NITRO Circus (Live)

The guys all were down at this point and some got back up and ran away from where they were.As the guy was still messing around with Josey,the drug had wore off enough for him to kick the guy in the private area and crawl away a little.The guy pulled on Josey's leg"Where you going?"he asked as he laughed and took something out of his pocket then drugged Josey again. Josey coughed and returned back to the state he was in not noticing that he drugged him harder than before. Josey's heart was pumping fast as he started to sweat and giggle at the same.The guy turned around as he heard someone running towards him"Well we meet again."the blonde haired,blacken eyed,boy said."I hope you don't mind me taking your precious boyfriend away from you huh?Come on you wouldn't think that you would have him all to yourself huh?Haha sharing is caring."the male said as he took out a knife and got read for Axel to come towards him.Helpless Josey wasn't able to even move let alone help his boyfriend at this point.
Axel saw the knife make a deadly sort of gleam off in the faded light of the moon, but he was glad the attention was off Josey and now on him, he stopped his charge stopping a few feet in front of guy, Axel eyes widened when he recognized the dude finally, the blond from the beach, the one he wanted to light on fire.....dam he should have! "You are some obsessed pervert freak! Of course I can have him all to my self," His fist balled back up, Axel felt the weigh of the ring on his finger as her narrowed his eyes that were dark like storm clouds, he started running again planning to attack but watching the hand with the knife, "Don't you know? Three is a crowd so get lost!" Axel throws a punch at the blond than fakes out and aims a kick towards his stomach hoping the impact will cause him to drop the knife.
Viola stepped out of the shower, mowing the boys weren't home yet. The two groups that they had been fighting speared between them when Vi told Josey and Axel to go home. She knew that 2 on 2 they could more than handle themselves, and she also knew that the 4 she had taken on where knocked out cold for the next little while. The bruises had

Formed all over her, completely black and blue. There were splotches all over her chest and thighs, obvious hand prints. There was a blob on her neck from two hands, and her entire stomach was cut up and bruised. Her cheek was cut and her lip split. Viola didn't care though. She knew the boys who came after her were hurt much worse than she was.

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
(Ok Umm Zombie xDD....The fight started when they were at home m'am....And Josey is drugged...not hurt...but,drugged.So it's really i 1 on 1 fight.Also if you're already at home..why would you take the man's bike?To ride two inches to the door?)
(I'm on my phone, so the posts were totally out of order xD sorry! I was totally confused on where it was all at.)

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
The male smiled at Axel as he got into position to actually cut the guy.The guys laughed"Well sometimes you can't have your way boy."he said with a assuring smile then looked at the ring which sparkled in the moonlight"A ring?Haha this makes this all the more fun."he said in conclusion as he watched Axel's movements."Why?I just got started."he said spoke in response and was about to charge at Axel until Axel did so to him right in the other eye.He tried to cut Axel but,only managed to cut his shirt as he fell to the ground and the knife went flying out of his hand.
After the action, Axel stumbled back a bit as the blond fell to the ground, he stumbled back because one, his kick had one heck of a bounce back, but two, he was going for the knife. Scooping it up blade first, Axel turned and flung it into the ocean with a splash. Panting slightly, Axel moved his feet apart and bent his arms at the elbows, he was not as good as Josey with fighting, but he was no pushover, "You see, I am not some punk loser who needs a knife to win my fights that's just to pathetic! And news flash boozo! I know I don't get my own way, but Josey wants me too, so its cool how that works." Axel's eyes were on Josey still laying on the ground, but he needed to knock this guy out first, moving forward, he seemed as if he was going to jump over the blondie, but he turned ramming his knees into the males leg and pinned his arm along his back, "Plus fire is more my style to bad I have no matches. Just remember, Josey is mine why don't you go suck the c*cks of your buddies or at least take a nap you **** pevert *****!" With that said Axel swung back his arm and rammed his fist back into the males head, hoping to knock him out. Ahhh! god my f*cking hannnndddd
Josey was still down on the ground with the drug taking full affect and putting him to sleep.The boy laid down on the ground and tried to reach for the weapon but,Axel beat him to it and flung it into the ocean.The boy sighed and coughed a little then held his stomach.He listened to the words that Axel said.When he approached him he made a "oof" sound once Axel took another shot to his leg.He looked away while Axel pinned him down and tried kicking to boy but,failed.Once Axel punched him in the face,he gained a major headache but,not enough to knock him out.He pushed Axel off of him and took off faster than lightening.
Axel grunted as he was shoved off onto his back and watched the guy fly off. He had no thoughts of going after he, picking himself up, he ran a few feet only to drop back down next to Josey, his josey out like a light, shirtless, but stubbron pants be stubbron, "Josey.." his whispered cuffing his face to move it from the side towards him, leaning down, he rested his ear against his chest, a sigh came out he was only asleep "Okay here we go, one, two, three." Axel lifted josey up by swinging his arm over his shoulder and gripping his pants belt to help hold him up, "Okay tiger, lets get you inside." His voice was warm loving but coated with worry as he moved slowly but steadily towards the door, getting it open he called out,"Vi! Vi! You here!" He managed to lie Josey on the nearby couch.

