NITRO Circus (Live)

“Psh!” Axel let out the noise at being called adorable as he shook his head slightly. A relief went through him as Josey did cut out the puppy dog face of his, it was really more fun if Axel could surprise him. As Josey put his hands in lovely places, Axel tangled one of his in the truffles of dark chocolate hair and the other went down his boyfriends back than to squeeze along his @ss.

(( Hey Forgo, I keep forgetting to tell you how much I LOVE your siggy Marshall Lee!!! <3))
~Fading to black~

Josey pulled himself out of Axel and panted as he kissed Axel's already marked neck softly then rolled over and put Axel on top of him.He smiled softly and ran his fingers through his own hair then cuddled Axel who was on top of him"I love you."he said while breathing heavily.He grabbed the hand where he put the ring he gave his boyfriend and interlocked his hand with it then kissed the ring and smiled.
Axel let little puffs of air go and as Josey rolled underneath now, Axel leaned down to press sweet kisses along a face, "I love you too only more." He chimed back back kissing Josey in between each word. Settling on the older male so that his head nestled under Josey chin he fingered his little love bit marks, "We should go as vampires for Halloween." He randomly proposed the idea with a soft smile, his eyes took sight other ring as he smiled, "I think I really do get most of those love songs I hated so much, your intoxicating." Axel nuzzled his nose into Josey's collarbone as if to prove this.
Josey giggled as Axel kissed him and said some words in return to his.He pushed his own chin up so Axel can fit perfectly under it and then started to slow his breathing down a bit. Josey giggled at the suggestion of Halloween"I was going to be a stripper."he said and chuckled"But,ok sure!Vampire sounds great."he said already getting the idea in his head of what he would wear.He smirked at what Josey said"So i'm your drug yeah?"he said and giggled"Drugs are bad for you."he told him.
Axel was comfortable in his lovers grip and on his warm body, "You can be a vampire stripper, I bet that has never been done before," Axel suggest out before giggling at the picture in his mind it was pretty dang hot! "Not all drugs are baddd, there are good drugs like you, and yes, I am addicted and have no plans of going to rehab."
Josey laughed"Well hm...i'll think about that one."he said with a smile as he traced Axel's spine softly.He sighed softly and ruffled Axel's hair then did a half smile."How do you know i'm not a bad drug?"he asked him as he laid Axel down beside him then sat up and ran his hand through his own hair then stretched."Well i'm going to take a shower...maybe go out tonight.I don't know yet but,not feeling like staying inside today."Take a shower with me?"he asked as he stood up off of the bed and walked out of the room then into the bathroom seeing if Axel would follow him.Before getting into the shower Josey poked at the bandage that was on his shoulder.He inched a little when he poked the spot that hurt the worst but,shook it off.He was tempted to take it off and tried to but,failed"Ergh.."he said as he began to pull at it.
"Think long and hard and how sexy it would be." Axel advised with a smirk a good feeling of shivers went down his spine with Josey's touch, Axel tilted his head back and laughed scrambling off the bed after Josey does, "Yes~! Of course I do, but I dunno how clean we will get...." He said in a joke before stripping off his shirt, "And yes you are the type of drug that gets a person going, good for the heart." He smiled cutely gray eyes soft as he said this before they filled with a bit of worry, "Going out to where?" He asked curiously eyes on Josey shoulder for just a split second.
Josey laughed at Axel's comment and continued to pulled at the bandages on his shoulder.He smirked at him being a good type of drug as he looked at himself in the mirror then at Axel who just stepped in front of it"Don't worry about it..."he said to him."It's nothing extreme or anything..."he said with a shrug then walked over to the shower and turned the water on then got in."Besides...I need a little break from everything."he added with a sigh of relief as the water poured down on him.
Axel climbed in after Josey shuffling closer to the male so that he could feel more of the steamy water as Josey finished talking the male bobbed his head in agreement, "I get that completely." He empathized eagerly not wanting Jose to think he was trying to be a nagging Nancy or anything, it was just that everything that happen must have been terrifying to his boyfriend, but it was also scary to watch for him, one of the main reasons why the red head snuggled in this room last night. Leaning a little up, Axel pressed a trail of light soft kisses on Josey neck, before resting his forehead against his lovers back, letting gray eyes come to a light close, he just let the water tumble down on him.
Josey smirked when Axel entered and responded to what he said.He straightened up his back a little when Axel laid his head on him.He smiled softly when he felt soft lips touch him then turned around and placed his hands on Axel's hips"Don't worry babe.I'll be back before you know it."he said with a soft smile and kissed Axel deeply then released and turned back around then began to wash up.
