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Still wishing on dandelions.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Ever Events! Your character receives a letter and a ticket to a luxury resort on an island. Getaway Resort, on an island in the middle of the sea. Your character accepts (Obviously), and is dumped in the middle of the sea on a big ol raft, by the plane, accompanied by their fellow vacationers. As the waves push them to shore, a young woman beckons them to move faster, waving to them from the sandy shores of the beach. "Welcome!" she yelled. "My name is Ever, and I will be your guide on this wonderful vacation!" the island, from what could be seen, was teeming with life, and on the beach was a magnificent building, albeit looking very out-of-place against the lush greenery of the island.



The Mother of the Galaxy




Floating to Shore


[Shown in image]



Rosalina breathed in the salty, fresh air. It had been such a long time since she had gone to Earth, let alone the sea. She looked around at her fellow vacationers, at the island, feeling nothing but pure excitement. Even being dumped on a raft in the middle of the ocean wasn't enough to tarnish her mood.

Her luggage moved, and she looked at it apprehensively. She tapped the person closest to her, a male in green, a friend of hers, Link. "Excuse me, Link, can you be a sweetheart and check my luggage for me? Something moved inside of it..."

β™‘design by stardust galaxy, coded by uxieβ™‘



Onett's Legendary Youth




Floating to Shore


[Shown in image]

Ness was more than excited. He had flaunted his invitation and ticket to his friends, excited to be going on a trip, and by the looks of it, a fancy one as well. He looked around at everyone, and saw more than a few familiar faces. He rummaged around in his backpack and pulled out a sandwich.

The most familiar person closest to him was a dark, red-eyed angel, named Dark Pit. "Heya, Pittoo!" Ness chirped between bites. He held up half of his sandwich to him. "How's it hanging?"

β™‘design by stardust galaxy, coded by uxieβ™‘



The PSI Powered Princess


Confused, angry


Floating to Shore


[Shown in image]



Come on, Kumatora thought. What kind of vacation leaves you stranded in the middle of the goddamn ocean?

Kumatora, in fact, hadn't initially wanted to go. It was Lucas that got the invitation, but since he didn't want to leave Boney behind, he gave the invite to Kuma instead. Squinting at the island, at the lady who was yelling at them from afar, Kumatora had half a mind to PK Teleport out of there.

β™‘design by stardust galaxy, coded by uxieβ™‘



Hylia's Courageous Hero


Fine; puzzled


Floating to Shore


[Shown in image]



Link had been surprised when he had been invited to go to the Getaway Resort, in fact, it was normally Zelda that was invited to go on these sorts of things. But here he was, nonetheless, and he was determined to make his first ever vacation memorable.

"Hmm?" he looked around. A very pretty woman in blue, Rosalina, asked him to check her luggage. He nodded, and stated at the shifting baggage. His brow furrowed, he carefully shifted over to take a look. He was used to finding creatures in the strangest of locations, and this was no exception.

β™‘design by stardust galaxy, coded by uxieβ™‘

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Ace frowns as he stares at his log pose. He's not here for vacation, mostly hunting for Marshall D Teach who was a former crew member of his. Who would go to an island resort on a raft of all things? A ship sounded more reasonable than a raft. White Beard thinks it’s not a good idea for him to go after Teach. White Beard’s reasoning is Teach is a dangerous man and owns one the deadliest devil fruits.

However, Ace had his mind made up and nothing will sway him once he’s determined on something. He can’t let Thatch’s death go in vain anyway. The needles of his log pose pinpointed west which logs the next island. Without a decent plan and means of getting to the island it’s basically suicide. Sighing, he noticed Rosalina and Link probably going on vacation like him, maybe on the same resort.

At least he’s not this time. He made his way over to them. β€œ I hope I’m not interrupting anything?” Ace was a polite young man despite his hot head personality perhaps due to in part his devil fruit which gives him the ability to make fire. The smell of sea salt is not uncommon for him as he’s a pirate. Seafaring adventures go in hand with piracy. He smiled warmly at Rosalina and Link.

