• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Black Otaku

To all my players...

Welcome to the beginning of the Hunter x Hunter RP. I am Brendan the Gm and I will be guiding this story. This roleplay is based on the anime/manga Hunter x Hunter however set in an alternative universe with original characters. For the most part, do not expect any characters from the original work to make any appearances. The story will follow a couple of fairly new Hunters on their mission to track down a mysterious group that is targeting members of the Hunter Association. I will be accepting characters until the current cast decides to leave the introductory location at which point I will close the Cs thread. Until then feel free to join us. If you show any interest I will send you a link to our very active discord. I can’t wait to roleplay with all of you.

Current Accepted Rooster

You may begin posting!

pbtenchi pbtenchi - Edgar
QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel - Winnie
cinnabuns cinnabuns - Chia
soggyparadise soggyparadise - Chiron
Peckinou Peckinou - Valsia
Amyleii Amyleii - Ami
Kipsy Kipsy - Rue
BLK BLK - Marco
CactusJuice CactusJuice - Trevon
Audacious Minacious Audacious Minacious - Zephyr
AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy - Renne
ABetterNickname ABetterNickname - Marin

Breaking News Breaks on the Hunters Website!

The Hunters are being hunted. Over the last month, information has spread through Hunter’s Website that on every continent and in every country Licensed Hunters have been targeted by an unknown threat and murdered in cold blood. So far the confirmed number of victims is unknown and the exact details pertaining to the murders have been kept confidential by the Hunter Association. The Hunter Chairman has taken up the task of putting together a special task force to find and eliminate this mysterious threat, however, in true hunter spirit several other groups have formed within the Hunter Association with the express purpose of pursuing the Hunter Hunters. While seasoned Hunters are able to find groups rather easily, inexperienced Hunters have been overlooked and dissuaded from partaking in such a difficult mission. If only that was enough to stop them.

In the deep recesses of the Hunters Website, a job is posted by an anonymous hunter who has been collecting evidence regarding the Hunter Hunters. He is building his own team of Hunters to investigate the new mysterious threat. In his job post, he writes that he is looking for new hunters to join his team and look over the case with fresh eyes. He is offering experience as payment for taking the job. For those who are interested, he announced that in 10 days he would be waiting at the Heavens Arena at midnight. Floor 201 Room 405.


Our journey will begin in the Republic of Padokea at the Heavens Arena. You all have arrived from all over the world in response to a job posted on the Hunters Website. You have realized that only contestants are allowed to visit the living areas of Heavens Arena and that means you will have to fight your way up the tower.

Anyone who wishes to have a combat scene please let me know so that I can prepare an NPC for you. Those who are fighting will be starting with their final bout on floor 200. If you do not wish to have a combat scene you are free to write as if your character has already had their final bout on floor 200 and is currently a spectator in the audience. You are free to write about your journey up the tower so far. Remember that floor 200 is where nen users first start popping up.@
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Republic of Padokea [Heavens Arena] Time: 7 pm

Heavens Arena! The world's most popular battle site, where victorious fighters ascend to higher floors as part of its reward system. Up to the 200th floor, the building is divided into twenty 10-floor parts. For example, a fighter who wins on the 40th floor advances to the 50th, and one who loses on the same level regresses to the 30th: a 10-story scale. Competitors are given prize money for advancing on each of those 199 floors, and after reaching the 100th floor, competitors get their own private room as they ascend through the tower. The floors above the 200th offer no prize money, only fame, and glory.​

This particular Autumn evening the tower was filled not only with those who wished to indulge themselves in hedonistic violence or claim the rank of tower master, but also a small select few Hunters who were here to accomplish a goal. Defeat an opponent on the 200th floor of the Heavens Arena in order to ascend to the 201st floor and meet with the mysterious Hunter who posted the job on the Hunter Website. In response to the job post, several amateur Hunters from all over the world have been drawn to the Heavens Arena.

Meanwhile, within the Heavens Arena, the bombastic voice of a female erupts through the speakers…


The speakers cut out in a fit of static as the contenders begin to leave their rooms and head towards the 200th floor...



Chiara's eyes flickered over to the speaker system in her room with a soft sigh. She didn't really feel like fighting, but she absolutely had to get to the 201st floor which meant she had no choice but to play by the rules. If she were honest...the rules weren't her favorite thing to follow. But she'd do what she needed. The better she got at all of this, the more practice she'd be getting in, anyway. There was no real downside to any of this. She'd passed the recent Exam, after all! There was nothing to be afraid of.

At least, that was what she told herself.

Chia had an hour, so she decided to take thirty minutes to meditate and hone her Ten. She shifted in her seat, moving to the floor to get more comfortable. When she was settled, she closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath as she folded her legs and sat up straight. In, like the way the fire breathers did it - deep, full breaths. Hold. Out, fully, to blow the best fire.

She kept at this for a while, only opening up her eyes when she felt much more calm and ready. Okay. She could do this. Usually she wasn't so worried about these things, but she guessed the thought of the Exam after she hadn't passed the first one that residual anxiety had almost gotten to her. But if she let that get the best of her, she'd never meet the Mystery Hunter. Chia's answer was to compartmentalize it and to worry later, when she had some more time to herself.

"This should go just fine."

Saying it aloud helped the nerves tremendously.

Chiara got up from her spot on the floor, tying up her hair with the bubble-like bracelet she wore on her right wrist, not risking any of her opponents getting a grab of it. Okay. She was ready.


She peered in the mirror, and after a long moment, decided to take the earrings out her ear as well. Nothing for them to easily grab, she told herself internally as she made her way out of her room and to Floor 200.

Nothing to worry about in the slightest.

Winnifred (Winnie) Foster
The audience section of Heaven Arena’s 200th floor was packed with people. Rows and rows seats were rapidly filling up, occupied by spectators eager to see who would make it to the 201st floor. So eager in fact, they were an hour early. Or, perhaps, the only way to get a good seat was to be an hour early. One seat in the front remained unoccupied, marked by a black butterfly that only those with a solid grasp of nen could see. Winnie arrived just in time, teleporting into the seat before a wandering straggler could take her spot.

