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Fandom Overlord: Who Said Craftsmen Could Not PK?

Fabian Dul'aan

After a minute of walking, the small group finally made it to the soon be camp. With the rocks surrounding them, it added a bit of cover from both sight and the elements. A roughly carved hole in the rock face, around five meters across and about three meters high met the four as dust danced about the ominous looking entrance to their subterranean refuge. Deep furrows into the basalt could be seen, where Stanley burrowed in, along with scorched stone, where his destructive gaze ability carved away large slabs of the stone, only to be broken down by the terrifying fuzzy burrower. After the first few steps inside, the floor began to slope downwards into the Stygian Terra.

With but a thought, the craftsman produced a small flame to light up the inky black darkness, revealing a cavern with glittering veins of metal and clusters of ruby, giving the natural structure a mystical glow. Fabian had to admit, the badger did good. Approaching one of the large clusters of ruby, he broke away a large chunk rather effortlessly as he began to use his artifice skill to turn it into a gem lamp. While not hard to do, it would prove significantly useful, as to provide light while not using up any precious air or create billowing clouds of smoke.

Extinguishing the flame, he held out the glowing fist sized ruby to Alishia. "I believe this place will be adequate for our needs. A few more lamps, and some furniture and it'll be like home in no time. And maybe a few vents for fresh air. don't need that pesky carbon dioxide killing us now." He said in a rather chipper tone, as he spotted Stanley, at his regular size, all tuckered out and fast asleep near what looked to be a small spring. "Just let me light this place up a bit more, before any of use go exploring. Just to be safe"


Damafaud Damafaud
Helleborus reached below the counter she was standing behind, pulling out a long, elegant rifle. She wiped its mechanical looking scope off with a small cloth, before tossing it over her shoulder gently. Just as she had now finished all the necessary preparations to travel, a speedily expanding fire manifested itself in the middle of the shop, prompting her to panic briefly. She frantically started looking for a bucket of water among the utilities found underneath the counter, only to be stopped by the sight of the guild leader himself. She blinked awkwardly once, then again and one more time for good measure, releasing a dry cough at the third blink.

It seemed that Ignis wanted to journey together with her, only...

"H-Hey, paisen! Please be careful with the heat, the building could catch on fire y'know!" Her mind came to ease as the temperature returned to normal, scratching the back of her neck and growing a neutral smirk. She was unsure of what to think about this situation. Deep inside her heart, she had hoped to be let into the field alone, longing to finally experience an intimate reunion with her long-lost sibling. With a tagalong, no matter who they were, that desired familial intimacy would have to be renounced, dragging down the meaningfulness of the first meeting entirely. Of course, she had to obey the guild leader's wishes, but at the same time, she was a natural born haggler too.

"Are you sure, paisen? You're the boss of everyone here, so I'd hate to keep you away from those who might need you because of this. Whether it's big bro or not, I can probably deal with it myself, so it feels too selfish to have the strongest person I know coming with me... I would lose my claim to honesty if something happened because of me!" She was grasping at straws there, knowingly. "If you insist, though... I believe our suspect is somewhere near E-Rantel," she added as a closing note, leaving through the front door.
There is No Place Like Home, but Hotels are Still Better


As they went on their way, Acles never forgot to intermittently activate his many [Scan] abilities. When they arrived at the cave, the automaton had a good grasp of the terrain around the cave. Especially useful since he would need to gather ingredients soon.

The cave was no fancy establishment, but considering they had just arrived in this world, for such a huge cave to be built already was impressive. Alishia felt her nose twitching not far underground. She had become more sensitive after coming to this world. The subtle change in the air hit like an encore. Red sparks glistened off the green pupils when they passed a pile of precious stones. If this was still the real world, she certainly would drool over such plentiful rubies, but after coming here? Rubies were mere changes compared to divine metals. She took the glowing ruby, examining it like an interesting toy.

"You're lucky to meet me, then!" Alishia took a quarterstaff from her inventory and chanted a spell, [Widen Magic: Flat Terrain]. The rough ground floor smoothed over like concrete, leaving no nudge or jutting pebbles. She looked at her handicraft with a satisfied nod. "I can do finer work just fine. [Mold Earth] can help make air holes and I also know [Create Item] and [Create Greater Item]. Magic items shouldn't be a problem as long as I have the materials since I'm an alchemist, too. Let's get to work!"

She started going around smoothing surfaces and opening ventilations. Acles didn't follow her in. He went around to scout the area for local wildlife and dangers as well as gathering materials for potion-making and alchemy. He doubted he could substitute them for YGGDRASIL's recipe, but that was no problem. He had the greatest alchemist in the world as his Young Miss. She should be able to solve the problem with ease.

Interaction: HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest
Fabian Dul'aan

Fabian was pleased with the Alchemist's abilities to mold earth and stone, as the the floor of the cavern became perfectly level. Grabbing another large gem, he began to set to work creating more light in their to be new home. [Create Item: Crystal Lamp]. Upon completion, he held once more a fist sized, brightly glowing ruby. Setting the newly created lamp down, he set to work turning larger clusters into light sources, pushing back the darkness and gloom of the cavern. The veins of iron glittering in the pale red hue of the lamps. Traveling deeper, he manage to find clusters of Blue Corundum, more commonly known as Sapphire. Collecting a few samples, he once more set to work lighting up the dark, now with a pale blue light instead of the red hue of the ruby. That badger sure knew how to pick a cavern, as the walls and roof glittered with ore and gems.

Feeling the cavern was adequately lit, Fabian decided to begin collecting the most basic of materials. Wood. Stepping out into the cloudless daylight, he drew Mauler, and wordlessly made his way over to a stand of trees. squeezing the trigger on the autoblade, the weapon now turned tool, revved up before carving it's way into the thick trunk of the tree, it's Celestial Uranium teeth chewing through the bark and wood like an earth chainsaw. It wasn't long before the tree was felled, when Fabain set to work on the next. This went on for twenty or so minutes, before he decided he had enough trees. With but a thought, and a flexing of his skill, he began to turn the felled trees into cut, and sanded lumber. A large stacked pile of boards, pegs, and beams sat before him. Now the actual work was to begin.

Damafaud Damafaud
Near Azerlisia Mountains

"Fu, do you see what I see..."
"I see what you see, Lu..."

