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Fandom Persona: Turn on the TV


Back from the Dead?
The room.

The land between dream and reality, mind and matter.

This is where we find the Fool, sitting at the end of the velvet dining table, devoid of food or pottery in the large velvet hall. The only thing that was there was the contract and pen which lay before here.

The contract was long and had the crux appeared to be accepting responsibility for her actions. She picked up the pen and signed it.

Esther River

And just as quickly as the room had appeared to her, it all faded away again. She faded back into the dream.

As she slept, the sun rose on the dawn of the first day. Soon it would be time to go to her new school, and then the adventure would truly begin.
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Esther opened her eyes as sunlight entered her room through her window. She sat up and yawned as she looked out the window 'what an odd dream...' She looked at the time and got out of bed. To get ready for school.

She brushed her teeth and washed her face. She yawned as she did so. She didn't rush like girls normally would, she had plenty of time to get ready. Once she freshened up, she wore her new uniform. She brushed her hair and grabbed her bag as she headed down stares.

Downstairs she saw a pink haired girl cooking breafast, it is her seven year old sister " morning Rena" the girl said with a yawn.. the girl looked behind " morning sis" Esther smiled and sat down. Her little sister served the food and sat down. "Itadakimas" the two said and started to eat. " ready for school?" Esther asked. Rena nodded " how about you?" "Yeah" Esther nodded and yawned. Her little sister giggled a little. Esther smiled. They talked as they ate. 10 minutes later they were done and the two got up and left for school.

Esther first dropped her little sister off at her school after giving some advise. Rena pouted " you worry too much" she said and giggled. Rena kissed her big sister's cheek and ran off into the school. Esther smiled and headed of to her own school. She wondered what the school is like, she yawned again and stretched " welp I'll find out when I get there..." she said as she continued to walk.

The loud blare of the alarm jerked Daichi awake. Great, another lousy morning. He sighed and climbed out of bed, then paused as he realised what day it was. The first day of his time at Yasogami High.

He plodded into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was wild and there were dark rings under his eyes.


He brushed his teeth and washed his face before picking up the uniform scrunched up on the floor and dressing himself. He looked like a tramp but he didn't care.

He headed downstairs to silence. Everyone else must still be asleep. He put some bread into the toaster and tried his best not to fall asleep standing up as he waited for it to pop up. A minute of so later, it was ready. Daichi slung his bag over his back and walked out into the cold air of the morning. He took his first bite of the toast as he walked, dreading what was going to happen in this new school.
A sigh fell from Nanami as she looked up at the high school that was nearing as she walked, her feet dragging along in hesitation and the most not surprising morning tiredness. She couldn't sleep at all the night before and here she was, up and early and on her way to Yasogami High. She remembered the first day she started, it wasn't too long ago anyway and it was mostly unpleasant like everyone's first day of high school. Pick out classes that were available since she arrived smack dab in the middle of her second year, get familiar with where said classes were and the layout of the school, and all the other things one does on the first day of school. It went by quickly. The only thing she found most unpleasant was when she had to introduce herself in front of her homeroom class. And not only homeroom, but all of her classes! Except for one, which was study hall, the only period she enjoyed.

Nami had to shake the memory from her head for she remembered how unpleasant her first day actually was. The first introduction, homeroom, was a tad overwhelming for her since she didn't know what to say. And the fresh grieving over her father, his passing so sudden, that she kept it buried within her was heavy to carry. Her mother told her she didn't need to start school right away with the circumstances of her father's passing and the big move to Inaba, but she thought she could handle it. The only things she could manage out was her name, Miura, Nanami, and which school she attended before, Kisaragi Academy, before the tears started to fill her eyes and she couldn't breathe so she ran out of her homeroom that day, and the rest of the day she spent it alone since some of her peers started to poke a little bit of fun at her.

