?" The girl across from her questioned. Kaori jumped, eyes wide, before relaxing. "Nothing!" She chirped with her usual smile. "Just thought I saw something." Quickly, she turned around and sat back down, a rose colour painting her cheeks as the girl and her friend giggled.

Trying hard not to make herself look suspicious, she took a quick look around the bus to see if anyone else had saw it too, a feeling of dread settling in her stomach for some reason. "What on Earth...?" She murmured softly to herself with a slight furrow to her brow.
Jaron was sitting at the back of the bus napping for most of the ride. He didn't get more then five hours of sleep last night. Between trying to catch up on algebra, and talking to some of his buddies over Skype, time tends to fly on by. And it wasn't like he was gonna do anything else during the whole ride. He wasn't stretched out on the seat, but he was curled up into a ball, he legs pressed to the back of the seat in front of him. He found it more comfortable like that then anything.

He heard the teacher saying something about almost being at the site. He shrugged not really awake yet. He didn't mind if everyone on the bus left him sleeping on the bus at all.

The trip to the asylum was unfortunately quick. Dani had been dreading this trip, not only because of the fact that it was a mental ward back when people new next to nothing about psychology, the place was also haunted. At least that was the rumors, but Dani knew there was some truth to it. She would have avoided going on the fieldtrip completely however she needed the extra credit to pass the class. The teen sat back and closed her eyes hearing the beebs and boobs of the girl next to her. She had been playing on her hand held the entire time during the drive over, oblivious the rest of the world. She kind of envied the girl and her ability to just tune everything out and not worry about where they were going. In the back of Dani's mind a worry kept gnawing, poking to make itself known. A feeling of Dread that something bad was gonna happen. Sighing softly Dani closed her eyes and silently prayed that things would turn out fine.


Christian Cadwell

6 seats back, right side. That's where Christian always sat on the way to school, and that's where he was now, earbuds in and music tuning out everything around him as he stared at the scenery that flew by the window. Why'd he always sit in the same spot every day? It was actually quite simple. There was no motivation to avoid talking to other people, or to be in the center of conversation. What had happened was that he had sat there on the first day and just kept with the routine. To some it would seem like a silly reason to basically have a reserved seat, but he'd always liked having things be the same. Everything just felt right when the variables were controlled.

Of course, that would bring up the question as to why he was on that bus heading to the Mystic Falls Mental Institution. After all, he'd never gone on a school trip before, so just sticking to his usual schedule should have been the obvious choice, right? He had three objectives he aimed to accomplish: Relax, unwind, and enjoy himself. While it was true Christian did feel a bit strange about the whole escapade, he also wanted to change things up a bit and try something new. This school year hadn't been any different than ones before it, and a part of him felt that he should focus a bit less on keeping his grades up and just have a bit of fun.

Still, most people wouldn't exactly call a visit to a mental institution rumored to be haunted a place to 'have a bit of fun'. Christian could care less about the whole haunted label people had stamped the place with. Just a morbid joke about the tragedies that occurred in his opinion. What really interested him was learning about the TRUE history of the institution. No ghost stories or crazy theories on what may have happened. From what he'd researched the place was already interesting enough as is and didn't need any embellishment to get him excited. Just thinking about it got him impatiently awaiting the time when they'd finally arrive.

Hearing the faint mumbling of the teacher through his music, Christian removed his left earbud to hear what was being said. "...be arriving to the site soon where a guide will be meeting us. Please keep in mind this is a very, very old site. Please do not touch or attempt to take anything. We will break for lunch around 11, most likely leave the site to eat and the head back to the school." Christian smiled lightly at the prospect of finally arriving, then almost instantaneously plug his earbud back in and went back to doing what he was doing.

As the track switched over on his ipod, his finger tapped on the seat in front of him alongside the beat, his head ever so slightly following suit. If asked, he wouldn't have actually been able to name the particular song that he was listening to, just that it was catchy and that he downloaded it months ago without so much as a thought. Knowing the name seemed kind of pointless to him anyways. All that mattered was that he liked it. Plus, it helped get him into a good mood and genuinely feel like everything was perfect. He couldn't quite place his finger on why, but Christian had a feeling that today was going to be a heck of a lot of fun.

Gretel found a good seat in the back of the bus, the seat where only one person could sit in it. Her earbuds were pushed firmly into her ears, as tunes of random screams began to play out into a song that dropped to a low bass , to a screech. Slumped down with a leg in the seat and the other one tapping, her fingers danced across the black keys of her phone. Grimacing to the sound of others happy go luck conversation, Gretel managed to tune them out, pushing up her glasses ever so often , to keep them from falling. If it wasn't for her teacher and his loud mouth, Gretel could be home reading, doing better things like opening up a frog, or practicing a chant she had jut recently found. Nope. Instead of enjoying free time, she was forced to attend with the threat of her grades dropping to a lower average than it already was. The teacher swears it's because of her odd hobbies, but Gretel knows that she puts in way to little effort for it to even matter. Go to school, learn, go home. Typical routine not worth fussing over, especially when what they teach you, you can't use in the real life. Five minutes out? Gretel sighed as she looked up toward the foggy window. Haunted house wasn't all that fun, especially with all the things that linger there. Gretel cracked a weird smile that frightened a girl across from her. She could smell the blood of sacrifice, just whose, she was unsure of.
The Bus

