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"Honey!!! Wheres my Supersuit?"
"History has always been written about Extraordinary people, i wonder what they will write about them now?"detective Parker.

It all started in 1943, world war two was in full swing and humanity collectively held its breath as it seemed this would be the war that would end the world. Then IT came. A massive white sphere nearly thirty miles in diameter landed right in the thick of the war, parking itself a hundred meters above the rhine. The thing spoke and while it wasn't loud somehow the entire planet heard it, each one in their native tongue. "I Am Primus" it said "Your planet has been bought into the Birthing Pool, Your species values power and so power will be price paid to your kind." The massive sphere unleashed an omni directional pulse of golden light that seemed to penetrate all the way through the planet to the other side, it engulfed the entire world in golden light before pulling said light back into itself and seeming to collapse out of reality.

The war ended instantly, every nation and person seemingly shocked out of the conflict, though tensions persisted. A year later the generation that would change the world was born. All over the world they began to be born, children with remarkable abilities. Many used them for personal gain, while many others hid them or kept to themselves. However a small group of them banded together to try and help protect the world from its rapid decent into madness. The UN formed shortly afterwards and was quick to enlist that team to help rebuild and establish order once again. With most of the worlds governments backing them they were able to do just that and the team began to be known as the peacekeepers. As their success grew so to did the number of metahuman criminals and opposition. As such the peacekeepers became an open organization and members were allowed to join after proper training.

By the year 2000 there were nearly A thousand peacekeepers, but they were not enough to keep up with the sheer amount of metahuman crime, and with political tensions rising again it became harder to work internationally as a team. So later in the year the Peacekeepers disbanded their global presence opting to make individual Teams of heroes who would each work in their own country backing up local military and police. The plan seemed to work as once again they seemed to be gaining ground in the war on meta crime. Each groups numbers would swell over the next 20 years until most rivaled the size of the original peacekeepers global group.

Now it is 2020 and it has been a really rough year. Organized powered crime seems on the rise, natural disasters seem more frequent than ever, and some evil villain made a new breed of hornet that can fly away with small children and pets. As if all that wasn't bad enough there seems to be a serial killer on the loose who targets heroes and has already gotten six confirmed kills. The world seems to be falling apart, a perfect time to join your national peacekeepers brigade, or maybe just get yourself a nice bag of loot in all this madness, whatever you choose to do it will be powerful because you are a Meta.

(Hello yall. Im making my return to the superhuman genre with this little gem me and my wife came up with. You can play a hero or villain, rookie or veteran, but you must play some kind of powered individual. Ill be pretty lax with my power screening just know that i dont like abilities that take control of another players character, or anything godmodded. Try to keep things grounded to a level we can enjoy the story. No one can go around blowing up cities or casually felling other player characters. Also for the sake of plot reasons no abilities to copy, nullify, dampen, enhance, grant, or remove powers will be allowed to exist in this story beyond a handful of plot tied characters i and maybe my eventual gm will be controlling. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask, Seriously if you ask something i am forced to think of it which helps build a richer lore and more in depth world. Once enough interest has been expressed the pages will go up. In the meantime ill be adding lore bricks here and there along with pictures and such.)​

Since the Arrival of primus roughly .01 percent of the population has developed super powers. That may not sound like a lot but the distribution is rather widespread and the final number of powered individuals sits at around eight million people. While the powers vary wildly many actually overlap and are common, for example super strength is the most common ability in the world with about 21% of the total powered population having some form of it. Overall metahumans make a rather impressive hidden community as most can seem to sense when another Meta is nearby. Abilities are often divided into categories that describe their source. So far 4 categories have been established.

Physics based- physics based heroes are those with scientifically explained abilities such as being able to lift more because your muscles have mutated and grown harder. Or being able to fly via combustion processes these powers are often the most reliable Not causing the user any fatigue and not failing them when their minds or bodies are somehow compromised.

Cosmic based- Which its often similar to physics based powers cosmic varies in the sense that there is usually no concrete scientific explanation as to why their power occurs. For example The person can wrap themselves in atomic fire like the human torch, but there are no apparent buildups of combustible materials before hand just a surge of heat energy resulting in a flame. Flight more often than not falls into this category.

Magic based- Unlike the previous two magic based abilities are actually just as they sound. Unlike in other fictional workings where magic is some all encompassing force that can do anything, in this world magic is a quantifiable energy signature that can alter that fabric of space time in a variety of ways. Heroes or villains that have magic based powers don't become wizards capable of doing anything, rather they gain a set of magical abilities they can utilize by tapping into the well of this magical energy within them. Strangely enough Animals and Items have seemingly been charged with this stuff all over the globe granting them strange properties.