Forevermore Forevermore

  • images (1).jpg
    Goldielocks but more of a fighter
    Mood: Surprised, Quite Glad
    Outfit: Look in image
    Location: Floating to Shore

    Yang here was excited, But was totally bummed out by the fact Ruby wasn't able to come with her and it was right before the Vytal tournament! Due for her dad and her friends plus sister telling her she deserves a vacation somewhere, Which she at first objected but due to being urged by everyone to take the vacation, She couldn't complain about it, But Yang just hopes it's good as they say because things are going to start with a Yang! She gazed around happily with her lilac eyes at the other vacationers on this beach, Right just earlier she was dumped from a plane in the middle of taking a nap. Talk about a rude awakening. The Sea breeze blew in her blonde hair as she chuckled it's just that today turns out to be the best day for her right now.

    Mentions/ Tags: N/A
((No macros for now bc on mobile yeet))

Quote sat atop the raft with Curly Brace, content with silently listening to everyone and staying away from the edge of the raft. He knew he couldn't swim, and he wasn't sure if he could make it to shore before drowning if he fell in, so towards the center he stayed. Curly kept him company, happy to have idle conversation with him despite Quote not actually saying much.

Daisuke looked over the edge of the raft into the water. He had heard about a few monsters that lurked in the ocean depths, such as legiacrus, but he wasn't sure if he was prepared to fight one should it show up. He wasn't the strongest swimmer and the raft provided very little room to battle. Especially with his giant Switch Axe strapped to his back. His palamute, Udon, had been brought with him. Elder Fugen had thought it wise to send him on vacation after he defeated magnamalo, despite the Rampage still, well, rampaging. Daisuke hadn't been keen on leaving, not when there was still a risk, but with all the work he put in, and after defeating magnamalo, there wasn't too much to be worried about. Kamura village could handle itself for a while....


Interaction: OPEN

Vitals: 100%

Location: The Raft.
The rain did little to mask the sound of lifting fabric. It had been microseconds since she found herself intercepting the curious invitation, yet it was just enough to let the miscreant behind her raise a wooden bat to the back of her head. With a deep grunt, the world flashed white as a thunderous crack was all that was heard. Grey, white, black... then there was nothing at all. When the world exploded into a kaleidoscope of colors once more, she saw a vibrant blue sky speckled with sheet-white clouds. Then, the sound of water beneath her feet came next. Static noise intercepted the corners of her vision as her HUD readout displayed an initialization reboot. The memory came flooding to the forefront of her mind, and on reflex, her hand snapped to meet the back of her head. The tactile sensors on the fingertips detected nothing. Nothing. It was as if she'd never been struck.

The raft she found herself on was bigger than expected. Spacious and roomy enough for quite a lot of people, yet somehow not a cruise liner or passenger boat. Blinking through the fuzz and shaking her head, she trailed her right hand down from the back of her head toward her midsection- metal on metal confirmed her rifle was still on her. Then, to her right side. Her blade was attached to her hip. How the hell were these not stolen in the attack? The woman grunted as she pushed herself upright into a sitting position. This was beginning to get surreal. Moments ago, she was in San Francisco just about to hunt a contract down- was that the right message she opened? What did she even accept? She looked up and around, and slowly began doing double-takes at the strange assembly of people who had also gathered on the platform. Her irises twisted and shifted as her vision automatically adjusted to the contrast of colors around her, and the world normalized into her focus.

A noise above the uneasy clamor caused her head to look up and over. Clashing against the tinnitus, the voice was... excited? Her name was Ever, she was excited abou... Vacation? The bizarre totality of the situation caused her to quickly drop her head as her shoulders shook with a chuckle. Ever was the one who must have sent the invitation, and in a lapse of judgment, she managed to accept right as she was knocked unconscious. A vacation couldn't hurt any more than that damn bat did, could it? She glanced around at the group of individuals and silently marveled at their appearance. Not a single soul, as far as she could tell, appeared remotely augmented. One was clothed in a beautiful royal dress. Another was a titan of a figure; towering well over eight feet and clad in a reflective suit of knight-like armor. Pondering the logic of how they were all still standing and not capsized would have to wait. For now, she sat and observed the others from her position in the corner of the raft.
Envy didn’t understand the point of going on this vacation; they thought Father’s priorities lied in keeping all eyes on the sacrifices, including the fullmetal runt and his brother. They surmised their Father lost his damn mind for suggesting such an idiotic idea in the first place. They were gathering intel it’s something Envy is known to be good at. They knitted their eyebrows who thought riding on a raft is a great idea anyway? They’d give them a piece of their mind. They have a few choice words but none are good knowing how slick their tongue is. Whatever they’ll live. And with that they walked up the sandy shores noticing someone had washed up ashore. Envy walked over them snickering to themselves. They were uncaring that the other arrived before them, possibly dead. They tried to look for their hotel or somewhere to stay.

