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Fandom Persona: Turn on the TV

the moment she popped out fo the T.V and squealed.. Yuka went in slow motion... such a cute squeak... Somebody like nana-chan could be cute? And her face! oh so red and flustered... so adorable!!!! Shaking his head and getting back to the situation at hand, flipping himself up with surprising quickness he made a chopping motion hitting his palm. "Nanami!" he stated finally saying her full name.

With his face in sharpened focus he looked to her, his curtain of red hair drapped on his back. "If we leave... her behind, she could be hurt, we don't know whats out there and leaving her with that chicken is not exactly the best way to make sure shes fine." he stated looking quite serious.. for once... inf act it looked foreign to those not used to it. "We have to go after her, we probably will take abit of time.. and be SO tired in the morning.. but we have to! We all got into the mess we can't just leave soemone behind because their foolish enough to run after a stuffed chicken!"
A fireball was shot at Yuka' feet " STOP CALLING ME A CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!" Chirpy growled as he gently let Esther down on the ground. He landed next to her and glared at him " NEXT PERSON THAT SAYS THAT I AM A CHICKEN IS GOING TO BE TURNED TO ASHES!!!!!" He was really pissed of at Yuka. It has really good hearing has heard their entire heard their entire conversation and hear everything in the tv world. Esther sighed a little and petted his head " there there...." the bird looked away " hmp!" " can you take me to that boy now?" "Not until these guys go home!!" " ignore them... they just don't know how cool you are" she said with a smile and scratched him under his chin which he seem to like. Chirpy smiled a little and nodded " fine... but you'll need this to see...." he said and gave her a pair of red sunglasses. Esther nodded and put it on and blinked. She can see clearly now "...thank you"

What in the world is he staring at?! Doesn't he know tonight's a school night? This is no time to be messing around! Nanami was pretty angry for the stunt that Yuka pulled, did he think he was being funny or amusing for doing such a thing? Not everyone was a night owl and she was far from someone who pulled all-nighters unless it was really needed.

"Yes, that's my name, don't wear it out," she said as she ran a hand through her hair with a sigh, still feeling a bit flustered, though him saying her full first name the right way pleased her, instead of calling her Nana like usual. She stopped herself from rolling her eyes as she crossed her arms at the reason why he pulled her back.

But before she could say anything about not really caring if Esther was safe or not since Nami knew she could take care of herself, and question why Yuka couldn't do it himself, she squeaked and jumped back in surprise as a fireball was shot at Yuka's feet. "Yuka, apologize to him right this second!" She stammered as she distanced herself away from Yuka and the others.
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(I'm gona be honest, I was under the impression they were far away and left them alone.)

Yuka fell onto his behind as the flame exploded near his feet, yes he was scared, but damn it this thing was out of line.. also apparently it could breath fire... weird... "Fine, i'm sorry for being an inconsiderate jerk, now could we actually focus on the problem at hand instead of raging over petty words?" he frowned, unhappy but focused... Also still trying to guess what the hell that thing was... he then started to plan his wording. "So, your an avian with a fire breathing tendencies and have a huge pet peeve for being called flightless poultry, its only natural we'd be confused, we don't exactly have your kind around in... not.. misty apparently shadow world." he brought the conversation down to a logical level.

"So Esy there wants to go find some dude, we can't exactly leave her, so that leaving thing is out the window Chirps, unless you get the bright idea to come abck with us, then we can leave the residential fire breather and not be trapped in a world of endless damn fog... nice glasses by the way."
Esther just facepalmed at what Yuka said after his apology she was lookong for and the expression on Chirpy' face went dark and blue balls of fire started to pop up around him, obviously mad about being call a flightless poultry. Before he could yell again. Esther looked at Yuka "Just because his kind doesnt exist in our world doesn't give you the right to insult him" she said to him and shook her head and looked at Chirpy " hey... look at me..." she said to him softly and gently. Chirpy looked at her with teary eyes. He was really hurt. Esther frowned and gave him a hug " there there..."

Esther seemed like she wasn't going to leave the Midnight Channel any time soon with the blue bird being moody and all, now with the fact that she is on the search for some guy as Yuka mentioned. Nami slowly approached Esther and Chirpy, trying not to startle or anger the bird any further. She didn't particularly want to be singed by any of those blue balls of fire, and wanted to be out of here as quick as possible since Yuka wouldn't let her leave.

"Hi, I don't think we met, but I'm Miura, Nanami, but you can just call me Nami," she said with a half-smile, "Yuka said you were looking for someone here in the channel?"
Esther looked at Nami and smiled back " nice to meet you. I am Esther River, I just moved here... and yeah.. I am looking for this guy that push me and Yuka out of the way when he was giving me a tour..." Chirpy calmed down and looked at Nami and Yuka and sighed. Esther smiled at him " ok... now please take me to him... I have a bad feeling we shouldn't leave him alone for long...." Chirpy nodded " get on my back...." Esther got on his back and looked at Nami and Yuka " Are you guys coming? We don't have time to talk..."

Nami nodded, knowing who she was talking about, having momentarily forgotten that it was Daichi, the rude, antisocial guy that sat in the back corner of her morning class, that had shown up on her television screen. Of course that was the guy she was looking for, just this caused Nami to mentally slap herself. It was after midnight after all and she was more than exhausted, in both mental and physical sense.

"Hm?" She looked to Esther, who was now sitting on Chirpy. She wanted to so very much decline the offer, however, she knew Yuka would start complaining about her leaving and probably only wanted her around to use as a body shield if things turn sour between him and Chirpy again. "Um, sure? If that's alright with Chirpy, of course."
Daichi woke to find himself on a cold floor, his grey hair hanging over his face. He picked himself up and looked around. The dense fog surrounded him, making chills run down his spine. He looked around before hearing a low chuckling behind him.

He turned. A shadowy figure hidden by the fog stood before him, laughing. It didn't seem to acknowledge him, just stood there doing nothing.

"Hey! Are you laughing at me? Come closer and I'll knock your brains out, asswipe!"
Chirpy looked at Nami and sighed " yeah its fine... get on..." he said to her. Esther smiled a little " thank you..." once Nami got on, Chirpy spread his wings and flew up " what about yuka?" "..... fine...." he said and swooped down and grabbed him by his claws and flew off to where Daichi is. Esther hoped he is ok.

Nami hesitantly looked at the bird's back, wondering if she should get on. Here goes nothing... She approached Chripy's back and climbed on. She held on tight as he took flight to wherever Daichi was.
Chirpy flew up in the air and Looked around for a bit before flying off to where Daichi is. After a few minutes of flying they in front of a dark and lonely looking house. Esther tilted her head and got down. "here huh...." she said. Chirpy nodded.


"You're just a little punk, huh? You think you're better than everyone else? You're just scared of everyone. Poor and alone… so alone…"

Daichi stared at the figure, frozen in horror. Who was he? What he was saying seemed insane, though it seemed to affect him deeply.

"Who the hell are you?! What do you want?!"

The figure slowly lowered itself down to the floor, laying himself down and curling up on the floor.

"I'm so alone… So scared… Keep away from me…"

The fog seems to recede, the area becoming clearer. It retreated rather quickly in the direction of the figure, still curled up. He began rocking himself as the fog rolled back over him. It revealed the true form of the figure. As it raised its head and stared with tear-streaked eyes, its identity was revealed.

It was Daichi.
Esther heard yelling and she ran into the house. She followed the yelling and found two Daichis one was the one on TV and the other was the real one. ' what the heck?' She thought to herself


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