Tech based- Technology has been drastically improved as normal humans seem to have reacted to the presence of Metahumans by growing more intelligent with each generation. In 2020 super genius intellect is actually twice as likely as before and wealth and resources for creation of technological wonders is readily available from companies hoping to get a financial contract with powerful heroes. This category is for those who do not have powers and use gadgets, and for those who augment their powers with technology.
Sounds cool! I’m interested
Happy to have you. thanks, cool is what i was aiming for :)

I’m interested
But of course i cant do a powered story without you, your like one of my regulars.

I’m interested!
Excellent welcome to rpn, hope this story will scratch that itch we all come here for.

Yo! Dropping in here.
I was hoping you'd be plopping inti this one. That post in Omega sequence was exquisite.

Since the Arrival of primus roughly .01 percent of the population has developed super powers. That may not sound like a lot but the distribution is rather widespread and the final number of powered individuals sits at around eight million people. While the powers vary wildly many actually overlap and are common, for example super strength is the most common ability in the world with about 21% of the total powered population having some form of it. Overall metahumans make a rather impressive hidden community as most can seem to sense when another Meta is nearby. Abilities are often divided into categories that describe their source. So far 4 categories have been established.

Physics based- physics based heroes are those with scientifically explained abilities such as being able to lift more because your muscles have mutated and grown harder. Or being able to fly via combustion processes these powers are often the most reliable Not causing the user any fatigue and not failing them when their minds or bodies are somehow compromised.

Cosmic based- Which its often similar to physics based powers cosmic varies in the sense that there is usually no concrete scientific explanation as to why their power occurs. For example The person can wrap themselves in atomic fire like the human torch, but there are no apparent buildups of combustible materials before hand just a surge of heat energy resulting in a flame. Flight more often than not falls into this category.

Magic based- Unlike the previous two magic based abilities are actually just as they sound. Unlike in other fictional workings where magic is some all encompassing force that can do anything, in this world magic is a quantifiable energy signature that can alter that fabric of space time in a variety of ways. Heroes or villains that have magic based powers don't become wizards capable of doing anything, rather they gain a set of magical abilities they can utilize by tapping into the well of this magical energy within them. Strangely enough Animals and Items have seemingly been charged with this stuff all over the globe granting them strange properties.

Tech based- Technology has been drastically improved as normal humans seem to have reacted to the presence of Metahumans by growing more intelligent with each generation. In 2020 super genius intellect is actually twice as likely as before and wealth and resources for creation of technological wonders is readily available from companies hoping to get a financial contract with powerful heroes. This category is for those who do not have powers and use gadgets, and for those who augment their powers with technology.
So, do humans hate meta people? Are they discriminated against like mutants in marvel?
So, do humans hate meta people? Are they discriminated against like mutants in marvel?
I would say its a case by case basis. It certainly exists but its nowhere near as widespread as marvel. Most people just live their lives, some people love them, some hate them, fringe extremes exist on both sides.
Alright, so it’s kinda like my hero academia with super Hero’s working with the police and stuff.
Police and military yes. Animals have gotten powers and a buncha weird mutants live in the oceans now. And superpowered criminals often are too much for local authorities
Consider me interested. It’s been a little bit since I was last in a superhero setting RP so it sounds like it could be a good time.
Think of it like marvel or Dc. There are various Individual comics like say batman/ironman and superman/thor. But the main story is like the JLA or Avengers.

I'm interested <3
Excellent i was actually gonna tag you personally since your a regular in my powered rps.

Consider me interested. It’s been a little bit since I was last in a superhero setting RP so it sounds like it could be a good time.
Nice to see you again bud. Happy to have you back.

I beleive thats enough interest and i am off work in 2 1/2 hours. Im off tomorrow and waiting on a paycheck so ill be up late. In short. Expect Cs's and a Lore page tonight.
I just love magic! Besides, i've been wanting to make a magical villainess in a superhero setting for a while
Excellent just bear in mind magic isnt a do everything type of setup. For example Hercules would be a magic based hero even with him just having strength durability and stamina. It comes from magic. So no being like an actual wizard who can use magic like Zatanna or Dr.Strange. its more like you have a set of abilities that are fueled by magic. That said your Villainess will likely have an interesting interaction with the Rookie hero i have in mind. Not gonna spoil much but his name basically says it all..."The Atronarch".
Think of it like marvel or Dc. There are various Individual comics like say batman/ironman and superman/thor. But the main story is like the JLA or Avengers.

Excellent i was actually gonna tag you personally since your a regular in my powered rps.

Nice to see you again bud. Happy to have you back.

I beleive thats enough interest and i am off work in 2 1/2 hours. Im off tomorrow and waiting on a paycheck so ill be up late. In short. Expect Cs's and a Lore page tonight.
Cool, so we are going to build a team? I have never had a successful team rp before
Excellent just bear in mind magic isnt a do everything type of setup. For example Hercules would be a magic based hero even with him just having strength durability and stamina. It comes from magic. So no being like an actual wizard who can use magic like Zatanna or Dr.Strange. its more like you have a set of abilities that are fueled by magic. That said your Villainess will likely have an interesting interaction with the Rookie hero i have in mind. Not gonna spoil much but his name basically says it all..."The Atronarch".

