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Fantasy Hunter’s Inn || Holes

Meg got some warning beyond Rameriz’s shout. As in, she felt the water bubble before exploding upward. It was only enough to save her face from being blasted by the geyser. Though her head shot back, the rest of her was hit by the torrent of water and mud, soaking her clothes and making her stumble. She was used to slick mud, for only a few central streets in Colby were cobbled, so she did not fall, though she almost lost a boot. It tried to take her foot with it before the laces held fast. “Ouch.” Gasping she held her hand up, diverting the dropping watery mud away from the group, though the pebbles continued to fall. “Herne’s holy horns that hurt.” She stepped back, using her staff for balance to stop beside Percival, “You okay?” Just looking at him, she knew she would not be able to do anything but fall in the mud with him. She turned to Ramirez, "Thank you for the warning," She noticed it was the lizard, maybe it was better than just a glorified guard dog. "Do you need help getting up Percival?" She didn't stop looking at the veteran. if he could lift that sword, he could help. “Here,” lifting a hand, she pulled some of the water out from around him, not all of it, only about a gallon to start, but that should make it less slick.
Thunder moved to comfort and settle the startled horses, knickering softly and nuzzeling.

Ramirez carefully made his way over, lifting Percy up single handed and fished out a clean hanky for Meg. "Well that was a muddy suprise eh?" He chuckled not seeming to mind the mess. He sunk his sword into the ground to hold as he peered back down into the hole, "With what we just saw our target is deffintly around so we need to be cautious, more so if we have to fight it in its home turf. I'm not too sure how we'd lure it up top side... so we may have to go in after it." He mused glancing at the group of new hunters.
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“You’re… magical.” Percival gawped at Meg after witnessing her water-magic skills. “-I mean, you’re a mage.” He corrected himself before Ramirez hoiked him up and out of the mud.

“I’m fine. Though I appear to have soiled myself.” Percival had a muddy bottom… and clearly had no idea about that statement being a euphemism for something else.

He peered back down into the hole beside Ramirez. “We could tie your rope around the well.” The teen suggested. The well was made from thick sturdy stone, so it should have been able to support their weight.

Gwenymoo Gwenymoo Lost Echo Lost Echo DualDragons DualDragons
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Hm?” Meg turned to look back at Percival as Ramirez neared him. “Oh, just little things and water. I haven’t really had a chance to learn more. I realize this'll likely kill me, but I wasn't signing up without any skills.” She took a moment to pull the water out of her clothes, letting it puddle to the side. Frowning, she shook her skirt to dislodge the dirt that remained, but it was stubborn. At least her trousers and leggings were mostly clean still. Beyond the sweat of the day. “Thanks” Her voice was soft as she took the veteran’s handkerchief with a smile, ducking her head a little. He might have to protect them as his guild contract, but this small gesture was not required. He gave it to her in spite of her ears. Carefully she wiped the sweat off of her face, surprised to find dirt as well. After cleaning as much as she could, she had a moment of confusion. No one had given her a kerchief before. Did she keep it? Return it dirty? After a few seconds she folded it carefully and tucked it in her skirt. She would clean it with the rest of her clothes, then return it.

She snorted, both at Percival’s joke and Ramirez’s understatement, taking a second to unwrap the leather around her left hand. Carefully, as she neared the edge of the hole again, she pulled her hair into a tail, grimacing at the rocks she could feel tangled in its strands. She used the leather to tie it back, then looked at the veteran in disbelief. “That is below ground, how would we breathe?” She tried to figure out what the fountain was. An attack? Giles had said it hadn’t happened before, so it wouldn’t be something like sweeping the front. Could it have been a diversion? So it could escape? Did it shoot itself out with that geyser?
"its only a lil bit of water down there, and with all these holes it's probably very well ventilated." The hunter suggested as he went to collect the rope from Thunder's saddle bag, fastening one end around the well and tugging it firmly before tieing a sizeable rock to the other and yeeting it down into the hole, hoping that there will be enough rope to reach the bottom of the tunnel.