Axel kissed Josey even wetter lips from the water a soft smile climbing on his face, "I know you be, I trust you." The words came out sincere because he did. Depite the annoying yet playful teasing of flirting that sent Ax into a huffing bull of a rage, he did trust Josey even before the ring, Axel started to clean himself off too, "Let me get your back." He offered already doing the action though being careful of the tender healing shoulder. "hmm, I think I will practice a bit while your out, maybe play final fantsy." Axel thoought outloud making his own plans.
Josey smiled"I trust you to...."he said as he kept the smile on his face.He did trust Axel even before they were together.Actually he trusted everyone in their little group and they never fail to make that statement of his wrong.He nodded when Axel offered to get the back of him and laughed a little"If you're going to use the Xbox don't use my controller!It's my favorite one."he said with a pout then chuckled a little.Yeah it was valuable to him but,Axel could use it if he wanted to,after all he was just joking. Josey turned around and spun Axel around so he could see only his back.He cleaned off Axel's back and bit his lip softly as he didn't hesitate to give Axel a slap on the bottom and chuckle.He grabbed his personal bottle of shampoo and put it in his hair thoroughly then rinsed it out."Ehh i look so ugly with my hair like this.."he stated as he ruffled his flat down hair which was normally all up and curly.
Axel could not help, but tease even if Josey was joking, "Oh, I would not think to touching your precious controller," An eye roll followed as he let out a gasp as Josey spun him around to was his back, "mmm" he mumbled as the soapy water went along his back, it felt really nice that is in till Josey broke his little peace, "Ngh, ow! Hey!" He turned back to face his lover, "I think you gave me enough marks already I dont need your handprint too." Before a soft smile lifted the protesting pout, "You don't look ugly, just a bit different not in a bad way." Axel reached out stealing some shampoo that sat on top of his brown head rubbing into his red one that just stuck for to his face when it was wet, not looking much different.
Josey giggled then smirked"Well it's not like you haven't played with it before."he said.He chuckled"Don't pretend you don't like it,Axel"he said with a smile."Well..I am ugly like this."He said and was about to wash the soap out of his hair until Axel grabbed some from off of his hair and placed it on top of his own.He giggled and rubbed it into Axel's hair more and made a new hairstyle with it"Haha..perfect."he said.He wiped the soap that was about to fall in Axel's face away then turned around and washed his hair.He stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel then wrapped it around his waist and walked back into his room.After putting on his underclothing he put on some black ripped jeans,a sleeves white band T which had sleeping with sirens on it,white and black vans,and his black leather jacket.He walked over to his dressers and grabbed his cologne then sprayed it lightly on himself."Alright babe.Im going now.."he told Axel."Be good while I'm gone."he said as he grabbed his string backpack and put it on his back then grabbed his phone and put it in his back pocket.He walked back into the bathroom,dried his hair,fixed it up,which took a long time,then smiled at the results.He threw on his black and white SnapBack and walked downstairs.
Axel let a pout slid on his lips, “No I don’t!” He protested before rinsing his head under the water and turning it off before stepping out, he watched Josey get dressed as he slowly dried off taking his sweet time, he knew Josey was like a girl when it came to his hair, “You want a ribbon with that hairdo?” Teased the red head but took his place in front the mirror, “Hey sometime will you fix up my hair how you did it in the shower? It seemed cool like that…” Axel trotted after him only in boxers down the steps an oncoming look in his gray eyes, “Okay, be safe.” He stood though, waiting expectantly for more than just a goodbye at least this time, usually he would be okay with a goodbye, but boyfriend out of hospital still clung fast to his brain Axel, not realizing it moved closer at the call of the older males cologne filled his nostrils.
Josey smiled when he saw Axel come out"Pfft...maybe i do want a ribbon."he said and laughed a little"I'll try to rock a bandana on my head.Hmm maybe tomorrow and i'll be glad to do your hair for you!"he said happily as he grabbed a snack from the kitchen counter then grabbed his car keys hoping that it would be easier to drive with his injury instead of the motorcycle. Josey ran up to Axel and kissed him deeply on the lips"Love you."he said and then went out the front door and closed it back then walked over to his car,got in,and drove off.He grabbed his sunglasses and put them on then drove to where he was going first.
Axel felt the smile pop on his lips as he ran a hand through his drying red locks, "Sweet looking forward to it, you would look good rocking a-hey what about cowboys for halloween? Sexy cowboys?" He cut off having a random thought before the smile beamed wider as Axel kissed back, "Bai! Seeya later!" He blew a kiss watching the car drive off before sighing a bit yet smiling, Josey knew what he was doing besides, this was his hometown, he was well known. Smiling lightly, he went to turn the Xbox on purposely grabbing Josey's prized controller.