Even though that incident wavered from everyone's mind, especially when more embarrassing things happened to other students that deserved more attention, Nami had since then dedicated her time for her studies. She wasn't over-the-top smart or anything, but she managed above average grades since then, her only weakness being math. Just thinking about math almost made her stop in tracks and turn back.

Please let my math teacher this year take it easy on the homework... She thought bitterly as she finally made it to the school grounds having walked past the gates. Math homework took her ages to do and just her lack of a social life kind of got her down. Then again, she didn't need that. School was for learning after all.
While the others of our fair group were only waking up now, Yuka was already up and ready, being an early bird and naturally a morning person thanks to his mother he was busy making breakfast for his moderately sized family. A quick easy breakfast for his father involving bacon, eggs, toast and black coffee, For his grandmother toast with strawberry jam(she eats like a bird, less so during supper) and for the triplets it was tricky work getting something they would all like, but he prospered nonetheless.

Next was his hair, the second reason he got up early, currently drapped down his back he started to make his patented braids, it was hard getting his hair long enough for them but in the end it worked out greatly, plus people liked the look.

Next was clothing, and before you ask yes he was in his pj's before, can you imagine making bacon naked? That hot grease is going everywhere. Getting on his clothing he stared out the window towards the school, what cacophony of foolishness will be brought up today? He kept reminding himself of that rumor he heard yesterday, the midnight channel, it's been spreading around the first years like wild fire, and of course spread upwards to the higher grades.

People talk, it was natural, it wasn't anything to be bothered with as long as people don't start seeing him as their "soul mate" everything would be fine, he couldn't imagine the look on that person's face when the fangirls converge on that poor soul... He remembers what happened to that guy who threw a milk canister at him as a joke... Guy never knew what hit him...

With all his work done, his family fed, he set off to school, getting early was the name of the game as a gossip monger, all he had to do was sit and listen.
Esther was staring at the sky as she walked to her school. She was going st her own pace and not paying attention to her surrounding, before she know it she was standing in front of the school gates. She instincts and looked at the school, she tilted her head a little. She didn't know why but she felt like there was something special about and she going to meet some interesting people. "hmm...." she hummed as she stared at it some more and before walking into the school as she did, she took out her schedule and looked it. "Hmm...." she could figure out where the classes are, since her last school was a little different from Yasogami High. She looked around and went to a student and said " excuse me... I am new here.... can you help me find my class?" She asked politely.

Speaking of interesting people, the person that she spoke to was none other then Mr. Popular himself, who was mid way through a bite of a doughnut he gave a glance to the girl, then to the doughnut, then to the girl, then to the doughnut, sadly he it away back in the bag and turned to her. "Hey there! Your a new girl right? I'd be happy to help you out love, I'll gee you to your class don't you worry a single hairy on your pretty head!" he responded cheerily and already flirting... or was it just how he talked?

"You can call me Yuka by the way, a third year so if you have any other questions I'll be happy to lend a hand!" he smile beamed like the sun it'self, it definitely was a practiced one, his stance was casual, standing straight but leaning back abit giving off the "cool cat" look many strive for.
Esther tilted her head and smile a little as she watched the male look at her and then at the donut and back at her. She found it a little funny and couldn't help but smile, it was calm normal smile nothing special " thank you, my name is Esther River, you can call me Esther, Es-chan or whatever your comfortable with" she said to him and stretched as she yawned ' and I am still yawning' She thought and shrugged as she looked back at the male " nice to meet you Yuka"

"Esy it is! My your so poliet, your already a 10 in my books love. We got abit of time so I think a tour is in order, oh don't mind the stares of some around here, it's a small town so new comers take abit to get used to." he started his new student tour, to be honest he liked getting to them early, before anybody gets a good idea to swoop in and give them hell, bullying wasn't common here but people have ways of being jerks nonetheless.

"Down this hall is the faculty area, the first years have their classes on the first level, second years on the second and last but not least the thirds on the third level. The library is over to your left, and out the door is the recreational building. It's a pretty easy layout, hard to get lost, but if you do try and find me or ask around, we're a helpful bunch." he finished the vocal tour off with a slight bow.