Thunder had trotted over curious now to see what everyone was fussing about, and maybe to stomp about in the mud a bit before rolling over, coating herself in the muck.
“I’ll leave yer to it then...” The old farmer gave the group and the gaping hole a concerned look before heading into the thatched house. “George?” He called out to someone before the door closed.

Percival passed the roly-poly land dragon on his way to check that Sam was secure. “I’ll be right back.” He quietly promised and discreetly kissed the horse on the cheek before returning to the hunting party.

Ramirez’s rock landed with a soft thud at the bottom of the hole. Whatever Percival’s rock had struck earlier must have moved.

“So did you study at an academy?” Percival went back to quizzing Meg on all things magic. “My Father’s Siliario is a Mage.”
Meg stared at the lizard, which was acting like that stray dog she gave scraps to when it had rained. It was difficult to be scared of such, frankly adorable behavior. Her eyes sought Ramirez, but he didn’t seem distracted by his beast’s behavior. Maybe he was just more professional than that.

At Percival’s return, she stepped to the left, wondering why he didn’t think going underground was insane. This wasn’t a crudely dug cellar either, this was a muddy pit! His question made her bark a laugh, before covering her mouth to suppress the giggles. “That’s mighty nice of you, Percival, but girls like me don’t get no schooling.” She shook her head, unsure if he was that naive or if he meant it cruelly. She doubted the latter, for truly what harm would there have been reminded of her station really do? But to think of her? “I know a few tricks and can move water: I’m no mage.” At his addition of his father’s whatchacallit, she didn’t know how to respond, “I’m glad you know some mages?” She couldn’t keep the end of the statement from rising into a question. What was a Silly-ario anyway?

((But like seriously, google did not answer that for me.))
“… girls like you?” Percival realised he knew very little about Meg, only that she lived in Colby, had some mastery over the elements, and ears like a little lamb. “That’s a shame… perhaps there are other magic users in the Guild who could tutor you?”

“I only know Soren. He specialises in wards and protective magic.” Which was mostly invisible, so nowhere near as exciting as what Meg just did.

“If you can control water that should make things easier for us down there.” Percy said as Ramirez finished securing the rope.

((That’s ok, I was hoping the word would fly over her head, and Percival calls the man ‘Silly Soren’. 😅 It means Advisor. ))

Gwenymoo Gwenymoo DualDragons DualDragons Lost Echo Lost Echo
Ramirez told hold of the rope and looked to the others, "I'll head down first make sure its safe then I'll shout up to all." He gave a smiled before he started to descend slowly down the hole, carefully wall walking down so not to plumet into the unknown.

Thunder paused in her play to peer over as he rider disapeared down into the hole.
Ivan peers over in the hole as well. He wonders if he could fit in there if he becomes a wyvern.

(sorry been quite inactive)
Eventually Ramirez would run out of wall, as the base of tunnel opened out to become a wide underground chamber. The occasional wooden beam and metal track underfoot would suggest it was an old mine once.

It was very dark, but the Hunter might just be able to see the entrance to more tunnels leading off in different directions - almost like a warren.

(( DualDragons DualDragons The cavern is pretty big, but the tunnels might be tight for him (10 foot wide)?))
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Ramirez whistled listening to it echoe down the tunnels and gave one of the cart rails a kick. "Looks like ders an old mine down ere!" he shouted up hoping theyd be able to hear him. Rumaging in his satchel he produced a torch and lit it, holding it towards a tunnel to light it up but to check for any air flow too.
Okay. Either naive or really good at faking it. Her ears twitched as she was reminded of what she was, and she wanted to take her hair down to cover them again. Still, she played along with his naiveity, and answered, “That is my hope.” To be honest, it was even likely to happen, considering the guild seemed to shelter monsters. Her gaze drifted involuntarily to the horned thing.

She definitely felt like this Soren had useful knowledge. How many times would something to protect her skin or her face have been helpful? She wasn’t sure what wards were, but if they could prevent people from coming near, that’d be helpful too.

