Other Random question of the day: The Discussions

I'm just amazed at how identical the answers were
You stand by your principles and ideas very strongly. Almost verbatim! XD

Edit: Though I feel the need to add that "murderer" isn't equivalent to "killer".
DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57

To answer your question, The robbers took the money from the registers, I gave them all I had (10 bucks I think), they gave me the nuggies and sprite as a reward
No answers to yesterday's question. What a shame. Not sure if I asked this one before, but...

Random question of the day:

Are prequels an unnecessary piece of media?
Definitely wouldn't mind an AtLA prequel! lol
Tale about Roku with increased political intrigue? Heck yeah.
Owners buy their horses big macs or fish & chips for treats on occasion, they adore it. Deer have been known to eat beef jerky. A lot of herbivores eat birds on the ground if they have the chance to, lol. They also really need calcium, especially if they need to produce horns, antlers, or milk, so they'll chew on bones on occasion. It's called osteophagy!
Herbivores will eat meat if they get the chance, it's just that they don't often get the chance to, as they aren't built to hunt. And in fact it's more reasonable for an herbivore to survive on meat than it is for a carnivore to survive on plant matter - herbivores still get all the calories they need from meat (maybe not happily, but still), but a carnivore that's been built on calorie-dense, meaty meals will probably not survive on the low-quality plants that herbivores are constructed to consume in mass.
-Random_Person- -Random_Person- I think it does bear mentioning that the question wasn't "are vegetarians herbivores" but "are vegetarians the human equivalent of herbivores".
True, but iirc, herbivores are animals that can’t regularly eat meat and vegetarians just won’t eat meat. I‘m probs not understanding it, but while herbivores will be harmed if they eat meat regularly, humans are omnivores, and wont be harmed if they do (Unless they have Alpha-gal syndrome, aka Red Meat Allergy)

So, I personally believe that unless they have AGS, they are not human equivalents to Herbivores
I think the problem lies within how vague the phrase "the human equivalent of" is. If you're being imprecise, then yeah, humans refusing to eat meat is essentially herbivorous behaviour, but whether or not you want to factor human agency into the equation is totally dependent upon what parameters you want to define the question by.

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