• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Mendoza Heights


Yarely Roderick Crane [YOU-reli (as in relish)]

    Many different noises were coming together, making Yarely's hands sweat.

    She had already decided to avoid the party at the beach, feeling guilty and unsure of why Zeke had agreed to take her with him. They arrived at the new house only two days prior, and her mom insisted on introducing them to the neighbors. That was when they found out one of the neighbors had a son in high school as well, and he told her about the party. "What a great idea!" her mom had said, which only made her want to scowl, but she made a conscious effort at the time not to. She suspected he agreed to take her due to their parents' pressure, but Zeke appeared to be genuinely okay with driving her there. Maybe he was just a stand-up guy. Despite her initial reluctance, she couldn't help but feel a little excited about going to the party, even if she felt nervous.

    When her parents told her they would be moving to Mendoza Heights, she felt angry and betrayed. Before that day, she hadn't really thought much of her hometown, but after the announcement, she realized it was her safe haven. The idea of leaving everything behind, including her friends, filled her with hatred at the time. Now, that fire had turned into a cold, empty void, with the thought of meeting new people only intensifying her anxiety.

    The fear of being alone in a strange place was enough to make her want to stay put, but she knew that starting school without at least one or two familiar faces would be worse, which ultimately prompted her to go to the party. She wanted to be a little bit of a brat and stay at home to be a contrarian and not do what her parents wanted her to do, but in the end, she caved in and changed into a long black skirt, a black bralette, and a mesh shirt with letters in a blueish grey-scale. Her parents didn't know but she had gotten a tattoo of a crescent moon during the summer. It was merely two months old, a way she found to rebel against the stupid idea of moving to Mendoza Heights. The only benefit to being there was that she was closer to her other grandparents, who had been farther away until then.

    She reached inside her underwear drawer and took a reusable silicone pastie. It was big enough to cover the entire tattoo, and the mesh shirt acted like a filter, so you couldn't tell it was there. Her parents wouldn't see her for long before she left anyway, and as soon as she walked out she could remove the pastie and stick it in her purse.

    The sound of a honk came through the window, and after ensuring the pastie was secure one last time, she checked herself in the mirror, grabbed her purse, and went downstairs, trying not to take too long with her goodbyes. She had an excuse for that, though. Near the door, she sat on the bench and put on her mary jane shoes, then immediately left, yelling, "Bye, don't wait up! and closing the door before her parents could answer.

    At the beach, Zeke went his own way, and she assured him she'd be fine. Of course, she was lying through her teeth. There were so many people there already, and despite it being an open space, she could practically feel the energy flowing, causing the hair on her arms to stand up. The beach was loud and her heart pounded on her throat. This was her first time at an event like this. She was a fucking nerd. The biggest party she had ever attended was the D&D party she and her friends had the year before, where they all dressed up as their characters. That had been a total of seven people. Other than that they just got booze and weed and hung out without doing anything special. But this? No way. Her parents were trying too hard to give her an ordinary high school experience. Did they not know that kids would probably be drinking and using drugs at this party? Or did they not care? Regardless, she didn't care what they thought right now.

    Wanting to escape from the noise, she walked closer to the shore, focusing her hearing on the crashing waves. The cold Pacific wind was strong as always, but she had styled her hair in two short boxer braids, which helped keep most of it off her face. She sat on the sand and hugged her legs while watching the sunset, feeling herself calm down with every breath, part of the excitement for the night coming back.

cosmic silence


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡ ———————— click the name for tags
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Genesis Pang







  • home (filler tab)

RAYE, 070 Shake

i dont want to feel how my heart was rippin'



Fucking friends...

That rung through Genesis's head. Genesis stood there blank faced, processing the twenty emotions running through her head. Their cigarette was about done at this point. Genesis bit her cheek, clicking her tongue and looking away. Putting the dying cigarette to her lips sucking in as much as they possibly can. No matter the burn. Or the fact they were running out of air.

Genesis walked toward Ophelia, blowing smoke in her face.
"Ya..we are-"
She grabs her shoulder, shifting their weight on the girl. Lifting their foot to put out the very dead cigarette on their heel.
"Great friends."
Her words try to sound sincere or happy, but their are sour and strained. She brushes past her towards Simone. Getting closer they eye her up and down. Smiling, somewhat sincerely.
"Its nice to met you!"