"Such beauty!" The orc exclaimed. Through his and even the eyes of the trolls, Sweater looked like the perfect woman: green, bald, a little slimey, with a buxom chest and round belly. And yet, what their hand reached for were the dumplings created by the angel . Their aroma, the texture, the spices and not to mention the quality of the finely prepared meat within. Simply delightful.

"It is beyond words."
"I am crying, Lu."
"Not on my dumpling, Fu."

Everyone was happily eating the dumplings of Mache. While the adventures managed to untangle themselves. Sweater's charisma had an almost hypnotic effect on them, and yet...

"I-is that near her a six-winged angel?"
"Amazing!" The woman exclaimed as she took a bite of the dumpling. Wheather Sweater of Mache was amazing was not distinguishable.


The druid woke up to the smell of the dumplings and layed his eyes on the charismatic woman and the cute angel chef. "Ah, I see. I must have died." Death smelled strangely like home cooking.

Man, this almost makes one forget these creepy trolls and the ogre with his goblin army tried to brutally murder us.

As if!

Ace Cream Ace Cream PlusUltra PlusUltra Glassred Glassred
Fabian Dul'aan and Alishia

  • Room by room Alishia went in, smoothed the walls, floor, and ceiling, before making holes for ventilation. They were shaped with a shade so as to not create obvious holes on the ground outside. The war badger had created two floors worth of a cavern system, to her surprise. There were more than enough rooms for all of them, and more for expansion if needed later.

    “Hey, Fabian! I’ll take a room for an alchemy workshop and a room for me!” She shouted over the chainsaw noise after she was done inside. “And another room for alchemy storage!”

    “Fine by me. Just leave me a space for a forge and foundry.”
    The half Golem replied as he began to heft several of the thicker looking beams he had created with the lumber.

    “That will be the large room, then! Acles! Where are you!?”
    No need to shout, Young Miss.

    The automaton appeared out of nowhere, startling her. At other time, she would continue to berate him, but she didn’t have time. “Never mind that! Can you draw a map of the cave? We need to start assigning rooms so we can start making furniture.”

    He had actually returned to drop the herbs and animal carcasses, but he complied and went to draw on a piece of leather. He worked swiftly. Alishia started labelling rooms- “Wait, where did you even find a pencil around here?!”

    Acles smiled and rubbed his chin. The gesture was charming, but it only pissed Alishia off. She wanted an answer.

    “Furniture is the least of our worries. We need to begin producing materials as soon as possible. I would like to get as many golems created soon. More bodies to help build up this place and better defend it.”
    Fabian interjected, before disappearing inside the mouth of their subterranean dwelling.

    “That’s not really a concern,” Alishia waved his worry aside. “I have a special ability to procure materials. Just tell me what materials you need and I can make some… don’t expect prismatic ore or something divine class, though. It’s too inefficient.”

    There was a clatter of wood on stone as Fabian dropped off the beams before once more emerging from the cave. “Let me guess, Transmutation?” He asked, raising a brow, before returning to the lumber pile to gather more.

    “Yup! The game calls it synthesis, though. It’s more correct since I can turn few into many and many into few.” She cupped her hand over the glowing ruby from before. With the activation of her [Quintessential Synthesis], the precious stone shimmered as its light turned blue. The ruby turned into a diamond. It shimmered once again before showering to the floor as chunks of gold ores. Alishia collected them and returned them to the ruby, though the light magic on it had disappeared.

    Fabian looked upon the disenchanted piece of red corundum appraisingly. “Could prove extremely useful. Will still need a forge and foundry to purify and make the material a higher quality.” He replied with a grunt as he hefted more of the lumber. “Now, if I had some more organic components, I could create artificial lifeforms. Not quite Homunculi, but far better in my opinion. The problem is, unlike Golems, they’re required to eat, sleep, etcetera.” He explained, once more making a trip inside.

    “Ah, yes, artificial lifeforms.” Nope. She was totally unfazed by the fact they could create life now. Wait, she actually felt unfazed. Alishia frowned at the disjoint in her own response.

    “Yup, I’m on the cusp of godhood!” He laughed jokingly as he once more dropped the lumber into a pile.

    “I can’t complain since I can turn lead into gold for real now,” Alisha pouted. “Can you use any materials for making the lifeforms? I’ll need to convert these materials into YGGDRASIL materials since some of these weren’t in YGGDRASIL and I don’t know if I can use the same recipe for them.”

    Standing in the entrance, Fabian pondered this. “I could possibly use some of the rare metals I keep on me, along with sacrificing some experience to do it. But I’m not sure how the newborn would react to the stimulus of the outside.” He said, stroking his beard in contemplation. “It would be best to get a lab up and running first. Don’t need any new lifeforms running amok and no way to restrain them outside of outright killing it. This world creates too many variables.”

    “Are you sure you want to sacrifice your experience?”
    Alishia frowned. “Acles, what’s the strength of monsters around here?”

    “I have met no strong monsters so far in this area.”

    “Well maybe they are concentrated in another location, but we still don’t know how difficult it is to gain experience in this new world.”

    “I’m already max level, and have an abundance of extra experience. In fact, if I were to use up all of it, the being would probably reach level fifty. Not to mention, I’ve gained a bit already from creating the lamps and the lumber. I’m a crafter first, and a fighter second.”
    He explained crossing his arms over his chest. “Of course, I have no idea the exchange rate of experience to levels in this world, so the being could be more powerful, or less.”

    Alishia pursed her lips. She still wanted to err on the more cautious side, but they do need the rarer materials. Her MP wasn’t limitless and she couldn’t spend all day converting materials. “Well, if that’s fine with you. I bring a portable alchemy set since I often need to craft on the way, so I’ll be making MP potions first. We’ll need them.”

    “Fine by me. Now enough with flapping our gums. We have a home to finish and furnish.”
    He said with a tone of finality, as he sent himself to work once more. They had a lot of cave to make cozy.

    “Yeah, yeah, Acles, herbs. I need to synthesize Life Leaf for MP potions.” Alishia headed into the cave. She needed somewhere to put her alchemy set down before starting her work.

Collaboration: HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest
Finding himself back on his feet, Adonai figured he ought to investigate what his guild mates were up to before heading towards the city. Most of the sounds happening below had subsided by now, but he remembered their general direction. With it in mind, he turned to descend the peak which offered him his current vantage, deciding to go about it by testing one of his racial features at the same time. Focusing as much as he could, he attempted to submerge into solid matter, an attempt met with success as his feet sunk beneath snow and stone. Nodding to himself, the ghost roughly estimated the distance to the base of the peak, before simply no-clipping into the ground like an NPC in the eighty-ninth re-release of Skyrim.

