Kloxia, Academia de Mythe

Have your character either head to your house dorm or talk to someone in the halls or in the ceremony clearing.
@tacticalgenius I feel ya'... I jumped in the in character thread late, so at first I was a bit overwhelmed (darn these quick repliers! jk, jk), but I managed by just writing out a long reply. Don't worry; even though it seems like a lot has happened it's mainly just characters interacting with each other. Not too much in-story time has passed. c: Besides, there's even still a few unfortunate members that haven't even started writing in the in-character thread yet (god bless their souls...).
Hey! Sorry that I haven't put up a post! Usually I'll post during some of my classes but the school internet was down today :)
Its okay. No need to apologize.

Was going to make a post, but looking at the amount of pages,I'll wait until I have a computer. (Not really liking using RPN from phone) Anyways, can I ask to have those posting a lot to hold up for a bit, as we've gained members and they need a chance to post in.
Well well well, we meet again. @Maxwelle

Yeah, wow, with this many people...I wake up to find that I'm suddenly 3 pages behind lol. I guess I'll get used to it.
Bread King] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9998-rindavamp/ said:
@RinDaVamp[/URL] Thank you for accepting me, but is there any particular way I should start roleplaying? Or should I just start?
You can have your character either head to their house dorm, or find someone to talk with in the halls. Or just explore the school, if you want. It doesn't really matter.
I apologize for the pun, but I've been looking for an opportunity to use that "thyme heals all wounds" joke in an RP for years.
Any of you have any not so well known anime suggestions? Been looking for something new to watch, but not finding anything good.


[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Sorry i'll change it.

How should I enter the rp?

Have your character either head to his house dorm, meet another users character somewhere. Or,simply,explore the grounds. It really doesn't matter how.

Also please remember to post OOC in this thread only.
RinDaVamp said:
Any of you have any not so well known anime suggestions? Been looking for something new to watch, but not finding anything good.

Have your character either head to his house dorm, meet another users character somewhere. Or,simply,explore the grounds. It really doesn't matter how.

Also please remember to post OOC in this thread only.
Okay, thank you.
Theres alot... Hold on...

Fruits Basket, Soul eater, FMA, Naruto, Pretty much all the mainstreams... Koroko No Basket (sp), corpse Party, Familiar of Zero, Brothers Conflict, Vampire Knight, um... I'm half brain dead so that off the top of my head list is alot shorter than all that i've actually seen.

Also, @Cadin shadow lord Please remember not to post one-liners. Even if you quote someones post, it doesn't count. I don't care if posts are short, but one-lined posts are something I highly dislike. It's in the rules... Just try to add a bit more detail if possible, even if your just posting in response to a conversation.
RinDaVamp said:
Theres alot... Hold on...
Fruits Basket, Soul eater, FMA, Naruto, Pretty much all the mainstreams... Koroko No Basket (sp), corpse Party, um... I'm half brain dead so that off the top of my head list is alot shorted than all that i've actually seen.

Also, @Cadin shadow lord Please remember not to post one-liners. Even if you quote someones post, it doesn't count. I don't care if posts are short, but one-lined posts are something I highly dislike. It's in the rules... Just try to add a bit more detail if possible, even if your just posting in response to a conversation.
Okay sorry.
RinDaVamp said:
Theres alot... Hold on...
Fruits Basket, Soul eater, FMA, Naruto, Pretty much all the mainstreams... Koroko No Basket (sp), corpse Party, Familiar of Zero, Brothers Conflict, Vampire Knight, um... I'm half brain dead so that off the top of my head list is alot shorter than all that i've actually seen.
Well, Death Note, and Attack on Titan are good! Scratch that, Attack on Titan is amazing and will ruin your life forever and season two doesn't come out until next year but there's a two part live action movie and part one comes out August 1st and part two comes out September 14.
Anyone mind if I villain this up a bit? The RP is moving a bit too fast for me to interact with most people and I don't particularly have any desire to read like 5 pages every time I leave my comp. I still want to contribute though.
@RinDaVamp + @CasualDragon: I second these! Oh, and Speaking of animes that will ruin your life, I highly recommend Tokyo Ghoul. It's such a GOOD anime the way it just -- *clenches fist* makes me EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE AND READY TO BREAK OUT INTO TEARS AT ANY GIVEN MOment. .... .... In other words, I think it's worth your time.

Also, if you liked Kuroko no Basket, I suggest watching Haikyuu!! It's another sports anime, except instead of basketball, it centers around volleyball. It's so good and well developed that sometimes you aren't even sure what teams to root for??? Like what the heck?? I was rooting for the "enemy" team during an episode??? Plus, it will be good therapy after suffering through--- I mean "watching" Tokyo Ghoul. c:

@Haru Rivers: I feel your struggle. u_u It gets a bit stressful when I can't get to a laptop but everyone is replying at the speed of light. Not quite sure what you mean by "villain it up", but I say go ahead and knock yourself out! B)

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