"You must be someone special, Oph barely lets people touch her drums."
They run their fingers across the cymbal closest to them. Looking over their shoulder at Oph; twisting their body around to pull out their pipe and their lighter.

Genesis walks over to Dora, dragging her finger across her shoulder, to her other. Pulling her pipe to her lips, lighting the boll. She pulls the lighter away sucking in the smoke, moving their head to Dora's shoulder resting on her. They break out, looking up at Dora passing it to her. Placing it in her hand.

"Simone you wanna hit?"
Twirling Dora's hair in her fingers. Looking up to Simone, but not at her. Past her to Ophelia.
"Yall can hit it, im going to find Mina."

She smiles popping to her feet. She quickly hugs Dora, kissing her shoulder. Genesis starts to walk away, waving to Simone. The stops for a second at Oph. Her face twist, almost in pain. She swallows the knot in her throat, pushing up her glasses. She passes her.
They pick up their pace walking away. Usually they can hide this emotion towards Oph. But, this time. Something was different. Genesis knows it was her fault. For the pain and tension between them. But, they will never acknowledge it.

After making a ok distance between the band, Genesis pulls out her phone. Quickly swiping at her phone, putting it to her ear.

"Mina where the fuck are you? I need to get wasted asap."

♡coded by uxie♡
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Amber's ocean blue eyes sparkled as she looked at him, when his hand brushed against her skin as he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. She took a small sip of the wine in her hands before her attention drew right back to him. "Maybe my room...something more...comfortable~" she said placing her cup on the countertop.

Her hand then moved to the bottom of his chest, her two fingers slowly climbing up as she spoke her eyes on him. "Unless your having second thoughts of course...I can be pretty intense..and addictive if your not careful...just thought warning you would be...the right thing..the moral thing" she said, once her hand reached the top of his chest she wrapped both her arms around his broad shoulders slowly making every touch linger against him. Making sure every touch would be remembered. Her hands shifting from behind and finding their way into his hair from behind.

She moved her head close to his her forehead placed against his, their noses brushing against each other, her gaze finding his. "other than that, those are all my warnings, if you so agree im all yours for today~" she said with a smile before whispering "and no ones home~ the place is all ours~"


cinnamon girl

Tabitha Cohen


Messy ^^


Short violet dress, silver high heels.


Beach party☀ï¸.




The party, to put it simply, was ass.

Some football player from the next town over had been pathetically trying to hit on her for the past 15 minutes, and Tabitha was so painfully and incredibly bored. She sneaked out for this? To chat with a pretty meathead who can barely form a coherent sentence?

She sipped on her drink- which was mostly mixer, since she was planning on driving out of here soon- to avoid responding to the rando’s question. Tabitha couldn't have been less interested, but guys like these rarely took her hints. Her eyes were scanning the crowd while he continued talking her ear off. Maybe she could find Lola and they’d escape this place together, or maybe Seb, Tony or Caleb were around, and she could at least be bored while kissing somebody.

Or maybe...

There was a twitch to her lips that almost seemed like a smile. Unfortunately the meathead assumed the smile was because of him, which couldn't be further from the truth. But she could recognize that stupid hair and sulky expression anywhere, especially in the crowd of a horrible party thrown by his annoying girlfriend.

“Yeah, yeah, that's super interesting. Can you hold this for me?” Tabitha cut the guy off, shoving her drink into his chest. He obediently complied and held her drink for her- well, Tabitha could at least give him kudos for that.

Tabitha had no trouble making her way past the crowd, fishing for a pack of Malboros and a lighter(adorned with a bunch of cute stickers) from her purse.

“Told you I was invited.” Tabitha approached Mason from behind, all but whispering in his ear as she did.

“Don’t lose your shit.” She warned, knowing full well how prone to losing his shit Mason was, before falling in step by his side. “I’m actually not here to torture you any further, believe it or not.”

Tabitha took one of the cigarettes off the pack and put it to her lips, before offering another oneto Mason with a semi-innocent smile across her face.

“Olive branch?”

♡coded by uxie♡
Luciana Navarro Berrocal
Luciana was always the type of person who knew what to say most of the time, but she wasn’t exactly the best when it came to giving love advice not because she lacked experience, but mostly because she wasn’t the best at putting herself in other people’s shoes as they said, so she knew she wasn’t the wisest person in that regard when her own emotions were just a turmoil, but despite that it didn’t take a genius to realize that behind Quinn’s words it was more to it to what the girl just admitted, but one thing for sure is that Luciana wouldn’t meddle where she wasn’t called.

