• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Mendoza Heights

Bonfire Party


No, I don't have too many characters.

a high school roleplay

Mendoza Heights

The City on the Water

The Spins

Mac Miller

  • The little seaside town...


    Ah, Mendoza Heights. Once, an absolutely gorgeous marvel on the coast of California, with its boardwalk attracting people from miles away.

    Once upon a time, Mendoza Heights had been considered one of the places that you had to stop at if you were going by boat from wherever. The portside town, located a few hours north of Los Angeles, used to be the place that all passing boats would stop at -- and because of this, quite the city started to sprout from the ground up here.

    It wasn't the biggest city -- it was certainly no Los Angeles -- but it also wasn't quite a place where "everyone knew everyone." Simply put, it was a beautiful median. And as with any town with such a diverse population, different neighborhoods sprouted up, alongside two separate elementary and middle schools..

    Closer to the oceanfront, where the richer people tended to live, was North Elementary and Middle School. People that lived closer to the ocean and the surrounding neighborhoods would send their kids here, and there's definitely more funding going towards this school.

    Meanwhile, the other side of town is home to the less wealthy, and the lower middle class. South Elementary and Middle School are the school of choice here, although they tend to be known for having subpar academics -- and it's well known that a majority of the kids that drop out from the high school are from the South Schools.

    Despite a definite clash between the rich and the poor, the North and the South schools, everything comes together when the kids step into high school with one central school known as Mendoza Heights High School, Home of the Eagles.

    And that's where our roleplay takes place -- the high school.




♡coded by uxie♡

Damien Slater

Parties were the lifeblood of high school -- or some stupid shit like that. Slater had never be one to play with words. He was much more straight to the point, with harsh statements that often resulted in him offending whoever the hell, but again it wasn't really something he cared about. When it came to actually caring about things, they were few and far between for Slater.

His mom had sent him off to the party with a kiss on the cheek and a hug, and he'd promptly rubbed his hand against his cheek once he'd gotten out to the car (he didn't want her seeing him wipe away the kiss, after all), until his cheek was sore and red and he was pulling into the party, where cars were already lined up.

Parking in-between two cars, Slater promptly made his exit, and started towards the party. He was already feeling of itchy, and he needed... something. Something to take the edge off, although he wasn't sure what yet. Stupidly, he'd left his weed at home in his hurry to get out of the house.

Eyes scanning the crowd, they then settled on one person that he knew could always help.

With a grin, Slater made his way over to Nick. He kind of gave him a little head nod, then held a hand out.

"What you got on you?" he asked, not bothering with any kind of small talk or petty hellos.



song title
by artist​



monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555

º º code by ditto º º
nobody's nusibess
  • .
slater ( Winona Winona )
ready to get high

Nick had been early to the party, so he could potentially leave early too, if no one came up to him and decided to bore him with stories of how their summer had gone this time around. God, did he utterly hate when people did that sort of shit. He sighed, looking around the party for anyone he knew.

It wasn't like his father knew anyway, or that he needed to. He had snuck out of the apartment he shared with his roommate and walked from there to the spot where the party was held (he hadn't felt the need to get someone to drive him to a place he would probably leave within an hour or two).

And so here he was, sipping on whatever the fuck was in his cup and watching everyone else come and go. He noticed, just barely, Avery and Xander in some corner. He barely gave a nod to the duo before leaning on the wall behind him, and flicking open the pocket on his shirt, pulling out a lighter as he rummaged through his shorts' pockets for a blunt. Finding one, he sighed with relief. He had already decided, somewhere in his head, that he could smoke a blunt and then wander right on home. His hand went to light up the blunt when all of a sudden-

'What you got on you?'

There it was. He jumped back, hitting the wall again as he groaned, grabbing the blunt from between his lips before it fell. "Jesus fucking Christ Slater, warn me when you get here next time." he complained, looking at the young boy for a moment before he sighed. The two of them had been hooking up for god knows how long. It had been a simple exchange, really, he got laid, Slater got weed. He shrugged, handing him the blunt he was about to smoke.

"Brought a couple more options, but I was about to light up if you wanna split it." he explained, giving him a knowing glance. Knowing Slater, he would take the deal with little to no hesitation.
coded by reveriee.
1714692289873.pngNow as a sophomore Nova was excited for this party, last year she tended to be more on the timid side having not known many people. However she had made a couple of friends and to her this party was a way to expand her circle and meet even more people. She had been planning on this day, days in advance having bought herself a new swim suit and a new volleyball for her and Joey since they had planned on a game together at the party.

She had gotten up pretty early making her way to the gym first before she headed back home to get her things. She had planned on riding with Mason, and was hoping their idea of going as friends, wouldn't impact his relationship too much. However she was also hoping that this would finally be the push to see if Zaire would ask her out...or maybe he just simple wasn't interested in her.

She shook her head she couldn't think of that, she couldn't think of it right now. This would go well
, she repeated to herself in her head over and over again as she was packing away the towels and then snapping in her earrings. It had to be perfect, after all this was the best way to see how the year was going to go at least that's what Nova thought. She strapped her bag over her shoulder and made her way out the house, her parents out at work but she had texted before hand letting them know shed be back later, she didn't want them worrying about her.

Nova sent Mason her location as she waited at the front of her house, her mind racing with thoughts on just how bad this could all end. She could lose her friendship with Zaire, she could ruin Masons relationship, she could mess something up say something wrong...do something wrong... Her hands went to the strap of her bag as she moved her hand up and down nervously. Silently she cursed herself out, no Nova, this is going to be great, this year is going to be amazing, we are going to the party and we are going to have the best time of our lives one way or another and that's final. She told herself as she sighed with a small smile, her thoughts now traveling to Zaire and the last time she'd seen him.

