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Paint The Wind & Narumi


Five Thousand Club
Libby was a girl of about eighteen years old. She had currently moved into a small village and was living in a house just not too far in the forests. She was studying nature at the moment, and wanted to be close to all of the wildlife. After paying the delivery man and thanking him for shifting all of her things, she headed outside to take a look around. She ran a hand through her light colored hair, of which was tied in a messy ponytail.

She sat down underneath a tree and began to write in her journal, she had recently bought it when she was just moving, so she could keep track of everything.

July 10, 12 am.

I just moved into my new house. It's small, with two floors. I like it here. I don't know anyone at the moment, but I prefer to have the company of myself. Hopefully I will meet one or two friends. I haven't come across much wildlife, only a few birds. I made sure to buy a new camera, so I could take pictures and stick them in this journal or my studying scrapbook. I am pretty sure I will settle in well here.
Alistair was a man of 19. Well…1900. For Alistair was not a man. He was a vampires, feeding on those who don't see him during the darkness of the night.

Alistair walked through the forest, waiting for the darkness. He walked like a cat, silent. He saw Libby and immediately was curious.

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Libby heard a quiet movements in the distance and she closed her journal and slipped it into her shoulder bag, she stood up and looks around.

"H-Hello? Is anyone there?" She asks, quietly.
Alistair stopped dead, his big green eyes staring at this girl. gWho was she? He was hungry as well. She looked delicious.

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He followed her quietly and waited for a chance to grab her and feed on her, not enough to turn her however.

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She looks around, whilst fumbling for her keys. She looks behind her and spots a young man with piercing green eyes.
She watches and then shrugs, going into her home and shutting the door. The following evening, she went out to do some gardening, watering a few roses that she had just planted.
Alistair was watching her and crept up behind her, baring his fangs, ready to strike. He opened her mouth ready to strike.

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Libby hadn't noticed and was still watering her plants, she steps back to take a look and bumps into someone. She gasps and turns to see the young man from before. She glares at him. "What do you think you're doing!?" She yells. "Are you some kind of creepy rapist or something? You have been looking at me since I moved here!"
He stepped back, terrified of this woman. He hadn't really come into actual contact with anyone in almost 1,500 years. "I-I…I'm…" He turned and ran away. Since he was half demon as well as half vampire the sunlight did not kill him. He ran through the forest to the cave that was his home.

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She watches him and then sighs, heading back inside. She spent days inside, though she soon found herself going out and looking for the young man.
Alistair stayed in the cave for the remainder of the day until it was dark. He decided he would go hungry tonight, not with that new girl around.

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She notices a cave in the distance and crawls inside, she was carrying some food and had a candle lit, noticing someone inside. That must be him.
He saw her crawling inside and bared his fangs. "Who are you!? What do you want!?" He pressed his back against the wall, terrified.

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She looks to him and then crawls beside him, placing the food down. "You're always following me around, so I thought you needed a friend" She says to him.
She shook her head and places some food into his mouth. "Do you like it? I just made something for you to eat, you look hungry.... And pretty dirty" She says, feeling bad for him.
He nodded but he was afraid he would hurt her. "Please…I'm a dangerous person to get close to. Please just go! I don't want to hurt you!" He was…well…socially awkward to say it mildly.

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She shook her head. "Nonsense" She says and places another piece of food into his mouth with a soft giggle. "Here, come with me" She says and pulls him upwards.
Alistair whimpered but did as he was told and followed her. His urges of hunger were trying to overpower him.

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She began to lead him to her house, and then takes him inside, setting him in front of the fire. "Here, you stay there. You can stay here for today, you can have food and get new clothes" She says.
He backed away from the fireplace and looked around, terrified that she was trying to burn him alive. Alistair wasn't a people person…

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Libby prods him lightly towards the fireplace again. "It's not going to hurt you, it'll just keep you warm" She says.

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