“So Luce, do you have anyone in mind for said rebound.” Quinn said. It was obvious the mischievous tone in her voice behind that sentence, as if she was expecting Luciana to keep her word. If she was being honest, she only said that on the spur of the moment, trying to prove that the breakup didn’t affect her the way it did and that she was ready to get into another relationship, which was true, because she holding into the possibility of getting back together with Damien was just pathetic at that point.

But perhaps that was exactly what she needed, to have some fun and when she eventually got bored, move on. It sounded like a great plan, now she only needed to find the right person, although at that point any guy would be an upgrade from Damien, she didn’t want to end up on the cheating boat once again and well somehow maybe not of the male population in Mendoza Heights were exactly known for their loyalty to their partner, although maybe that wasn’t exactly a trait of the men in their city rather just a trait in men in general.

Luciana was about to give up on the idea and tell Quinn, she hadn’t thought about it, but that was until her eyes landed on him. The first thought that came into her mind when she saw him was that he reminded her of a dog she had when she was a child. It was a golden retriever named Coco, who always was energetic and had this silly look on his face. One thing to know about Luciana was that she had a sweet spot for dogs.

“I was thinking about him, think people call him Abe or something like that. He is the type of guy I can easily have wrapped around my finger.”
She said mischievously.
“The next thing we know, he is professing his love for me before homecoming.”
She added with a small laugh.

Without giving it a second thought, Luciana walked toward the guy. The closer she got, the more she realized how dorky he looked, which was a kind of endearing in a sense.
“Abe right? I wasn’t expecting to see you here. But what are you doing all alone?”

Kali Uchis - Igual Que Un Ángel (ft. Peso Pluma)
coded by stardust galaxy

Be cool. Be mysterious. Just Smile.

Abe chanted those three phrases to himself over and over, a silent mantra. It was the advice his cousin, Nathan, had given him and thus the teen was trying his damnedest to apply every single word.

He looked up to Nate, who'd grown to be something akin to a brother over the course of his extended stay- at least that's how Abe saw it. But they had an agreement when it came to this sort of social occasion. Nate did his thing and Abe...well Abe stayed out of the way.

It had been about ten minutes since they'd separated.

The mantra wasn't working.

He definitely didn't feel any cooler.

Abe sighed out loud glancing down at the drink he'd picked up, perspiring with condensation. Vodka and Lemonade-extra lemonade. He had no intention of drinking it, alcohol was reserved for holidays and special occasions as far as he was concerned, but as the ice melted and the liquids began to separate Abe had begun to contemplate ditching that was until she sauntered over to him.

When Luciana first spoke, he looked around convinced it had to be another Abe she was speaking to. When he realized she wasn't he took a big gulp of his drink- hoping for some liquid courage. This was really happening a cute girl had approached him. Not to mention Abe was ninety-five percent sure she was hitting on him.

“Yeah that's me. And you're...” Abe flipped through the Rolodex of names in his head. “Luciana right? My cus-” He stopped himself. “My friend brought me but he's in the bathroom or something.”

Abe! He chided himself. Stop talking about the bathroom when there's a hot girl talking to you!

He ran his free hand through his hair, attempting to maintain composure. Praying to anyone who'd listen she wouldn't notice the nervous sweat he'd broken into.

“Well I'm not alone anymore...am I?” Abe smiled mostly proud of himself for such a smooth line (he'd brag to Nate about landing it later.)

“What about you? No way a pretty girl like Luciana Berrocal came here all by herself. I don't believe it.”

Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy

the puppy

Abe Woods

  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡
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MIcah Lanier

@sailormewn i

nervous and excited
Beach Party

Micah scanned the beach, searching for Quinn amidst the lively atmosphere of the party. Spotting her in the distance, he made his way over, a smile spreading across his face as he approached his friend. "Quinn!" he called out, his voice filled with genuine happiness to see her. Their friendship was a constant source of support and camaraderie, especially during busy times like these. As he reached Quinn, they exchanged greetings, ready to enjoy the evening together amidst the beach's vibrant energy.

"Quinn, you outdid yourself with this party," Micah exclaimed, impressed by the setup and the lively atmosphere. "The beach, the music, everything's just perfect."
Micah agreed, taking in the energy of the partygoers around them. "And speaking of senior year, are you ready for everything coming our way? I mean, classes, responsibilities, and of course, our epic plans for student council. Let's make it a year to remember, Quinn. Starting from tonight."