Yeah, this was going to be just perfect.
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Ramalama (bang bang)

home --> party

keeruh keeruh

Multiple knickknacks, jars of crystals, and unknown substances scattered around the room, shelves lining the walls holding numerous antique dolls and framed posters overhead.

Sitting at the desk, a petite brunette paused in her delicate brushstrokes along the curves of a simple yet intricately designed porcelain mask. "I don't want to," she murmured under her breath, loud enough for the two adults to hear. Her father exhaled through his nose, his lips thinning in frustration.

This was typical for Lorelei; she always defied the bare minimum, solely out of personal preference. She might have assumed that after the divorce, her parents would be more lenient on her, considering her mother was three thousand and thirty-one miles away, but it was the exact opposite. Her father had remarried in the year following the divorce and had only become more involved.

It was most likely his way of maintaining a sense of familiarity or control, as he seemed happy. The hard truth was, her father didn’t know who he was without his ex-wife. Codependency was the number one killer in America, well, followed by heart disease and Samuel Little.

Change was something that Lorie wasn't fond of. It was going to take time before she got comfortable with her father’s sudden interest in their relationship. Moving out of her childhood home and into a house she wasn't familiar with had only made things worse.

Although with Lorie, you couldn’t tell that things were wrong, but you couldn’t tell when things were exactly right either.

"Don't you think it's a good idea to hang out with kids your own age?" Eleanor, her stepmother, added, furthering her father's argument.

Lorie didn't like her.

"You wouldn't be alone either, Gio would keep you company," she heard the creak of the wooden floors before he even announced his presence.

"I like being alone," she stated flatly, the words serving as both an answer and a subtle hint to be left in peace.

Just as the two had given up, accepting that all hope was lost with the peculiar girl; the words, “It’s a bonfire,” echoed from the hallway.

She hadn’t made up her mind about Gio yet. After all, Lorie didn’t know much about him other than the fact he was protective of his cat.

Her head craned the slightest inch, indicating that she was listening. “Didn’t you say you wanted to burn something the other day?”

Her eyes lingered on the mask for a second longer before standing up from the desk and taking it with her.

“Okay, I’ll go.“

The dumbfounded expression on their parents' faces went unnoticed as she brushed past them, following her stepbrother out of the house.

She didn’t change.

High school parties were usually filled with very little— or very much effort in fashion choices. Lorie felt as though she was somewhere in the middle.

The half-finished porcelain mask sat comfortably on top of her head as she flipped through a page of a book, a jawless zombie on the cover hinting at the graphic novel’s genre. Passing streetlights gave her a full sentence every four seconds.

In-between each of those four seconds, Lorie’s curiosity had gotten the best of her. “Why are you going?” she asked.

“I don’t remember you saying you wanted to burn something, unless you’re going for the same reason Gwen is.”

Gwen was Lorie’s friend; she hadn’t even known they were friends until it was specified a few days ago.

She wasn’t sure why they were friends; they had little to nothing in common, being opposites when compared to each other. Gwen had just never taken no for an answer and hadn’t left Lorelei alone for the last ten years of her life in a way, for better or worse, she was stuck with her.

“She says it’s for fun, but I don’t like the beach; the sand gets in my shoes. I don’t see how you’d enjoy yourself.” It was easier to draw a pentagon in the sand instead of dirt, though, so Lorie did have a few pros besides the many cons.

And there were many cons for the beach.

“Did you know there are at least eleven drownings per day, mostly incidental, but that’s just the ones at beaches. People have a hard time telling the difference between struggle and the tide.”
coded by natasha.
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MIcah Lanier

@WanderingWordsmith i

nervous and excited
Secret Spot

"President Lanier, someone needs you in the Oval Office," Micah heard, his reflection in the mirror echoing the urgency in the voice. He shook his head slightly, contemplating how that request sounded. It felt like something expected of him, not necessarily what he truly desired. But it was what his father expected, and that weighed heavily on Micah's mind.

As he prepared for his senior year, juggling responsibilities as class president, upcoming football season demands, and his father's expectations, Micah found himself in need of a reprieve from the mounting stress. Boxing had helped in the past, but there was a longing for something more.

His thoughts drifted to Raven Rivera, his first love, who had recently ended their year-long relationship. The reasons remained unclear to Micah, which added to his frustration whenever they crossed paths. Now entering senior year unexpectedly single, Micah saw an opportunity to escape the mental entanglement—at least for a night.

When his Vice President, Quinn Curtis, mentioned a beach party, Micah saw it as a chance to distract himself, albeit Raven would be there too. Determined to enjoy himself, Micah seized another opportunity when he connected with Josephina Castillo, known as Joey, online. She intrigued him, and he invited her to a private spot on the beach before the party.

Standing before the mirror in his attire, Micah contemplated the complexities of moving on while questioning Raven's quick rebound. Yet, his excitement for the evening ahead with Joey overshadowed these doubts momentarily.

Meeting Joey at the designated spot, Micah greeted her with a flower, adding a touch of charm to their encounter. "Well, Ms. Joey, you look even more beautiful in person. Are you ready for our top-notch, classified spot?" he asked with a hint of playfulness, hoping to make the evening memorable for both of them.

“Mr. President is here.”

♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡

Caleb Monroe

@Hazel_ i

Party soon

Caleb's voice echoed through the bathroom as he sang along to the familiar tune, "So I put my hands up, they're playin' my song, the butterflies fly away, I'm noddin' my head like, yeah," while turning on the shower. Summer had been pestering him all morning about when he was going to pick her up. After a slew of unanswered texts, he finally decided to get up and start getting ready.

Caleb was a basketball player through and through, and he was damn good at it. He was a 5-star prospect, and every major team in the nation wanted him. With the new Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) rules in college sports, teams were showering him with gifts and money. Duke University had really stepped up their game, as he found out when he came home from training to see a Duke-blue Mustang parked in his driveway with a note on the driver's seat that read 'CMobuckets at Duke.'