He re-emerged again some five meters away from the anticipated ground, jumping this remaining stretch to the flapping of his overcoat. Upon landing, he found himself close-by to the former battlefield, though still out of sight. Apparently, the others have already dealt with the situation, given the words which were flying around. A pacified enemy represented perfection in the search for information, so information would have to be gathered.

「Meld with daylight」

The spirit became entirely invisible to the naked eye, approaching closer to the scene. Given his incorporeal nature, no footsteps resounded behind him either. As he finally laid eyes upon who they were dealing with, Adonai's mouth quickly curled into a bemused grin. Seriously? He thought. Three shitty adventurers, an ogre, two trolls and some goblins? When next entering the visible spectrum once more, he had climbed atop the ogre's shoulders, sitting cross-legged and smug faced. Wearing a Ring of Amplify Noise, he clapped loudly to garner attention.

"Hey there, clowns. Now that we have an entire circus assembled, how about a performance?" His tone seeped with jeering mockery, he clearly believed himself to be untouchable at the moment. For some reason, upon seeing this assembly of low-level monsters known from YGGDRASIL, together with those who failed to defeat them, he couldn't resist but to take this level of approach. "Amuse us by telling a story, hm? Where are we? What is that city touched by the forest? Who rules it and how?"

"Don't be shy now. Bad things tend to happen to those who hesitate, if you didn't know." The power tripping poltergeist ended his inquiry by way of taunting chuckle, looking over the group slowly, one by one. He was prepared in case any of the monsters attempted to retaliate against him, by mere virtue of his existence. Being what he was, any attacks from such goons were sure to phase right through him.

Mache nodded in satisfaction as the adventurers and the monsters were enjoying the cooking. It felts very different, in Yggdrasil neither the NPCs or the mobs were this expressive. It's almost like they have a life of their own and Mache could feel the joy they feel when eating the foods she made, and it made her happy. Was this how her mother had felts whenever her dad praise the food she made? Wonderful.

Adonai then arrived and demanded answer about their surrounding environment. Mache didn't think that far but it was good questions so she sat down to listen to the answer while taking a bite from one of her dumpling, which she was still amazed by how good it was. Without realizing it, Mache already ate a dozen of the dumplings before the answer even started, and she didn't show any sign of stopping soon.

Azure Sky Azure Sky Glassred Glassred PlusUltra PlusUltra
Ace Cream Ace Cream Glassred Glassred Azure Sky Azure Sky (Open)
Location: Azerlisia Mountains Base

Sweater remains standing in silence for a few moments, looking down with a faint smile motionless as she observes the looks of admiration. One thing was certain, these were not simple NPC's given the reactions were far more realistic and a distinct lack of floating hearts or overexaggerated gestures more looney tunes than real life. After several moments she tilts her head ever so slightly and goes to slip down to the ground below, the slow fall still in effect "One would take such words as an affirmation of my simple request, that is fortunate, as is your appreciation of the succor provided".

After taking a few steps further she gestures back to Mache herself "Though it would be unbecoming if introductions were not performed now hostilities have abated, his noble presence is a devout guardian of my personage, Mache...." Sweater paused for a moment attempting to think of a more elaborate title, NPC angels did normally have such to make them sound far grander but Mache herself was lacking such at the moment "Audito Temperantia, Mache of the Sweeter Touch" Fancy Latin always did help, when in doubt write it in Latin and people will think its more important. Gesturing her hand to herself after this she proceeds in her introduction "As for myself, this humble traveler is known as Saint Sweater, Lady of Perpetual Exemption, Flower of the Harvest...." she could have gone on for a while, and perhaps would have if not for the sudden interruption of Adonai along with a minor twitch to her eye.

Sighing to herself slightly she works to regain her composure once more to gesture to the ghost "And this Adonai, a wayward spirit who has yet to find rest and salvation. While I would have stated his request slightly more politely he does inquire as to aid we ourselves are seeking. Haven journeyed far from a distant land we find ourselves, strangers, for the moment, requiring guidance that we may perhaps better offer further aid and elevate those in need." Best handle this as best she can, the question was good but going straight for the threats really didn't suit her, people were more likely to do something stupid when fearful than fulfilled after all. Though the sudden appearance of the ghost also raised the question of the Spider who had thrust her literally into this situation, likely watching from a tree or dancing around somewhere close by, for now, casting out their little webs.

While she awaited their response Sweater was trying to think through the next steps and put everything in order, Once they knew where they were they could establish themselves....sure if her skills were still functioning she could quickly construct an enchanted territory with accommodations but doing so in a city was far more worth the efforts. A bit of showing off, a large number of resources and people to help them figure things out and admire the efforts she puts in, also helping ingratiate the current party to their way of life. If they played their cards right the lap of luxury was on the table, along with helping all the downtrodden in the area.....wait what?. Shaking her head she takes not of the random thoughts drifting into her mind now and again, probably just the stress of the sudden change anyway.
A ragtag group formed from a dragonoid, a half-dragonoid, a half-orc and a humanoid descendant of the djinn, saw something interesting. For the first time since their ususal journeys through the forrest, they discovered a new cave!

"Whoo ho! Do you smell that fellas?" The half-orc asked.
"I do not like where this is going..." the purple-skinned man said.
"Yeah, I expected as much." the half-dragonoid female affirmed.
"This area has been peaceful for a while. What is the worst that can happen?"


And so, they casually entered the cave that Alishia and Fabian created.

"This is a very bad idea."

Meanwhile, near the Azerlisia Mountains...

"This little girl just insulted us, Fu."
"I did not even see the shorty until she opened her mouth, Lu."


The trolls would have felt offended if they knew what a circus, or a clown was. They could feel Adonai was very arrogant and demeaning, but the food was too good and the troll woman (Sweater) too beautiful, for them to care that much. Simpletons indeed.