"Hey, let's grab some drinks,"
Micah suggested, glancing towards the refreshment area. "What's your poison tonight?" Micah agreed, taking a moment to soak in the party atmosphere. With friends like Quinn and the anticipation of reuniting with their group, senior year was shaping up to be an exciting journey. Micah asked, "So, have you heard from Mason lately?"

“Mr. President is here.”

♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡
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Caleb Monroe

@Kitsune2202 i


Caleb chuckled at Amy's playful response, feeling a warmth in his chest at their familiar banter. "Hey, you know I'd never let anything happen to you," he replied with a grin, rubbing his shoulder where she had playfully hit him.

"Yeah, just got here," Caleb confirmed, glancing around at the lively scene of the beach party. "Summer and I rolled up not too long ago. She's somewhere around here, probably making new friends as usual," he added with a chuckle.

"How about you? Been here long?" Caleb asked, genuinely interested in catching up with Amy. Despite the party's energy, he always valued these moments of one-on-one conversation with friends, especially someone like Amy who had been there through so much of his life.

Caleb leaned in slightly, his tone shifting to a more intimate and caring one as he spoke to Amy. "Hey, listen, if you ever need a breather or just want to hang out away from the crowd, you know I've got your back, right?" His eyes met hers, a silent reassurance of their unspoken bond. He glanced around at the party, the music and laughter blending into a background rhythm. "Sometimes these things can get overwhelming, and I know how that feels," Caleb continued, his voice genuine and empathetic. "Just give me the nod, and we can sneak off for a bit, catch up on our own. No pressure, just us being us."

Caleb's offer wasn't just a formality. He knew Amy well enough to understand her moods and needs, especially in social settings like this. Their friendship was built on a foundation of trust and understanding, where they could be vulnerable with each other without judgment. "Anyway, tell me what's been going on with you lately," Caleb prompted, eager to shift the focus to Amy and hear about her adventures, challenges, and everything in between. In that moment, amidst the party's chaos, Caleb and Amy shared a quiet connection that spoke volumes about the depth of their friendship

“Where the Baddies with the Addy!!!”

♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡
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Logan Josiah Reed

@Kitsune2202 i


Logan stood by the edge of the water, the flickering lights from the party casting shadows on his rugged features. He wasn’t one for these kinds of gatherings, preferring the solitude of the night and the company of a few close friends over the raucousness of a crowded party. But there he was, nursing a drink in his hand and a blunt tucked behind his ear, seeking a moment of peace by the calm waters.

As he reached for his pocket to fetch a lighter, his eyes caught sight of a figure nearby—a girl he didn’t recognize. She had an air of unfamiliarity about her, standing slightly apart from the noisy crowd, as if she, too, sought solace amidst the chaos.

Logan approached her with a nod, his expression guarded yet curious. “You got, like, a lighter or something?” he asked, his voice rough from both the smoke and the years of living on the edge.

Logan studied her for a moment, a newfound curiosity sparking in his usually guarded demeanor. Perhaps this party held more than just noise and unwanted company—it held a chance encounter with someone who understood his need for solitude amidst the chaos of senior year.

He looked back out at the vast ocean, "I'm guessing you love these events too" He whispered.

“Tell me who the man if it aint me!”

♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡

Ivy Thornwood







  • home (filler tab)


I like the way you kiss me

Is Ivy blindly leading? Yes. Does she have the confidence that she knows where she’s going? Also yes. Why did Nolan trust her? Great question she doesn’t know.

Ivy is hopping around trying to clear a way to the booze. She was obviously stoked to be there, she was trying to bring up the energy for Nolan. She knew he was anxious, I mean she is one of his best friends. She knows him like the back of her hand. Ivy’s hipped swayed with the muffled sound of someone’s shit speaker playing. As they walked, she mouths something to Nolan having it drowned out by the party. Rolling her eyes realizing what she said did to come across.

She paused looking around trying to spot any familiar face. She scrunches her nose digging through her pocket pulling out her phone sending a text to Tab. She mumbled something unclear as she typed.

‘Im here hottie!! Nolans with me we are going to do some shot met us? Kiss kiss’

Her plum almond shaped nails tapping at her screen as she try to send a text. She watches it buffer trying to send, rolling her eyes pocketing her phone.

“Maybe it’s this way.”