Excitedly, he rushed into the house and grabbed his phone, contemplating who to invite along for the ride. Then it hit him — there was one person who was always down for an adventure, and whom he'd probably wanted to ride with all along: Summer Cruz.

Summer had been Caleb's best friend for as long as he could remember. She was his constant companion through thick and thin, always there for him no matter what. Whether it was a sad day, a happy one, a slow day, or a busy one, she was there, like a rock. Her turbulent home life often led her to spend nights at Caleb's house, prompting his parents to remodel the basement and let him stay down there just to avoid her sneaking through the window.

When it came to cruising down the highway with the top down on the Mustang to the party, Caleb knew he had to pick up his bestie. Sure, he planned to meet some new people and maybe even share the party's address with some "baddies," as he called them, but before all that, he needed some quality Summer time.

Pulling up to Summer's house, Caleb sent her a text, "Hurry up, I'm outside. Don't make me wait," as he sat in the driver's seat, arms folded, trying to look cool and show off the new wheels to his friend.

“Where the Baddies with the Addy!!!”

♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡

  • WIKZvnw.jpg
    Joey, has spent the last week thinking about what she was going to wear to the party, and more importantly, what she was going to wear to meet with Micah. She tormented herself over outfits and finally settled on something simple that really showed off the curves she worked to maintain. Today, she's set for a date with Class President Micah Lanier. She recently started following him on Insta. They had similar interests. When he reached out to her and asked if she'd meet him before the party. Joey jumped at the chance. Joey walked out the door and borrowed her dad's car to drive to the beach. She didn't bother asking her brother for a ride. It would be a waste of energy. She drove within the flow of traffic down to the beach, seeing the party in full sway as she passed by. Joey resisted the urge to honk at her stepbrother as she passed by. Further up the street towards the bay area of the beach was where she agreed to meet Micah. she found a parking spot a short distance away and walked to the destination. The beach was busy as always, even with it getting closer to sunset as the sun moved towards the Pacific, the hues of pink painted the sky with a pastel like view. She found a public restroom so that she could change into the bikini she picked out for meeting Micah before they went to the party. She turned down the beach and headed closer to the bay.

    I'm at the spot. She sent him a message as she found a suitable spot to wait. Refreshments were nearby and a good view of the ocean and for spotting Micah when he arrived. Hopefully, he comes... She thought as she gazed at the ocean as the sun reflected off the calm tide. Since she started high school, Joey's dating life had been relatively nonexistent. The way she focused on her goal of becoming a chef and eventually a restauranteur, she really hasn't had time to think about dating. But this year as a Junior, she planned to change that. There were a couple of flings last year and over the summer, but nothing serious enough to consider them dating. Joey hoped with Micah she could change that. He wasn't only yummy for her eyes. He also seemed like a stand-up guy who she'd like to get to know better.. Which suggested he's focused and had ambitions. Perfect for Joey, as long as she could keep from being engulfed in her own world enough to make this last. Then maybe she might not have to go through high school single.

    Micah arrived looking handsome as ever. The posts hadn't done his frame justice. She chewed her lip as he approached with a flower in his hand. "Obrigado." her Portuguese spilled out as she took the flower. Its fragrance was sweet. She held out her hand towards him. "Yes, take me there." She waited for him to bring her to this special spot. "Is this where all your first dates are?" She chuckled, the breeze flowing through her hair masking her pink blush as he captured her eyes.​

MIcah Lanier

@WanderingWordsmith i

nervous and excited
Secret Spot

"Yeah, this is typically the first place I take them all. Hence it being a secret," Micah chuckled as they walked hand in hand. He couldn't help but notice how soft her hand felt, a fleeting thought that crossed his mind as they strolled along the beach.

As they continued together, Joey's magnetic presence made Micah's enjoyment of her company grow with each step. They arrived at a secluded spot with a breathtaking view of the ocean. Micah spread out a blanket, inviting Joey to sit with him. They settled down comfortably, engaging in a conversation that flowed effortlessly.

They discussed their interests, dreams, and plans for the upcoming school year. The sun began to set, painting the sky with warm hues that reflected off the calm ocean. Micah felt a growing connection between them, one that went beyond mere attraction.

"I often come here when things seem too big for my mind to handle. I just look at the sea and remember how small everything is," Micah shared with Joey, his gaze meeting hers. In that moment, he felt a sense of peace washing over him, something he hadn't experienced in a while.

Micah found himself opening up more, sharing thoughts and feelings he hadn't expressed to anyone else in a long time. It was refreshing to connect with someone on a deeper level, and Micah couldn't deny the growing fondness he felt for Joey. Micah leaned back, his eyes fixed on the horizon where the sun was slowly sinking into the ocean. "Being class president," he began, his voice carrying a hint of contemplation, "it's both rewarding and stressful, you know? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love representing my classmates and making a difference where I can," Micah explained, a slight smile playing on his lips. "But sometimes, the weight of everyone's expectations can feel like a heavy burden."

"There are days when I just want to escape from it all," he admitted, his gaze returning to the tranquil sea. "Coming here, to this spot, it's my way of finding that escape, even if it's just for a little while."

The gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore provided a soothing backdrop to their conversation. Micah took a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief in sharing his thoughts with someone who genuinely cared to listen.

"But tonight," he continued, turning to face Joey with a grateful smile, "tonight feels different. It's like I can set aside those pressures and enjoy the moment, thanks to you." He reached out, his hand finding hers once more, their fingers intertwining in a silent connection that spoke volumes.

“Mr. President is here.”

♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡

Quinn Curtis







  • home (filler tab)


Love Me Not

Quinn ‘clinked’ shot glasses with her fellow student council member, Luci, red dress-ed and leaning up against the counter in the kitchen overlooking the beach. Sure pink lemonade vodka wasn't usually her drink of choice but Quinn’s week had been much less glass-of-wine and a lot more jungle-juice-in-a-solo-cup.

Her boyfriend, Mason Rivera, was driving her crazy and with every drink she was one step closer to forgetting that.

“Oh come on one more!”

The freckled girl impishly urged her underclassmen. The Curtis' ocean front home was as white and vacuous as any modern construction. Devoid of anything to make it feel like a home. To her father it was a bed once every few months, to her mother a testament to her loneliness, and her sister Blakely? Well she'd left as soon as she'd graduated. There were no pictures on the walls, no cozy reading corners. Just giant windows, dark wood floors, and chrome appliances.

The girls were one, two, three shots deep as the crowd slowly began to trickle onto the beach. “Guess we should think about joining them huh? It is my party.” Despite everything dark eyes scanned the crowd gathering below. 'You coming?’ Quinn's finger fired off a desperate text.

‘On my way, God.’

She ran her tongue over her teeth a tsk escaping her lips before slipping the device back in her leather boot.

Her full attention returned to the brunette in front of her. “Sorry! I feel like I've been so busy this summer I haven't really seen you. You know what?” She hopped back on the counter nestling in. “The party can wait a few minutes. How have you been Luce? Ready for school to start?”

♡coded by uxie♡
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Summer had been at home alone for once in a long long time. Usally her parents never left her alone in the house and she was forced to listen to the constant arguing, but with them actually going grocery shopping for once in their lives, she had the place to herself. She had been laying in bed reading through a book, before deciding to text Caleb unsure when he would pick her up she wanted to have enough time to prepare. However each message she had sent was only met with more confusion on her end, until he said he'd shower then come over she assumed that was her hint to get prepared.

Summer had practically gone through her whole closet until she landed on a simple baggy t-shirt over her, light blue bikini top, and a pair of black jean shorts over her light blue bikini bottoms. She had just finished getting prepared when she had received Caleb's message a part of her wanting to make him wait just to see what exactly he would do.

However, she didn't after all Caleb was her childhood friend, she didn't want to cause any unnecessary trouble. She packed up her towel and sunscreen checking her room one more time before she closed the door and made her way over to Caleb. She smiled when seeing his car waving at him as she placed her bag in the trunk then moved around the car to the passenger seat and getting in. "Hey C, you were lucky I was prepared, next time give me a time when your picking me up" she said and couldn't help but give him a small glare.
Amber at first hadn't really planned on going, but being bored and looking for a fun time she thought she might as well. Only if she found a ride of course, and everything seemed to line up perfectly with Axel asking anyone for rides, she had of course asked him, then looked through his instagram. Seeing him as attractive she thought, maybe he had just found her fun time.

She wasn't aware that he was dating Gwen, but even if she was she wouldn't have cared. Whenever Amber wanted something she would get it, no matter who was hurt, no matter who was in the way. She hadn't bothered to change, since she didn't need to naturally she was able to keep herself looking well without even trying, and with the house to herself, she was ready to get knocked up.

Making her way to the kitchen to grab herself a drink she hadn't expected the doorbell to ring so early her eyes landing on her phone to check the time. Of course she offered if he came early they could have some fun, she just didnt expect he'd go through with it...but now she was glad he did. Her brother had already made his way out, and Amber hadnt asked if he was going shopping for clothes or going to the party early since she didnt exacly care. As for their parents she had no clue where they were and didnt care.

Amber made her way over to the door as she opened it, her eyes shifting up to meet Axels, her body leaning against the door as she raised an eyebrow. "I'm going to think its safe to say your Axel...didn't exactly think you'd show up this early...want to come inside?" she offered with a smirk on her lips.

Amber's place was small and simple, after all with her parents marriage in pieces getting a new bigger place was the least of their worries. Amber of course wanted to live somewhere else get a big place when she's older maybe even living in LA, but those were dreams, and it didn't take her long to understand that dreams, stay dreams.

She shut the door behind him as they made their way over to the kitchen, her parents had left some drinks hidden...well used to be hidden away in the cabinets. However, with Amber keeping anything from her was a challenge. She was easily able to find it after some time, pulling out the alcoholic beverages as she placed it on the counter looking at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Want a drink...I want tell if you don't~" she said with a smirk pouring the two a glass without waiting for his response. She handed him his cup and moved closer, "I think after...we should take this somewhere...else...somewhere more....private" she suggested her fingers brushing against his arm.
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Ivy Thornwood







  • home (filler tab)


I like the way you kiss me

"Ivy! Shouldn't you be leaving now?"
The sound of small paw pads followed by heavy footsteps and chains jingling against each other. Currently, Ivy should be on the way to pick up Nolan, but instead Ivy was chasing milo around her room. Just to get her phone. "I- fuck - am trying mom!" She stumbled over herself, slamming into her vanity. Finally, folding over herself trying to catch her breath. Glancing up to only see the border collie puppy panting at her; running around in circles.
"Come on milo, I have to leave." She walks over picking up milo. Kissing the top of his head. In response, he lets out a high itched bark. Ivy laughs, setting him on her bed, grabbing her slobbery phone. 'Sorry Nolan, Im on my way!! I was fighting your godson.' As she presses send, she passes her mirror double checking if she looked good after running after her dog. Ivy nods, snatching her bag and keys. "Bye milo! I love you" She says opening the door to her mother. Her mother gives her a judging look before hugging her nodding. "Don't let your father see you." Ivy scoffs, nodding before brushing past her mom running down the stairs. Rushing past the living room before her dad could comment on her choice of clothes.
"Text you when im heading back." She screams after pushing open the door, slamming it behind her. Running to her jeep, climbing into the driver side and starting it. Before starting the car, she digs through her pocket grabbing a small case.
Pulling out a purple blunt and placing it in her mouth. "Lets do this." Ivy quickly lights it, taking a drag the stepping on the gas.