"Some humans are really touched in the head sometimes." The ogre said as he ate another dumpling. "But, whatever, as I make the gorgeous woman my mistress and keep the winged woman as a slave, you will be kept for a while as a pet, until I feed you to my children as an apetizer. Hahaha." He was in a good mood. "Since you will live in torment anyway, might as well help you in your ignorance." The ogre explained that they were near E-Rantel, capital of the Re-Estize Kingdom, a humanoid establishment. "It is a shame you won't get to see it though." with that said, the ogre sat down cross-legged and continued to eat happily together with the goblins and the two trolls.

"Uh... These people are without a doubt not normal."
"Yes, I can feel it."
"Ah, you guys went to the afterlife too."

The humans were now a few meters away, observing the scene as they each ate the godly dumplings by the Angel. At least the half-elf and the female knight were baffled at the behaviour of the monsters. They also wanted to try and leave, but Sweater's aura was too captivating. Except the druid. He was still in a daze.

Meanwhile, at Harvest...

Ignis considered his subordinate's words carefully. Indeed, he acted on an impulse. That was not like him. Maybe because he wanted it to be real so much. That one of his guildmates had returned. That he was not left alone in the New World. But it could have been a trap. And those who could have tried to lay it... existed, as much as he wished they didn't.

[Message: Lord Ignis. Strawberry speaking.]
[Message: Yes, Strawberry, I am listening.]
[Message: I have just received a report of ...]


Ignis frowned. Then we went after Helleborus.

"You do have a point." He took out three Oscar-looking statues from his inventory: one of bronze, one of silver, and one of gold. "Something urgent came up, but... Have these as a precaution." He handed them over to the NPC. "The bronze one will counter anti-teleportation measures. The silver one will teleport you to the guild. The golden one, should the other two's activation be interrupted, is for bringing me there. Use them immediately if you feel any danger." With that Ignis left somewhere else. While at times simingly tumultuous and impulsive, he was not a fool.

PlusUltra PlusUltra Glassred Glassred Ace Cream Ace Cream Damafaud Damafaud HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest

Flying unseen overhead, Alma circled, her dark scales making her seem higher up than she actually was. The warm currents of air felt wonderful under her membranous wings as she soared over her new home. But her enjoyment was soon cut short, as she spied a small mixed group of what seemed to be adventurers. Concerned filled her, as she watched them entered the cave that lead to her master and home. Keeping her mental voice calm, she quickly contacted her master mind to mind. "Master, four trespassers have entered our sanctuary. Should I Alert Stanley?" She queried, as she descended.

"No my love, I will take care of it. Been a while since I cracked some skulls." Fabian replied telepathically.


Fabian Dul'aan

The sound of metal ringing, and hammer upon the anvil filled the forge and corridor as Fabian worked upon a plate of Enchanted Steel. He was off in his own little world when his thoughts were interrupted by his Familiar Alma, alerting him of a small group of adventurers trespassing upon his and Alishia's new home. Grumbling about having to stop his work, he set the glowing steel aside to cool, before grabbing a heavy set of tongs and a glowing orange ingot from the forge. Keeping a tight grip on the tongs, he made his way over to the stairwell leading up to the surface, standing just out of sight.

The sounds of their chatter became louder and louder as the group descended. Oh, were they in for a nasty surprise. As the half-orc stepped off onto the landing, Fabian swung the glowing hot ingot, smacking the boy in the face. The smell of cooked flesh, and hot metal filled the air, followed by the half-breed's screams of agony, followed by Fabian's bellowing roar. "Get the fuck out of my home!" Before kicking over the Dragonoid, raising the ingot and tongs to strike, bits of the half-orc's face smoldering on the glowing hot metal.

Azure Sky Azure Sky Damafaud Damafaud

"Humanoid settlement? Nice! Ignis might be there so we should check it." Mache said enthusiastly. She ignored the ogre's remark about making her a slave and treated it like flavor text sprouted by NPC. Yes, she still thought of all this experience as being trapped inside the game. Also, she already ate more than half of the dumpling pile that she put down, that's more than the amount of dumplings eaten by the ogre, trolls and goblins combined.

Azure Sky Azure Sky PlusUltra PlusUltra Glassred Glassred
  • 48aff4ce2633153c1d3b918dd8580255.jpg
    Helleborus' eyes gleamed as she was presented with the three statues. To be bestowed upon such valuable items seemed like the highest of honours, plus they represented her freedom to go on her own as she desired. Wrapping the trio of sculpts in a piece of velvet, she clapped her hands and bowed. "Thanks, really! I'll be sure to take good care of them, swear it on my pride as a bussinesswoman!" After expressing her gratitude, the human-looking rakshasa tied the precious package at the end of her rifle, making it take the appearance of a traveler's bindle. Before leaving for good, she shouted something back towards the door of her shop, receiving a reply shortly in the form of loud shuffling.

    Satisfied, she set on the winding road. Using Fly, she anticipated the journey to take only a few minutes, especially granted the high-tier enchantments at her disposal. At the same time, she wanted to mentally prepare before possibly facing Adonai, and so she decided to spend the first half of travel on foot. The possibility of being pranked unfortunately still crept at the back of her mind, thawing away at her hope of a reunion. Ultimately, she wouldn't be dissuaded by such dark thoughts, for even in the scenario of a false alarm it remained necessary to rendezvous with the target.

    Humming a silent melody, Helleborus advanced ever onward, if slightly anxiously.

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Be Friendly to Guests!

The sound of glass clinking against the hardwood of the table filled the alchemy workshop. She was Alishia, a master alchemist. Batch after batch of materials changed under her hands into potions. Red, beautiful, Medium HP Potions stacked high on the floor. She hadn't cleared her inventory yet. This mindless kind of work left her bored. Her mind started to wander to some irrelevant thoughts. Like how she would rate Fabian on a scale of one to ten in hotness.

Her sharp ears twitched. Chatters echoed from the hall. The brows on her clean face furrowed. She didn't recognise those voices. Trespasser? Well, they didn't have time to make a door yet, so it was not unexpected. Alishia equipped her Green Lord Staff. She needed to ward them off. Nice and gently. From experience (webnovels and webcomics she read), having a bad first impression was the gateway to a lot of annoyance in the future. Be gentle yet firm, show power without being domineering.

"Get the fuck out of my home!" And she walked in on Fabian smouldering someone's face with a piping hot iron.

Her eyes twitched. "[Barrier]!"