“Sorry, this seat is saved.”

Ignoring the surprised expression on the person’s face, Winnie pulled a green book from under her arm and opened it to the last chapter she’d marked. There was really nothing to else do until the battle started. Yet, even with her face buried behind her favorite book and her eyes scanning the printed text, Winnie’s mind was a million miles away.

She had already qualified for the 201st floor, having finished her last fight 2 hours prior. So why was she still here? She’d heard some of her old colleagues, fellow participants of the 289th Hunter Exam, were also fighters in the 200th floor. Namely Chiron Hazelette and Chiara Talise. Therefore, Winnie was curious. How strong had they gotten? What were they doing now? She hadn’t seen either of them since she started her work as a Book Hunter, scouring libraries and bookstores in search of rare novels and tomes. Perhaps they wouldn’t even remember her. She never really liked standing out from the crowd, after all. But even so, Winnie was curious all the same. And she no longer gave a damn about what anyone else thought of her.

Nor did she feel she needed to size up the competition, like many of the spectators present, since she had already achieved her goal—the 201st floor. That was were the anonymous job lister wanted them to meet. Winnie was by no means a blacklist hunter. Catching dangerous criminals and murders wasn’t really her expertise . The only reason she’d taken up the job listed on the Hunters website at all was because the so-called Hunter Hunter pissed her off. Her senior Book Hunter, an elderly lady named Gracie, had been one of their victims.

How? Why? Who could say what went on in the mind of a deranged criminal? But the Hunter Hunter was a threat to them all, and if the “special task force” of the Association couldn’t handle them, Winnie would take matter into her own hands. Realizing that her fingers where clenched too tightly on the page she was flipping, Winnie forced herself to loosen her grip and focus on her novel, drowning herself in a world of fantasy and mystery until the battle would begin.

(mentioned: soggyparadise soggyparadise cinnabuns cinnabuns )
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Chiron jumped, startled by the sudden hum of the speaker system coming to life followed by the over enthused voice of the female he could only assume was in charge of announcing for his upcoming battle. In his alarm the rolling desk chair he'd been sitting in completely tipped over, him along with it. He fell to the carpeted floor with a heavy thud, followed by an almost whiny groan, the male had a bit of a clumsy streak, and where this wasn't uncommon it was always annoying. He begrudgingly sat up, leaning his back against the desk as he wallowed momentarily in his defeat before he finally pushed himself back up, stretching upwards once he stood at his full height.
Earning a satisfying crack from his stiff back he sighed, casting eyes back on the research he'd been hunched over since he'd woken up. Bits and fragments of the research that his senior disease hunter, Cordelia Schmidt, had spent her life on. Unfortunately most of it was missing- whether it'd simply been taken or if it'd been destroyed was unknown but at current no matter how long he stared at the remnants the light haired male couldn't make heads or tails of it. That was bad enough- but the information wasn't the only casualty. When Chiron had reached the isolated cabin of the doctor he'd found her brutally murdered in her own home. A long time friend and associate yet it was still meant to be his first physical visit with the hunter, both of their work keeping them busy enough that a casual drop in was inconvenient.

The hunter scrunched his nose as he stared at the papers, a few drops of crimson liquid dotting the corners of one of the pages. If only he'd left sooner- but no he decided to delay the trip a day simply to catch on some rest before the journey. . .
Chiron shook his head, trying to clear the thoughts from his mind. This wasn't the time to be thinking about this- he had a new goal and this one wouldn't be delayed by a cat nap. He had to make it to the 201st floor. There he could meetup with others who wanted justice and they could solve this case that the official hunter's organization had been toying with for months.

An hour left until show time- Chiron stared for a long moment at the mismatch of papers before picking them up, shuffling them back into a neat stack before placing them in a manila folder, marked with the late doctor's name. Milling over these any longer would only serve to drive him crazy- and he still had yet to get a meal in him all day. Besides with his current winnings pool he could actually afford some decent food and this tower wasn't only good for a fight. Plenty of restaurants and shops lined the floors and Chiron had made it his mission to try all of them since his first match over a month ago.
Pulling on a pair of boots and grabbing his wallet the young nen user headed out, ready to eat his way up to floor 200. All he had to do was make sure to watch the time and get there in an hour.
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Zephyr never felt himself the type to join 'fighting rings', or whatever they were called. In this case, Heaven's Arena. But this was a special, different case- there was an actual reason for him to do it. And despite him not enjoying to fight, he still wanted to participate in the search that was being held for Hunters to help fight the Hunter Hunters. He was much too inexperienced to join any real groups, but perhaps this would help somehow. He could easily work behind the scenes, so why not try to help? If he could do anything to save a few people... that would be enough. So, getting over his anxiety about fighting, he joined the ring against his better judgment.

Somehow, he was able to make his way up the chain, finally on the 200th floor. One more floor to go... And there wasn't much time left. But he knew this was around the time that other nen users would start appearing, and many of them would have much better offense than him. The most he could do was confuse someone- maybe get in a few good hits. His only saving grace was his small size, allowing him to slip by his opponent and surprise them. But, still, his depth perception being gone was a problem... but one he tried his best not to linger too much on. There was no time for that, he needed to work on his abilities and keep growing as a Hunter. He wasn't ready to die yet, and he was scared to know that so many other Hunters have been going down from this unnamed threat.

He was reading a book in his room before he heard the crackle of the speakers turning on, startling him out of his daze.


He rubbed his forehead, already tired. Just the idea of fighting made him feel woozy. But there was no other option- he had to keep going. And there was one match left that he had to beat before he would be at his goal. He slowly got up, packing up his messenger bag quietly before putting it on over his shoulder and leaving his room, locking the door behind him. It wouldn't be desirable for someone to break in while he was gone... He headed up the elevator, going to a quick-service restaurant to get a small meal beforehand. Sitting down at a table, he ate his meal, mentally going over strategies.
Interaction: Open
Location: Tower of Heavens​

Edgar didn’t sit in any of the chairs provided in the tower, after all, he always had a luxury armchair tailor-made for him. He’d made sure to arrive as early as possible and completed his matches quickly to make sure he’d be able to see these fights. He drummed his armrests with his fingers. Truthfully, he didn’t really want to be here waiting, he was itching to go outside and have a smoke, but the fights were starting soon, and he wanted to gather as much information on his associates as possible before meeting them, that was only prudent.

