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Fantasy Pestilence| Open



A pestilence is a fatal disease. And in this case, it's mostly true. Those affected with it do indeed die. For a little while, anyway.

The population swooped down to one billion by the end of 2018. All those who died seemed to do so mysteriously, determined to be from a disease transmitted by liquids, such as kissing or contact with bodily fluids such as vomit or... other things.

In 2019 those who were dead were reanimated. It took about two months for them to become humanoids that preferred flesh over sandwiches. Then, the population dropped to 200,000 in the next year. The world is no longer ours. It belongs to the pestilence.

(Pretend this is a really good starting post)

War, War never changes. Even more so now that the dead have risen and decided that humans are the new happy meal. August was tired of running, and fighting, and running some more. Geez, she felt like that was all she ever did, that and sleep for about an hour each night and eat disgusting foods. And being hold up in this crappy dorm room was no better than the house she was in three days ago. "I mean come one man, why is there now foo- college dorm. Never mind," She muttered, closing the cabinet door she was looking in, and picking her machete off the counter. Slipping her back pack on her shoulders, she decided to look around campus a bit before moving on.

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Chel's eyes glanced behind her. Nothing. They glanced in all directions. Nothing. A sly smile curled in her lips. The bare house in front of her stood out like a sore thumb, but she didn't care. Carefully, she climbed the one story building and sat on the roof, eyeing the beautiful landscape around her.
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There he was,on a rooftop as he spoke to himself "Why...why must the world go on like this" kosuke whispered as he sat off the edge of the building surveying his surrondings
03 walked down the center of the street. He didn't have to worry about the infected... unless they came too close. Unlike most people whos lives were uprooted by the dead coming back. No he had been born into this hell and was only just now taking his first steps to explore it. He wasn't a caged thing to be experimented on... now he was just someone who needed to survive. 03 had been staring at some sort of building for about an hour and a half now. The place looked like a collage... or thats what he remembered the book that had contained a picture of the place before had said.

Being relatively worry free. 03 just started entering and searching the collage's campus for food or drink... though truthfully he didn't need it for another three days. At least there was that one up side to being an incomplete infected. 03 was making a lot of noise as he looked around and eventually had somehow ended up in what looked to be rooms with two beds in each.

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Shiro kurogane]03 walked down the center of the street. He didn't have to worry about the infected... unless they came too close. Unlike most people whos lives were uprooted by the dead coming back. No he had been born into this hell and was only just now taking his first steps to explore it. He wasn't a caged thing to be experimented on... now he was just someone who needed to survive. 03 had been staring at some sort of building for about an hour and a half now. The place looked like a collage... or thats what he remembered the book that had contained a picture of the place before had said. Being relatively worry free. 03 just started entering and searching the collage's campus for food or drink... though truthfully he didn't need it for another three days. At least there was that one up side to being an incomplete infected. 03 was making a lot of noise as he looked around and eventually had somehow ended up in what looked to be rooms with two beds in each. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32473-firemaiden/ said:
August had been listening closely, and following the person who was making the noise. Good thing she had lured all the dead people to the gym by playing some Backstreet Boys. Hey, it's not stupid if it works. She followed him, making sue not to step on broken glass due to her boots. Slowly she approached him, and whistled, before hiding behind a filing cabinet.
Kosuke noticed a strange person enter a building and also saw how he walked through the street without much worry "huh, is that some sort of school or hideout?" He said before exiting the building he was in and cautiously entered the place the person he saw enter a moment ago

@Shiro kurogane
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FireMaiden said:
August had been listening closely, and following the person who was making the noise. Good thing she had lured all the dead people to the gym by playing some Backstreet Boys. Hey, it's not stupid if it works. She followed him, making sue not to step on broken glass due to her boots. Slowly she approached him, and whistled, before hiding behind a filing cabinet.
03 turned around to the direction the sudden whistle had come from. He'd pin-pointed the direct of the sound almost too perfectly. His face and body showed nothing, the only emotion came in the form of curiosity through his eyes. 03 tilted his head almost exactly like a dog sometimes did and he glanced at everything in the room slowly... as if he knew there was something he wasn't seeing. After good five minutes of this, 03 finally returned his attention to brazenly searching the building.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]03 turned around to the direction the sudden whistle had come from. He'd pin-pointed the direct of the sound almost too perfectly. His face and body showed nothing, the only emotion came in the form of curiosity through his eyes. 03 tilted his head almost exactly like a dog sometimes did and he glanced at everything in the room slowly... as if he knew there was something he wasn't seeing. After good five minutes of this, 03 finally returned his attention to brazenly searching the building.