She gets closer so he can hear, gesturing with her other hand lazily. While they walk, Ivy pulls the last blunt off her person. Having her stash on Nolan. She cups her hand around making sure it lights. She takes a long drag, closing her eyes and blowing the smoke out her nose. She looks up as she walks, tripping on herself. Typical.

She crashes into someone. She pulls herself steady on her feet, now having to readjust her tight leather top out of caution it shifted weirdly.

“Sorry sorry dude Im-“

She takes a step back, fluffing up her hair at the same time spiting out a half assed apology before making eye contact with someone. Her eyes gloss over and she grins.

"Avery holy shit!"
Ivy grabs his hands bouncing on her toes, "You showed!"

♡coded by uxie♡

Quinn Curtis







  • home (filler tab)


Love Me Not

“Well there's plenty of booze to go around, courtesy of my parents.”

At least someone would have some fun tonight Quinn thought as she watched Luci head out on her mission of conquest. She was alone again. Alone with herself and worst of all- alone with her thoughts.

If he wasn't with her, where was Mason? And who was he with? The stress of it all brought tension to Quinn's shoulders, the muscles tightening up like a wind up toy.

So when a familiar voice called out and interrupted her spiraling she grinned.


Their time together on the student council had really solidified the bond between the two. She could talk to him- maybe more honestly than she could with anyone else, even her ‘friends'.

Quinn played it off as he complimented her

“It was nothing. You know I love to plan.”
But it was nice to be recognized. To be paid attention to.

The suggestion to grab Alcohol was music to her ears.

“My poison is anything and a lot of it.”

The two had begun to walk and talk heading toward the promise of alcohol when he asked the question Quinn had been dreading. Yes, it was the name on everybody's lips: Mason Rivera.

“He's coming!”
she answered maybe a little too quickly.

“I think he's just running late.”

It was only a beat of silence before she had moved on. Hoping to avoid further questions.

“Anyway you know what I want now, what about you? What’s Micah drinking tonight?”

♡coded by uxie♡
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MIcah Lanier

@sailormewn i

nervous and excited
Beach Party

“My poison is anything and a lot of it,” Micah quipped with a grin as they walked toward the refreshments, the lively ambiance of the party surrounding them.

When Mason's name came up, Quinn's reaction was noticeable. Micah picked up on it, but he decided to let it pass for now, not wanting to delve into anything that might dampen the festive mood.
Micah nodded, understanding her subtle shift in conversation. “Yeah, probably caught up with something. He'll make it.”

As they reached the drink station, Micah chuckled at Quinn's question. “Tonight, I'm thinking something tropical, maybe a piña colada or a margarita. Let's kick off the night right!” He poured himself a drink, ready to enjoy the rest of the evening with good company and a relaxed vibe.

Micah took a sip of his drink, savoring the tropical flavors as they continued to mingle among the partygoers. The music, laughter, and the gentle sound of waves created a perfect backdrop for the summer night.
Micah nodded in agreement. “Sounds like a plan. We should definitely make the most of these last days of summer. Who knows when we'll get another chance like this?”

As they strolled along the beach, enjoying their drinks and the company, Micah felt a sense of camaraderie and excitement for the adventures that awaited them in their senior year. The night was still young, and he was determined to make it memorable, soaking in every moment of fun and friendship. “So, any big plans before school starts?” Micah asked Quinn, curious about how she was preparing for their final year together.

“Mr. President is here.”

♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡
Luciana Navarro Berrocal
It was almost surprising how someone would act the way he did. Perhaps it was the doe eyes that just screamed surprise as soon as she spoke or how he rushed to finish his drink to get some courage to reply. Perhaps it was because all the guys she had dated before were just idiots who believed the world revolved around them and not the world revolving around her, or maybe she just had a terrible pattern while choosing a romantic partner. She blamed the family trauma for that.

And now she had a guy who was admiring her as if she was one of the seven wonders of the world or he was just that surprised that a girl was talking to him, probably it was the second option, but either way, Luciana liked that attention.

But then he spoke once again “Well I’m not alone anymore...am I?” After he said those words it sent a shiver down Luciana’s back not because it was good, but because of how embarrassing it was, but based on the look on his face it was obvious he believed he had achieved something.

“Me? I came with my brother. He probably is with his friends or with a girl, not like I care too much or he cares what I am doing.”
She said with a small shrug.
“I’m feeling kind of thirsty. Why don’t we go and grab a drink? We could go to the beach later and have a walk or something. You wouldn’t leave me alone, right?”