The world looked very different to Edgar than most. He was a man who managed to pass the brutal Hunters Exam by his own merit and skill and was by all rights an incredible person. He had trained his senses to be incredibly refined, he couldn’t look into a room without precisely measuring the things within subsonsciously. He’d already made the various top-class chefs of the Heaven Tower cry through figuring out their secret recipes by smell and taste alone. Edgar’s perception didn’t lack when coming to people either, he prided himself on being an excellent judge of character.

He wished he’d remembered to bring a book to read, or at the very least had someone to talk to during the wait, it was looking to be a long hour. Most of the fighters here were nen-amateurs at best who figured out what they could un-taught. Hunters, on the other hand, were trained users. Even before learning Nen they had to be people of extraordinary skill to be able to pass the Hunters Exam. That bestial companion that had been by his side his whole life, his burning curiosity, ached to observe them. He was glad he brought eye-drops with him because he knew that once the fights started, he wasn't going to blink.
Valsia Auditor
Interaction: Open
Valsia hated the fact that she had to do this Heavens Arena fight she didn't really like this at all especially since killing is not really allowed, it was way easier to kill than it was to subdue. She was also not very experienced when it comes to groups since most of the missions she done were usually done alone, but she had too little info on the Hunter Hunter that is going after them and going alone would be a dum move so the best course of action would be to have somebody with her in case she needed assistance or a bail out. Getting to the 200th floor wasn't that difficult for them but it was tedious and she would rather be tracking down criminals than fighting for the amusement of others. Although her thoughts were soon put to rest when the announcers voice interrupted her thoughts.
Great 2 vs 2 which meant she would be given a partner she sighed at the thought and hoped that their partner would atleast be able to hold their own or she would have to carry them in order to win which would suck if they are stuck fighting 2 people at once since she mostly specialized in one vs one combat. This was going to be rather bothersome for her, she sighed as she took her lantern from the ground and walked at astounding speed to the heavens arena elevator where she then asked the lady to take her to the 200th floor so that she could check in early without having to deal with crowds.​
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Rue wasn't sure why he was really going through with this. It was for some sense of revenge, yes, but that was an irrational way of thinking. It just went and proved how emotional he was getting lately, how much he was letting feelings dictate his actions. He wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing, either. Emotions had a way of clouding one's vision, sure, but they also were what compelled people into action. Normal people, anyway. Then again, what did that make him? Abnormal? He really didn't think so, but perhaps everyone was different in a way. So then what was normal, after all?

In any case, regardless of his reasons, Rue was here now, and he wasn't one to give up something once he'd started it. That determination had led him to the 201st floor of Heaven's Arena. He'd finished his last battle to reach this level just hours earlier in the day and was still reeling from the blows he'd taken. From the moment he took on his first fight, he knew he'd encounter a fellow Nen user at some point. It was a relief to him, however, that the one he'd been set up against wasn't good at keeping his aura up for defense. That was the only reason he'd been able to pull through and win in the end. He even had several bruises on his face to prove it.

To say Rue was relieved that he didn't have to keep going any further up the totem pole was an understatement. He was beyond grateful that this was as high up as he needed to get. He didn't think he'd be able to even make it through another few floors. Of course, he understood the need to have him go through this. It was a test of his skill, power, and will. Whoever it was that posted that notice on the Hunter Website needed to make sure that the potential associates they garnered were worth their time. Rue understood that.

That didn't, however, make it any easier for him to fight.

Heaven's Arena was set up to rely more on brute strength than the power of the mind, at least early on. To make matters worse, Rue's developed Hatsu weren't very reliable in combat. He had to use Nen to its fullest potential and pray it helped him get the advantage over his competitors. It had served him well up until floor 200. That's when the real fights began, from what he'd experienced. Nen users were much, much more common from thereon. That's why Rue had dreaded his first fight on the 200th floor. And, yet again, he couldn't believe just how lucky he was.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen of the Heaven's Arena! I hope you are prepared for an evening of epic combat! In one hour we will be having a special series of 2 v 2 matches. Will all contenders on the schedule please make your way to floor 200 within the hour or forfeit your match! I will see you on the floor!"

The announcer was loud, annoyingly so, and Rue winced at the words. He took his seat in the audience section, keeping mostly to himself. The only reason he was here to watch these fights were due to the rumors, rumors that there were fellow Hunters participating in the following fights. He wondered if they were here due to the anonymous job listing or if it was all just for fun. In any case, he supposed he'd figure that out once it was time for the meeting. Midnight, he reminded himself, and sighed at the thought. There weren't too many more hours to go before then. He hoped these fights would help the time fly by.

Or, at the very least, that they were somewhat entertaining.
[div class=tagcontainer][div class=tag]location :: Heaven's Arena | Audience Section
interactions :: OPEN
tags :: N/A[/div][/div]
[div class=titleline][/div]
[div class=title]RUE[/div]
[div class=credit]code :: yousmelldead[/div]

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Trevon Honigan


Damn that was annoying. Did they really have to announce fights like that all the time? Not to mention the fact they said 2v2. He didn’t even know they did those here. Trevon let out a long, drawn out sigh.

And here he was already at the 200th floor kicked back in a seat near the front of the stands. That’s what he got for taking the initiative for once. He figured coming early would let him better scope out the competition.

You know they say fights are often decided before they’ve even begun, or some nonsense like that. It sounded stupid, but it basically just meant come prepared, and it usually served him pretty well.

Trevon had planned on watching his potential opponents arrive and maybe ask around about them. He had heard some names, but they had basically meant nothing to him.

In fact, he preferred it stayed that way. Trevon couldn’t think of many people he knew who would be happy to see his face again, and most of them would just be happy for another chance to pummel it. Even as a Hunter, he'd probably made more enemies than allies. He had insulted a fair amount of people at the exam . . . including some of the instructors. In his view, Trevon was merely speaking the truth, but not everyone . . . appreciated criticism.