Viola ran down the stairs, hair still soaking wet and shirt still just hung around her neck. "How bad is it?" She asked, smoothing back his hair to scan his head for any lacerations. She wasn't sure if Axel would be okay with her sewing him up here on the couch, but she had to ATLEAST check for internal bleeding and dialation at this point.

Grabbing her keys she used a small flashlight to check his eyes, lifting up his lids briefly for each. Then she made sure he wasn't in risk of choking on his own tongue. Lifting up his shirt, she poked his stomach for herniations or bloating, finding none, it was just a matter of figuring out what needed to be sown and what didn't.

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
Not playing much mind to Vi's appearance because one she was like an extremely close cousin to him and two his eyes were on Josey, "I don't think he is physically hurt, but Vi, they drugged him and were about too..." Ax clinched his fist, "I dunno what the the drug did to him and his might be re-injured and......" Oh F*ck!!! Viola!!! Your everything!!! Sh*t!!!" Axel hopped up to his feet in alarm he was clearly surprised because he did not use her nickname, "Y-y-your the one that needs medical attention."
"I'm fine. I've been hurt worse in fights. Plus this is my second fight today. Just go get my box of meds for me. It should have a couple syringes."

Viola got up and walked into the back room, and got a small covered crate. Inside was a small albino snake.

"The venom can tell me a lot about what's in his blood an how bad it is. I'll just take some, put it in a collection vial, and then add some venom. There's a chemical reaction unique to it all. Depending on the reaction I'll give him the proper counter reaction drug or forcibly empty his stomach."

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
Axel opened his mouth to protest against Vi's nonchalant attitude towards all her cuts and bruises even whine at her for not being careful even though she never said she would be....but he shut it again and only nodded at the instruction, it would be pointless....he knew Vi would be okay, but a frown stayed in his not liking the condition I mean what friend would? Rushing up the stairs he tiptoed quietly into the year older girls room swiping the med kit quickly only stopping to view the sleeping Liz frown growing deeper, he knew his sister from another mister would not handle Vi's state as well as he did. Closing the door softly he hopped two or three steps back down, and knelt back down in front of Josey just as Vi brought the snake out explaining what it was for, "Your lucky I trust you so much or else I would have said h*ll no and called the hospital by now." Axel gave a weak chuckle and opened the kit taking out a syringe.

"You know that if I didn't think it was safe, I'd do it purely out of fear of what you'd do to me for hurting your boy here." Vi said.

Taking the syringe, she used her shirt to tie up right above his elbow, then used the syringe to take blood from the artery on the inside of his elbow. The blood was darker and thicker, but filled the syringe smoothly and without clumps. That was a good sign atleast. Taking her snake, she edged it on to bite a pill bottle that's too was covered with Saran Wrap. Slowly the venom dropped into the bottom, next the blood was to be added.

Swirling around the dark red mixture in the cup, Viola finally raised it to the light to examine. It had clotted up, with very little bubbles. It looked like a giant piece of red jello to be honest, but with the texture of cranberry sauce. This was a great sign, for it showed the blood was normal. It was darker though, show definitely had something in him.

"He's okay. Just a sedative they gave him. Probably by injection. Hell wake up, but will no doubt be scared and confused. Please keep calm when he does wake up, or it'll just make it worse for him."
Axel watched Vi with advite attention and with a bit of interest as the snake venom mixed with the blood, he watched it react before a flow of relief went through him, he leaned over, kissing his slumbering face, "You are going to be okay." He whispered than nodded to Viola's words looking back up, "Gotcha, I will keep it cool and calm, promise." He gave her a light smile, "Thanks lot, you sure you don't want some help with your battle scars?" Axel eyes trailed along her stomach, "And...Vi? Did they....they do anything to you?" His eyes gazed serious into her face as his teeth gashed together.

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Vi smiled, sitting down and slumping against the couch. She was tired and sore but with Axels question she wasn't sure what to answer with.

"I don't know. Everything's numb. My shirt was gone when I woke but nothing else. They were all knocked out anyways. It probably just got ripped." She said coldly. Viola couldn't care less what happened to her at this point as long as Liz didn't find out.