♡coded by uxie♡

Genesis Pang







  • home (filler tab)

Kenya Grace

Goes like this

One thing to note about Genesis is that she has never been on time. Not for school, not for a funeral, and especially not even the party they have been waiting forever to go to.
In their defense, they got ready early with Dora. Both got their makeup done to perfection in a matter of minutes. The only problem that is left, what to wear. On her bed, lies every piece of clothing they have. Plus some that Dora brought as well. Genesis slouches over her bed, lit cigarette in hand. As for Dora, well she sits on the floor looking back and forth between the mess. Both stare intensely at the chaos laid upon them. The cigarette down to just ash. Genesis sighs, moving up from the bed. Gliding across the room, putting the cigarette out with her others. In one hand, putting it out in a heart shaped dish.
"Fuck..." Genesis grumbles, reaching into her back pocket checking her phone. Grabbing a new cigarette and a blunt. Placing the cigarette between her glossed lips; passing the blunt to Dora. They kneel down, placing the tip against the blunt lighting them both. Genesis smiles, leaning back scanning the mess for the fifth time. But this time, something clicks. They take a long drag, and laugh. She pulls the cigarette from her mouth, giving it to Dora. Happily running over to a section, digging through.
Tossing clothes side to side, mumbling incoherent words. “YESS!! HERE” They scream, holding clumps of clothes in her fist. Tossing them over her shoulder, possibly hitting Dora by accident. "Now, lets finally get ready.”

♡coded by uxie♡

Nolan Rhodes

  • mood


"Wwwwhaat the fuck."
Leaning into the mirror slightly, Nolan pulled out his septum ring and switched it out for a silver star-shape. Leaning back and taking a full look of himself, he scoffed. Fine enough for a party, he supposed. Shaking up his now-red hair, his eyes glanced down to the phone next to him, screen cracked, and saw a text from Ivy. Without bothering to respond he stumbled back into his room to grab whatever was left to grab: Boots, lighter, etc. Pulling on scuffed and worn doc martens with modifiers he added himself a year or two ago. Humming along to the music playing in the background, he scrounged around to make sure he wouldn't leave anything he needed --as he often did.

Admittedly, he was nervous about going to a party. A sick feeling twisted at his stomach. Nolan was not the target audience really, he'd much rather just be in a gathering with a few friends. Yet here he was, about to be picked up by one of his closest friends, Ivy, and going to a party before school picks back up. Whatever, it would be fun he told himself. Picking up the items and putting them in his deeper pockets, he checked the window to see if Ivy was here or not. He didn't want to keep her waiting.

Throwing a few clothing items back in the drawers messily, he paused the CD playing a band he didn't quite remember putting on, and grabbed the keys that were thrown on the bed earlier. Hearing a car roll up, he snatched his phone up and slammed his door. His parents weren't home yet, but his little sister was. She turned around on the couch throwing a dirty look, he threw one back. The door shut, he made sure to lock it, then ran up to the vehicle waiting for him. Opening the door, he slid in and grinned at Ivy, "Heyy! Thanks for picking me up."

Sha Sha Sha

Fontaines D.C.

♡coded by uxie♡

Damien Slater

"Warn you?" Slater echoed, scoffing at the very idea as he held a hand out expectantly. "You want me to give you a call next time ahead of time? 'Hey bitch, ten minutes out, have the shit ready to go.'"

He shook his head, rolling his eyes at the very idea of doing so. See, the thing was that Nick should always be ready for Slater to just show up -- well, maybe not ready ready, but it wasn't like he was the type of guy to let people know where he was going, or when he was showing up. Probably because half the time, Slater didn't even know where he was going to be.

Slater supposed there was a small difference setting Nick aside from others, though. The whole occasional hookup aspect of the whole deal, accompanied by none other than weed in return. It escalated their simple friendship to something a little more, but still -- Slater didn't owe anyone a warning text that he was coming.

Impatiently, he watched Nick light up the blunt, and then held his hand out expectantly. "Alright, c'mon, share," he urged, dark eyes flickering rapidly between the blunt and Nick's face. Still kind of fidgeting, he glanced around the party. "Is this even any fun?" he asked. From what Slater could tell, it looked lame.

(He would've thought any party looked lame.)



song title
by artist​



monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555

º º code by ditto º º

Mason Rivera

Mason was perpetually annoyed, but this week seemed to be even more annoying than usual. He had enough going on as it was, that having an annoying, needy ass girlfriend constantly bickering in his ear and being all over other guys was really just the cherry on top. The cherry on top of a really annoying, terrible fucking summer.

He really should've known that things were bound to go wrong this year. His ex had taken off the moment she graduated from her online school, and she'd left Mason in the dust. And it wasn't really her that he was hung up on, it was really everything that had happened after she had left. Blow after blow, until Mason was on his knees, struggling to stand back up.

As he pulled up in front of Nova's house in his shitty little car, his finger started tapping against the steering wheel impatiently. He didn't know much -- if anything -- about the girl he was picking up, but that didn't matter when he was literally just a ride. A way to get under Quinn's skin in a petty, childish little way, because maybe Mason was occasionally petty.

(He was very petty, all the time.)

"Hey," he greeted, as she got in his passenger seat. Once she was settled, he started driving towards the party, with his left hand resting on the top of the steering wheel, while his right arm rested on the center console. A finger tapped against the steering wheel again, as he found himself at a severe lack of words.

Speaking, especially with what was relatively a stranger, was hard.

