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Fandom Pokémon Galar with a rose

Musa buzzed around without restraints other than the leash that really wasn’t holding her anyway. Luckily she didn’t use the actual Pokémon move but the hyperactive psychic was still very much excited. After a few moments, she’d slipped free only to wildly fly around Alister’s head, chirping in Pokémon. Gordie unfortunately nearly fell over from laughing at the sight, only able to calm down after a ‘friendly’ reminder to not laugh at the misfortune of others. “Chrissy, you’re right. Sweets are going to be the only way to tell.”
at the home of alister and bea. Chrissy was interested how fighting and ghosts got along so damn well but was also on edge with the ghosts tring to spook her.bea smiled sitting down" I must thank you alkl again for attending to my baby brother. as we are both gym leaders it is our duty to...wait" she looked around then at her brother. "Alister you said your lover was with you. I wanted to test her not just in battle but in ladyship manners." Alister groaned not this again.. Sure their mother was a kimono actress and their father was a blackbelt but that doesnt mean Musa would be interested!
Gordie was trying to help Chrissy relax some while also half listening to the conversation. He grinned hearing Bea ask about their most unusual friend as he looked at his own lover. “He’s in for it now isn’t he?” He commented. Musa had been half asleep, curled up in Alister’s lap when she heard her mention. Looking up at him, she buzzed her wings in question, wondering if he felt safe enough to reveal the secret. At this point, they about couldn’t avoid some sort of explanation.
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"sister... a word.." Alister said picking Musa up and walking over anbd before going in he glared and said "BEHAVE FOR THE GUESTS.." in a dark tone that sent the ghosts shivering. Even chrissy was scared. Bea followed and when alone he looked at her. "Sis.. Musa isnt normall..She has the power of a lengendary pokemon and can be almost anything..Im trying to help her control it and teach her not all humans are terrible.but lets say someone...didnt help my case when we were arriving..." Bea blinked in confusement.. "Oh you mean that Pokegram infuiencer chick...what was her name?"
Gordie helped Chrissy with the ghost discomfort and back to enjoying the company of the baby triplets playing in the floor nearby. “You’re about to drop one into the Monopoly money.” Musa took advantage of the situation to shift back, stretching with a yawn. “Uncle Geo being himself isn’t just very beneficial either. Alister says that my urge to box has to be resisted and I don’t need to play rough with humans either.” She pouted.
Bea nodded "Okay so you guys can tour the town while me and brother fix the maintence and when were ready you and your friend can take turns.. we even have a VR experience for how you can work a strategy properly. Alister smiled. "Yeah we have culture and good markets.. but some markets are scammy."
Musa lightly pouted from having to go without Alister’s company but then turned towards Chrissy. “You have better people skills. I just wanna get carried around and pretend to be cute to get freebies.” She decided, only having to figure out which Pokémon she wanted to be this time. “Awe, can’t decide if Pichu or different one.”
chrissy giggled and saw the jealous looks and higs Gordie.. "Come on we can have a decent date..thats is if you want to..Im sure Musa wont get in the way to much she did say she just wants to look cute and get free things.." she smiled and Alister said "And you can do that gross kissy picture thing that makes the dragon king jealous" "Dragon king?"
Gordie found temptation to throw something but knew better than to try it. Instead he consoled himself with hugging back Chrissy. “I know and likely we’ll be buried under the freebies considering no one can resist the beg face of a baby.” He laughed. Musa giggled before turning towards her designated babysitter and close friend. “Ok Chrissy, hoping you don’t have allergies or anything.” She commented before shifting into a Budew, now hopping around in attempt to get picked up.
"If i had an allergy to a pokemon of all things i wouldnt be a stagitic researcher. Now come on..Rosa.." She sighed in relief at that.. thank Arceus she can think of cute nicknames on the fly. "Lets check out this place.Who knows maybe a nice Maractus might give you some berry juice." She looked over at gordie smiling "Come on Gordie...or do you want me to break rule 3 of our relationship?" This caught Beas' attention "Rule 3?" "They have...petnames.." Alister notes
Gordie lightly poked her in the ribs, slightly blushing in embarrassment. “I’m coming so no need to make threats.” He knew no reason for being pouty when their down time wasn’t technically getting crashed. The two simply had a little plant to babysit. Unable to just climb up, Musa began getting tired of bouncing around. Entertainingly enough, this meant the mischievous shifter began occupying herself making Gordie dodge sleep powder but it was a hilarious sight.
Chrissy giggled booping 'musa's face "Now now Rosa...that is not nice.." Then a salesperson selling groceries waved them over and as expected fave an oran berry jam to the baby. "Oh look they have incredents for lemon cakes and poppyseed tea.. can we?" "Oh of course madam and may i intrest you madam in a teapot. We have a chipped and a sadly cracked one...They say a very mischivious pokemon likes them in these parts.."
Musa greatly enjoyed the freebie before looking at the tea pots. Upon figuring out what they really did, she began gesturing towards the chipped since her Earl Grey wasn’t a counterfeit. Thankfully her babies were napping in their pokeballs but she couldn’t resist the temptation of the gift to one of her little ones. Gordie helped with carrying anything while enjoying the conversation with Chrissy. He overheard about the reference before nodding. “Sinistea can evolve with the right one but I’ve also heard of them just staying as is and instead play with one.”
"Yes but they also are such mischief makers as Polteageist" "Really? Oh sparky.." Her rotom phone appeared and she said "Look up Polteageist please." Sparky nods and shows it " Okay..if a phony...Leaving leftover black tea unattended is asking for this Pokémon to come along and pour itself into it, turning the tea into a new sinistea or another Polteageist.If a legit antique.... When angered, it launches tea from its body at the offender's mouth. The tea causes strong chills if swallowed." Both sparky and chrissy got chills and she looked at the buyer "C-can we buy the chipped?" The man nods and chrissy looked at the bedew "I know this is for a friend of yours Rose..i just hope you know what youre doing.."