"And that's it, not a huge school, but we got a few festivals and such I'm sure you'll love."
Daichi kicked open the doors of Yasogami High, his last piece of toast hanging out of his mouth. He walked through the corridors, pushing people out of his way as he made his way to his home room. He laughed as one person he pushed fell to the ground and continued on, certain that he wouldn't try anything.

He then came across a strange pair, a red-haired boy and a timid looking girl. He grinned as he finished off his toast, before approaching and barging his way past them.

"Move it or lose it, dweebs!"
Esther nodded as Yuka gave her a tour. She was staring at her schedule "hmm..... I am second year...." she said looked at the schedule again. She tilted her head a little as she stared at it some more. She then took out a mentor from her bag and popped it into her mouth. She looked at Yuka " want one?" She asked as she took out another one. She then looked the person that came up to them rude " do you want one?" She asked him politely.

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Nami hurriedly entered the building, happy to get away from the cold morning air. She walked over to the shoe lockers, locating her locker. Sitting on the raised wooden floor before the lockers, she placed her bag beside her, rummaging in her bag to retrieve her pair of indoor shoes. Removing her outdoor shoes, she put on her other pair of shoes before getting up to put her shoes in the locker. Taking off her jacket, she rolled it up and stuffed it into the small locker before closing it. Picking up her book-bag, she slung it over her shoulder before heading off to the library. It was still a bit early for homeroom and she liked spending her time before homeroom started in the library. It was usually empty in there and it was better to catch up on last minute homework in there than in a noisy classroom.

As Nami turned into the hallway that led to the library, she saw a guy just barge his way past a guy with long red hair and a girl with pink hair, having recognized the redhead, but not the other guy and girl. She heard that the redhead was some celebrity rockstar or something along those lines. Nami didn't really pay attention to the rumors that go around the school. Especially the one about a Midnight Channel that has been starting to spread last week. It just reminded her of her other school and the rumors of the Sachiko Ever After charm and doing the charm wrong gets you sucked into the school's other dimension. Just stupid rumors that are spread by bored students.

Hopefully that guy doesn't cause any problems...
She shook her head. That last thing she wanted was to cross that guy's path and he turns out to be a huge bully. As Nami was looking at the girl, Nami couldn't help but feel there was something... not exactly off about her, but like she was going to see a lot more of her.

Maybe I should say hello...?
Nami debated as she took her time walking toward Yuka and the girl. It had been a long time since the last time Nami had went up to someone and introduced herself. Plus, she had some time to kill before homeroom started anyhow.
"I'm leaving now, don't bother mom too much, you hear me?"

Her voice was loud enough to reach her siblings' ears with only Haru peeking from the kitchen's entrance to cast a look of indignation towards his older sister. "We're helping mom! Not bothering her!" And then Shizuku, the youngest Ono sibling, popped to make a remark but this time with a warm smile, waving her hand at her. "Have a nice day, Big Sister!" Natsuki could not help but let a giggle escape her lips as she opened the door of the house. "Don't let her sleep to late either, okay?" She told them before heading outside, checking if everything she needed for the day was stuffed safely in her bag. "...Alright..." She muttered to herself before breathing deeply one, twice.

Her house was not far away from Yasogami, much to her luck, giving her just the right time to make breakfast and make sure everything was alright before heading out. Today was the case, as her mom felt too weak to leave her bed, refusing to go to the hospital. She was so stubborn... Natsuki made no intentions to leave, much to her mother's protest.

"You can't just keep skipping classes like that!" She said between coughs.

Thankfully for her, Haru was feeling a bit under the weather, or so he said, and promised Natsuki that he would take care of mother while she was out. She eventually agreed, as long as they called a doctor just to check on her later on. Just in case.

Natsuki finally reached the school, making her way through students chatting between themselves. She paid them no mind, beginning to take care of her shoes exchange. Not that she did not acknowledge their presence. But why would she enter a conversation like that, really? It wasn't like she knew them that well...