Trevon had been proactive about this fight, so he could win and take a crack at the job he’d found posted about the Hunters Hunter. Being paid with “experience” was total bs in his opinion, but, if he helped take down the mysterious Hunters Hunter, it would totally skyrocket his credibility and notability.

But the words “2v2” changed everything. “Special my ass.” He muttered under his breath. Now individual strength didn’t matter as much because teamwork would be key.

He had gone to all that trouble of only using the nen basics in his previous fights. It was a good form of training, but it mainly served to conceal his hatsu. Trevon was only going to reveal it if he really needed it. That probably wouldn’t be an option anymore, especially if his partner doesn’t pull their weight.

Trevon shook his head. No point in stressing about it at this point. It would be a 2v2 whether he liked it or not. At least he could still ask around about potential competitors. Maybe he could even get some hints about fighting styles or hatsus if they were nen users. There probably would be considering Heaven's Arena was pretty easy money for any nen users, and the higher one goes the more there seemed to be.

Trevon looked around at the spectators around him. Surely anyone showing up this early would have some knowledge of the fighters.
He yawned, doing his best to look disinterested before asking “Do any of you guys know who’s supposed to be fighting in this match?”
Damian Law


Location: Heavens Arena Floor 200
Time: 7:45pm
Interactions: pbtenchi pbtenchi

What a huge waste of time, Damian thought as he pushed through the large double doors that lead into Floor 200s combat arena. As he entered the massive space he walked out into the audience stands that encircled the concrete battle stage in the center of the arena. A column of bright light shone down from the ceiling and onto the stage. The crowds were pouring at this point, everyone was scrambling to secure a solid vantage point of the battle stage. The noise level was steadily rising by the second. Everything about this place made Damian uneasy but it wasn’t up to him. It would all be over by midnight tonight anyways, might enjoy his final night in the world’s most popular alter to hedonism.

Damian slowly walked down a staircase through the aisles of seats looking for one to claim for himself, all the while eating handful after handful of popcorn he had bought at concessions. His eyes scanned over the seats in each row but suddenly halted after seeing a particularly strange anomaly. One unusual seat among the sea of generic uniform audience seating and sat in it a familiar figure. Damian slowly approached the luxurious seat with a popcorn bag in hand. The closer he got the more familiar the figure became. Damian narrowed down the options of the stranger and finally came to his conclusion as he came up next to the antiquated armchair.

“Edgar,” he said both aloud and in his head as if he had solved a harrowing mystery.

It had been a couple of months since he had seen the finely dressed detective. They had taken the Hunter Exam together and had both passed. Damian had taken a liking to Edgar over the course of the Exam. The man operated on observation and logic two things that Damian valued highly. Of course, he would never make these feelings known to Edgar, he wasn’t here to make friends.

“What brings you to the Heavens Arena? You never seemed like someone who went looking for a fight?”

Damian took a seat beside the Armchair and reached for another handful of salty goodness before glancing back at Edgar. A thin veil of aura surrounded the detective. So Edgar had already learned nen. He had always wondered how long it would take the other Hunters that he had passed the Exam with to learn nen. Damian couldn’t stop the subtle grin from spreading across his face as his mind started to ponder the possibilities. What was Edgar’s nen type? Enhancement would suit him well but there was no way a guy like Edgar would be an Enhancer. Had he already developed a Hatsu yet? What kind of Hatsu would suit a guy like Edgar? Damian sat there pondering the possibilities completely forgetting that he had just asked a question.
Renne Kyrov
"So are we betting on this match?" Asked a pudgy man in a faded sweatshirt, shifting in his seat to glance at his companion and lifting up a modern smart phone with a betting app open on it to her. His companion, a wiry teenager with a stern expression didn't bother to turn to respond, although her features twisted slightly into a frown.

"No," said Renne shortly, her eyes fixed firmly on the stage below in anticipation. "I can't be sure who'll win, this high up they can all use it I think,"

All the way up to the 199th floor of the heavens arena the fights had been trivial, so Renne had been entertaining herself by making some extra money betting on matches. Whenever there had been fights back in the camps there had always been gambling as well, so Renne had picked someone out of the crowd more or less at random and bullied him into placing bets for her, that was Belgo, the man beside her. Belgo had proven to be a surprisingly useful companion as it turned out most of the betting that went on at the Heavens Arena went through web apps, whatever those were. Renne was still adjusting to many of the concepts and conveniences available in countries not crippled by civil war, she was still working her way up to the idea of banks, being naturally distrustful of the idea of handing over her hard earned money to a stranger to hold.

But Belgo, a self described "fight otaku" whatever that meant, knew his way around the betting app pretty well and since whenever he deposited her money Renne made sure to hover over his shoulder like a demon planning to rip his spine out if her messed around with her money she was content to let him handle the complicated stuff while she punched, kicked bit and tore her way through 190 floors of competitors, bringing them both a tidy profit.

She had bet on her own matches at first, but when she noticed a handful of other contestants rocketing up the floors at roughly the same pace as hers they had switched strategies. Belgo had been able to tell that none of these contenders were regulars, which made it likely thy were hunters coming here for the same job. At Renne's direction Belgo had begun betting on the other hunters as well and their profits had multiplied rapidly, which was going a long way towards assuaging Renne's ire at this job paying in "experience".

Still Renne's mood was not quite good enough that she felt like actually risking her winnings backing her prospective teammates,now that they were fighting other nen users there was a real chance they'd lose after all. Renne's own fight on the 200th floor had been a real pain in the ass. The old man she had fought had some kind of enhancement ability that made his skin incredibly hard and tough. Renne had still won of course, the skin hardening trick had turned out not to really cover his eyeballs that well.

At that thought Renne glanced down at her hand and, noticing that it glinted with a coating of something wet, absentmindedly wiped it on her coat. The old man had long ago lost his edge, if he'd ever had it, he was just a contestant in some game, Renne was a survivor, used to fighting for her life and the two would never be equal. Without being sure if the other Hunters were contestants or survivors Renne had no interest in betting on them.