"Ok, not military. Good," August said with a sigh. She still followed him, not making much noise, u til she tripped. "Mother of fuck! Ow!"
Kosuke had entered the building but didnt see any traces of anybody not even that person he saw enter earlier "I wonder where he went off too" he said as he started walking around and accidently walked on some broken glass alerting one of those infected things as he heard a growl "ah shit" he said as he brought out his sword on the ready,he didnt want to use his pistol as he had made enough noise already
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FireMaiden said:
"Ok, not military. Good," August said with a sigh. She still followed him, not making much noise, u til she tripped. "Mother of fuck! Ow!"
03 whipped back around to face the girl who'd fallen. Again his face and body showed blankness, but his eyes showed a combination of knowing and surprise. He had known something was in the room with him. 03 just didn't consider that 'something' to be a live person, let alone a girl. Walking over silently, He stood over the girl with a out stretched hand. As if to offer the girl help up with eyes that expressed the emotion of worry.

David found himself at a college campus, or more specifically, a college dorm. It looked a bit like the one he had roomed in back before the outbreak but then again, a lot of dorm buildings looked pretty similar to each other at the end of the day. Shaking off his musings David enters the dorm, axe in hand, and begins to check the rooms for food or other supplies. In all likelihood there would be little to nothing, but you never know. Besides, it might make a good place to spend the night assuming it was safe enough.

As he moved through the building he began to hear some others making noises. Moving as quietly as he could he began to approach the source of the sounds, getting there in time to hear someone, a girl, swear in pain. Not infected, good to know. He decided that he might as well see who they are. Stepping out David notes another person, a male, holding out a hand to the girl to help her up. David begins to make his way over while appraising them, this time not making any real effort to stay hidden.

@FireMaiden @Shiro kurogane
Kosuke had hid behind the corner of the hallway looking at the infected to avoid conflict but it saw him anyway and he had to step out and and fight, as the infected charged at him he dashed foward and cut its head off "Haa!" he yelled excitedly before 3 more infected appeared behind him as he heard them growl and yell "ahh fuck" he said as he reached for his pistol and aimed at ones head while they were still figuring out what was going on "gotta kill at least one of em" he said as he shot one of them in the head "alright" he smirked and then started running
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]03 whipped back around to face the girl who'd fallen. Again his face and body showed blankness, but his eyes showed a combination of knowing and surprise. He had known something was in the room with him. 03 just didn't consider that 'something' to be a live person, let alone a girl. Walking over silently, He stood over the girl with a out stretched hand. As if to offer the girl help up with eyes that expressed the emotion of worry.

"Yeah, thanks, I'm alright." August pulled herself up using his hand. "So, is there a reason your're in a college? You ain't one of them spy I've been hearing about are ya?"

(Going to bed)
FireMaiden said:
"Yeah, thanks, I'm alright." August pulled herself up using his hand. "So, is there a reason your're in a college? You ain't one of them spy I've been hearing about are ya?"
(Going to bed)
"spy? whats that?" 03 asked with confusion visible only in his eyes. At the sound of movement behind him, 03 turned his head to see an older looking man approach. "who are you? your not with this girl." 03 knew the older man wasn't with the girl he'd helped up. Mostly because if the guy was, he'd have tried to separate 03 from the girl.

