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Dice It Is the Tide, Act 1

Spending my 3 Destiny on my entanglement with the Golden Lord, since I didn't have enough at character creation to do that.
[QUOTE="Shining Lotus Sage]Which is a nice change.

That a crack against Sun Minh, ain't it?
So, I can't view dice in the app. I'll be speaking with no awareness of your results.

Predictions cost a point of Joss to make, and generally take a whole scene of gathering evidence. They also have no duration or recovery - they last until something makes them irrelevant. I'm still easing toward enough rules fluency to assemble all the pieces at once, but we'll call this a slightly rushed job, since it's right at the beginning of a new scene. That's a -10, but the difficulty here is only 30 and you're using your best skill. The necromancer killing you all through proxies is a pretty straightforward analysis.
I was assuming this was in response to my failed prediction, actually. Result of 26?
Wait, that what was in response?

Are you not trying to make a prediction about this NPC's behavior and the best handling of his surveillance and incarceration?
Oh, wait, I wrote the post in two halves, one drunk and one today. Must've crossed my wires along the way.

I'd prefer to strongly imply he's merely a catspaw and scapegoat used instead of the monsters I initially predicted. Will edit a bit.
Okay, but whatever you settle on, are you attempting to make the kind of "observation" that imposes order on the narrative or the kind that reveals what might or might not be already true? Ooc, are you attempting predictionism or something else?
Can it be Predictionism specifically in response to the initial failed prediction, rather than rolling Confidence to shake the failure off? Or is too late for that?
Okay, so, I see what you mean. Here's the mechanism for that:

Mask was impacted by the battle. As the player of the character who dealt the ripple that caused said impact, I select how. Not as the gm, but as the person rap responsible for Conqua. I went with a brooding earth passion, but it wasn't intense enough to penalize anything.

Conditions imposed on a character have a recovery difficulty (here 30), a duration which is successful recovery rolls to reduce its intensity (here 5, and it reduces to gone), and an interval which is how long you have to wait to roll after failing a roll (here one scene, and the initial roll that let it settle in place was a failure). So at the end of this scene, you roll Confidence against 30; success keeps rolling until 5 or failure.

There's another way. Every condition gets a scenario in which it fades by itself. In this case, that's a critical success on *any* Prediction. Mask doesn't need confidence if he has proof that he's wiser. So if you're aiming for that, I suggest you prepare for it a little more. Gather evidence, assemble a compelling argument, and you'll get bonuses instead of penalties.

Most of all, predict something that *helps you*. If you get a good enough result to shake off Mask's funk, you'll have a hell of a time getting around any unfortunate implications of your success.
I want to continue my investigation so I have some idea wtf I'm doing. That's Learning, I assume.


35 + 10 (Learning) + 5 (Investigation Specialty) + 5 (Investigation Hyperactivity) = 55. The 4's get tossed, I assume.

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