(Open for interaction)
Arelson Flynnest Vaux {Calm, Excited}}|| Irene K’ami {Cautious, Content}||Fozeanu K’ami {Relaxed, Happy}
β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”-β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” {Floating to Shore} - Open for Tagging

Life in the city isn’t for everyone, so to speak. Some prefer the rural plains, others like the usual suburbs close by local towns. Then there are certainly unique ways of living, such as truck camping, motorhomes, Off-The-Grid lifestyles.. It was a broad variety. Within the mindscape of one who grew with nature most of his life, a 17 year old male finds that the city life, while truly fascinating with its advancements, just wasn’t for him to truly deem a future home.

The only reason he had traversed upon the city was to legally advance in his education, much to his family’s dismay of not being able to go with him. Safe to say that the day he had to leave, was quite emotional; save for his big sister giving him these tips about β€˜avoiding the undesirables’ as she had written it. He did follow, and frankly, much to his slight surprise, he hadn’t faced many issues at all during his 4 years away. Too bad he couldn’t come during the summer breaks though.. It was over something called a β€˜pandemic’ that he had to stay on campus, and when elaborated more, to avoid getting some sickness called the Coronavirus, or Covid for its shortened term. He learned a lot though, technology, crafting, art, and even things he didn’t know he could do when cooking! He just wanted to bolt out, get home, and share what he had learned to his family right away.. But he couldn’t due to the lockdown thingy.. Boo.. Socially, he was content. Not many people really talked to him, but those who frequently did became good friends, so he didn’t feel alone. Again, he wished he could get them to meet his family too. Years passed, and he grew alongside everyone else, even going beyond just to make them proud.

So, safe to say that when graduation day came, and the ceremony finished, the male kept in touch with his friends, who gave him this long ranged communication device called a phone. Apparently due to his academic drive to success, the faculty had rewarded him for his efforts with 3 letters, each of which talking about an invitation to a resort in another place called the Bermuda Triangle.. From the pictures, it looked phenomenal, and the perfect way to spend time with his family after being gone for so long!

So he said his goodbyes, got contacts, and set off towards home..

And this is where it leads us.. Me, slowly walking down the forested path, flora and fauna every step of the way, and me, soaking it all in once again, for it was my home.. My name, is Arelson Vaux, a 5'1, 17 Year old human male who was raised in one of the many village settlements within the deep welcoming reaches of-

Arelson's inner introduction was then abruptly cut off by a sudden current of wind speeding down the path in front of him, promptly making the young man cover his face with one arm and standing tall in order to not be knocked down. Too bad he would still be, due to the sudden weight of a person crashing into his body.

"Wh-! Oof!"

Thankfully, his backpack and case of other things he had brought back from his stay.. If only he could actually get up were it not for someone's arms wrapping around him. The wind felt highly familiar however, as though it were-

"Waaiit... I've seen that kind of wind ambush before... Irene..!?" His excitement grew as his vision returned, recognizing his big sister.

Irene was huffing, seemingly on the low end of stamina as she looked down upon her brother. She kept silent, albeit her breath lightly shaky. The Kaimatachi wasted no time and kept Arelson hugged up close, nuzzled beneath her chin as her tail wagged fast. After a few more moments of silence, that of which midway Arelson hugged back, she spoke in an uncharacteristic stutter..

"..A-Arlo, Brother.. It certainly.. h-has been long..." She started off, running a hand through his hair like she had always done before..
"H-hey.. Are you alright..?" He caught on quickly, shuffling his body so that they could be eye level with eachother. Unfortunately, before Irene could reply, another presence had been heard approaching..

"Iris, Sister.. You rushed ahead so abruptly! What caused-β€œ

Another tall individual came in a light jog, but this one was someone Arelson knew all too well..

The tall robed lady stopped just before the two, her eyes trailing to who Irene had pinned down, and stayed quiet for two seconds..

And then.. A squeal of pure unadulterated motherly delight.