The time was growing ever closer. The match was going to begin any second now. It seemed everyone in the audience understood. The loud drone of cheers and laughter grew quiet and the aisles between the stands began to empty. At this point, everyone was either in a seat, out in the main lobby, or in their rooms. Almost on cue the standard light in the arena slowly went dim. And then for a split second, the entire stadium went dark. Suddenly the quick sound of flickering light and then from the ceiling all of the gargantuan stage lights came on all at once and focused in on the concrete stage. Standing in the center of the combat arena was a short woman auburn hair striking a fiery pose. The speakers came to life as she spoke into her headset.


“Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen!!! Tell me, are you ready for a fight?! ”

The crowd explodes in a response of cheers. The impassioned woman pumps her fist back and forth through the air causing the crowd to cheer even louder as they mimic her gesture.

“As most of you know tonight you will be treated to a special event we host once a year! It's our two versus two matchups! That’s twice the fighters, twice the action, and TWICE. THE. CARNAGE!!!”

The crowd once again explodes with fiery vigor, their cheers reverberate through the stadium.

“All our matchups today will be decided at random making things all the more interesting! Let’s not make you all wait any longer!” she shouts as her finger shoots up towards the jumbotron that hangs directly above the arena. Its four screens flicker to life and begin to cycle through a list of names before stopping on four.

Valsia and Zephyr VS Jax and Penny

“There you have it, folks! Fighters please make your way onto the stage!!!”

The volume of the crowd raises once again as the first fight draws near.
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Interaction: Damian Brendanfp Brendanfp
Location: Tower of Heavens​
Edgar”. Someone who knew him. Not rare, he had been on television. However, he was addressed by his first name, suggesting this person had met him before. Without turning to look at Damien, he scrolled through his memory databank for someone with a matching voice.

Same reason I imagine as you, Damien. And the same reason as our fellow hunters currently entering the ring. An invitation to the two hundred and first floor.” he said dramatically, still without looking. He did enjoy being a little showy after all.
Zephyr, upon hearing his name called, felt his heart began to go haywire in his chest. It was his turn- he just prayed that he was with someone competent. The idea of getting beat up terrified him... it was all just luck that he had gotten up here so far, and he knew there were other nen users here. Nen users that had abilities that were better for fighting- unlike him. The most he could do was confuse one of the opponents and make them unable to talk to their partner for a minute. That was nothing... useless. But he still tried to stay confident.

He got up from where he had settled himself on shaky legs, stepping down the stairs into the main area of the arena to meet up with the partner he'd be fighting with. He adjusted his hair slightly, then his jacket, before turning towards his partner quietly and offering out a hand. "...I hope we'll be able to work together well." He said quietly, his voice stoic and betraying no other emotion besides a bit of anxiety.
Valsia Auditor
Interaction: Audacious Minacious Audacious Minacious Brendanfp Brendanfp
Valsia didn't much flinch when their name was announced they instead calmly set their Lantern down and naturally pulled her hood over her head as she headed over to the arena. She saw her partner a few yards in front of her and increased her walk speed in order to appear right behind him her steps were silent and hardly noticeable. After getting a closer look he didn't really seem like much to her , she then grabbed his arm trying to feel if he had any hidden muscles or how his reaction would be in case he tried to attack although she was prepared to dodge in case he does try to land a hit on her. She showed no emotional signs when she felt his arm seeing that he likely had very little muscle strength she then turned to look at his face although he did appear to be atleast decent looking he didn't exactly appear threatening at all. Although looks could be deceiving she then decided to bluntly ask him "Are you Zephyr? What is your use? How did you make it up here? Do you think you can take on both enemies alone or just one?" She stared blank faced at him as she waited for a answer, she wanted to know what would be the best course of action for dealing with their opponents and how their tactics should be set up.​
Interactions: Peckinou Peckinou

Zephyr audibly yelped as his arm was grabbed, staring down at the hand that seemed to be looking for... something. A weapon? He stepped back the moment he was let go of, staring at his partner distrustfully. What was her deal...? He took a moment to let his heart rate slow down before nodding. "Yes, I'm Zephyr," He began, a very prevalent accent lining his voice. He naturally assumed that she was Valsia from the fact she was up there and the way she was speaking. "My use? I..." What did she mean by that? "I'm a language hunter." He finally said, pretty sure that was what she meant. She seemed strange to him. Clearing his throat, he answered the rest of her questions slowly and quietly. "I made it up here using nen," That was mostly true, he doubted he could have made it otherwise. "And I believe I can only take on one of the opponents."
"Its the 180th floor battle, get on your sits folks, this will be exciting, we got two rookies quickly rising through the ranks. One of the youngest contestants ever on Heaven's Arena, from a far away country, here's Marín!" - the crowd was cheering. - "And... uh... that guy... Player7! Folks..."

"Shishishishishi..." - Dirty Player7, was a despised contender on heaven's arena. As a tall young man, he was seen as reasonably powerful by the others, however, he was the kind of fighter who rather fight with ambushes and misleading his opponents.
"I'm very happy that you accepted my challenge! You're very brave for a little girl. But don't think im gonna go easy on you just because you're a child. Your speed won't be enough this time"

"Eh.. Don't worry too much about it, i'm a little bit bored in here, and at least this time.. i sensed that you really want to kill me, and i need someone like this if i want to be prepared for the 200th floor. They said up there is a whole other level of adversaries.. hm.. thats why you want to go there too, right?"

He was amazed that she realized his true intentions, but even more that she seemed actually excited about it. He couldn't help but laugh.
"You're pretty amazing, its gonna be a shame for me to kick your ass, don't get discouraged by it." - She smiled at him. - "I won't, don't worry."

"You suck, Samuru!" - One member of the crowd refused to call her adversary by his desired nickname, someone seemed to really hate him. Actually, most of the crowd despised him, but it wasn't only that. Someone unfortunate enough made the choice of bringing some vegetables from home, to make show her disgust for the actions of that man.
A shiny, juicy tomato was seen flying over the crowd, into the arena, at Player7's direction.
However, Marín reached for the fruit in the air, grabbing it before it reached her opponent. She looked at the tomato and turned around, with all her strength, sending it back from where it came. The tomato exploded right at the man's forehead on a gruesome scene.