"Are you gonna need a ride home?" he asked, glancing at her. "Guess if you do, just... lemme know or something."

Of course he'd rather not give her a ride home, but Mason also wasn't going to leave someone without a ride back. He would take her home, albeit very begrudgingly.

"You really think the dude you're into is even gonna notice?"


a car

song title
by artist​



Hazel_ Hazel_

º º code by ditto º º
Seeing Mason's car pull up, she was relieved at least a little bit. She didn't exactly think he wouldn't come and pick her up, but having someone else around her always seemed to drive away her thoughts. Something she so desperately needed. She made her way over throwing her bag into the back seats before making her way over and into the passenger seat. Unlike Mason she always find ways to start conversations, small talk being easy for her. She greeted him with a big smile. "hey!"

She leaned against the seat, comfortably it seemed she didn't care much about the state of his car. After all she wasn't one to judge people on the objects they had, rather by the way they acted.

Nova glanced over when he asked, she shrugged, "I don't think so, I'm pretty sure you'll have Quinn in this seat and ill be with...the guy i'm interested in, if anything happens and I do need a ride trust me ill figure it out, i'm a natural at it." she said causally as if being left behind to find a ride herself happened all the time. "As for him noticing, of course he will, at least I hope he will...it doesnt matter anyways"

"We came to the party to try and get two people a bit jealous, but that shouldn't really be our goal, so what if it doesn't happen we can still have a good time. I would love if he noticed and you'd be over the moon if Quinn noticed and came over to you, but if it doesn't happen we should still be happy. Its getting close to the end of summer and the start of the new school year! This is one of the best ways to start the school year by getting out having fun, playing games, laughing, making friends with people you never thought you would...all i'm saying is your happiness shouldn't be dependent on one person or any person, you can always find a way to be happy no matter the amount of shit and crap that happens...you just have to look at it from a different angel" she said her optimism coming out rather strong...stronger than she intended.


cinnamon girl

Tabitha Cohen






Beach party.



tags here

Tabitha was technically invited to the party. She was also technically expressly forbidden from attending. Luckily, she was a big fan of semantics and loopholes.

For example, Tabitha was technically grounded, but that would not be stopping her from going out tonight. It was the last Saturday before her senior year began, and she had spent the day taunting and threatening people with her presence, so of course, she had to make an appearance. And she couldn't even remember why she’d been grounded anyway, and was fairly sure her father didn't remember either, seeing as he was pretty fucking drunk when the sentencing happened.

As far as her parents knew, Tabitha would be driving over to her brother’s flat to check up on him. Which wasn't untrue- she had called Edgar earlier and asked to crash on his couch for the night. There would just be a couple detours before that.

Tabitha appreciated her work in the mirror for a few seconds before turning off the Fiona Apple blasting through her phone (probably not the hypest kind of music to get ready to, but Tabitha enjoyed doing her make-up to melodramatic tunes). She looked beautiful, which wasn’t surprising, but it made her smile all the same…she thought of all the people who would be seething over how good she looked, and Tabitha suddenly felt real warm and fuzzy.

The purple dress she had on stuck to all the right places and curves, but sadly, she had to hide it underneath an oversized leather jacket in order to leave the house without causing suspicion.

Tabitha got into her car (a red Mustang, the one and only love of her life) and texted Kat to hurry the hell up, she’d be at her door in 10 minutes.
Do you have your own victims for tonight?” Tabby asked as she walked into the party, arm intertwined with Kat’s.

Of course nobody barred Tabitha from entering the party, Quinn and Mason were all talk. Pussies, she thought to herself, smiling, could’ve been kind of funny if they did.

“I have some plans,” Tabitha told her friend, scanning the crowd after reapplying her (much too expensive) Dior lip gloss. “But call me if you need a drink thrown in anyone’s face, okay, love?”

♡coded by uxie♡

  • Syrok18 Syrok18
    Joey giggled when Micah said it was secret for the reason she speculated. Smiling at his laugh, his hand felt big around her own, as they walked along the beach towards the spot he showed her. Settling on the sand she looked out to the ocean where the two pillars of rock rose from the ocean in magnificence.

    There was a strong attraction between them, Micah laid a blanket on the sand and she sat next to him looking out to the ocean. Down to earth Micah confided in her his own stress and concerns things that he contemplated while coming to the secluded spot on the beach. Despite the business of the rest of the beach it was nice to find a place that was relatively quiet, the only chatter in the background being the seagulls and waves that followed the tide. “I can definitely get how this would be a good place to clear your head.” She said looking at him the breeze traveled through her hair and used her other hand to brush it out of her face. Brown eyes contrasted her lightly tanned skin.

    She listened to him interested in the way he looked at things, the two of them similar in their goal oriented mindset but both having different obstacles they had to overcome. “I definitely feel that, between track and volleyball. I have so many expectations to meet it seems I never have time for my life.” She looked out to the ocean taking a deep breath that went with the tide retreating from the shore.

    A moment later when he said he gets to enjoy the moment thanks to her she chuckled softly. “Speaking of enjoying the moment. Think we should head to the party?” She asked standing up. She gave him a playful glance and pranced off ahead with a fleeting nature that said chase me.

    Joey slowed her pace turning to face Micah. She let him get close her hands found his leaning in her lips millimeters away from his. The warmth of her body radiating onto his. Then she turned and walked next to him towards Quinn’s party.

    "Nova!" she shouted waving to the girl she played volleyball with. She didn't break away from Micah, instead she pulled his arms around her waist and let herself sink into him, molding herself to his body.
c'est la vie

awkward ig

Zeke, Simone
@Historia Calamatium @KingofAesir

When she asked Quinn if TBD (yes, that was their band name, because they couldn't agree on one) could play at the party, Ophelia didn't expect a yes. Quinn Curtis was both beautiful and scary, but weirdly generous as she paid them two hundred dollars in advance—with the subtle suggestion that if they played well, there'd be more opportunities for them in the future... which made this their first paying gig and the only one that mattered.

