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Fantasy Maxwood Highschool for the unique

Isabella just looked at the nurse as she looked at her" wait health exam" she asked as she was confused" nope i'm out nope not doing it" she say to her best friend as she just tried to walk out the room but of course it was blocked off" what kind exam ma'am i sorta hurt my hand" she say pointing to her fhand" um and my friend has a headace can you help her ma'am" she say
"All newly enrolled students have a health exam. Judging by your reactions, you've had yours for the year" She guided the two girls over to the beds and sat them down.
She moved to retrieve an icepack for the girl with an injured hand and wrapped it in a towel "Here you go my young shoot" she smiled, handing it to her.
Next she turned to the girl's companion "How did the headache start?"
Elizabeth Ashreel Elizabeth Ashreel Texangamer Texangamer
Isabella just looked at her friend as she was trying to get out of getting out of the room she hates nurses doctors" do my friend first she's more important than me" she told the nurse' fuuuuuuuuudge it hurts' she thought as she just looked around backing up little bit by little hoping she not noticable she was really scared what the nurse would do she had a broken hand she just pourt
"I uh...passed out a few hours ago and recently woke up. I had a hard time getting here with symptoms of clouded and dizzy vision as well."She said it all very straight forward as she massaged her forehead.
Isabella just felt the ice on her hand as she looked at her friend" it's true miss" she say as she just was wondering wht darron was doing she haven't seen him all after noon she been with Danny the whole time she didn't mind she liked reconecting with her best friend she felt bit of pressure on her hand but wanted her friend to feel better" will my friend be okay miss" she asked Bunny Hop Bunny Hop Elizabeth Ashreel Elizabeth Ashreel
Akira - A Love Song! (I'm dying from the cuteee~~!!!) - ( SmallSailboat SmallSailboat )

Akira hadn't realized that Darron and Danny were siblings, they looked nothing like each other and frankly Darron was still kind of a jerk in his eyes. But if he was related to Danny- Geez, fine, he'd put up with it. They didn't seem to be that close anyways, so maybe she didn't really like him all that much anyways? Akira had never had a sibling before, so it was hard to tell. Either way, at least he and Lance were good. That was really all that mattered anyways. He'd gladly taken the others hand before the realization had struck that there were still classes today. Lance had gone without him, and he spent a good portion of the time tuning up his song and adding all the final little bells and whistles that made it really pop!

At least, Akira hoped it popped. Oh god, did he hope it popped. He wanted it to sound as good as it possibly could, and he was sure it probably did. He wasn't sure how much Lance would like it though. Akira had no idea on Lance's opinion on dubstep or techno or any of the smaller spin-off genre's that he was dead hitting with his song, and he really hoped Lance didn't mind it. It had just seemed like the best way to convey his feelings, chaotic, messy and somehow still melodic. That was just how he felt, and he hoped Lance liked it.

Well- maybe they should just go grocery shopping first, yeah, shopping. Today was exhausting enough, they should just relax and kick back and max all cool and chill outside of the school- And was Akira thinking in an old sitcom rap? ...That was not normal... But it'd probably go away with shopping! A lot of things went away with shopping! Like your sense of pride and tolerance in another human being! Truly, shopping was the most bonding of activities. Akira was just going to let Lance listen to the song later. Yeah, later, when everything had cooled down a bit more. With that thought in mind, he waited with baited breath for Lance to come back to the dorm room.
Charmeine nodded "She probably just has a minor concussion. She can stay here to rest" She fluffed up a pillow behind Danny "Are you allergic to any pain killers" she asked, opening a drawer of the cabinet and takng out a box of tablets.