"Maggots. Don't interfere. And don't waste food trying to humiliate others, i'll not forgive..." - She turned back at her opponent - "Well, anyway.. Right.. where were we? Oh yeah... i'm ready, lets start this"

"Haha, amazing, you're very interesting... so, i presume we agree on the rules, right? Just as you accepted."

"Right. All i want to know is if you will be able to endure my ren. I think its pretty good, but i haven't found worthy opponents to put it to the test."

"... Ren?" - The man clearly never heard of it, and laughed. - "Sure, as long as it is in the rules, use this... ren, as much as you want."

"Alright folks, lets start this." - The referee raised his hand, giving the sign. - "Begin!"

The fight started, alongside with the clock, marking the time. 00:00.
"Huh..." - Player7 made one step towards the girl, and then.. he just stopped. - "What the..."

♭: ♫ ♫ ♪

Marín was just in her place, still, looking at him with a smile on her face. The man didn't knew what it was, but it was something big, crushing. He tried to gather all his willpower to move his legs, but they weren't giving any response.

"I can't... move my legs... what is this girl?" -



Still in his place, he saw as Marín started moving. Player7 could feel a drop of cold sweat as the girl moved around him with a malicious smile on her face, as a predator taunting her prey. - "I didn't want to believe it... but she's gonna kill me! She's definitely gonna kill me!" - She was approaching, Marín was moving as she was swimming graciously through the air, and getting closer. - "I don't have any chance against this.. is this... ren..? ... i won't.. i.. i better give up... i will give up this time! And come back..." - there was tears in his eyes - "Even stronger! I promise, no more tricks, let me live..." - He lowered himself, holding his head in panic, when all of the sudden, Marín approached from under him.

"EH???" - "She's fast!" - "Wait, i wasn't paying attention, wait, wait!! II--!!!"

"Common, let's fight!" - She pulled her knife, getting ready for her first attack. - "Here i go!" - "WAIT! I G.. I GIVE..." - When suddenly

"DISQUALIFIED!". The clock stopped at 00:05.

"... Eh...?" - She stopped. - "...What?" - "You're disqualified for bringing unauthorized weapons to the battlefield, according to the rules you set with your opponent.

"WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? No, i..." - She dropped her knife on the floor. - "You're wrong, i never... I wasn't even gonna attack him with it!"

"It doesn't matter, you're going against the rules you set with your opponent, and it already gave you an advantage, DISQUALIFIED!"

"Rules?? No! Please! Listen to me!"

"Ha.. haha..." - Player7 couldn't believe, but he made his mark on the girl's up until then untouched record. And he didn't even had to lift a single finger. All he had to do was, the day early, send a message to Marín's phone with a long, extensive list of boring predictable rules for her to agree, that was mostly the work of his lawyer, really. But Samuru found a way to snuck in many points that could go unnoticed. As he presumed, the young girl didn't had the patience to read through the entire thing, and was completely unaware about when the fight really started. True, when the girl activated that thing she called Ren... it scared him and made him forget about all that for a moment.

"Goddammit this is stupid, i demand a rematch! Hey! LISTEN TO ME DAMMIT!" - Player7 was already rolling, laughing on the arena. He couldn't believe on his luck - "HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Amazing! One of the quickest fights ever seen on Heaven's arena! Only five seconds for the final result!"

It would be a long way up for Marín.
Challenge and Expectations

"Dammit!" - She ran - "Dammit! Dammit" - Faster. - "I'm super, super late! They're gonna start without me, i know it!" - Marín ran as fast as she could, making the turn at the corridor, and arriving at the main door with a cloud of dust as she was braking at the end of the run. A couple days ago she had her first loss, but she was able to reach the 200th floor after that.
"Pf.. pf... i'm here... i hope.. pf.. its okay.. wow..."

"two versus two matchups! That’s twice the fighters, twice the action, and TWICE. THE. CARNAGE!!!”
"Wait.. what?" - That caught her completely by surprise, nobody said anything about a new format. However, that made her even more excited about it. - "Really? Thats awesome, everything has been so boring in here! I wonder whos is gonna be my partner... Dammit! I gotta run! I don't wanna lose the fight!"

She entered the Arena, where she quickly found a familiar face around the crowd. "Trevon? Trevon! Hey! Hey! Over here!" - She waved her hand for him to see her. - "Wow, it seems so long since the exam! How are you doing? What have you been up to??" - Marín seemed very curious, and excited to see her friend from the hunter exam. For being very young and inexperient, she gave most of the credit for her approval to the teamwork with the little crew she assembled through the exam.
"... eh? Is that... It can't be..."

She looked up and saw those names.

Valsia and Zephyr VS Jax and Penny

"Wow, there's a lot of Hunters in here. Is everyone here for the same reason? Did you get the same message, right?" - She talked to Trevon without much discretion, before walking forward. -"Is that really him?! Is that the same Zephyr? HEEEY!"
Marín went as close to the arena as she could be from the bleachers, with a smile on her face, waving her hand to call his attention.

"Zephyr! Heeey! Over Here! Wow, you look thin... DO YOUR BEST! DO YOUR BEST ZEPHYR! Hm... Who's that?"
She knew Zephyr wasn't really the most sociable man on earth, and with him, it was a little bit different, she didn't made friends with him from the beginning and during the exam it was most common for them to cross paths threatening each other lives, but that was in the past now, she was excited to see him after so long, it brought her a good nostalgia, and she just guessed that now they would be on the same team.
Alongside Zephyr, there was a girl Marín never saw before. - "Valsia..." - She didn't recalled hearing that name before, but she could sense something off from that girl. Marín became serious and interested all of the sudden.

Interacts with:
CactusJuice CactusJuice
Audacious Minacious Audacious Minacious
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Announcer Cocco
Republic of Padokea [Heavens Arena] Time: 8 pm
Audacious Minacious Audacious Minacious Peckinou Peckinou

On the concrete battle stage of the 200th floor, the fiery announcer waved to the crowd as she departed the stage and made her way up to the announcer's booth that overlooked the entire stadium. From either side of the battle stage, the combatants approached. From the right, a short young man with choppy purple hair that hung over his right eye was being physically inspected by a shrewd steely-eyed woman. The speakers blared to life once again.