Well Zatanna is a homo magi and Dr. Strange one of earth's Sorcerer Supremes, they are hardly examples.

I know each has to have a central theme around something. No spoilers but i'm making a Belladonna themed one (villain name: Deadly Nightshade) and a Diamond themed one (Hero Name: Prisma)
But does this means that magical powered people can't join forces to cast strong spells or rituals? I know they aren't traditional magical users but all magic is still connected right? Is the individual who uses it in a specific and unique way resulting in superpowers, but still magical users do have a certain link to magic itself?
But does this means that magical powered people can't join forces to cast strong spells or rituals? I know they aren't traditional magical users but all magic is still connected right? Is the individual who uses it in a specific and unique way resulting in superpowers, but still magical users do have a certain link to magic itself?
Yes there is a link that each magic user has. But its weird. Magic isnt the natural forces of the world its a power from another dimension that indwells those who use it. There are certain conditions that can allow for people to pool their magic together like magic items that take magic from their user to achieve an effect. If multiple magic users were holding said item it would take from all of them and result in a much stronger effect. There are also certain points on the planet called Waypoints and leylines that magic users find their power magnified when they are there.

There will even be one or two characters who can Drain, store, and even gift magic energy in its raw form to others. And a very important villain who can just give people magical powers named Boon. The Atronarch is Actually Boon's Son and has similar powers, he can absorb magic to fuel his powers. He isnt good at it yet and thus cannot prevent it from being used against him (basically people who are skilled in the usage of magic can actually use him like a battery if he isnt careful.)

Im excited about your magic users though. So prisma will be a hero yes?

Also i have a low tier villain named dust who is a magic user. His power is to generate a mystic energy that reduces things to dust. But he isnt very powerful or competent...he got knocked on his backside by Atronarch before the kid even knew he had powers or underwent training. Perhaps he could be a trainee of D. nightshade or even a sibling or otherwide involved in her history. Magic users tend to be drawn to one another.

Cool, so we are going to build a team? I have never had a successful team rp before
And yes there will be a team and occasional team ups but we are basically superpowered cops. While we often work with one another we also work alone just as often. You can make up NPC partners if you would prefer working that way or set up existing partnerships by coordinating histories.

There are also villain teams as well, including the Newly formed, shrouded in mystery, group known as The Cabal.
Yes there is a link that each magic user has. But its weird. Magic isnt the natural forces of the world its a power from another dimension that indwells those who use it. There are certain conditions that can allow for people to pool their magic together like magic items that take magic from their user to achieve an effect. If multiple magic users were holding said item it would take from all of them and result in a much stronger effect. There are also certain points on the planet called Waypoints and leylines that magic users find their power magnified when they are there.

There will even be one or two characters who can Drain, store, and even gift magic energy in its raw form to others. And a very important villain who can just give people magical powers named Boon. The Atronarch is Actually Boon's Son and has similar powers, he can absorb magic to fuel his powers. He isnt good at it yet and thus cannot prevent it from being used against him (basically people who are skilled in the usage of magic can actually use him like a battery if he isnt careful.)

Im excited about your magic users though. So prisma will be a hero yes?

Also i have a low tier villain named dust who is a magic user. His power is to generate a mystic energy that reduces things to dust. But he isnt very powerful or competent...he got knocked on his backside by Atronarch before the kid even knew he had powers or underwent training. Perhaps he could be a trainee of D. nightshade or even a sibling or otherwide involved in her history. Magic users tend to be drawn to one another.

And yes there will be a team and occasional team ups but we are basically superpowered cops. While we often work with one another we also work alone just as often. You can make up NPC partners if you would prefer working that way or set up existing partnerships by coordinating histories.

There are also villain teams as well, including the Newly formed, shrouded in mystery, group known as The Cabal.

They'll be rivals

Prisma is themed around diamonds, not only she's capable of creating them (a bit like criokinesis) and has psychic and poison immunity but she also controls a produces light, usually in the form of deadly rainbows. She's a veteran hero, yes

D. Nightshade is the daughter of the original "Nightshade". Who was Prisma's heroic partner on the old days until prisma killed her (accidentally, of course). Dust could be her little brother, it's perfect since prisma is inmune to D. Nightshade most lethal powers.

D. N. Powers are based on belladonna. She's a mystical telepath (she won't control minds) that can create and control plants but her most lethal power is the use of poisonous purple energy that infects minds with paranoia and delusions while draining the victim's life force

Would Prisma know your rookie hero?

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