Phlegethon Discussion


queen of the stars
Just like for every other group, we are talking here to figure out the leader for Phlegethon. I am doing this because I want to get the RP moving to where people can post more freely since some tend to post faster than others. So, we need to collaborate and discuss here for the leader of Phlegethon.

Current Idea: There is no real current idea. So unless there are better ideas, perhaps a vote would be best. COmment below on what you think the best action would be.
I would say vote and nominations.


But, I also nominate Henri!
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For here, it'd be the same reason as in Lethe :P I don't know the characters well enough. I think that for here though, it should be a character that can keep all the free spirited people in line, at least long enough to fulfill their goal.
Neither Clo nor Mari are interested in being a leader. Clo is 100% for Adrian. Mari is for Adrian or Henri. Both are good for her.

Personally, I think Inna would be a good option too. But Adrian would be the most fun ;)
Caleb wants to vote for Adrian as well, but he knows the smart choice is between Inna or Henri.
Jackie might just pick Adrian because he's attractive....

Kenny will vote for whoever Gareth votes for (he thinks Gare's probably smarter than him in this case XD )
Adrian would certainly be the fun choice :xFtongue:

I guess i'd nominate two extremes, Adrian and Inna lmao
Clo votes for Adrian.
Mari, as unsuspecting as she is of Adrian, and just thinks he is cute, also votes for him.
Is it bad that Henri wants to see what Adrian will do as the leader?

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