Kali Uchis - Igual Que Un Ángel (ft. Peso Pluma)
coded by stardust galaxy
Derek Evans
LOCATION: beach party☀️.

OUTFIT: a very, very old and beat-up The Cure graphic tee. Even older jeans. The ugliest sneakers known to man.

MOOD: absolutely losing his shit.

INTERACTION: Kat. [ jasmyn jasmyn ]

He had his back against the wall, cigarette dangling from his lips, in what was probably a real vision of despair. With his family history, Derek should know better than to be so reliant on nicotine to soothe his anxiety. But oh well, it was a bit late to worry about that.

He supposed there were more dangerous things to be hooked on. One of them was coming up to him, with a drink in her hand and a wicked smile on her face.

Heroin would’ve been safer than Kat.

“I would not put it past you to kill us both just because I annoyed you, Katherine.”
Derek forced himself to finally look at her, without seeming like he was avoiding looking in her eyes(like a little bitch). He was. "But I'll take my chances."

Derek struggled to remember when was the last time he and Kat had had a proper conversation. 6 months of pretending she didn't exist, mumbled words and quick getaways, he’d only just found the courage to unblock her on social media -and Kat was already making him regret it dearly.

It stirred up too many emotions that he didn't care for, looking at her like that. Beautiful, sharp and terrifying. Derek took the drink, downing most of it in one go, like he was his father's son.

“Ah, you just missed the groupie whores, so sorry.” He felt the drink burn down his throat, but his face didn't betray the uncomfortableness of it. Derek even managed to produce a little sarcastic half-smile. “They’ve moved on to Oph by now. It’s just you. Good thing we’re so used to letting each other down.”

Derek took another big gulp. When was the last time he’d even gotten actually drunk? It was fuzzy now, but he was sure that would have also been Kat’s fault.

“And where’s the hot date you were bragging about?” He hated himself a little more for asking, but the question had been chipping away at his mind since Katherine had mentioned it. “Dead in a ditch already?”

If I’m lucky, I’m next.

Derek kept his insincere smile on his face and took another drag of his dying cigarette. How very rock and roll of him- drinking, smoking and wanting to die over the pretty girl who broke his heart.


Emmett Gray

Sitting on the couch in Skye's house while he waited for his girlfriend to come down the stairs felt like... an interrogation. Her mother was too bubbly and too talkative, but he smiled along, talking with her as well as he could.

He'd never been good with parents -- his friends' parents, anyway, seeing as how this was his first girlfriend, so his first time interacting with girlfriend's parents. And for some reason, she seemed to think the world of him, and all Emmett could wonder was what kind of lies his mother had weaved to make her think so highly of him.

Lawyers, he'd learned, were excellent liars.

He was trying to smile, but it was hard, and instead, the usual blank expression was plastered on his face.

Emmett kind of felt numb to everyone, to everything these days. He didn't really smile much anymore, or laugh. Nothing really made him do so. Plus, he was pretty sure if he did laugh, his lungs would just collapse on themselves from the unfamiliar use. His cheeks hurt when he did smile, too. But you know, it took less muscles to frown.

Finally, Skye came down the stairs, and Emmett glanced towards her from his seat on the couch. There was a bit of relief since now he'd be able to get away from her mother.

He smiled at her as she entered the room, making some quip about the burnt cookies.

"Thanks," he mumbled to her mom. "For the... cookies."

“Ready to go?” Skye asked.

"Sure," he said, and waved one more goodbye to her mom, before following Skye out to the car. And once they'd exited and were out of earshot, he added a simple; "You look pretty."


Driving his mom's car always stressed Emmett out. What would happen if he scraped it up, or crashed it? What if he just drove it into some tree? Would she care if he got hurt, or would she worry more about the cost of having to replace her car?

It was questions like those that rolled around and kept him awake at night -- and yeah, no, he didn't regularly have a car. Are you kidding? He followed after his dad, bouncing between different houses and crashing on their floors. It was fine, though, because his dad said they'd be fine. Eventually. When he found a job.

(It had been a good four years of his dad saying this, of course, but Emmett had given up in every other aspect. Holding onto this little lie was the last bit of hope he awarded himself.)

He felt dirty and out of place in the car, and he always felt the same when he was around Skye. She was levels above him -- regal, beautiful, perfection. And he was kind of just... a grimy mess that for some reason, was dating her. The question of why she was with him was one that lurked at the edges of his thoughts, but not one that he wanted an answer to.