Fabian's kick landed on a solid magic shield. The low tier spell [Barrier] absorbed damage to a certain extent, enough to stop a kick. Another spell flowed out without delay, [Forest Bind] that wrapped all four intruders in solid tree trunks to their necks. High Elf Alishia had the composure her human counterpart did not. Without missing a beat, she ranted at Fabian without a delay.

"Can't you ask them before attacking out of nowhere?!" [Greater Mass Slow] "Why do you even need to smack the guy with your iron? Is that cool to you?!" [Greater Mass Weak] "They are the first guest, invited or not here, so don't start attacking out of anywhere!" [Greater Mass Blind] "You might be fine with it but I don't want to be known as some demon, you hear?!" [Greater Mass Immobilize]

All the while she talked, Alishia intermittently cast debuff spells on the poor adventurers. She glared at Fabian, but her staff smacked the adventurers over and over like she was trying to turn them into vegetables. She huffed at the end and turned to her captives.

"Listen, I don't know why you enter our base, but it's probably because you thought this place is empty and just a cave and it's partially our fault for not putting up signs or doors yet, but you still trespass so you are still to blame for getting him mad. So I forgive you for trespassing, you forgive him for attacking, okay?"

A thought suddenly flashed through Alishia's mind. In the game, they didn't need to worry about how the HP Potion healed people, but they didn't know how the potions healed people here. Could they fix wounds immediately? Grow limbs? Renew scars? She wasn't going to start experimenting on humans, but a victim with a burn injury was standing right in front of her!

"Hm... let me fix that eye too so it doesn't scar." Hiding a smile, Alishia pulled out a bottle of the HP Potion she just made and poured it over the half-orc's wound.

Interaction: HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Azure Sky Azure Sky
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A Traveler's Job is to Travel

Acles was away when their base faced the intruders. To be exact, he traced their path back from their arrival in this world, hoping to meet the herbalist once more. His database, with over one million unique items, was rendered helpless in this new world. Apart from familiar minerals, all animals and plants he met so far had a slight difference to them from what he knew. The difference meant nothing in daily life, but his master was an alchemist. Whether a flower bloomed in the morning or noon made a difference. He could not be so complacent and relied on his master's ability to convert ingredients.

He continued to walk, using his [Terrain Map] and [Area Scan] as he went at a high speed. If he could find the herbalist, it was his luck. If not, he would map larger areas than before. His trip would not be useless.

Interaction: Azure Sky Azure Sky
Ace Cream Ace Cream Glassred Glassred Azure Sky Azure Sky (Open)
Location: Azerlisia Mountains

Extending her fan Sweater raises it to her head, concealing the palm across her face at the words at the scene now playing out. The ogre was practically suicidal at this point and likely beyond saving overall so she should perhaps focus her attention on the Adventurers as that would be more likely to be successful. Sure they could just fully assert dominance over the crowd but for now, it seemed a poor course of action and unnecessary, worst of all the maintenance she was simply not up for at the moment with all the other stresses. "My Sweet Angel speaks wisely, this settlement would be of aid to us, perhaps you could even be as kind as to elaborate further on the travel?"

She had been two steps towards the Adventurers before the fear spell flooded over the area, likely only going to worsen the situation but it did at least remove the monstrous races from the equation...as well as provide an interesting opportunity to further sway the attitudes of them. A few more steps to go to interpose herself and raise the fan in a bright glow of light, a large illuminated symbol in the air before her casting a holy light over the humans behind her. "[Courage of the Devout!] The power of Sweater compels you, Sanctification of the Darkness, Becalm your vengeful spirit into the calm embrace of holy light, let the conflagration subside" the spell mainly simply removal of fear and fortification buff, sure it was only low level but the benefit of such scaling to the caster's level did render it highly effective for its current purpose. Taking a long sigh she turns to the people "I do apologize, the spirit can be quite the handful and responsibility, though please settle your heart, The journey has been arduous and even the unliving can become weary from extended trials and tribulations" moving into the middle of the group she casually runs a hand along the head of the bear "We would be grateful if you show the way, It does appear your quest has come to its conclusion after all so a more comfortable environment would be preferable im sure?"
Terrible Ideas Have Grave Consequences- The Cave [Alishia & Fabian]


The half-orc grovelled in pain as he screamed his heart out. The pain was unbearable.

"You bastard!" The half-dragonoid woman's eyes lit up as she unsheathed her sword. The male dragonoid summoned orbs of fire and the djinn descendant tried to get his fallen team mate away from the wierd and dangerous bearded man.

Then Alishia appeared. With her superior magic, the rest of the group would find it impossible to move. After listening to what she had to say and seeing her heal the half-orc, the hald-dragonoid and the dragonoid calmed down.

"I- We are sorry for traspassing. We thought it was just a dungeon. We meant no harm. Also, thank you for being understanding" The djinn descendant spoke. He could tell, from the power of the magic, that Alishia was on a completely different league compared to their group. The other two party members felt so too. They needed to tread lightly. On the other hand, the half-orc...

"Wha- " his eyes sparkled as he approached Alishia. "A red potion! That's awesome! This is the stuff of legends! Where did you get it? Or did you create it yourself?" He asked enthusiastically.

Aron, you bloody moron...

"Please excuse Aron's poor manners."
"Aron, please don't be a pain... let's go."

"B-but..." Aron looked at them with puppy-dog eyes.

This bastard is gonna bring as all to the grave.

"Aron, it is quite clear we traspassed on someone else's property. You were in a dire situation a few moments ago because of it. Please do not annoy them further." The male dragonoid spoke. Aron became disheartened.
Ergo- A Cautious Slime

With the radar-like sense of his race, Ergo could feel someone was approaching him again. As a slime, unless he activated his special item that gave him human-like sight, he merely had a passive blindsight. He could distinguish the shape. The man aiding the elven woman, huh...

[Woodland stride]

As his job classes where related to nature, Ergo had a skill that let him swiftly move within it. He moved up a tree and waited until Acles arrived in the area, activating his eyes while at it. The coins he received from Fabian made it clear they hailed from the world of Yiggdrasil like himself. That made him more wary. He was not about to tell them that they shared a home world though.

"Quite intriguing. Did not expect you to return." He said.

Towards E-Rantel

"A demon lord, Fu!"
"Run like a djungarian hamster, Lu!"

The trolls were quite quick on their feet, despite their size. Not as much as the goblins, though. The monstruous form of Adonai and the terryfing aura he released shook all of them to their core, including the adventurers, initially. Luckly, Sweater's high level buffs managed to calm them down.