After changing to her indoor shoes, she walked in the hallways with a calm pace, making a list on her mind of her chores and activities that day. Perhaps she should make her mother's favorite dish that day, just to cheer her up a bit. Yes, that would be the best. She found herself smiling but soon she wiped it off her face, feeling pair of eyes staring at her in surprise. What? Couldn't she smile for once? How noisy...

She entered the classroom, making sure to not disturb the conversation between a male and a female student. "Such long, pretty hair..." She admired in silence the red haired boy but quickly shook her face discreetly. How ridiculous of her. She retrieved a book to the person in charge in silence, who only smiled with a nod, already accustomed with the student's silence.
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Yuki casually walked through the hallway when suddenly a boy pushed her out of his way. Yuki managed to put her hands on the wall to stop herself from falling.

"Hey!" Yuki yelled at the boy, she kept looking at the boy as he continued pushing people out of his way. He laughed as one of them falls down to the ground.

Yuki was not too pleased with what just happened. She followed the boy. When she catches up, she saw the boy with the popular redhead Yuka and someone she didn't recognize yet. Though she paid no mind to them and confronted the rude boy.

Yuki pushed the rude boy away hard. She looked at him angrily. "That's for what you just did earlier!" Yuki said. She then looked at Yuka and the new girl in town. She just waved hello at them and then walks away.
Esther blinked at just what happened ' what the....' She thought as she saw a girl with mismatched eyes come up and pushed the rude boy away. The boys hand hit her mentos and cause her to drop it on the floor and spill it. She frowned slight 'luckily I have another one.... or was an apple or an orange...' She thought as picked up the spilled mentos.

She watched the girl with the mismatched eyes walk up to her and Yuka. She tilted her head a little, she waved back to the girl and yawned again.

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Yuka paused for a moment and face-palmed at the sudden rise in drama. Damn it.. why this early in the morning? seriously. "Alright kids pack it away get to your classes, save the foolishness for later. i don't care who pushed who I don't want to be seeing fighting in the hallway were Yasogami students not monkeys at the zoo." he clasped his hands together looking thoroughly disappointed in the rough housing. "I don't need to get the teachers now do I? No, i don't, so get moving." he stated making a chopping motion with his hands, causing a commotion here would just cause a scene.. and not a good one for so early in the year.

"Seriously Dai-dai,(daichi) always starting up trouble huh? Can't you get a new hobby or something?" he asked as he casually walked up the stairs. "Or does big bro yuka have to teach you a few tricks." he stated with a teasing smile as he quickened his pace, readying to rush upstairs if he perused... he loved poking fun at the guy now and again, thankfully yuka was the better one at running away since he had more allies, it was kind of like he was a matador, and Daichi was the bull.
Nami watched the altercation that seemed to be growing that was first between the new girl, Yuka, and that guy. Now it's some other girl that's getting revenge. I really need to learn their names. I'm in third year and hardly know any of the names of my classmates!

"I don't need to get the teachers now do I? No, I don't, so get moving." Nami agreed with what Yuka said. And if teachers got involved, that meant detentions for everyone in sight. She decided to head to her homeroom now since attendance was going to be taken shortly. As she started to walk to homeroom with her third year class, she heard Yuka say, "Seriously Dai-dai, always starting up trouble huh? ..."

"The pot shouldn't call the kettle black..." Nami said as she passed Yuka, briefly looking at him from the corner of her eye. Normally she didn't put her two cents in for she didn't want to start any drama, but the words had already slipped from her mouth. However, she knew how Yuka can be from brief observations. In her opinion, he was the type of guy that loved to tease and poke fun, though it was all innocent and harmless.

Soon enough, Nami was sitting in her seat in the last row, next to the window, in her homeroom. She rested her chin against her hand and looked out the window, waiting for attendance to be taken.
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Daichi grumbled curses under his breath for the little girl with the weird eyes. He then heard the one he remembered as Yuka poking fun at him.