[{The Nameless Scarab}] - - Confused, Curious - - Floating to Shoreβ€”β€”β€” Open for Interaction

On another area of the forest, there rested a rather large insect donning a metallic shell.. With each breath its jittering form let out small coos, as though it were a child falling asleep just after a nightmare..Then, a flying piece of paper lightly made its way, landing softly on the desk sized insect’s shell..

And then a squeal from somewhere caused it to accidentally summon a fast approaching blue square, which was then slammed upon chaotically by the insect. The rock beneath it blew to smithereens as a small wave of blue energy blasted out from under, also making a tree or two uproot, whoops. The Scarab calmed down when the paper landed smackdab in its face, and in which after prying it off with a small hop, they read it over in curiosity…

Now it found itself sitting on the floor of the raft. To be frank, Scarab didn’t even know what these other creatures were.. yet it somehow understood their means of communicating. Too bad it knew it can’t speak, just come out with chittering noises or the digitalized sounds of its wings briefly fluttering. Though they wondered where that faint voice was coming from, so the Scarab slid over to the side and climbed on up, looking out to the shore in curiosity..


It was after a series of tight hugs, kisses, and numerous questions asked by both Irene and Zeanu that Arelson managed to tell them about the vacation invite. After a bunch of other minutes teaching them some of what he learned out there, the other two got on board with the plan, which brings the three to where they are now:

Arelson got sleepy from the flight, so Fozeanu took it upon herself to watch over the boy as he slept in the raft they were on. The fire wielding Kitsune kept his head comfortably laid on her lap, as Irene willingly gave up her spot for Arelon to lay fully. So now she was sitting on the raft’s floor, preferably next to Arelson instead as she looked over the other individuals, all of which were remarkably unique visually.

β€œBetter hope none of these people think of hurting Brother..”

The Kaimatachi muttered, particularly hiding the slight cold stare she was giving to mostly everyone else on the raft.

β€œDon’t be like that now Iris, he may make new friends.. Us too, you know?”

Fozeanu caught on and softly chastised her sister, running her hand through Arelson’s chocolate locks as she too was observing other individuals on the raft.
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The maiden in black
Location: The old one to the beach

The maiden Saw without sight, the great soul before her and the hungering vortex at its core, the curse from god that was her child. She planned to once again let the old one sleep and she would sleep along side it forever more, as it should be. She had already told the slayer of demons to return to the nexus where they would be free from their imprisonment. The colorless fog would recced and with it the demons and magic that the soul arts allowed. The maiden, the old one, and the soul arts would once more be forgotten and the world would become clear and solid once again. The maiden reached out grasping the tendrils of the old one's soul as it reached out. It was hungry, it was always hungry and only now did it need a new demon, someone willing to give into their greed. The maiden planned to Lull the old one to sleep, what better to soothe a crying upset child than a lullaby from it's mother after all. What she didn't realize as she moved towards the core of the old one was that the slayer was not leaving, they had tasted power and now had a chance for more.

The maiden suddenly felt a pain in her gut, a burning piercing pain she had known in the nexus and before. She had been stabbed. The maiden looked down to her stomach and saw the glowing crystal sword jutting out from her, blood dripping from it. In the nexus the maiden had been killed before, by those angered to far for what had been done to them, and she deserved it for she was the root cause of all their suffer. This time however, she was not in the nexus, she would not get back up when she was so close to the old one, then the magic of the binding was released. The maiden let out a gasp and her hands went to her guts as if to try to stop the bleeding with her hands alone. She could in truth heal herself the soul arts were miracles and she knew them all, she had made most of them. She didn't get the chance as a heavy boot impacted her back and sent her sprawling forward.

The maiden crashed into the water before the soul of the old one and thought she heard something but the sound was distant as if far away. Then she felt it the boot upon her head pushing her further into the muddy water. The maiden might have screamed, or gasped, or squirmed but she didn't have the energy for any of that. Feeling herself fading away The maiden managed to look up the magic wax over one of her eyes cracking enough to let her see with her own eyes for the first time in countless years. The slayer was moving to the old one. The old one cried for a demon to feed it and a new one was born, but this time there would be no mother to sing her child to sleep. Perhaps this was a fitting punishment to know she had caused the end of the world. Now the fog would spread and no one could stop it the world would be erased made into a grey nothing. The maiden felt the last of her strength vanish as her very own soul left her and she would know oblivion.

