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Dice It Is the Tide, Act 1

Rollin' and spending Joss to try and keep up.


Oh no, I lost the Joss race.
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[QUOTE="Shining Lotus Sage]Sure, but now you're outshone by Gandalf the Cranky, riding the dawn over the mountain.
I'm struggling with metaphors tonight.

You referring to Diax, yes?
Alright, I'll accept an initiative of 19 and take the 27+15=42 for Footwork. Do I need to spend the 4 Chi to get up to 62 to also fly?

Whoops, you can't spend more than the size of your river, not your lake. Lame. I thought I could just burn as much Chi as I wanted to be awesome here. Wait. I can, can't I. I can Excellency and spend 2m on Lightfoot for the same effect. Go Solar.
Blackadder said:
You referring to Diax, yes?
To Sun Minh the open eye of heaven, actually.

[QUOTE="Random Word]Alright, I'll accept an initiative of 19 and take the 27+15=42 for Footwork. Do I need to spend the 4 Chi to get up to 62 to also fly?
Whoops, you can't spend more than the size of your river, not your lake. Lame. I thought I could just burn as much Chi as I wanted to be awesome here. Wait. I can, can't I. I can Excellency and spend 2m on Lightfoot for the same effect. Go Solar.

So, yes, if you could Cover Ground to an area that can't support you, that would be an effective way to reach the necessary 60 for going Superman into this whirlwind. Drifting Cloud Step is the formless technique you'd want. Dance on the Black Wind style has it folded into its initial technique.


[QUOTE="Shining Lotus Sage]To Sun Minh the open eye of heaven, actually.

Because sunbeam. Literal outshining.

Also, The Open Eye of Heaven is now officially what your Loyalty deed is going to have you called. Because you carry the sight of the Scarlet Empress into dark corners, as you so boldly made clear at the point of Ki-Lan's machete.
It was a great reference.

Oh, right, so to clarify: No matter how awesome I am, even with a 62, I can't pursue a target into the air, even if I stunt, even if I'm a Solar? I really actually need that Formless Technique to fly?
There is the potential to work together here. You can't ride a tornado but I can shape the sand the tornado is made out of.
If this were Exalted mechanics, actual flight takes Athletics 5 and a handful of charms dedicated to jumping. Here, it takes a 2-destiny investment.

Or what Heinz said. The Cover Ground difficulty here is 60, so if he wants to make a shaping wave at that difficulty, I'll let it make the zone one that can support you instead of lowering the difficulty to reach it, which would be the normal effect.
I really want to make friends with this elephant though I don't think I can manage both at once.

What the hell, I can make time with the elephant later.

What say you @Random Word? Do we attempt a combo attack?
Sun Minh is going to Immaculate hell for this, but she was already on the express train and she's really angry, so what the malfeas.
@Grey - I'd like to remind you here that your Battle-Scholar's Insight could also be really useful here. If you predicted that the wise leader would stay in the safety of his troops, and made the 40 difficulty, you'd be able to give him either a -5 or a -10 to cover ground anywhere except to the Zones that already have a zombie group in them, both of which would also be much easier for Sun Minh to reach. And that would put his result below the 60 required to ascend, so he'd have to choose a different direction to flee.

Alternatively, you do have Drifting Cloud Step, so you can run up the side of the twister already, if you hit the 60 to Cover Ground. And I'm sure that flying in a circle is a useful time to be fighting in Ravenous Wings.

You would need to roll any triple and spend a bunch of essence, for the chase option. Roll a triple and argue for both your Laughs and his Fears, or a triple five and one of those to do the prediction that grounds him.
Oh, wait, I can use my investigation charm without a set, right? So I can put the 19 into that if I want to. What would it take to find out what he was terrified of before I kicked him off the wall?
Awareness roll at 30, Minor Action on your initiative. I can't really see a case for Deceit here, but I suppose you don't need it with the +5 from Judge's Ear Technique. Gonna do it?

Also, Grey, finding excuses to use Mask's Awareness or Wu Wei skills as minor actions could get you some really high results, +15 to +20. I would call, for example, sighting the path of the sand as it blows through the air, to find just the spot to aim so the vortex carries your makeshift javelin around and into Conqua, an Awareness minor action. It's also a way to describe your attack as Better Blocked, which lowers his effective dodge rating by -5. Make a minor action on the attack roll at 40, I'll raise the penalty to -10, which brings it down to -5 total Footwork thanks to your earlier disrupt. And since you can use Battle-Scholar's Insight to say it would be better for someone armed with a bow to dodge than block (Trivial difficulty, any set works), both of his defenses would be penalized to -5. So that's a pretty good chance of scoring a hit.

Obviously, there are other options. But that's meant to be an example of the range of possibilities.
I think I'd like to mockingly suggest he stay where he is.

So I roll now, then post my condescending combat advice/application of wind-borne-projectiles?
You roll initiative now. If you wind up with spare sets of dice, you can use them for things like Battle-Scholar's Insight, Cover Ground, and any other minor actions that change the tactical reality of the fight, but do not directly intrude on another character. Technically, you're predicting what he should do, not cursing him to have to do it. The world just conspires to agree with you, if the dice play along.

Applying projectile to fleshy bits and variations on that theme go in the attack roll.
Well, there's your "any triple", for 30. And a 27. And an 8 in your river you can flood to activate things that need that. And now comes the bonus juggling.
Right. I'll use the lowest set for Initiative, then the triple for Battle-Scholar's Insight, and probably flood the 8 + Wu Wei to further prevent escape.

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