((we are the only ones still rping here xD ))
Josey road through the town a bit before actually going to the place he planned on goign to;a skating ring!He parked his car outside of the place then went inside.He paid for his way in then slipped on his skates and began to skate around trying a few moves here and there that he watched Axel do.He was pretty good on skates but,Axel was a higher rank on it then he skated around a few time and giggled when he saw a few people fall down.He skated off the floor and onto the rug then into the food court where he bought something to eat and drink.He took a little break to have lunch and looked through his phone a bit not hesitated to play Candy Crush the first time he saw it come up.
(Hey guys!!! Sorry I've been gone. I thought I had posted but when I went to go back and check it on the computer apparently the taptatalk app didn't post it? I got the update so it should be good now though. Once again I'm super sorry for the absence.!)

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.

~A Couple Hours Later~

(Morning time..Dark outside.Way over the time Josey was suppose to be back)

Three a.m."Damn it."Josey said as he raced back home.He didn't know that the movie would take that long to finish up so he could get out of there.He parked his car into the drive way and was about to go inside when someone stepped in front on him "Um...."he said as he blinked at the person who could hardly be seen since it was dark outside and the only light on was the ones on the house and the street light. Josey turned around and saw that there were more of them coming up to him;he coughed."What is this?"he asked."Well hey there cutie.."someone said but,the voice was oddly familiar.It was the same guy who flirted with him and how'd he know this?Because the black eye was still there from when Axel punched him"Wha-Hey!"he was cut off from when someone slapped him on the bottom."Oh just relax hun. We're not going to hurt you..."they said then drugged Josey.Josey started to giggle oddly because of the drug and they all laughed evilly as they began to undress him;he was about to get raped...gang raped and Josey was to drugged to stop it.
Axel after spending the day practicing some skating moves and a few things with his second love, fire he retired to video gaming only to get mad at the part he kept dying at to shut off the game and stomp off with a huff. Now late into the night he could just not sleep so he retreated to where he always went, the roof. Laying up there his shirtless back against the tiles he drifted off. still pretty wiped form his restless sleep last night. Axel was having one of those dreams where he knew he was dreaming....but weird voices invaded, one of them sounded familiar as if he knew it...but in his sleep haze could not pinpoint it, something about a hey hun or something than there was a sound, a sound that no dream could mask...a giggle, but not just any giggle, it was odd and misplaced, yet familiar it was enough to register to his brain to wake up.