Ramirez dropping into the hole distracted her. She joined his lizard in looking over the edge of the pit, watching him somehow walk down the wall. She wasn’t sure if she could imitate him, but it sure beat falling straight in. He disappeared from sight, but they could still hear him, as an eerie whistling noise echoed upward. Then he shouted, suggesting it was an old mine, which did not reassure Meg. All she knew about mines were cave-ins happened. And surely an old mine would be more likely. Even if she could be res-er-rected, how would she keep her head from being smashed?

She turned to look at Percival and asked, “Have you ever done that wall walking Ramirez did?” her voice dubious. She couldn’t decide if she wanted to go first or last. Did it matter? If she broke a leg by falling, would they kill her to have her come back alive and healed?
The flames on Ramirez’s torch flickered and leaned as he passed by any tunnel openings, so there was definitely air down in the mines. The ground was sodden and there were a few pools of water in places.

If he investigated further he might spot very large (rhinoceros-like) footprints in the mud, and deep slash marks in some of the walls.

“I’ve scaled a few walls.” Percival admitted as he took hold of the rope. He was getting the impression that Meg hadn’t had to sneak out of a third-storey window before.

“If you wrap the rope around your leg… under and over your foot… and pinch it together between your feet… you can control your speed as you slide down.” The Teen explained.

“Um… I could go just ahead of you… to catch you if you fall? Though don’t worry, it’s very simple.”
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Meg stared blankly at him. The slowing down part was good, but how wasn’t clear. She took him up on his offer immediately, more to see him with the rope. “Yes. Show me what you mean.” She wasn’t entirely confident he’d be something pleasant to land on with all that mental, but maybe that was better than the ground? Though if it was muddy, maybe she could use the water to slow her down.
“Right.” Percival climbed down onto the hole and repeated his instructions again with a demonstration this time.

“Once the rope goes slack you can start to come down. I’ll meet you at the bottom.” He released a breath before zipping down into the pit. He could afford to go fast because his metal boots could withstand the friction.

“Did you find anything?” The Teen called to Ramirez once he made it to the bottom. He unraveled his legs and wiggled the rope to signal to Meg that is was ok to come down.
"Can I come down already?" Ivan shouts into the hole.
(I don't think he moved inside already hence he shouts 😅 )
"Sure Ivan just be careful as ya come down!" Ramirez shouted up before patting percy, "Seems its an old mine the critter been using, even left some foot prints seem." He lifted the torch up to help light the area.
Almost immediately Meg realized the problem with the plan: she was left with the monster alone. It looked impatient. Was it hoping for Percival to reach the bottom so it could eat her? Why had this not occurred to her earlier? It was going to eat her, or push her in and use her death to eat her body. Oh no, it opened his mouth, “Can I come down already?

Oh. He wanted to hurry up on the hunt. That made sense. Right. “Hold on a second.” As Percival gave wiggled the rope, she carefully wrapped her feet the way he’d told her, then slid down the side. The staff she tucked into her corset from behind, making the start awkward, but manageable. It was slow going, only Ivan’s impatience kept her moving at all, but she made it to the bottom, with only her unwrapped hand being rubbed a bit raw. “Uh, you can come down now!” She shouted up at the monster, hoping he doesn’t focus on her once he was down.

She almost immediately stepped into a puddle, letting the water calm her, as she looked at the two. Her gaze took in what the light showed, though the endless dark beyond it was terrifying. After a moment, she, too, saw the footprints. “Those are huge. And we’re expected to kill something that big? In these tunnels?” Maybe when she’s crushed her head would survive. Maybe.
“You did great.” Percival praised as Meg joined them down in the cavern. He got closer to Ramirez torchlight to see what the Hunter had found.

After seeing the large prints and slashes, Percival unsheathed his longsword and gave Meg and Ramirez nervous glances.

Behind them, a low crunching sound could be heard down one of the tunnels - almost like a wheel being rolled over gravel. It steadily got louder and quicker… something was approaching.
Almost immediately Meg realized the problem with the plan: she was left with the monster alone. It looked impatient. Was it hoping for Percival to reach the bottom so it could eat her? Why had this not occurred to her earlier? It was going to eat her, or push her in and use her death to eat her body. Oh no, it opened his mouth, “Can I come down already?