Hopefully the first of many. Don't get her wrong, she was nervous, but there were others who were a little worse for wear... Her guitarist paced back and forth in the sand with a set of nerves that Oph had only seen on her mother whenever company was coming over unexpectedly. "Dude, relax, Em will be here soon."

If anxiety was a person, it'd be Ezekiel Aguirre.

He was one of her closest friends—and her first kiss.

Ten-year-old Ophelia's nose was scrunched in thought, sitting beside Ezekiel near one of the many arcade machines she'd tried desperately to keep a high score on. He glanced over at her and smiled ever-so-sweetly; he often did that more than speaking. She'd taken that as her chance to press her lips against his... for... 0.5 seconds before breaking away.


She felt nothing.

Maybe a bit of disgust, but really, nothing. Where were the butterflies?

"Um, maybe it's just you, but I think I like girls."

With a completely blank expression on his face, Zeke replied, "Same."

She'd tried to forget that moment, but it still came in flashes, like tiny living nightmares. "It's not the first time he's been late, he always shows up." They weren't very close, but Ophelia knew Emmett. He wouldn't turn down good money—and while a dick, he was a loyal dick.

"I love you broski, but go take a walk or somethin'. You're freaking me out."

If Zeke needed anything, it was to be as high as a kite.

She should've waited for Indiana or Dora before she started setting up the drum kit—they weren't typically supposed to be this heavy, but her arms strained lifting one of them. Ophelia wasn't one for working out much—in case that wasn't obvious, she was more of a couch potato unless she was working at the arcade or at band practice. Oph prided herself on doing nothing as a hobby.

If it's not broke, don't fix it. Chicks dug the whole unathletic vibe she put out - so if anything, Ophelia was doing it for them.

A guy somewhere around her age had the grand idea to jump on the stage, tapping a mic that wasn't even on yet and professing his love for some girl that Ophelia had never heard of. "I'm gonna need you to fuck off somewhere, dickwad." She started to lift one of the drums onto the stage as he continued to slur and splurge his words in modern Shakespeare, and what she means by that is—

"Alyssa, she meant nothing to me, I slept with her for you, I wanted to be experienced for y-"

"Okay, shoo, shoo, nobody likes you. Nobody wants to see you up here. Thank you." A familiar voice rang as the bass drum she'd been holding suddenly got lighter and Simone was standing across from her, holding one end of the drum and ushering off the boy on the stage who sulked off like a scolded puppy.

With a grateful tilt of her head, Ophelia had a hard time suppressing a grin. "Thanks." It was a wonder as to how they'd never met before, in passing, they probably had but—last week during a gig that'd gotten them nothing but free coffee, Simone had stayed until after their set and introduced herself. Ophelia doesn't believe in love at first sight, but a hot chick giving her the time of day? It was always a blessing.

They talked for hours; the band had gone home and Ophelia was sitting on a bar stool, a hand propping up her chin as she listened to yet another story that they just continued to delve into. It'd been a while since she held a conversation with someone for that long. Things with her ex had only gotten more complicated as time went on and while Ophelia still held a torch out to her—hoping that there was some slim chance they'd get back together...

This was a night where she didn't even think about her. A bittersweet feeling.

"Girls, we're closing up shop." The employee who flirted with Derek hours earlier spoke, offering an apologetic smile, the rag she used to swipe the counter with, the same light blue as her eyes, she was pretty, not to compare girls, but Simone was considered a goddess compared to her - but still pretty. Derek wouldn't make a move because he wasn't over his ex, but he'd never admit that.

"What time is it?" Ophelia asked, her phone died hours ago but she didn't care enough to ask for a charger.

"Eleven-thirty, we closed an hour ago, but I figured not to bother, I was just cleaning up."

"Oh, shit, my mom's gonna slow roast me. Uh..." Simone gestured towards the sharpie that the barista had near her shirt pocket and she handed it over. "Here," the brown-eyed girl reached out for Oph's arm and jotted something down.

"Old-school. I dig it." Ophelia laughed, "I'll text you when my phone is... you know..."

A silence sat over them and she was quick to break it, afraid to fall into some awkward pattern she couldn't climb out of. "Goodnight, drive um, safe." After mentally berating herself, she left the café.

A very faint phone number was still visible on her palm. Permanent sharpie doesn't mess around. That, and she tried her best not to wash it off.

SB - 394-834-5624 ♡

(Shut up, Kass.)

"I... didn't know you were gonna be at this thing," she started, it was a stupid thing to say because half the school planned to be at this thing, it was a high school party, and they both attended high school. They lifted the bass drum onto the stage and Oph scratched at the back of her neck.

"I mean uh, I've, y'know, been here for a while, came to set up..."

Her ex dropped her off, but Ophelia conveniently left that part out. Normally, she'd like to brag that she had bitches, but she couldn't expose her true self yet, she was still a gentleman.

"I just didn't know you were... uh..."

Oh, she knew she was cooked.

"... Listen, Em's late, Zeke's spazzing, you look really nice—and I think one of my brothers put rocks in the drums, so I'm a total mess right now."
coded by natasha.

Caleb Monroe

@Hazel_ i

Party soon

"C'mon, Summer, you know I can't resist keeping you on your toes," Caleb said with a playful grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he started the car. The Mustang roared to life, the engine purring smoothly like a contented cat. He glanced over at her, catching her eye in the rearview mirror before pulling out of her driveway with a practiced ease.

"But I'll remember for next time, promise," he added, a hint of sincerity in his voice despite his teasing nature. Caleb had a way of pushing boundaries with his friends, but he always knew where to draw the line.