"Don't tell Liz. Please. She's already freaked out enough by the fight I got into earlier. Please. I'll tell her I messed up practicing my stunts."
Josey blinked his eyes open and looked around;everything was blurry and he didn't know where he was right now.He jumped up from his spot and scooted to himself then got up and tripped but,landed on his bottom and slid further away from the two bodies he did see.His arm was bleeding for some reason but,he held the spot where it was bleeding at."W-where am i?"his voice was shaking and very weak at this point but,he saw that his shirt was off and his pants where unzipped half way"What did you do to me?"he asked more stern like as he backed way up against the wall which was far away from the people he saw."F**k"he said as he shoulder gave him massive pain when he turned himself.Well his vision was blurry,he didn't know where he was,and there were two people in the room with him,not a good sign,at least that's what he thought.
"Josey Hun? It's just me and Axel. It's okay. It's okay." She said, standing up, holding holding her hands out a little bit infront of her chest.

"You're okay alright? You're going to be very confused and tired but I promise you you're okay."

Viola was scared to anger him, so for the mean time he just tried her best to calm him down.
Axel let himself feel relief to Vi's answer about the fight, he frowned when she asked him not to tell Liz, "Of course not...but you better be a good convincer...there was never a time I could get away with lying to her, and you are her lover." He warned before jumping in surprise at Josey's awakening.

"J-" He spoke out his breath catching in his throat as he watched his boyfriend react the pain, the fear, it tore his heart up, but he swallowed harshly making his face mantian calm, "Josey love, its Vi and I, you are no longer in danger, okay, I promise, its okay now, your safe."
Josey squinted his eyes to see better but,it really didn't help much.All he knew right now is that they were coming closer to him and as they did he moved back further"H-how do i know that for sure?"he asked as he began to stand up and steady himself."A-and why am I bleeding?Why is my vision blurry?Most importantly why is my shirt off and my pants halfway zipped down?"he asked a ton of questions at the same time because,obviously,he wanted to know and wanted answers now.
"You know Axels voice. My bright blue hair. You can see the colour at least love. Josey honey, I had to take some blood to make sure you were okay. I was just about to bandage you up."

Viola decided it would be best if Axel told Josey what had happened, he had the right to. Vi pushed the thought out of her mind of explaining why her inner thighs were bruised as well to Liz as she realised that Josey wasn't calming down as she had hoped.

"Someone gave you some medicine that made you hurt okay? Your vision will be fine soon. I promise okay?
Axel blinked slowly as Josey still panicked, Axel wanted to hold Josey in his arms, but knew not too when he was so freaked, "Josey love, its me Axel I promise...your birthday is tomorrow, you told me we would go hang in Alaska together, I spilled the beans to your mom about you being gay..." He was listing off things only he would know, not the brightest things, but things. Finally he took off his ring and rolled it over so that it stopped at Josey finger, "Its me, I promise, and I will tell you wht happened, just calm down a bit and let Vi patch up your arm, please?"
Josey listened to the other two people talk to him soothing like Maybe they are telling the truth...but,still wish I could see he thought.He turned hsi head to Axel who was now talking to him as well. Josey watched a small object roll over to him,he picked it up slowly with his bloody hand,from his arm,and felt around at it.He felt the engraved words at the bottom."Axel..."he said softly as he began to calm down and started to walk towards him hoping his instincts were right.He felt Axel's hair and face then kissed his lips and pulled back then smiled."It's you..."he said."I know this because you got my birthday wrong again."he giggled softly"It's today silly."he said.He then walked over to the girl that was standing beside his boyfriend."Vi..."he said.He ruffled the blue haired girl's hair and gave her a kiss on the cheek then hugged her as well.He quickly put his hand back on his arm and felt around for the couch then sat down on it
Axel watch Josey get up and words of protest caught his throat to stay still as lips pressed against his, as Josey moved away with a soft smile correcting him on his birthday again, Axel blushed lightly, "Right today." As Josey sat, Axel was on his other side taking his unjired arm and hugging it lightly, welll he had promised, and Josey needed to know, "You remember that blond from the beach? The one I punched out, he was a litttle dipsh*t p*ssy and got his friends to TRY and gang r@pe you...but Vi and I sent them running, before any touching happened." axel shut his eyes as hot fury roared up from his stomach that he was trying to control, but what they almost managed to do, what they Did do to Vi...what that would do to made him so furious!
Viola was honestly thankful for Josey's vision being blurred. She didn't want him seeing what she was covered in.

"Is there anything you want me to get you? You're heads probably going to be throbbing for a while."

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