Even Gordie understood the reaction though still kindly gave her a look of encouragement. Granted the sight of a Budew somehow holding onto the pot while chirping happily did get him laughing. “Now there’s something you don’t see everyday.” Musa indeed felt rather delighted with the present, almost literally glowing if not catching herself.
Later they returned and the place was running again but closed for the night due to the leaders ebing exausted from the repairs. a scared register walked over "M-m-miss...Bea and her brother wanted to give this to you..They were sorry that they couldnt have the gym battle as you requested so they invited you to their home to have dinner." Chrissy smiled "Oh how nice of them...Oh.." Then she saw Alisters card and...that explained his slight monotone voice...
Musa figured the gym assistants would have a good warning about not saying anything so she had no second thoughts on shifting back to happily swipe the card. “Collecting since I don’t want to not have something to remind myself of such fun times.” Gordie sensed the possibility that the unusual trainer might be referring to past travels yet knew better than attempting getting any answers though. However, the card in question never ceased to make him wonder himself whenever seeing it. “Alister is unusual being one of our most challenging despite age but as I tell anyone, he’s more than earned the respect.”
the employee guided them to their house and nervously knocked. The place did look nice and had training areas. however chrissy did feel like she was being watched.. and was getting scared. A gengar opened the door and tilted his head. "Ah g-g-gengar u-um...these are the guests of Bea a-a-a-and Alister..." The gengar looked and then beamed. NEW FRIENDS and one he obviously remembered! "GEN GEN GAR!" He hugged them and gently pushed them in the house leaving the poor employee outside. The other pokemon come out to see what got gengar so excited and chrissy was a bit nervous. Alister walked over and chuckled "Gengar.. your scaring our guests.." the gengar stopped and talked ato him. "Yes yes i know youre happy for more friends..however.." Alister then pointed to shaking chrissy. "I think one of them never worked with ghost types yet..which is funny cause shes a research professor."
Gordie meanwhile tried helping Chrissy with calming down to not be shaking so much. “Deep breaths and remember that they’re well warned to not spook you so much.” Musa floated around in blissful ignorance, far too excited in making new friends with the Pokémon. Not to mention shadow tag with Gengar even though disadvantaged unless she either shifted or activated her own special Pokémon ability.
bea handed them each green tea while alister cooked. it was his turn anyway and she gave a slight smirk to her gym buddy. "Sooo shes the one?" She teased and chrissy almost choked "Oh relax everyones talking about it nowadays no need to be shy about it. He rejected almost every woman that fawned on him or his mother offered.. me..i wasnt interested.. and there was that one time a CERTIAN gym leader tried to hit on him..." chrissy then snickered a bit. "Relax for a Unovan you will blend in fine..you are from unova right?" Chrissy shook her head "Orre... its very...distant..but my labs sector is making it more inhabitable for pokemon shipped to the place..and in the wild.. in truth..Gordie would love the place cause nowadays there are SO.MANY.Rock types!" Bea laughed "I think to him you just described heaven.."
Gordie happily listened while somewhat embarrassed by the mention of the antics of his mother. “I’d say worth a visit if possible some point. Definitely ought to consider .” He acknowledged, not ruling the idea out yet not just spilling possible personal details either. Meanwhile various coo’ing and other such noises meant the babies were currently being coddled by the ghost Pokémon, the very doting mommy helping the little ones introduce themselves. Diva seemed rather taken with her new friends, mostly because of getting carried around.
Alister smiled and almost burned himself from being distracted and looked at his ghost friends "Everyone....set...table.." he mumbled which made his ghost pokemon stop playing and begin setting the table the best they could. Chrissy calming down a little at how mannerly they were dispite their mischievious ways. A haunter even tried to put transformed musa in a highchair not knowing she was a human and even giving her a cute bib. Alister tried his hardest not to laugh.
Gordie did laugh after failing resisting the urge before turning back towards Chrissy. “Reminds a person just what makes everything so fun. Nothing beats getting to be with the important people in your life or adding to the memories like this.” Musa somehow tricked the haunter into instead letting Diva take her place, snickering at the bewilderment. However the oddity soon shifted back after her Zoroark gave her a look that definitely was some sort of signal. “Ok ok, no more until after food and regeneration time.”
during the dinner bea looked at the girls "I forgot to ask how is Galar treating you girls you two look like you have been through alot." Chrissy hesitated a bit having small flashbacks of how she had to help her lab test the snag machine and rescue every pokemon stolen but shook it off. "Yeah Galar has been awesome. I was actually considering moving a lab here." "Ah right your a professor. I heard about that.. And that.. fusion dance thing has some professiors attention and whatnot. annnd now youre upset?" Bea asked seeing her mood somber and she tried to smile "Oh um... yeah..well you see some old ...enemies..of mine showed up earlier like bugs..and....from what my friends report to me at night...Ardos..is after them and teamed up..with not only team rocket from what i heard..but an.." she tried not to cry and Alister blinked "Misss...whats...wrong?" "Why...why did you fall so low Crowe?"
Musa let Gordie have a moment for helping Chrissy get a bit of it all out as she spoke up. “Rocket is actually pretty much my own relations since Uncle is the leader of the group itself. Otherwise I’m having a real blast here.” She snickered at phrasing, recalling just what made it so funny. Gordie looked up briefly simply because he thought it was one of the Pokémon. “And that’s going to be her until she gets it out.”

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