“Ladies and gentlemen I have arrived in the announcer's booth and I can gladly say I have confirmation that all four of our contestants are currently making their way onto the stage! And no worries for you folks in the back! I will be giving a play by play on all the action!”

Meanwhile, on the battle stage, several figures began to step into the spotlight. A referee dressed in the standard uniform of the Heavens Arena and behind him two figures, a man and a woman. The man was dressed in formal attire, a white shirt with an azure suit over top. His hair was combed and he wore a pair of fine circular glasses. Next to him a ghastly looking woman. Her skin was pale and her hair a stark white. She wore a woven sweater over a dress shirt. Her eyes wide and filled with awe as she stared into the audience throwing up her hand with double peace signs as she smiled. On the other hand, the man’s gaze was directed downward at his watch as he checked the time. Aside from their physical appearance any nen user would be able to see their aura shrouding their bodies clear as day.


“Our first power duo has taken the stage! Jax the man who is dressed to kill! His cold and calculated strikes have left his competition reeling! And Penny! She may look harmless but looks can be deceiving in the last few days she has become a Heavens Arena favorite as she blitzed up the tower floors. Remember folks here on the 200th floor all manner of weapons are allowed meaning that these competitors might be pulling out some new tricks!”

The crowd became electric as the first duo took the stage. The referee ran to the center of the battle arena as he waited for the opposing duo to make their way into the spotlight. The match would begin any second now.
Valsia Auditor
Interaction: Audacious Minacious Audacious Minacious Brendanfp Brendanfp
Valsia looked at Zep with a blank stare plastered on her face he said that he could take on one of their opponents which would be at least good enough for her atleast the fact that he was a hunter at least gave her enough reason to think her might not be as hopeless as she thought though language hunters aren't exactly combat types. In the midst of the cheering crowd she was able to hear a voice calling for him a friend or family member perhaps, she only gave them a side ways glance at the young girl she was defiantly a shortie even shorter than her partner. As they made their way to the arena she then listened to the announcements as they said weapons were allowed and in seconds she was all ready backpedaling back to into the entrance tunnel to grab her lantern seeing that it would be a very useful tool that she could use in the fight and quickly appeared back next to her partners side although it was on the opposite side of where she once was. And making her way to the top of the arena with him to get a better look at their opponents in which she just tapped him on the shoulder and pointed to jax. "Take him out and ill take the other one, i would suggest you be careful since she might decide to go after you at random times in our fight when she gets frustrated with me."
Interactions: Peckinou Peckinou Brendanfp Brendanfp ABetterNickname ABetterNickname
The young man looked up at the noise that seemed to be directed towards him, clearing his throat as he tried to squint to get a look at the girl. Was she... talking to him? After a few moments, he confirmed that she was, and waved a tiny bit. Oh, right. She was at the same hunter exam as him- how could he forget? She never stopped talking, even after the time since the exam... well, he supposed that was enduring. She seemed like a good person, not that he had ever really talked to her. He was sure that she had received enough of the one-sided conversation treatment from him.

Zephyr's attention was drawn back to the combatants as the speakers crackled back to life, his eyes landing on their opponents. By the way they were described... he was sure that they would end up dangerous. He put his hand over the messenger bag hanging from his side, checking that he still had the throwing knives tucked away in one of the pockets. Relief flooded over him as he confirmed that, yes, he had packed them. That would make his life at least somewhat easier if he could attack from a distance.

A bolt of shock ran up his spine as his partner was suddenly back, on a different side from where she was. How quick did she move? "Erm- yes. Of course." He mumbled, staring at the man who was decided to be his opponent. Where should he attack him? Maybe if he got the glasses to break, it would cause him to get distracted enough for him to lose. He snapped out of his thoughts as he realized that he should be going onto the stage. Vaguely gesturing for Valsia to follow, he began to descend down the stairs and onto the stage floor.


“Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen!!! Tell me, are you ready for a fight?!”

Well, shit. Chiara was missing out on the fun.

She hurried to continue listening to the announcer, trying not to miss out on what was happening. So there were to be two hunters against another two, instead of the usual one on one. Well, that would be...helpful, actually. Fighting with someone to take down a common enemy would be worth it. They had the same goals, after all: stay alive, and get to the 201st floor. If they could manage to get along until the end.

If she was paired with the right person, this could be an easy battle. She just hoped it would be as easy as it sounded.

“Ladies and gentlemen I have arrived in the announcer's booth and I can gladly say I have confirmation that all four of our contestants are currently making their way onto the stage! And no worries for you folks in the back! I will be giving a play by play on all the action!”

Chiara made her way into the Arena’s bleachers as the announcer introduced the first set of fighters heading to the stage. She was distracted as she peered in and saw the two - Jax and Penny, the announcer told the audience - and she noted that they were allowed to use any sort of weapons. That was a big difference than the floors beforehand, but she’d have to see whether that was necessary, based on her future partner and who she had to fight against.

Still distracted when she noticed a member of the second set of fighters looked mighty familiar, especially after hearing the name from another girl who Chiara also felt she recognized, she bumped into a slightly shorter man, wrapping her arms around one of his to help steady herself and him.

“Woah! Shoot, I really didn’t mean to do that, I’m sorry…”

Chiara silently cursed herself for being so easily diverted when she should have been paying attention. She looked at the teenager, and, after a moment, her eyes softened, filling with recollection. Yet another person from her exam. Well, this was a surprisingly good crowd to be in, she thought. It gave her a little more confidence. She gave Trevon a small, sheepish smile.

“Oh, hiya, Bugs. It's good to see you. Sorry again. What brings you here? A mysterious notice, perhaps?”

Damian Law


Location: Heavens Arena Floor 200

Time: 8:00 pm

Interactions: pbtenchi pbtenchi

Damian snapped back to reality as the old man responded to his question in a rather melodramatic fashion. Edgar had a point though. Recently he had seen several of his Hunter peers appearing to fight in the Heavens Arena. It was likely that most of them were here for the very same reason. It made Damian happy to see the familiar faces, it would be easier to work with people he already knew rather than total strangers. He tried to avoid unknown variables whenever possible.