Oh. He wanted to hurry up on the hunt. That made sense. Right. “Hold on a second.” As Percival gave wiggled the rope, she carefully wrapped her feet the way he’d told her, then slid down the side. The staff she tucked into her corset from behind, making the start awkward, but manageable. It was slow going, only Ivan’s impatience kept her moving at all, but she made it to the bottom, with only her unwrapped hand being rubbed a bit raw. “Uh, you can come down now!” She shouted up at the monster, hoping he doesn’t focus on her once he was down.

She almost immediately stepped into a puddle, letting the water calm her, as she looked at the two. Her gaze took in what the light showed, though the endless dark beyond it was terrifying. After a moment, she, too, saw the footprints. “Those are huge. And we’re expected to kill something that big? In these tunnels?” Maybe when she’s crushed her head would survive. Maybe.
( Lost Echo Lost Echo Fyi Ivan is not in his wyvern form at the moment, so he just looks like a guy with horns. Just thought I'd clear it up)

"Okay! Here we go!" Ivan jumps into the rope recklessly, ignoring the advice to wrap his feet around the rope. Unfortunately that proved quite stupid as he stumbles and barely grabs hold of the rope while falling. His hands hurt with a clear mark of the rope on them.
((😣 Yeah I remembered that  way too late. Most of it I can fix, but when she asks him if he can fly down? 🤦‍♀️I don't know how I'm fixing that.

She'll still consider him monstrous though, just for the horns and...inhuman coloration. Like, she even considers herself one for her ears.))

Meg turned, so the horned man wasn't to her back. He must be indestructible, considering how little care he took coming down. She forgot about him instantly at the new sounds. The bigger beast was more pressing. "
Have you seen anything like this?" She hissed to Ramirez, careful not to echo. She wasn't sure she was up to fighting something so big. Curse Giles for his understatement. She could have waited for an easier quest. Surely they had something basic, like de-gnoming a garden.
"perhaps its a sorta Wrym." Ramirez suggested to Meg not seeming to be too rattled by the situation as he unsheathed his blade. "Mean other than turnips it hasnt hurt anyone that we know of....at least." Though the farmer hadnt really said how big the holes were...may of missed some missing folks from the details too...
Percival accidentally backed up into Ivan as the amplified sound got louder.

Just as Ramirez finished speaking, it became clear what was heading their way - a huge grey boulder. It popped out from the tunnel, spinning in the air for a second before landing on the cavern floor (just a few steps away) with a floor shaking THUMP!

A startled Percival held onto Ivan's arm for support. "That was a close one." He laughed nervously. Luckily the boulder had stopped before it flattened anyone.

... of course, his relief was short lived, for the boulder began shake and shift, making scraping and stomping sounds as it unfurled and revealed what it truly was - a Shaelmaar.



Name: Shaelmaar (Credit: Witcher)
Type: Rock elemental
Abilities: Thick armour Plating, Heavy, Sharp pincer-like front claws, Quick (when rolling)
Weakness: Blind, Clumsy

Description: Shaelmaars are large burrowing subterranean creatures. Mostly found in deep caves and mines, though they have been known to dig their way up to the surface to feed on cattle/people. As they tunnel they can cause tremors and collapse buildings. They have no eyes, but have keen hearing and locate their prey by sensing vibrations.

Weapons and arrows will bounce off this creature's thick hide, which they also use as a shield when charging or rolling at their enemies. The only way to best this beast is to flip it and attack its vulnerable underbelly. Beware when it burrows, watch out for flying debri, and keep well clear of those swiping front claws.

(( Gwenymoo Gwenymoo I'm hoping Ramirez would know the above, or may have heard talk about the monster from other Hunter buddies? 😅 ))
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Ramirez made a shhhhh motion to the group, well it wasnt a wyrm, but this was just as troublesome, and its armoured body was going to be a pain to damage. They'd need to employ some team work to tip it over.... but saying anything would alert it of their locations.... bugger

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