Jerrit had his head laid on the window looking outside as the bus bumped and rocked. He sat in the middle section of the bus by himself and took out his game: Monster Hunter, Jerrit was about 12 hours into the game and was having trouble beating a certain monster. "Damnit" He muttered to himself before quickly looking his head around to see if anyone heard him and putting his hood in embarrassment.
“A mental asylum..” Beatrix thought, inching herself closer to the bus aisle to peer out at her rowdy classmates. She inspected the next couple rows in-front of her with a soft chuckle “How fitting, maybe we can leave Dani here.” she jeered, meaning the words more seriously than they sounded.

Beatrix reached to her backpack and tugged open the front-flap, reaching inside; from out of it she pulled her favorite novel “Lyanna and the Seven Gods”. It was a romantic fantasy that followed the affairs of a mere mortal girl and the gods, who so desperately wanted her. She turned to where she left off, page 216, “.. Lyanna laid in bed, tracing her fingers downward Apollo’s abdomen until she reach-..”

Her eyes were shifted away from the page as the Bus hit a small bump; and her weight was shot upward. The sudden motion caused her to lose grip of her book, and drop it onto the bus floor, where it slid towards the front, racing past other student’s feet. Beatrix just sighed, pressing the right side of her face against the window. Her expression quickly transitioned to a scowl and could only denote her newly found disinterest for this field-trip.
The sudden bump sent Jerrit's game onto the floor were it slid all the way to the back. He nervously stood up and slowly walked to the back to pick it up. He used the tops of the seats to stay up when the bus bumped. Jerrit saw the game but it slid back up to the middle. On the way back the bus driver yelled for him to sit down, the sudden loud yell made him slip and hit the floor very painfully on his elbow. Jerrit quickly stood up, grabbed his game and ran back to his seat wanting to be erased from existence.
Israel Walshen

Israel had been dozing in out of a restless sleep ever since Mr. Erickson had begun spouting out his facts that did nothing to settle her nerves about going to an old mental institution. At her old school they never went on field trips because it apparently distracted from the curriculum students needed to learn by the end of the year so to say she was out of her comfort zone was an understatement... Izz hadn't been on a field trip since Elementary school. Was there some type of protocol and whatnot for teens to act on field trips? Is there even an appropriate way of behaving on such an unusual field trip as this?

Probably not...

Israel scoffed at her foolishness and fluttered her eyes open just in time to hear Mr. Erickson blab about something other than how the Mental Institution was at its prime in its time.

"We will be arriving to the site soon where a guide will be meeting us. Please keep in mind this is a very, very old site. Please do not touch or attempt to take anything. We will break for lunch around 11, most likely leave the site to eat and the head back to the school.

No need to worry there Mr. Erikson, Israel was most definitely NOT touching anything in that creepy place unless she had to. Who knows what things had been left behind in there? Nope. Nope. Nope! Her initial moment of fear was quickly replaced with hunger at the thought of lunch. Israel had missed breakfast that morning and was craving for a snack, but she was determined not to eat her chips just yet. No, she'd save those for later.

So guess she was going into the Nut House hungry. Maybe that was for the best? Nobody would want to hang around the girl who vomited all over the floor at the sight of an old bed pan.

Out of nowhere the bus ran over a bump in the road, jerking the girl in her seat and making her head hit the seat in front of her painfully.
"Oww." A sharp zing went through Israel's forehead as she leaned back in her seat wishing this uncomfortable ride would be over.
The feeling of dread left her as Kaori overheard Beatrix's comment, and she sent a swift glare in her direction, shaking her head. 'Giving her attention won't help.' She sighed.

Just then, the bus hit a bump, but thankfully she didn't have anything in her hand so nothing went flying. However, she did notice a book flying away from Beatrix's direction, and she couldn't help but release a small smile. Karma worked in marvellous ways.

A thud then sounded, and she turned around in time to see a small boy fall over. Before Kaori could check if he was okay however, he scampered back off and sunk right into his seat. Her heart went out to him. "Hey, are you okay?" She called out to him in a worried tone. Hopefully he wasn't too badly injured.
Jerrit's face lit up a bright scarlet and his palms began to sweat "Y-Y-Yeah....im-m-m f-f-fine!". He sat with his hood on thinking if she thought he looked like a fool. After a while Jerrit calmed down and began reading his manga. "When are we going to get there?" Jerrit thought to himself impatiently.
Aaron Franc

Aaron tensed as he flicked through the pages of his book, The Tales of Mystic Falls, The book was a done by a local historian and detailed the progression of the Asylum into the state that it was in. While the book hadn't gotten much attention outside the community, it had at least garnered interest within the state tourism board and a niche crowd of Medical historians. All in all it was a good attempt to chronicle the depths of the corruption within the asylum as well as how much controversy it all garnered. Included were a few case files that had been managed to be salvaged and potential treatments used on them, as well as the few cases that were "Rehabilitated." It was chilling what some went through. Others wound up suffering for symptoms similiar to PTSD...needing to be committed again. A particular frightful tale listed one phrase repeated over and over by one women that needed to be re-committed. "Not mystic falls...not mystic falls..." Who apparently would screech like a banshee when the words so much were mentioned.