She looked at the other girl "Where do you think you are going? If you are going to run off, mak yourself ueful and if you come across a girl with an eyepatch, tall girl. Tell her she needs to come in for her health exam. Be careful, she is blind in one eye so don't sneak up on her"
"No ma'am I'm not allergic to any medicine that I'm aware of."Danny says leaning back on the pillow wondering how she had gotten a concussion. It might have been when she collapsed in the music room? That was most likely the case, she wasn't completely sure though.
Isabella just shock her head" no i'm not leaving my friend" she say as she was worried as she sit at the chair" so um is my hand is broken i can't move it" she asked as she looked up at the nurse" i haven't even done my health exam yet" she say as she sit next to Danny she wasn't gonna leave as she was worried about danny she is her best friend she needed to stay to make sure everything will be okay Bunny Hop Bunny Hop Elizabeth Ashreel Elizabeth Ashreel
Lance had come home to Akira on his stomach, working on his song as usual. He offered a somewhat tired smile. Coach had put him through leg day that day, and he had been out of practice. He sat down on the bed next to him, wincing slightly as his legs were still sore. He kissed Akira hello, "I brought you the classwork for the day. We have homework due Monday but it's just a couple worksheets. Nothing too big. Still up for groceries? I can go by myself if you're not feeling up to it." He wanted to push him down and just snuggle up with him for the day, but he wasn't going to break his promise about keeping him fed. Lance had been selfish enough for one day. Alright, he might've snuck a few kisses onto Akira's cheek and right behind his ear. He seemed to like it there! Who was Lance to refuse him? He ran his fingers up and down Akira's back as he searched the other's eyes for answers.
K KodomoSekai (screeeeeeeeee XD)
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Charmeine nodded and handed Danny two tablets and a glass of water before turning to Isabella, kneeling down to her level and gently as she could, taking her hand in her own
"It isn't broken, thankfully. It looks like a nasty sprain" She stood up and picked up a compression bandage "I'll wrap this around for now, it'll help with the swelling and tenderness. I want you to rest the wrist" She instructed the girl
Texangamer Texangamer Elizabeth Ashreel Elizabeth Ashreel
Danny closed her eyes as she leaned into the bed. It wasn't like those at a normal human's school, they were longer and a bit wider, much softer as well. It was easy to say Danny was already drifting off to sleep after she had taken the tablets with the glass of water. "Thank you ma'am..." She trails off slightly as she starts to doze off, the southern accent was becoming a big more clear.

( Bunny Hop Bunny Hop Texangamer Texangamer )
Isabella just looked at her as she watched her wrap bandages on her hand" how exactly do i do that i have to do my school work with this hand i can't write with my other hand" she say" unless i have a note Miss" she say as she just looked at the lady as she didn't like have the bandage on but had to use it the sprainged was pretty bad" how long can't use my hand" she asked her" maybe i can look for the girl i haven't took my medical exam yet but i'm worried to leave my friend she's family to me" she told her
"I'll write you a note."Charmeine "I would like you to keep those bandages on for two weeks2 She smiled
"I'd appreciate you finding the girl for me, your friend will be safe with me"
She stood up "Be careful of approaching from her left as she can't see you and she's naturally jumpy. Last school she was at, a kid got a broken nose as he would always deliberately approach her from the left to scare her"
Isabelle just looked at her" two weeks" she say pouting a little" okay i understand Ma'am watch my friend okay" she say as she just went to find the girl as she just walked around trying to find a girl as she saw a very tall girl she was short for her age she just saw the girl with the eye patch " um excuse me Miss" she say as she felt she was pinned her hand hurting" ow i'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you" she told the girl
Adney released the girl "Sorry. I don't like people approaching where I cannot see them" She stepped back "It's a natural reaction of mine to try and control the situation when something like this happens" She adjusted the eyepatch again
"Why did you approach me anyway" She asked, her Norwegian accent strong
Isabella as she looked at her as she sat up" I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" she say as she looked at her" oh um the nurse wants you to take you health exam I was told to come to find you miss" she say smiling" I'm Isabella call me isa Izzy iz or Bella don't matter" she say happily
"I hate nurses. They poke and prod and ask stupid questions" Adney swore under her breath in Norwegian before turning to to Isabella "I'm Adney Lystad, retired beast hunter"
She gave the girl a smile and offered her a hand up
Akira - Synapses Rebelling - ( SmallSailboat SmallSailboat )

Akira quickly saved the song, at this point it was completely finished. Editing it any more would literally just be nitpicking something that can't do any better. Akira found himself responding "Yeah, we can go for grocery'sss-!!!" Akira shivered as felt Lance's finger run up and down his back. A light pink came onto his face as he stared into Lance's eyes, slowly the color became darker and darker until he was a dark red. Akira had no idea why Lance did this to him, how the heck was he not aware of this?! At this point, Akira was sure Lance knew this was just taunting at this point. He had to. No one man could be this innocent.

Unless they were Lance. Lance was probably the most innocent man on this planet, and that likely would never change. Akira still had no idea how Lance hadn't known any of what he'd been doing. With all those kisses and cuddles and all that, Lance had to have known what he was doing. Akira was stuck in the internal battle, did or did Lance not know what he was making him feel? He sighed as he realized he probably wasn't going to know any time soon. He swore he could see the unending well of innocence in the other's eyes, but he couldn't be sure.

"Lance, are you aware of what you do to me?" Akira finally asked. He really did need to know at this point, he was curious how actually aware Lance was.
Isabella just grabbed her hand" that's so cool do you have powers like I do" she asked" I know the feeling I hate needles I got one today my friend forced me to get one I hated it and it was awful" she say as she stood up" it's nice too meet you" she say happily" sorry about scaring you" she say" I like your eye patch it's cool" she say happily

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