Kloxia, Academia de Mythe


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All OOC posting goes here. Not in the sign-ups, the IC chat, or the overview.

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Technology is awesome!! Are there any electives that involve physical stuff? Physical Education [sport] maybe? or Defence class...?
Debating on weather to make Physical Education a Core class or not. Also thinking about adding some sort of martial arts or dueling/fighting elective class, but I'm not sure. That probably goes for defence.
RinDaVamp said:
Debating on weather to make Physical Education a Core class or not. Also thinking about adding some sort of martial arts or dueling/fighting elective class, but I'm not sure. That probably goes for defence.
RinDaVamp said:
Debating on weather to make Physical Education a Core class or not. Also thinking about adding some sort of martial arts or dueling/fighting elective class, but I'm not sure. That probably goes for defence.
PE should definitely be a core class.
RinDaVamp said:
A word would be easier to remember, but it's going in the overview so that shouldn't be a problem. In rp, a word would be easy for non house members to get. Numbers would be weird. So a phrase probably
NovaPheonix said:
I'm not really sure how to begin, any advice?
everyone just basically interacting with each other or head to their dorm...so you can bump into someone or head to your dorm, I guess ^^
In rp? Either going to their dorms or interacting with other students in the ceremony clearing or halls.

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