Axel sat up in a jerk almost falling back down down he sprang up so roughly. "Josey?" He mumbled rubbing at his eyes while shaking his head, he looked around still on the roof, he heard voices not far, always the curious one, Axel crawled to the other side of the roof facing the drive way not the sea, peering down Axel was brought right back into a dream no....nightmare.

His Josey was down there and he was giggling strangely and shadows were around him laughing and jeering, it was hard to see, it was dark and for a moment, Axel scrambled back eyes beyond wide thinking he was still dreaming, but than the pumping of his heart would not be so quick would it? For some reason he felt fear and a hot surge to do something, so he did, standing he walked to the edge, and without another thought he jumped off the roof, the same thing Liz and himself stopped Josey from doing, only he must have been thinking a little because instead of jumping straight down he launched himself at a tree being the tight ropest that he was, he managed to land on a branch lower to the ground than he made his jump from there.

This one however, he made for the shadow closest to his lover catching the guy around his neck he brought his knee into his stomach and went down with whoever it was, trying to get up in a haste he voice finally broke out of shock,

The five men were around Josey and awfully close to him as they removed his jacket,shirt,and now they were on his bottoms."Hm...someones been working out."one guy said as they trailed a hand along Josey abs but,it also signaled that they better not let Josey recover from the drug. Josey was completely dazed and didn't know where he was or even his name at this point;he felt dead.Five guys holding onto Josey tightly,so he would stop squirming,Heard a few sounds but,chose to ignore it as they worked on Josey. One guys was taken out but,no one notice until "Josey!"the sound echoed through the night but,Josey didn't respond."Take care of it."one guy said as he held onto Josey and the other ones walked over to Axel "Hmm you're going to be a good one as well."one rudely said as he gave Axel a rapist look. Josey was taken into the back of the house and thrown down on the ground"Damn boy,why are your pants so hard to take off."the guy said as he struggled trying to remove the final pieces of clothing remaining on Josey's body.
Viola went to go find Josey and Axel, only to find them surrounded by a bunch of guys, and Josey half undressed.

"I'm not even gonna ask what happened." She said to Axel before grabbing another one of the guys by the collar and slamming him in the face, effectively knocking the dude out and throwing him into someone else.

"You get little boy blue out of here. I've got this." She said, elbowing another guy in the face as she went to kick one of the boys on the ground, then crouched low enough to avoid a sloppy kick and jump back up, using the trucks of her skateboard to hit the tallest of them on the side of the head as he went for Axel.
Axel got up to his feet as a guy grinned freakily at him, "Go f*ck yourself!" He declared getting in a stance ready to fight even though he was out numbered. As the 5th guy took Josey behind the house, Axel sprang forward, "No!" But was pushed back by two guys, balling up his fist, he aimed at one of them, the man dodged his punch and swung his own, Axel dodged that before the guy got hit with a skateboard. Gasping in surprise, Axel saw Vi as she spoke fighting off the guys, he nodded, "gotcha just be careful..." Racing around the side of the house, Axel only increased his speed as he got closer and closer to the freak standing over his man, not speaking, he picked up his pace throwing back his arm and preparing his leg for a kick ready to do whatever it took to get the prevert off.
"I work for a whole bunch of daredevils! And you except me to be careful?" She laughed, getting hit once in the stomachs before using the hardest part of her shin to hit him hard in the crotch. With him down on the ground puking, she went after the last two. One of them grabbed her arms and pinned her, the other using a nearly by tree limb to hit her stomach. There was a short moment of him grabbing her neck until she passed out, waking up to be missin her shirt but all five of the men had been seemingly knocked out clean. The sun was out now and she was still bleeding from every cut and was covered in bruises. She swiped a shirt off one of the guys and put it on, taking the keys to his motorcycle to get home. There was no doubt Liz would be angry, sad, and freaked out. She parked the bike in the back, and snuck in a quietly as possible to the shower where she just sat, listening to music for a while. Her cuts stung but she knew they had to be cleaned.

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.

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