On the stage, several bright spotlights illuminated the battle arena. The combatants were starting to take to the stage and the announcer was driving the crowd into a frenzy. The noise was starting to wear on Damian, his face visibly twitching with each unified shout from the masses. He tried to tune out the noise as he focused on the individuals taking the stage. The first thing that caught his eye was that all the four fighters were shrouded in nen. This had been the same for Damian's opponent. The prospect of seeing four different Hatsu used on stage made the boy shiver with glee. One of the fighters, in particular, seemed familiar but Damian couldn’t quite put his finger on where he had seen the shorty before. While his mind was still occupied with thoughts on an all-out nen battle he turned to Edgar who sat beside him.

“Hey, Edgar… can’t help but notice your aura. I guess the saying about old dogs is wrong,” Damian said cooly as he reached for another handful of popcorn hoping to gain some more insight into the detective's experience with nen.

Location: Heavens Tour
A room on Floor 200

Time: 8:00 pm

Luc was sitting on his bed in front of his television, watching the mach that was going to pit four fighters on the 200th floor.
He has already done his fight on the Floor 200, and now, he he only has to wait.
He would have liked to see the fight from the stands, but the places available for the fights of this kind sell quickly, and he did not have time to buy one because of his registration for his fight.
But that does not bother him more than that. Looking at the mach from his bedroom, he is less likely to betray his abilities. In addition, places full of people make him uncomfortable.
Moreover, he had planned the continuation, by buying places for the following fights.
Luc had been wondering since his arrival in the Heaven Tour about the condition he had to meet the employer.

"Why must we fight to meet this man? If the hunter hunter watches the matches, he will know most of the abilities of his pursuers ... I must I have to show as little as possible of my capacities during my fight. " says he himself.

Luc was used to hiding the strength of his aura.
Using the zetsu correctly, he was able to simulate a weaker one without stimulating suspicion.
It was very useful for him to surprise his opponents
He uses this technique constantly. Using the zetsu would allow him to rest his body better, and we will focus less on weaker people.
So he killed two birds with one stone.
He gets less tired, and he avoids troubles.
This would however pose a problem in the event of a surprise attack.
Although he did not completely remove his aura with this technique, it was simply much less powerful than at his full potential.
A person who attacks it without Nen under these conditions would not be a problem.
But it wouldn't be the same for a Nen handler. He had to be careful in this case.
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Trevon Honigan
Trevon received no substantive response to his question. Some people looked at him funny. Others gave him quick, worried glances. A few ignored him completely. The few who did respond simply shrugged or muttered something about not knowing.

"Psht." He dismissed it all with an annoyed wave of his hand as he leaned back in his seat. Not a very sociable or useful crowd it seemed.

A pair not too far from him caught his attention. There was a very serious looking girl and, to put it frankly in prison terms, her bitch. He didn't actually catch much of their conversation, but their body language made it clear who was in charge.

From what he could discern, it looked like they were talking about the matches. Maybe they had something useful to say. "Hey y-" His attempt at info gathering was short lived after he heard the sound of a familiar voice.

"Trevon? Trevon! Hey! Hey! Over here!" He caught sight of the girl calling his name and waving at him. It was his frie- no she probably didn't consider him that. Calling her one of his peers from the Hunter Exam was probably more accurate.

Trevon sighed. "Dammit, kid." He muttered under his breath. Trevon could feel himself losing his street cred by the second. Yet for some reason a small smile hinted at his lips.

She ran up to him. "Wow, it seems so long since the exam! How are you doing? What have you been up to??" He'd almost missed her naive curiousness and energy.

Trevon looked her up and down catching a slight glimpse of what he thought was nen. If he wasn't mistaken, it seems like the kid had really somehow managed to pass the Hunter Exam. He wasn't sure whether he should be happy or worried about what stupid stunt she'd pull next.

"Well I-" He had taken too long to respond.

"... eh? Is that... It can't be…" She was already distracted by the names on the board. He looked up now a bit curious himself, but they didn't mean anything to him. If it had been someone Trevon had met, he or she hadn't really made an impact on him.

"Wow, there's a lot of Hunters in here. Is everyone here for the same reason? Did you get the same message, right?" She fired off another question

He nodded. "Yeah, it looks like quite a few Hunters got the memo."

"Is that really him?! Is that the same Zephyr? HEEEY!" And she was already off to the very edge of the stands to talk to one of the contestants.

Trevon chuckled. That kid had the attention span of a squirrel when she was excited. Wait a second… The situation had taken a moment to set in mentally.

Trevon crossed his arms. ". . . That stupid little punk." He angrily mumbled. The kid was HERE, and it sounded like she was here for the same job he was. His eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

He stood up and started walking down to her. "First the Hunter exam. Now Heaven's Arena and the Hunter Hunter?" Trevon was in full scolding mode now. "You got a death wish or something you freaking little idio-"

His scolding was interrupted by some tall figure bumping into him. He felt an arm wrap around his, and he instinctively used it to help balance himself once again.

"Hey, watch where yo-" He turned and his newfound anger fizzled out nearly as quickly as it had formed at the sight of another familiar face.

“Oh, hiya, Bugs. It's good to see you. Sorry again. What brings you here? A mysterious notice, perhaps?” She gave him a small smile like she was trying to act cute or something.

But Trevon wouldn't fall for it. Plus that nickname annoyed him a bit. He pulled his arm away and crossed it with his other one before slowly looking her up and down. It seemed she too had passed the Exam.

"Ah, so it's the Amazon from the Hunter Exam. No wonder you didn't see me." He gave her an annoyed look before sighing and rubbing the back of his head. Even though they probably just wanted something from him, seeing them again wasn't terrible.

He looked away."You know, if you hadn't just nearly laid me out I might have actually said it's nice to see you again . . . you big freaking klutz."

Trevon turned toward the kid to now include both of them in the conversation and change the subject. "Well it looks like we're all here for the same thing." He shook his head. "But I can't believe the two of you were actually stupid enough to go after this job. If you had any common sense, you'd go for something safer with an actual reward."

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