That was what she expected, to finally be free of her long life and mistakes, to stop existing. What she didn't expect was the cold water to turn warm and the darkness of the old one to be replaced with bright sun. The maiden inhaled and instead of air alone her mouth was flooded with water, salty water. The maiden coughed expelling the water from her lungs as she scrambled to get up. Looking around the maiden didn't know where she was, just that it was not the nexus, or the old one. The wax over her eyes was back and all her bindings remained. The gaping would that should have been in her gut was gone with no evidence it had ever been there.

" Where am i?" The maiden asked herself kneeling the the warm salt water. She looked about and found her staff and grabbed it. Still feeling weak, at least mentally from death she used it to help her get up even as it sank into the sand. Noticing a dock nearby The maiden would head for it as a dock tended to mean people, or at least it could in time. While many things were strange here she doubted that she needed to eat she was after all still a soul stealing demon, she could feel it.

  • Amaterasu Omikami
    The Mythical Sun Deity


    Of course, Amaterasu wouldn't spend her time waiting for the raft to take her to shore. She teleported away as soon as the plane had left them.

    With a faint swish of robes, a beautiful deity appeared next to the young woman, Ever. "Greetings." she said politely. She looked at the small raft that was drifting towards them. "I take it we are waiting for the others?" she pondered aloud.

    She saw a maiden dressed in dark clothing appear in the clear waters of the beach. She strided forward, and stopped. She did not seem mortal. Amaterasu asked tentatively, "Are you alright?"

    Mentions: Forevermore Forevermore Karcen Karcen
    Mood: Cheerful, anxious
    Location: The Beach
Ever's Events! "Sorry you all got ditched by that plane back there!" Ever continued to yell. "It's just dangerous for planes inside the Bermuda Triangle, you know?? Countless planes have broken down here!" she stopped, and turned to look at Amaterasu. "Welcome! I guess you're impatient, huh? Yep, we gotta help them onto shore once they get close enough. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Amaterasu." she sank into a half-bow, smiling in a dorky fashion. She continued to wait on the shore as Ama walked off, waving at the oncoming raft.



The Mother of the Galaxy


Cheerful, nervous


Floating to Shore


[Shown in image]


Rosalina sighed, thankful for Link and his bravery. She shimmied aside a bit so Link could take a look. She hoped it wasn't some monster or something, maybe somehow a Koopa or a Goomba got in there.

"Huh?" Rosalina looked up at Ace. "Uhm, no, we're just checking my bag, there's something moving inside of it..." she returned the smile, her blue eyes twinkling. "I'm Rosalina, and this is my friend Link." she gestured to the young man dressed in green.

β™‘design by stardust galaxy, coded by uxieβ™‘



Onett's Legendary Youth




Floating to Shore


[Shown in image]

Ness laughed at Dark Pit's irritated nature. He hasn't changed a bit since Smash Bros. "How come Pit and Palutena call you Pittoo, then?" he asked, finishing off his part of his sandwich. "Glad to hear it. And come on, I don't use PK Fire that much..." Ness replied defensively.

Ness looked round and saw a little creature make its way over to him. "Hi, nice to meet you." Ness answered, grinning. "I'm Ness, and I'd love to be friends!"

β™‘design by stardust galaxy, coded by uxieβ™‘



The PSI Powered Princess




Floating to Shore


[Shown in image]

Kumatora continued to study the people on the raft with her, and her eyes landed on a girl in varying shades of red violet, sitting nearby. But...she couldn't just be a girl, she had antennas sticking out of her head. Whoever she was, it appeared she was having the time of her life, dipping her hand in and out of the water.

"Nice hair." Kumatora commented, as the girl's hair was pink, like hers, although much darker. "You got a name, Pinky?"

β™‘design by stardust galaxy, coded by uxieβ™‘



Hylia's Courageous Hero




Floating to Shore


[Shown in image]


Link glanced at the man who had spoken to them, and nodded in greeting. He then turned to look back at Rosalina's luggage, which continued to move. A strange twittering sound came from it.

Link carefully and slowly unzipped her bag, ready for something to jump out and attack. Whatever it was, he would be ready to defend Rosalina and everyone else on this raft. He opened the bag, and what came out was not a monster, but a round, yellow, star-like creature.