"Hey! You wanna start something here?!"

He saw Yuka quickly scurry off and sighed, scowling at no-one in particular as he began his match towards his home room once again.
"Aww, he didn't chase me... no fun..." he thought as he set off to home room, while he was good charismatic he was a jack of all trades academically, not really outstanding but had a good basis for everything. So he really didn't have much to worry about this year, study this, look out for that, easy enough to cover the basis needed, hell this wont matter when hes a star anyways.. though abit of know how helped in the world no doubt... Before the classes began he heard something down the grape vine about a channel at midnight that showed your soul mate, a hidden channel that comes on only at midnight during rainy nights...

he didn't believe a lick of it, maybe jsut another bit of gossip for people to use to say "oh i got so and so for my soul mate." have a laugh and get on with their day. However.. it bugged him abit... maybe he should check it out... get another to do it to, jsut to be sure he wouldn't be going insane from some sleep depravity alone. Always good to have a second pair of eyes... or maybe fifty spares if needed.
Esther watched everyone leave and softly sighed. She threw the mentos away and then looked at her schedule again and went of to her class 'this school is weird...' She thought. She felt that the people here are hiding something but what? Her ears then twitched when she heard a group of girl talk about some called the midnight channel 'hmm... sounds interesting....' She thought ' maybe i should check it out... but it's at midnight.... I should finish my hw up quickly before then...' She finally found her classroom and smiled ' well that was easy' She entered it, some people looked st her but she didn't mind. She just went over and sat down near the window. She looked out the window patiently waiting for class to start.

Daichi sat down in the back corner of his home room, hearing, once again, whisperings of the Midnight Channel. What the hell was this Midnight Channel thing? He'd heard people yapping about it all day. He'd heard the word 'soulmate' brought up often in the same sentence. Perhaps it was one of those girls things on how to find a new boyfriend.

Daichi was more curious now. What was this thing? He needed to find out somehow. Though he wasn't sure how he was going to do that yet.
Yuki entered her classroom after what happened earlier. She greeted her classmates as she made her way to her table. She sat down and have some idle chatter with her classmates while waiting for the class to start. She heard about something called Midnight Channel that would show on a rainy night, that channel was said to show one's soulmate.

The new girl then entered the classroom. Yuki took a glance at her and thought that she should greet her. Yuki stood up and then approaches the new girl.

"Hi, haven't seen you around here before... You're new here?" Yuki asked the new girl. Before she could answer, Yuki continued to introduce herself.

"I'm Yuki Iwasawa, you can call me Yuki."
Esther looked at the girl that came up to her and tilted her head a little as she introduced herself. She nodded " yeah... I just moved her about a week ago" she then politely smiled and said " my name is Esther River. Nice to meet you too" she then stretched a little and asked with a curious tone " so... what's the midnight channel?"

"The Midnight Channel? Oh, it's a strange channel that only shows up at midnight during a rainy night." Yuki answered Esther's question.

"Heard that the person that showed up in that channel was supposed to be your soulmate or something, not really sure about it though." Yuki continued her answer. Yuki doesn't looked so sure about the 'soulmate' thing on the Midnight Channel.

"If you want to check that out, just stare at a TV that is turned off right at 12'o'clock midnight during a rainy night. I heard that's how to watch the Midnight Channel." She finished with a way to check the Midnight Channel. She crossed her arms while thinking of another stuffs that she heard about the Midnight Channel.

"So yeah, that's the most that I know about the Midnight Channel." Yuki said with a shrug.
" hmm....." Esther hummed 'interesting....' She thought "thanks for telling me" she said with a smiled. " So it's on a rainy day huh...." she said looking out the window and at the sky. They seemed cloudy, but it maybe temporary ' it was sunny this morning....' She looked back at the girl " so... what classes and the students like here?" She asked her as she looked through her bag for something.


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