Kloxia, Academia de Mythe

I'd like to be paired with @Brent

Hmm. Alright. I'll randomize it the, for those who haven't put someone they'd like to pair with.
@Maxwelle @Haru Rivers @jamaicanviking @Rain @tacticalgenius @SkyRune @DawnAntalios @stoof @Shagranoz @CasualDragon @NovaPheonix @Hakkern1 @custom @Fujiwara Tadayoshi @See Me Play 0715 @Gillie @Cadin shadow lord @Bread King @Brent @Arayhia

Okay, so now that i see this hasn't completely died, hopefully. I want offer opportunies to those who want it. Keeping up with all the teachers is going to end up confusing the fudge out of me. So, anyone who'd like to control a teacher, pm me and we can work out the details. The only teachers not open for this are Pincus, The Headmistress, and Khalidi as those are the ones I'll continue controling. if nobody;s up for this that's fine by me, but I just thought i'd offer.
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@TwistedCupid666 @Fujiwara Tadayoshi

Post length... Please try to add a bit more effort to avoid one-lined posts.

Also, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while to progress the story. I've just been really busy. I'll get something posted either today or tommorrow, hopefully.

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