β™‘design by stardust galaxy, coded by uxieβ™‘


As amber soared through the clouds, she gazed down at the colony of islands below her, floating on the ocean floor. It took ages to get here. Hopefully that letter wasn’t a scam. If it was, she’d burn this place up. Her grey windglider stretched across the sky, unfurling its wings. It flapped twice, before staying straight, its feathers billowing against the wind. Her red bow was flapping along and her hair looked like a bird’s nest. She squinted, as her eyes went glassy from the wind. At last, she arrived. With a small sigh, she dove, spotting the big building and lush green bushes.

she landed, her wings flapping quickly, sand flying everywhere before she stopped, eyes wide. Wow. Where was this place? Walking across, her boots filled with sand and she took her boot off, showering the sand into the ground before seeing a few people. β€œUhm… hello? Where’s this place?” she called, looking around.


the outrider






β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


    Yang Xiao Long
    Goldielocks the Huntress

    Yang sighed a littler , as she looked around at the guests until one caught her eye, it was a man who apparently looked like a hunter she was a little interested in what kind of Academy he trained in and also what kind of team he was in, Because she's just curious because of him wearing armor and his giant Axe and plus his dog, Which reminds her of her dog Zwei only bigger and wearing a cute outfit, Which makes her wonder if he's strong and a dog lover. So striding toward him with a slight grin as she kneels to the dog petting him and looks up at Daisuke.

    "Nice dog you got there, Are you a hunter by the way?"

    Mentions: DovahBeat DovahBeat
Eddie sat in the back of the raft, Steve levitating next to him. He had no luggage, instead reading a guide to the flora and fauna of the island. He wore his usual costume, special ops gear with a tight fitting hood and gas mask. He had packed a watertight suit so that he could enjoy the ocean without egtting teleported to the middle of the antarctic again.

  • Daisuke Ito







    • home (filler tab)

    MH Rise

    Kamura's song of purification summer remix

    Daisuke looked up from the water at Yang's greeting, giving her a grin himself as Udon wagged his curly tail at her happily.
    "Uh, thanks! And yeah, I'm a Hunter. Guess that's pretty obvious, huh? I'm Daisuke, and my Palamute here is Udon." He laughed a bit, turning to face Yang fully. "I'm supposed to be on vacation, though, so hopefully I won't be fighting any monsters. What about you? You a Hunter as well?"

    β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

Robo was sad that its friends couldn’t come on vacation with it. But Chrono and everyone encouraged them to go and enjoy themselves because it's a once in a lifetime experience. It found itself on a raft en route to the resort. While the others seemed friendly it made its way over to A.I.R.A, Curley, and quote. β€œ I’m guessing all of you are on vacation as well. Is everything ok?” It’s question was directed at Quote.

Mirai-chan Mirai-chan DovahBeat DovahBeat
Edgar thought a tropical vacation was needed away from his kingly duties back home. It's a nice way to get away from the arid desert for a change. Sabin offered to watch the kingdom in his absence, which is a bonus for him. He took up his twin brother’s offer. It’s not strange he’s riding on a raft towards the destination, in fact it took him back to escaping from the imperial soldiers by river. He came on the raft with his clothing and tools packed in a large case. Scanning the other patrons on the raft his blue eyes fell on Marth eventually walking over and sitting beside him. β€œ That’s a nice sword you got there..” He gave the other a friendly smile. It was nice to be in the presence of another royal.
A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity

    images (1).jpg
    Yang Xiao Long
    The Fistcuff Brawler
    Mood: Calm, Curious
    Outfit: In Image
    Location: Floating to Shore
    Yang rose up looking at Daisuke, only to notice that she's literally an inch shorter than the hunter, But smiled before nodding."Yeah a Huntress... In training, Name's Yang. Yang Xiao Long."She introduced jabbing a thumb at herself with a cheeky grin. Yang was a bit embarassed about being a huntress in training, but that didn't bother her that much. So she moved onto the school topic."So what school did you train at? Daisuke?"She asked. She smiled a bit before "Also Udon reminds me of Zwei, Only Bigger."Yang commented.

