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Dice It Is the Tide, Act 1

One ripple for everybody!

I'll have a post up around lunchtime (GMT-5) with the goings on of everyone who is not attacking the PCs, then we're into round 3. @Blackadder, @hellrazoromega, let's figure out when and where you two come in.

The giant impending roll with two results above 90 can wait a little longer.

Oh, and Heinz got in his trample 'attack' for 38, so...

[dice]8074[/dice]=31 Block

[dice]8075[/dice]=35 Dodge and two 8s in the River
Sure thing let me know how you want to fit her in. I think I am staring to grasp the system, quite interesting, but I may ask for some help when I comes time to roll until I get a better handle on it.
Just a heads up: Saturday is the day my meatspace tabletop group meets, so my response may be few to non-existent on the day.
I added a picture to Diax's profile. Naturally, given his character and how RW used Chief Lin, I had to pick a certain other Korra character for HIM.
No worries. Sadly, Real Life is a condition that afflicts nearly 3 billion humans, though a small segment of the population seems to be immune the majority of us must suffer through as best we can. ( :P )
Okay. Okay, I realized that none of the minion groups are in position to do anything, and he never got that nemisary LL summoned, so the mortal portion of the round is pretty brief. Everybody ought to roll initiative and decide on their maneuvering, shaping, analysis, river, and other such actions.

To wit:

[dice]8156[/dice]Spending 1 Joss, 1m on an internal technique, and 1m on Lightfoot.

29 Initiative is low, but 63 Cover Ground after emptying the River is going to be hard to stop. Plus he's headed up into the air. The 2s are a 42 to Focus on Breath, which is worth 2m extra regained at the end of the round.


The zombies are raising the difficulty to leave the Zone with a Shaping Wave. It's only 20 to enter, but now takes a Cover Ground result of 32 to leave. Conqua's Tactics skill serves as a modifier to any unit of Minions acting under his command, which is how their result gets that boost. His Inspire grants them extra ripples before rout or defeat. Courtiers, take note. Your troops are tougher.
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[QUOTE="Shining Lotus Sage]It sure can. Are you satisfied with a specific reason for arriving, or prepared to make one up on the fly?

I can do either.
I mean, are you ready to explain your arrival in the scene in a way that suits the themes of Diax? Because if so, by all means, explain it. Narrate in and roll.

@hellrazoromega - This goes equally for you, but I wasn't sure if you wanted to watch what's going on a moment more, ask questions about how the system works. I'd be content with saying that a travelling doctor has been helping them for a couple of weeks, already integrated and friendly. Alternatively, if @Random Word has no objection, you could have been imbedded with the slave ship Sun Minh raided, and just keeping your head down while you take in the events so far. Emerging from the bedraggled with supernatural skill and power is a dramatic Hello.
This was the village of the prophecy, yes? That's a straightforward reason. Or others I can easily pull to mind.
Blackadder said:
This was the village of the prophecy, yes? That's a straightforward reason. Or others I can easily pull to mind.
It is. @Grey did tell me a Sidereal might be coming to investigate, and even suggested it would be an Endings, I believe.
Yeah, you got that "Memorable" ride wave all wrapped up, if you want to do that. Of course, I'm definitely offering Interesting Times. You can recover a point of Joss if you accept some kind of troublesome complication derived from the pachydermry. For reference, this fight was going to be a couple units of 'shadow tigers', until Grey said it would be and failed the Prediction. But then it was going to be a small handful of zombies to warn of more dire portents to come, and he accepted Interesting Times, which basically upgraded this to a much larger assault featuring a considerably more threatening leader. So the elephant might stomp through some weak limestone and turn the pond into a sinkhole.

(It won't, now I've said that.)
Yeah but it could still do SOMETHING. I'm riding a fire and glass tornado onto an elephant for crying out loud. Certainly interesting times.

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