"A-are you gods? Like th-" the half-elf couldn't help but ask.
"Flynn!" The female knight interjected. "You did save our lives. We are very grateful." She couldn't look them in the eye. Their presence, be it the angelic aura of Mache, the sheer charisma of Sweater, or the ominous presence of Adonai, the female knight could not withstand their greatness. Yet she felt strangely calm... was it the magic of one of them? So powerful that it countered the fear bordering on insanity that Adonai unleashed moments prior. Flynn simply nodded and the druid bowed in respect. "We will guide you to E-Rantel." And so they did. After a while of walking the city was in sight.


"W-we are almost there." Flynn said.

"Flynn, Patricia, Ragnor. You didn't die a horrible death? Color me impressed."

A man in ragged clothes approached them rather confidently.


A normal person would not be able to see he had black sclerae and a ghostly skeleton on his shoulder.

"Now is not the time for your antics Hex. We have important people to guide." Patricia replied on a vexed tone.

"Ah, my apologies then. I'll leave you to it." he said, with a smirk. Don't let me keep you then. With that said, he simply layed down under the shade of a tree and looked at the sky.

I swear, this guy...

Ace Cream Ace Cream PlusUltra PlusUltra Glassred Glassred Damafaud Damafaud HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest
Fabain Dul'aan

After being scolded by his new roommate and partner, Fabian actually felt chastened by her words. Seeing the Half-orc boy less crispy, and rather excited, he decided this group would make excellent minions. A small smirk graced his bearded visage before turning into a scowl as he eyed their gear. He wouldn't even equip his least favorite golem in such trash.

"By the gods!, What in the hells are you even equipped with?! Wait, don't even answer that, I already know. Complete shit that is!" He exclaimed, offended by the mere presence of the terrible gear. "You lot better follow me to the forge. Anything i make will be 100 times more superior than that garbage." He added, taking the half-dragonoid's blade and simply crushing it in his left prosthetic hand as if it were mere tin. "And that armor.... Wouldn't even stop my Mauler from turning you into mulch!" Fabian added as he turned to lead them down to the forge.

As the group entered, they were greeted with the sight of not an ordinary blacksmith's forge. Pipes, and machines littered the room, all having a different purpose that none of the newcomers could even guess at. Making his way towards a shelf covered in ingots of all types, some never even seen in the new world, Fabian grabbed several black ones, one that was green in colour like his left arm, before stuffing them into a different furnace. After a half minute, the half-golem pulled out one of the black ingots with a set of tongs and brought it to a large anvil before hefting a massive hammer. To the surprise of everyone not familiar with Celene, the adventurers would watch in astonishment as the massive hammer pounded the ingot into shape in a matter of seconds. [Forge Weapon], [Create Runes: Life Drain, Necrosis]. After a few more minutes the blade was complete, even going so far as to inlay a few rubies that glowed with an inner light.

Leaving it on the worktable, he went to work on a set of heavy plate made of the same black metal. "You probably never even seen, nor heard of Beliat alloy before." He grumbled as he began to forge weld and shape most of the black ingots into a rough breastplate.


An hour had just about passed, and Fabian finished with the last piece of armour, a set of Adamask light plate, the green alloy a distinct offset to the black Beliat. "Well now, don't just stand there with your teeth in your mouths, try them on!" He barked as he went back to work on his previous project, sticking the Enchanted steel plate back in the forge.

Runed Beliat Longsword of the Vampire: Enchanted weapon, Enchantments; Life Drain, Necrosis

Runed Beliat Plate of the Juggernaut: Runed, Enchantment; Enhanced strength, greater mobility

Runed Adamask Light Plate of Blade Turning: Runed, Enchantment; 60% chance to deflect an enemy attack, 20% chance to reflect damage back onto the enemy

The last item he had made was for the Half-orc boy. It was a made from a crystalline blue metal, in the form of a mask. Weather it was part of Fabian's sick sense of humor, or just inspiration, it was clear the item was masterwork quality at the least.

Armoured Mithril Mask of Fear: Runed, Enchanted; Aura of dread: enemies are effected by the spell Fear V.

Azure Sky Azure Sky Damafaud Damafaud
Last edited:
Hello, New Little Friends

The apology placated Alishia easy enough, but the half-orc's reaction was what made her day. Red potions? The stuff of legends? Her elegant face carved on a look of puzzlement. She took a different tone altogether. "Get? No high alchemists worth their salt will 'get' basic potions like this from someone else. What kind of rural area did we land on?"

Alishia was rejoicing inside and partying like mad. A cheat! A cheat! She knew it! There was no way she would be transmigrated without a cheat! Her level 100 character was way overpowered than most normal people in this world! She could slap an army silly! She was almighty! Her livelihood was guaranteed!

"It's fine, it's fine. It's not like I wasn't a risk-taking adventurer in the heyday of my youth. And this maniac here was a scarier one."
She put on a gentle smile. "Well, trespassers or not, you are still our first guests for a very long time- what year is it now? Anyway, you're our first guests so let me give you a tour around. It's not like Fabian will let you leave before he finishes making you proper pieces of equipment, so you might as well entertain me a bit while I make more potions or you can stay and watch him work. Oh, I'm Alishia, by the way."

She knew exactly what Fabian was thinking. They were new here, so they needed locals to show them around. What better way to establish a friendly relationship than to bribery and showing off their superiority at the same time?

So, while Fabian was working at the forge, Alishia showed the adventurers around their under-construction base. It was nothing great since Stanley had just made the room, but Alishia took the chance to demonstrate her amazing magical power by using [Twin Maximize Widen Magic: Flatten Terrain] to smooth out the surfaces of every room at the same time.

Once that done, she took them to her lab. it was still mostly empty, apart from the blue MP potions lining up her shelves, the table with her alchemy and potioneering tools, and dozens of 'legendary' HP potions piling on one corner. Alishia praised her past self inwardly for that nonchalant showing off gesture.

Following that, she put on a show of casting many useless but flashy skills on her crafting table and let them witness the amazing process of brewing a legendary potion! And of course, to end her performance on a high note, "A failure. You can have it."

She casually threw it to the group. "It'll still work, but it will be bitter and not sweet like it's supposed to. Let's go back to the forge. Fabian should be almost done."

