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Fantasy Maxwood Highschool for the unique

Adney kept close to the wall, being blinded in one eye made her uneasy in new environments. It was a habit from her monster hunting days. One hand reached up and pushed her eyepatch back over her eye.
A new school would be an interesting environment for her to learn to navigate.
Darron would be in the forest, doing...things. Shhhh it's a secret go about your afternoon! Nothing to see here! All you had to know was it involved a large bag and...strands of lights? Maybe he's planning a flashy murder? *cue wiggling of suggestive brows*

(This is proof my brain isn't working rn oh my gosh xD)
Isabella just looked at her" oh it was amazing but i missed you both auntie sent me here to control my powers i know they have a school and Paris but i wanted to be here i wanted to be closer to my friends" she say as she smiled she just sat on the floor next to her" i won't leave" she say as she didn't like seeing her friend like this all she wasnted to help her she didn't want to hurt her since she didn't have her gloves" are you hungry" she asked
"I missed you too bella, and I guess I'm a little hungry." She responds with a tired smile, looking at her friend."Was the Eiffel Tower as pretty as they say?"
Isabella just looked at her" do you want me to make you somethin" she asked as she looked at her phone" i got pictures" she say as she smiled" i can show you a picture" she say getting out her phone and showing her pictures of the alfiel tower and her aunt and her she just looked happy showing her the pictures
Danny has a ever so small smile on her face at the joy on bella's. Seeing her again made her feel at least a but better and more reassured she was going to get through this, remembering to "Keep your held high and a strong smile on your face, tough it out". They were words she held dear to her heart, given to her by someone special. These words made her stronger but also broke her down since toughing it out was, to her, a way of going through the storm alone. "It's beautiful Bella."
Michelle Leanne Woods
She just hears her mother shushing as she just nodded" yes mama I understand" she say as she felt her mother kissing her on her forehead she just smiled when her mother sat next to her she heard her mom singing as she coughed a bit she just start to fall asleep on her lap she looked happy as she slept on her mom lap she had everything next to her a trashcan water she just slept on her mother happily she didn't want to go to school tomorrow she had a massive headache she just hugged her stiffed tiger" daddy mama" she mumbles in her sleep AquaMarie AquaMarie Bunny Hop Bunny Hop
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Isabella just smile as she just looked at the pictures she saw a small smile on Danny face as she smiled" it really was someday i gonna take you there that's a promise i'll tend to keep" she say as she just got closer to the bed still sitting on the bed she didn't want to tell anyone but her friends about her wrist she felt a bit pain but ignored it she really hurt it she couldn't really move her hand Elizabeth Ashreel Elizabeth Ashreel
"I think you need to get your wrist checkout out amiga, it's bruising a bit..."I say gently taking her hand and looking at her wrist with a bit ofbworry on her face.
Isabella just looked at her" it's fine it don't even hurt" she say in her head' ow ow ow oh my gosh stop touching my hand' she thought" besides i don't want to leave you" she say as she felt the pain in her wrist" it's nothing" she lied it was hard to lie to her as she just lookded at her friend as she saw she her wrist was swoolen up as she felt a sharp pain in her hand" it's nothing i promise" she say
Isabella just bites her lip hard so she won't yelp" it's fine see" she say as she just smiled looking at her ' oh my gosh it hurts so much but i'm not going to show it to danny' she thought to herself she was trying to keep her tough girl act she never showes weakness towards anyone she had to be strong she couldn't cry or anything' besides i don't want to go to scary nurse' she thought
"Isa, you biting your lip just now goes against you words...I'll come with you if's not like my legs can't work, when you're injured put your stubbornness aside and get yourself help. Strength comes from the will of showing you need help sometimes, not from doing everything on your own."She sighs realizing one of these days she'll have to eat her own words.
Isabella just looked down as she sighed' dang it' she thought as she just nodded" okay i'll go to the nurse" she say as she looked at her friend" i'm sorry" she say standing up looking at her hand" maybe i should have asked for help but i just don't know how to" she say as she just looked at her" it's okay how did you knew i was lying besides me bitting on my lip" she say as she looked at her Elizabeth Ashreel Elizabeth Ashreel
"Is that supposed to be an insult?"she chuckles softly. "Isabella I'm one of your best friends, that and your old habbits haven't changed one bit."I say smiling a bit more but wasn't a full smile."Would you like me to come with you?"
Adney had made her way carefully to the dorms, having fallen over a few times when she hadn't expected a flight of stairs. Her depth perception wasn't best
She heard a quiet voice whispering for their parents. Carefully she found the door and opened it a little
"Are you alright" she asked"
Texangamer Texangamer
Isabella just nodded"yes please you know i don't like shots or nurses they are scary darron held me so i wouldn't escape since i hate getting needle shots" she say as she just looked at her as she looked around seeing her smile she was happy that she was smiling" yeah it's hard to lie to my best friends" she say" yeah lets go come on Danny" she say Elizabeth Ashreel Elizabeth Ashreel Bunny Hop Bunny Hop (nurse for my character)
"Help me gst up, not really ya'know...loose in the joints right now."She says sitting on the edge holding her hand out to be pulling up. She most likely could walk but she'd be incredibly dizzy with her vision once she starts to move.
Isabelle just bite her lip a little as she was nervous about something" are you sure you can come i don't want you to feel like this i just want you to get better i don't want you to come if your not feeling up to it your health is more important than mine" she sayas she looked at her as she helped her up as she hdld her onto her
"You just saying that makes me want to slap some sense into the head of your's. I'm going to the nurse with you. I need something for this headache anyway..."She sighs holding onto her arm to support herself.
Isabella just looked at her" you wouldn't slap me" she say as she just looked at her as she helped her" it's true though your health is far more important than my hand" she say she just let her let her hold onto to her arm as she smiled and started to walk to where the nurse was as she smiled afraid Danny would hit her' she wouldn't would she' she thought Elizabeth Ashreel Elizabeth Ashreel
In the nurses office, Charmeine had just finished setting everything on her desk. She took a seat behind the desk, kicking her feet up on the desk. SHe had a few new students that were due health exams later in the day.
Until then...forbidding an emergency, she could relax.
Texangamer Texangamer
"Maybe a tap in the back of he head sure. Have you not heard the saying, slap some sense into you? I thought it was pretty c-common."She stutters as she almost trips as they walk. Her vision was blurry, normal in this situation but still bad. She was having a bit of a hard time walking, thankfully they made it to the office without any spills.
Isabella just laughed" you wouldn't do that to me i'm too inonccent" she say teasing a little she held onto her" we almost there don't worry your okay your okay" she say as she the sign for the nurse as she felt pressure on her hand she wanted her best friend to get better she was like a big sister for her she just smiled walking into the nurse office" can you help her nurse" she say trying to escape
Charmeine stood up, walking around from behind her desk and approached the two students "What bring two young flowers such as yourselves to my office today? Are you new students for your health exam?" she asked.
She placed a gentle hand on each of their shoulders "Please no untruths, it makes it harder to help you"

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