As they hit the open road, the wind tousling their hair and the sun casting a warm glow through the car windows, Caleb turned up the speaker in the car. The familiar beats of their favorite songs filled the air, creating a soundtrack for their journey.

"So, ready for tonight?" Caleb asked, flashing Summer a lopsided grin as he navigated the streets with ease. He loved these moments with Summer, where they could just be themselves and enjoy each other's company without any pretense. Their easy banter and shared history made every ride an adventure in itself, and tonight promised to be no different.
As Caleb and Summer approached the beach party, he couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. The anticipation of the night ahead mixed with the cool ocean breeze coming through the open windows made for an electrifying atmosphere. The familiar sounds of laughter and music grew louder as they neared the beachfront.

Caleb navigated the crowded streets with ease, his eyes scanning for a good parking spot near the party. Spotting an open space not too far from the festivities, he expertly maneuvered the Mustang into position, giving it a satisfied pat as he turned off the engine.

"Here we are, Summer," Caleb announced, turning to face her with a grin. "Time to make some memories tonight."

They got out of the car, the warm sand under their feet signaling the start of a fun-filled evening. Caleb glanced around, taking in the sights and sounds of the lively beach party. Colorful lights danced overhead, and the scent of grilled food wafted through the air.

“Where the Baddies with the Addy!!!”

♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡
Summer shook her head, she liked to be prepared especially in situations she didn't entirely feel comfortable in. However, she could never stay mad at her best friend, a smile formed on the girls face when he told her he'd keep it in mind for next time. "thank you Caleb" she said, with sincerity as well.

She would be lying if she said she was excited, this wasn't at all what she enjoyed doing in her free time. By now she could be finishing up her series that she had been trying to finish always ending her books on the best part. However seeing Caleb smile, she knew he enjoyed these things and well if she hadn't gone she couldn't risk him staying behind for her. So she nodded her head, "Of course i'm excited...just a bit nervous as well...you know these things aren't exactly comforting to do" she shrugged, her hair breezing through the wind.

Maybe, this is what she had needed to finally leave the house...to finally do something rather than be locked away. Sure, she had gone over to Calebs house many times where they would spend nights watching movies together, or share small stories about their day. However, this may have been the step she needed for this year...she just hadn't completely come to terms with the idea of going to a place...filled with people...especially people she didn't know.

She got down from the car closing the door and walking by his side onto the beach, she could see the party from a distance, and her heart raced not in the good way. It seemed now it had just hit her this was real. She stopped walking for a second and glanced back at where they had came, she could still go back home couldnt she...her eyes then landed on Caleb again. No...she couldnt she was already here... she thought to herself. "Why don't you go ahead...ill catch up!" she said with a sweet innocent smile, while inside she could barley keep herself together.

MIcah Lanier

@WanderingWordsmith i

nervous and excited
Secret Spot

He found himself mesmerized by Joey's laughter, her joy infectious as they walked hand in hand along the beach. Her small hand in his felt delicate yet comforting, a contrast to the weight of responsibilities he often carried.
Finding their spot on the sand, Micah spread out the blanket, the ocean's grandeur unfolding before them. He appreciated Joey's presence, a kindred spirit who understood the need for solace amidst life's demands.
Her openness about her own struggles resonated with Micah. "Yeah, it's like a sanctuary," he agreed, his gaze drifting to the horizon. He admired the way she brushed her hair aside, her brown eyes reflecting a depth of understanding.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, each sharing glimpses of their worlds. Micah was drawn to Joey's determination, her commitment to her passions evident in every word she spoke. "It's crazy how life can consume us," he remarked, a shared sentiment of navigating through expectations and personal ambitions.
When Joey suggested heading to the party, Micah chuckled, enjoying her playful energy. He followed her lead, matching her pace as they walked together. Her spontaneity was refreshing, a stark contrast to the structured routines of his daily life.
As they approached the party, Joey's interaction with Nova showcased her vibrant personality. Micah found himself pulled into her warmth, his arms instinctively wrapping around her waist as they joined the festivities.
he whispered in her ear "if you wanna go play its fine... I'll be around when you need me.... also you smell really nice." His nose inches from her neck. A soft smile came across his face as he looked at who all was at the party. The night held promises of laughter, music, and maybe, just maybe, the beginning of something special between them.

“Mr. President is here.”

♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡

Caleb Monroe

Summer and Amy
@Hazel_ @Kitsune2202 i

Party soon

Caleb glanced over at Summer as they stepped onto the beach, taking in the sight of the lively party in the distance. He noticed a hint of unease in her expression, a stark contrast to her usual upbeat demeanor.
"Hey, you okay?" Caleb asked, concern flickering in his eyes as he slowed his pace to match hers. He sensed her hesitation, the subtle pause in her steps speaking volumes.

When Summer suggested he go ahead while she caught up, Caleb furrowed his brow slightly, studying her face for a moment. "Sure thing," he replied casually, masking his own worry with a reassuring smile. "Take your time, no rush."

As he continued toward the party, Caleb couldn't shake the feeling that something was bothering Summer. He made a mental note to check in with her once things settled down a bit, knowing that their friendship was built on moments like these—being there for each other through thick and thin.

Caleb spotted Amy, his neighbor and longtime friend, mingling with a group near the bonfire. With a quick nod to Summer, indicating he would be right back, Caleb made his way over to Amy.
As Caleb approached Amy, he couldn't resist a mischievous grin forming on his face. Amy and Caleb had a history that ran deep, having been best friends since childhood. Growing up next to each other meant they shared many firsts and secrets, from innocent childhood games to navigating the complexities of teenage experiences.

"Boo!" Caleb exclaimed playfully.

“Where the Baddies with the Addy!!!”

♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡

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