@Mykinkaiser (im off to bed too. just didn't want to let ya think i ignored your post.)
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FireMaiden said:
"Yeah, thanks, I'm alright." August pulled herself up using his hand. "So, is there a reason your're in a college? You ain't one of them spy I've been hearing about are ya?"
(Going to bed)
As Kosuke ran from the other 2 infected after crossing a few stairs he thought he lost them and began catching his breath when he heard some people talking,he slowly hid behind the door which he heard voices

(Ima go too i think)
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Chel heard some infected behind her. They really gotta fuck it up don't they? She thought to herself. Luckily, they were behind her and she jumped off the way she came. She walked down the street, a little bored.

After a few minutes of walking, she came upon a college. Some windows were broken, so she suspected broken glass inside. Her feet crept toward the door, and she peered inside the small window on the door. Nothing.
Steve is walking down a street cautiously as he sees a college."I should go check that place out maybe there's food or something" he thought to himself as he walked to the college with his bat in hand
The dust filled the air of the gymnasium,seeming to float around the single figure sitting under the skylight. It seemed almost...cryptic, the way it sat there,almost waiting...

"Infected detected in the parameter. Moving to exterminate."the hulking machine stood, flexing its hands as it forged ahead,stepping free of the gym. It rolled it's shoulders,before turning,heading for the dorms,every step sounding like metal colliding with stone
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FireMaiden said:
"A spy like James bond, or military personnel," August explained. She looked at the man who just came up, not loosening her grip on her machete.
03's confusion filled gaze returned to August. "james bond?" At hearing her say military, his entire body tensed up and the emotion of hate filled his eyes. After a brief second though, his eyes returned to normal and his body relaxed again. He took notice of the girl's weapon and figured if she had it. Then August must be pretty decent in its use. 03 faced the older man again as he waited for an answer.

The cracking of bones under foot was satisfying,to say the least. The old machine released a hiss,crushing the skull of another infected in one hand,scanning the hall with an array of sensors

"All infected exterminated...life form detected"

Turning in place, the walking tank stared down the hall, letting its sensors tell it What it was seeing

"Currently detecting 4 life forms, Human...3 life forms, human...4 life forms..."

"Anomally detected. Moving to investigate"

This didn't compute in the machines logical mind it detected 4 heart beats,obviously not infected by that alone, but one had clear biological signs of infection,but no form of illness...

The machine began stomping down the halls, ignoring the doors as the flopped lazily in its way,it's foot steps becoming clear,even from the dorms.

@Shiro kurogane @FireMaiden @Kenisu Shirayuki @Mykinkaiser
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Chel opened the metal door slowly. A large creak gave her location away and a stray infected saw her. He gnawed his teeth on air as his skin oozed out unnormal colored blood. She reached in her sheath and pulled out a small sword. Gritting her teeth, she walked overed and sliced his Adam's Apple open. A second blow to the head stopped the infected's heart.

Pounding filled the air, and the ceiling above her started to shake. What the fuck? She thought angrily as she looked around. A small marble staircase was to her left, and she lunged for it. Chel sped up the stairs to see what the tell was stomping. Some mutant maybe? On, I hope not... She thought grimly to herself.

Slowing to a stop,the beast of a machine looked about,scanning.

"Human in distress. Beginning to locate."

The machines programming was to help humans. Humans in need were top priority. This machine didn't think ahead like those you see in movies. This one focused on the present. If it could save a human now,then it would, no matter the consequences later.

Turning in place,it scanned,its "eyes" shining bright in the lightless building.

"Human. Identify yourself. Hostile, or peaceful, Wounded, or healthy?"

The girls heartbeat said slightly panicked,but that's all the machine could read at the moment...

@Mykinkaiser[/URL] (im off to bed too. just didn't want to let ya think i ignored your post.)
FireMaiden said:
"A spy like James bond, or military personnel," August explained. She looked at the man who just came up, not loosening her grip on her machete.

"Jason," he says simply, not giving his real name in response to the unarmed boy's question. He casually rests his axe on his shoulder, though not in an overtly threatening manner, no point in causing unneeded hostilities after all. They seemed to have been discussing spies or something as the girl mentioned James bond. Odd conversation, but as it didn't really concern David he didn't much care. Rather he gets straight to the point, "Are there any decent supplies in this area?"

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