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One Time Luck
I want to suggest this idea I have and I'm looking for 3 other writers to help me with it.

My prompt would be this one :
Its an AU where Hydra created human beings from Bucky and Steve's DNA. Only 2 subjects survived. Twins that they never even bothered to name. The avengers Just raided the base they were kept in and both kids managed to escape without the avengers knowing. The two kids can be as old as you want and have any traits that you want. Their special ability can be whatever you choose.

Bucky has been back with the avengers for about a year and he's still in recovery from the trauma. His memories aren't fully back but he has most of them. Him and Steve kind of dance around each other but aren't together (yet). Both of them have absolutely no clue about the kids.

So I would be playing Bucky, every other character is available. I'm really open to adapt to whatever, I only have a trigger for rape. Also open to 18+ content as long as it doesn't involve the kids.

So yeah that's it. Thank you!
I am down to play one of the kids he would be 18 and his names Jaxon

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