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Dice It Is the Tide, Act 1

There are exceedingly few techniques that can be used on both, so it's not stressed in the text, but yeah. Once a round. On the other hand, this not only fits that action bonus inspiration you've worked up in yourself, it's a Righteousness deed aligned with. So definitely take that +5 to both portions of the attack

[dice]8555[/dice] Confidence is 5, and Footwork is disrupted down to 5,

so that's up against, by my measure, 37 and 44. I'll apply the 22 as dodge and the 35 to confidence. So he's up to 6 ripples and you forced a roll. It's the strike that forced the roll, so his armor counts, but you can inflame inspirations as easily as injuries with TTST.

Including the one you learned about with the minor action earlier, if you think that'll help. It's a condition, same as the ones inflicted in battle.

And while I'm musing on it, I think the loresheet for White Veil Society needs to have a secret technique that lets you combine Quick Work with Elemental Progression Technique to change people's minds even more effectively by merging combat and conversation. The Golden Lord might have something similar, in his ministerial capacity.
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Okay, I'll inflame the desire to repent his transgressions. I don't know if inflaming his desire to save the village would help - it might. Maybe something else has just overridden it. For now, I'll stick to this one.

Well, to inflame the trivial condition you need a trivial result. And—

oh, hm. So Quick Work is meant to be a replacement for your physical strike. Now that I'm thinking about it, that makes perfect sense. I've basically given you a free Secondary Strike here, without thinking about it. Well, that's usually a 3m thing, and apparently you managed to improvise something with all that divine inspiration. No rewind! Only retcon! But seriously, that would make a good tier 3 technique in whatever you call your IKF. Combine a quick work with a secondary strike, and the 1m cost of quick work is waived. So very parallel to Blade of Infinity Strokes, but combines an attack and a lecture instead of two attacks. This round, though, you're just foreshadowing a later refinement of your talents.

Anyway, decide what you want to inflame once you roll and see the results. Conqua almost completely tapped, so only rolling this one aura die.


But seriously, spend 3m, for what little it matters. Solar counts double.

Oh jesus 36. So that's a 20, which means a Minor condition. That can be an injury, passion, or inspiration at your leisure, or it can inflame an existing minor condition, of which there are two available, to Major.
So you said the Zombies around him stopped does that include all the zombies? If so is River still in combat time or can she set about staring a zombie bonfire?
It is not all, in fact. Neither of the separated groups seem to operate with anything like organization, but the ones around Conqua move with drilled unison. Or they did, until just before he shot them.
So it's 'Save the Village' to Major, or 'Repent' to Minor? I suppose I'll roll the dice with uping 'Save the Village' to Major, then.
Or you could really wreck his eyes, I suppose. Or inflict a contemplation weakness at minor as he fixates on his shortcomings.

In any case, if this is still the last decision when I wake up, I'll run with it.

I wouldn't be against suggesting we use the zombies as extra labor for the walls.

All parties being agreeable of course.
You can decide how much Heinz knows about the local culture, but they practice a three-year mourning period under normal circumstances. I don't think that would go over well with anyone but the necromancer.
Oh? Well, the reason I picked the 20 was because I don't see any atm. I certainly can't think of any actions that justify a Disrupt Marvel against Toughness.
Cool beans. You also have the choice of putting them in the river. Regardless, you are up before your quarry, and there are dozens of ranch hands to impress.
The River! I forgot about that. Wait, won't it wash empty at the end of the scene? Eh, whatever.

River [10, 10]

Initiative - 17

Beginning attack run.



Strike 33 + 10 = 43 before other mods. Writing descriptive post.

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