(The answer, he felt, wouldn't be anything good.)

His parking was, as usual, slow as the car lurched into a space with plenty of room on either side of it.

As they exited the car, he waited for Skye to come to his side before his hands instinctively found hers, and then they started towards the party. He glanced in the direction of the drinks, but decided that being drunk on the keyboard would probably end with Oph hanging his head on a stake.

The makeshift stage looked... too real, and his heart dropped into his stomach.

Emmett didn't want to be on a stage. He didn't want to be in this band. He'd never thought that this band would get off the ground, but here he was, and he couldn't even really play the keyboard. It sounded like garbage when he played. Really, he should've quit the band long ago. They wouldn't have noticed the lack of shitty keyboard music, and the band would've sounded so much better.

Swallowing the distress he felt (whoa, an actual feeling?), and departed from Skye as he headed towards the keyboard that was just... there. Waiting for him, he supposed.

His fingers tapped against the keys, making nonsensical noise to fill the silence buzzing in his ears, and to give himself something... to do... kind of. It made him look less lame, and it would hopefully keep anyone from wanting to approach him if he pretended to look busy.

Of course, his gaze kept lifting up every now and again, to kind of glanced towards the crowd, but he wasn't looking for anyone in particular He was just... he was bored. He was looking.

Really. It was nothing.




Without Me
by With Confidence​



lvcid lvcid

º º code by ditto º º

Abe took a deep breath in and spoke on the exhale and for perhaps the first time in their exchange, was completely honest.

“I’ve got to be real with you, I'm really not a big drinker. I wasn’t even going to drink this-” He motioned to the cup in his hand. “I got it for someone else but then well...But you came over and I got nervous.” Abe averted his eyes for the last bit, attempting to maintain some sense of dignity.

But still it felt good. The honesty. Maybe he wasn't mysterious or cool. And maybe for once-that was working for him. His green eyes looked back into hers, a smile tugging at his lips.

“Let's go get you something, anything, whatever you want beautiful. Hell, I'll ditch this party and take you out for pancakes if you'd rather.” If he were a puppy his tail would've been wagging. Excited at the mere prospect of taking a girl out. “So what do you think Luciana, you wanna ditch with me?” With the question he offered his hand.

Yeah, he thought to himself maybe Honest Abe was his angle.

Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy

the puppy

Abe Woods

  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡

Mina Calloway

Live music on the beach. It wasn't a bad idea for what would be her last party of the summer as a high schooler, but it had better live up to the lofty billing. She wasn't one to get sentimental, but it would be... sad if it ended without a little excitement. Mina did a lot of things. She didn't do sad. There was enough of that in her family with her brother Winston's health continuing to teeter on a knife's edge.

At least she had a handsome date to keep her entertained. Nothing lifted her mood quite like having a little eye candy draped around her arm and Tony was a very good-looking male specimen. And it was just oh so fun to toy with someone who knew how to play the game. Mina smiled as she sat near the stage, one leg crossed over the other. Her date, for the moment, was not draped around her arm, ready for her to show off since she'd asked him to fetch her a drink, something fun that would fit the occasion, gentleman's pick. So while she waited for him to return, her eyes lazed over the crowd in search of any interesting action, left cheek resting on her left hand.

Her dear friend Dame was likely amongst them, no doubt already at work on getting the number of a girl or three. Not that she disapproved, after all, she enjoyed playing the field herself and while Tony had accompanied her tonight (looking deliciously handsome under the faint lights and night sky), she wasn't opposed to the idea of going home with someone else. After all, there was no rule against it. Sloane had probably arrived as well with that new... boyfriend of hers. She made no secret of her dislike of him, not that she had ever liked any of Sloane's boyfriends. Hot messes and questionable fellows were to be toyed with not dated.

Speaking of hot and potentially messy fellows, hers had just returned. Mina smiled as she spotted Tony making his way through the last of the crowd between them, a drink in hand.

"So," she started, fingers dancing up Tony's arm, "what delectable concoction has my dashing little bartender brought me?" she plucked the drink from his hand and twirled it slowly, eyes watching the liquid swirl in the glass before turning to Tony, flashing a sliver of a smile as she brought the glass to her lips.

ready to be entertained

pale yellow sleeveless dress


song title

by artist​

Damien Braddock, Sloane


a z u l a a z u l a

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