    Mentions: DovahBeat DovahBeat
Envy tilts their head confused about Ever’s naming of this island. β€œ Bermuda Triangle? Never heard of it.” And they’re good at gathering intel. Father used them for spying on their enemies. They looked at Amber who is on vacation like them perhaps. Envy gave the girl a wave. β€œ We’re here.” They looked at Ever next expecting the woman to give a good explanation of the Bermuda Triangle. They could look up things, true, but they’d rather hear an explanation.
Forevermore Forevermore eyclore eyclore
β€œ I’m Ace Portgas. It's nice to meet you two.” He stared at Rosalina’s luggage, frowning at it.. He hopes it’s not one of those mimics he heard stories of or a devil fruit user which is highly unlikely to encounter one. β€œ Let’s hope it’s not a monster.” If it’s a devil fruit user they may have a little fight on their hands.
Forevermore Forevermore

  • Daisuke Ito







    • home (filler tab)

    MH Rise

    Kamura's song of purification summer remix

    "Oh, so you're still training? I actually just finished my training a few months ago! I finally got my Hunter's license so I could go on real hunts. Though it did take me two tries to pass the exam..." he admitted sheepishly, remembering his first time hunting a Great Izuchi. His face had ended up meeting the business-end of its tail and was knocked out. If it wasn't for Tofu and Udon, he probably would have been eaten.
    When Yang asked what school he trained at, Daisuke shrugged lightly. "Eh, no where impressive. I trained under the Kamura sector of the Hunter's Guild. Master Utsushi taught me almost everything I know. The rest I learned from my parents. Well, their Hunter's Journal they shared actually. They went missing after a hunt when I was a kid. But yeah, no where impressive. Not like the Fifth Fleet members of the Guild that went to the New World, or those who trained at the Wycademy. What about you? Where are you from?" He asked, patting Udon's head Idly.
    "You have a palamute too?" He asked at the mention of Zwei. "I thought only Kamura Hunter's got them! They're unique to our village. Is Zwei still a puppy? You said he was smaller, and Udon is standard size for Palamutes issued by the Guild."

    β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

Curley’s energetic aura seemed to rub off on Robo although it could only verbalize its enthusiasm. β€œ I’m from the future actually. I met Chrono and his two friends while they were transported there from the past. In fact Lucca fixed me up, she’s an engineer.” It looked at Quote and Curley offering him its hand in a friendly gesture. β€œ Floating island Mimiga? The only floating island I visited is the kingdom of Zeal it’s the birthplace of magic, but it’s far info the past.” It looked at the never ending ocean. It was beautiful stark to the gloomy uncertain future.

Mirai-chan Mirai-chan DovahBeat DovahBeat
The maiden in black
Location: beach
Mentions: A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity

Still leaning on the staff for support as the memory of the crystal like sword was still fresh the maiden was surprised by the appearance of a woman. She didn't instantly perceive her outwards appearance as her soul blazed like the sun itself had decended to the earth. This being that the maiden could tell was no human seemedto think others were coming and the maiden only half heard it still somewhat transfixed by a soul she could only call truly divine. In the fog fact and fiction had mixed and belief became real so the maiden had handled God's souls before but none were like this woman's. It reminded her if the god of that damned priest that to spite she had created the ultimate blasphemy. Another being came nut seemed to completly ignore the maiden for the god like being Amaterasu. It sounded like the names from some distant lands she had heard of from would be slayers.

The maiden soon nodded her head she seemed to be fine now " It would appear I am well my lady though where is here and who is coming? " the maiden asked
Ever's Events! Upon seeing Amber and Envy, Ever smiled. "Welcome. The Bermuda Triangle is a section off the coast of North America. It's rumored to have all sorts of supernatural occurrences, and only the bravest travel through here. It took me forever to get my pal Ukiyo to agree to help me here...speaking of which, where is she?" she pondered aloud, looking around as if she was going to pop out of thin air any second.



scroll me!

Exasperated, cheerful

On the Shore

Ukiyo Kassetto

Kassettes and Cigarettes

A petite robot dressed in summerwear hurried along the sandy coast, panting and holding out a rope. "You forgot the rope inside, you blockhead!!" Ukiyo grumbled, whacking a laughing Ever upside the head. "Are we just gonna let the raft drift away once everyone gets here?"

Ukiyo stood upright, tucking a lock of Cassette-tape hair behind her ear. She looked out at the raft, and mumbled, flicking ashes away from the cigarette between her fingers, "I hope you pitch in and help me take care of all of them. There are 30 people in total, for crying out loud, don't go all willy-nilly on me, Ev."

β™‘design by neon reverie, coded by uxieβ™‘

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