They returned to the forge just when Fabian was done. Alishia's brows furrowed when she saw the final results. She hoped he didn't use anything too rare or expensive. That would take a long time to restock.

Interaction: HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Azure Sky Azure Sky
A Traveler's Job is to Travel

The movement of a high-level being did not escape his attention. Acles headed to the area, increasing his speed in fear of the entity running. Fortunately, it was not so. He found the same herbalist standing upon a tree branch, watching him. He showed his empty hands and smiled.

"A return is needed when we need to make an offer. We know nothing of this continent, and this has left my mistress out of her depth with the local materials... would you be willing to exchange information regarding the local biomes with rare materials? I guarantee you cannot find them anywhere else."

A high-level herbalist certainly would be a walking encyclopedia for exactly what they lacked. YGGDRASIL's materials were rare, but his young miss could always make more of it.
Interaction: Azure Sky Azure Sky
  • spooki.png
    Adonai turned to Sweater with an annoyed look on his face. As she delivered her speech, he almost felt like intervening were it not for his slowly increasing indifference. The adventurers were calm now, at the least. With a resigned sigh, he rolled his piercing eyes and let his arms fall to his side. He couldn't deny that they had successfully acquired three tour guides and discovered a funny tidbit, namely the fact that even a simple Fear-inducing spell could be seen as "godly" in the eyes of these people. That offered some insight into the average standard of power in the surrounding vicinity, though it didn't rule out a much higher one somewhere or the other.

    Soldierly marching at a leisurely pace, the ghost kept to the back of the party. He attempted hard to take in the scenery and enjoy it, but it still seemed to simply blend together meaninglessly like a monochrome canvas. Briefly, he remembered the tiny satisfaction he had gained from mimicking an officer speaking over the radio, wondering whether such things were the only ones capable of momentarily lifting his curse. Maybe finding Helleborus, he pondered, could achieve it to a longer and greater extent. Why he thought this exactly, he wasn't sure himself at the time.

    A few moments before the encounter with the blue-haired stranger, Adonai walked up next to Sweater, talking in a mildly hushed tone. "You're trying very hard to put up a front here, but I don't think I get it. We're practically gods, if that slip-up is to be believed. Why become some angel escorted excorcist from afar? Are you planning to establish yourself here? That facade will definitely crack one day." He crossed his arms, maintaining side-glance eye contact. The act seemed not only pointless, but honestly frivolous.

    Passing by the brief encounter with Vex, he didn't speak again until they had approached close to E-Rantel's gates. Looming over them mightily, the city's walls came somewhat close to giving the impression of adept defense. Someone other than the poltergeist might've found them intimidating, instead of looking upon them as less than a roadblock should they ever cross his way. Before breaking his silence, Adonai suddenly stopped on the path, taking a look around. "My stop is here. I've arranged for an important meeting, so we'll meet again when it's over. I'll probably just send a Message or something." Without bothering to say farewell, he nonchalantly cut down the nearest tree at its base with one swift motion of his hand. Using the remaining stump as a seat, he began waiting for his "sister" to show.

Mache followed suit alongside the others. As the Harvest trio and their guides aporoaching the humanoid settlement, Adonai spoke with a hushed tone to Sweater, asking about her actions before. Mache didn't say anything but let out a brief chuckle at the question. For her the answer for that was a simple one, roleplaying. Mache was not much of a roleplayer but she also likes to play along with whatever shenanigans others were setting. That's one of the fun source of Yggdrasil!

On the way they met a rather peculiar man. Mache immediately recognized the man as a variant of an immortal human which briefly made her hope that this man was another player like them, but their guides seemed to be acquintaned with him so he's probably just another NPC. Too bad, but Mache's attention was still drawn to the thing perched on the man's shoulder.

"Nice halloween-themed pet you have there!" She waved at the man as they kept their pace to the city's entrance. She might not looks like it, but Mache had a taste for darker aesthethic. Hence why she choose a class that can summon demon and most of the guild NPCs she created were somewhat demonic in apppearance.

Finally arrived at their destination, she nodded at Adonai as he choose to wait for someone there. It made Mache curious of who was he going to meet since as far as she knew they haven't meet anyone other than the adventurers and monsters on the mountain, but she respected his privacy.

"Horay, city! It looks more amazing this close!" Mache stared enthusiastly while poking the wall in several places. She absorbed the rough texture into her mind, it felts so real. Her mother used to tell her about how her birthplace was barricaded and cremated because it apparently became a ground zero for a viral outbreak. Ah, yes, mother. MacheRuth said some pretty mean words to her this morning. She should apology for it later... Mache shook her head and tried to distract herself by asking the NPCs a question.

"So what can you tell me about the most unique thing in E-Rantel? Good food? Monument? Tourist spot?"

Azure Sky Azure Sky Glassred Glassred PlusUltra PlusUltra
Ergo- A Cautious Slime

The man got down from the tree, but still stayed at a proper 2-metere distance from Acles. He wanted to trade, huh? Ergo didn't know what to think. He remembered some of Ignis's teachings. About offers, how to detect those that were fake, how to determine those with strings attached, how to determine those which are genuine. The slime did a bit of critical thinking. Acles did not have the ability to force him into a contract. Nobody else but the two of them were there, else Ergo would have sensed it. Invisibility meant nothing to someone with blindsense. Unless, of course, they had perfect invisibility, with no presence, or sound, be it from an item or skill... However...

[Soul of the Forest]

As long as he was in a forest, Ergo could detect anything within it.

Nothing unusual, it seems.

With that out of the way, rare materials were always welcome.

"Very well. I am willing to trade." With that in thought he took out a tome of sorts. It was his third notebook. The first, given to him by Ignis, had information on all the known plants of Yiggdrasil. The second contained an in-depth analysis by Ergo on all the plants he discovered in the New World, any similarities they may have with Yiggdrasil ones, as well as research on combining them for potions. The third notebook, was a gift from a New World herbalist. It simply contained information on all the known plants in a number of regional forrests. To Ergo's surprise, it did not contain any information he did not already know, but he kept it out of courtesy. That third notebook was the one he'd use for trading with Acles. If his mistress was as capable as her atendee made her out to be, she should have no problems arriving to her own conclusions. It was not necessary to give them more information than they asked for.

Another teaching of Ignis: gain as much as you can, while investing the least possible.