And Mr. Erikson thought it was a good idea for a field trip.

Hopefully there wouldn't be too much of an issue but the history of the place really didn't seem to support that hypothesis. Knowing the schools luck, someone would get nicked by a rusty scalpel and get a nice case of lockjaw. Of course that was why Mr. Erikson was there as well as him to make sure nothing like that happend. He gazed out the window looking in the direction as he listened to the teacher discuss the plans, Alright, should be an interesting trip, not the most...well...normal of choices but still very interesting!




Mika was slightly lifted and fell back on the bus, creating a very rough, dark line on her sketch. She sighed and rolled her eyes and kept sketching. She noticed someone stand up and walk close towards the back. What's Jerrit doing? She thought to herself as she observe. Another bump and Jerrit headed the other way. She kept her eyes on Jerrit as the bus driver yelling at him. She watched him fall and took in a gasp. He stood up and ran back to his seat with something in his hand and She couldn't help but let out a small giggle of pity. Some words were exchanged but she wasn't really listening because she went back to her music.

She continued sketching hoping the journey would be over soon. And instead of pulling up, another giant bump causing Mika to lose her sketch pad and it rolled towards the front. Learning from Jerrit, she chose to wait and pray no one saw the awful sketches. She dreaded someone finding it even more as she realized her name was at the front. She put her pencil in her back pack and pretended nothing had happened.
Kaori had to hold back a wide smile at the reaction of Jerrit. It was pretty darn adorable, she had to admit. He was endearing, like a little lost puppy, and she liked that. She didn't know much about the boy, but hoped he didn't get in much bother with people. He seemed too sweet and sensitive.

She sent him a nod to show she understood and gave him a smile, hoping it calmed his nerves, before turning away to stare out her window. They should be arriving soon.
Jerrit looked over and saw a notebook come to a stop on the row of seats beside him. He picked up the notebook It had the name Mika Akibi on it out of pure curiosity he cracked it open and found some sketches. He stood up and handed her the note book.

Jerrit tried to remain calm "I-I-I like yo-o-o-your drawings, they're pretty goo-o-o-d, s-s-sorry for l-l-looking in your not-t-tebook"
Lilly Trian

Lilly stared out of the window, the subtle rumbling of the bus as it went down the road bringing her closer and closer to sleep. Her eyelids felt heavier and heavier as she slowly ran the last lap to sleep. Lilly's head had already began to slip forward when she felt the bump on her foot. Rearing back, Lilly jumped from her seat and almost hit her head on the side of the window as she reacted to the sudden popping of her bubble. Gripping her arm tightly, Lilly looked down and saw the book on the edge of her feet. Sighing, feeling anxious after making such a scene, Lilly picked up the book and cursed the nerves that had sprouted inside of her. Looking at the title, Lilly peered curiosly at it, never having before seen such a title on a novel. "I wonder what this could be about..." Lilly looked over her shoulders, feeling like she was being watched by the true owner of the book, wherever they were, before flipping open to where the book had been recently creased.

Starting the middle of a book wasn't a terrible thing to do, oh sure, it made it a bit difficult to get into the story, but it was just like trying to figure out what a word meant with context clues. Looking through the inner thoughts of this girl Lyanna though, Lilly wondered if this was maybe a self-help book of some kind. The 7 gods could be refering to the 7 deadly sins that people faced everyda-why was this girl in a bedroom? She...She was talking like this wasn't her own bedroom. Oh my god, she isn't in her own bedroom. Girl, stop. Please.

".. Lyanna laid in bed, tracing her fingers downward Apollo’s abdomen until she reach-..” Lilly closed the book as her face burned. Hugging the book to her chest, covering the name, Lilly tried to think of how she could get it away from her so that people wouldn't suspect it was hers. Yet, what if the person who it belonged to tried to deny it in front of their friends? They wouldn't have ment to drop the book...Lilly would be seen as the person who enjoyed these things. Lilly stared down at the book in indecision, feeling a tight knot constrict her throat as she struggled to work this all out.

Mika started blushing furiously. "Oh, uhm, thanks. Uhm uh hehehe." She hung her head in shame. She coughed slightly. "Uhm, uh, I saw you drop something or other. What was it? If you don't mind me asking. of course. I don't want to offend you or anything." She scooted over a little making room if he wanted to sit down. She wouldn't mind having a friend that wasn't one of her brothers.
He sat down beside her nervously "J-Just This" pulled out his game and showed her. "S-s-orry if I s-s-studder alot, im j-j-just really nervous ar-r-ound people". Jerrit stook out his hand "Im jerrit n-nice to me-e-et you"

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