Damafaud Damafaud
Ace Cream Ace Cream Glassred Glassred Azure Sky Azure Sky (Open)
Location: E-Rantel

Giving a faint wave farewell to the retreating green skins, she folds her fan up once more, crossing her arms yet leaving one raised to settle the item beneath her chin while looking on at the escorts. "It is only natural to seek to preserve life is it not? I task myself with the shepherding of those with purity within, to bathe those I can in light and wash away the shadow" a warm smile across her lips as she continues her regal procession to the new settlement.

Along the way, she notices Adonai approach but doesn't particularly turn her attention to him as she listens simply extending her fan slightly to conceal her mouth somewhat, slowing her pace to fall back slightly. "A front? Why my dear Adonai-Kun you wound me so, To smother others with kindness and let them bask within the beauty I've been cursed with is all I am attempting to do. Though I do suppose that if your given scenario did have any merit....it would be simply no? you attract more bees with honey than vinegar no matter how powerful the latter, and having a lovely little hive can bring back all sorts of benefits be they treats, whispers or more. There also lays the possibility that a return is not possible so should we not try to establish a quaint little home with all the lovely amenities". giggling faintly to herself she snaps the fan shut "Or if you're more for Poker, you don't show your cards until you need to, especially when you're still waiting for the flop" she does however give them a curious look at the mention of the meeting, had they somehow found another player and not mentioned it? or was this something else like one of the NPC's?....well in any case she would find out later, for now, there was the city to focus on.

Once upon the doorstep of the city, she could take in a few more of its features, while perhaps not a high-level settlement it was certainly on the bigger side scale-wise, along the lines of a quest hub though with a distinct lack of exclamation marks flooding the map. The new arrival however did get her attention, definitely a step above the other adventurers but seemed to be familiar with them. She did have a name and the confident demeanor was worth investigating, though rather than play her hand outright it was likely best to gather some more information first. "That was certainly an interesting fellow, a peculiar light to them. Are they a long acquaintance of yours?...oh and yes as dear Mache asked, the wonders of this vast city could do with tour guides, lest we fall into trouble or become lost among its many streets"
The Craftsmen Who Awe and The Newbie Adventurers

The dragonoid, half-dragonoid, and djinn-born were quite reluctant at first. The man who hit Aron was quite hostile at the begining, followed by insulting their gear, followed by asking them to come to his forge so he could create something better. Was it his way of showing remorse for hitting Aron? It would have been great for them to get some actually useful gear, but...

The elven lady then chimmed in. She reassured them they were once inexperienced, risk-taking adventurers as well, and that they would be treated as guests. She also offered to give a tour and the alternative of watching her work, instead of Fabian, while the latter would work on the items. So his name was Fabian, huh? And her name was Alishia. Not common names to the area, that is for sure.

"We get to watch you work? That's absolutely rad!" Aron was very enthusiastic as usual. The rest of the group sighed. He was always like that. After discussing it among themselves, they decided two people would watch Fabian. those being Zenryu the dragonoid and Fiona the half-dragonoid, while the other two followed Alishia. The djinn-born's name was Zefir.

And what could both groups say? They were simply lost for words, for different reasons. Zenryu and Fiona were left in awe at the rare materials and expertise Fabian displayed. The way he carefully crafted each component was truly the work of a master, and the strength with which he hit the hot metal every time reverberated through their bodies. Was the man a legendary blacksmith? They had never seen anything like him or his forge before. As for the other two...


Aron was absolutely stunned by Alishia's ability to manipulate the terrain to her liking. Zefir was lost for words. What was that catalogued as? 5th? 6th tier? That was already at the level of a legendary hero. And she did it without breaking a sweat! These last few years had quite a few people like that appear, but he didn't expect he'd be born in an era where he could witness such might firsthand. He heard rumors of some powerful individuals in each nearby kingdom, but never had he seen them in action. He didn't even know what they looked like.

Yet the cherry on the cake came later, as Alishia demonstrated her superior magical brewing skills, obtaining a high-level potion she deemed... a failure. A potion of such might, a failure? She even game it to them as a gift. That was insane. It was simply unreal. The greatest sages, alchemists, and herbalists would have spent lifetimes perfecting potions that were not even worth a tenth of this one potion Alishia saw as expendable.

Who are these people really?

Aron and Zefir did not expect what happened next. Not one bit...

Fabian had finished crafting the items. Zenryu and Fiona, who stayed to watch him were still in disbelief.

"Wow, those items look amazing. Such fine craft."
"T-that's not all, Aron."
"Wha- really?"
"Yes. T-they are enchanted."

Aron thought he didn't hear right as he presented each member of the group with one piece of gear. His hands were shaking as he held the metal mask.

"C-... can we really take these?" His eyes were so bright. "I - we... what could we possibly give in return?"

HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Damafaud Damafaud

The Craftsmen That Inspire Servitude and The Newbie Adventurers

The adventurers were both relieved and a bit worried when Adonai said he had someone to meet near the city. They didn't dare question his decision though. Both the angel and the charismatic woman seemed to be intrigued by Hex, for some reason. As they came to the entrance of the city Mache and Sweater began inquiring about various aspects of E-Rantel, as well as the odd fellow known only as Hex by the people of the capital. Sweater also asked if the adventurers could be their guide for a while longer.

"We would be honoured to assist you!" the female knight known as Patricia replied vigurously. "As for Hex, yes, we've known him for a while. But there's not much to say. He's an oddball. Always walking down the streets be it day, or night. Always in ragged clothes. Never seemes to sleep, and yet never seems to tire. Constantly says ominous things. Constantly gets on the nerve of many people. Always lazing around. Seriously, what a waste of a handsome... Guh. Ahem. Please excuse me, great ones. I was going off on a tangent..." she blushed in embarassment.

"Handsome, huh?" The druid smirked. The half-elf was unusually serious.

Chet, I am more handsome than that guy...

"Returning to your previous questions, great ones, we will try to answer them to the best of our ability. But first, I officially welcome you to E-Rantel."


The group explained to the best of their ability about the cuisine, the various festivities, sports, entertainment, and particularities of E-Rantel, but it all boiled down to: the one with enough gold has the opportunity to enjoy them to their fullest. As always, quality of life depended on income. They walked for a while until they reached the Adventurer's Guild HQ.

"Ah, we subconsciously walked straight here..." they said in unison.

PlusUltra PlusUltra Ace Cream Ace Cream Glassred Glassred

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